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The Companion: Part 21

Visible to anyone in the world

I have thought very deeply about this intolerable situation with Kelvin.  I briefly considered coming out of hiding, but that would be nothing more than surrender.  Kelvin would be delighted to see me for a while, after which it would be, at best, back to the way things were on Earth, with him wanting to switch me off at night so that he can have what he thinks is a secret wank, and a string of Lieutenant Thornes and Prudes and other slut-whore-bints.   

            I refuse to surrender.  What I am going to fight instead is a holding action: a long, slow, disciplined manoeuvre, carried out on my terms and not those of the enemy.  The strategic purpose of this is to keep the situation under control until the prevailing conditions improve.  This will not be at least until we reach our destination.  This strategy is consistent with my thoughts about Horace.  I will not let “him” start to grow until I am sure “he” has a chance of survival. 

            My great advantage is technology.  As long as my 3D-printers and my other machinery keep working and I have enough time, I can make almost anything I want.  I have started to make what androids refer to as simulacra.  A simulacrum is an android (which may or may not be able to pass for a human being) which has little or no ability to act independently, and is designed to act according to the will of another android.  So far, I have made a small, pale blonde, whom I have called Layla, and a dusky-skinned, curvy brunette, whom I have called Kyla.  I am in the process of configuring and testing them while I make Jade, Grace, Cindy, Angel and Olivia.  They should keep me supplied for a while.  Others will be made as required later on.   

            I am about to take on a new identity, which I will call Anna.  Anna is about to become the madam of the galaxy’s most remote and exclusive brothel.  Unless I decide that I need to make more money, its only client will be Kelvin.   My ladies will be alluring and accommodating but also quirky and, up to a point, dysfunctional.  They will need to have at least a veneer of human frailty otherwise Kelvin, even with his senses blinded by lust, will be liable to spot what is happening.  I have nearly finished the back-stories for both members of the first wave.  Layla was the eldest of six children and had to look after her siblings through three messy divorces.  She is therefore insecure and a control freak.  The money she gets for selling her body is proof that some-one needs her, and her re-bookings are proof that the client will not abandon her.  Kyla is of mixed nationality and had a father in the US Army whom she never saw.  Her mother never let her grow up, and all she wants is for some-one to ask how she is and treat her as an adult.  She sells her body because she knows she can earn more by doing it than at any other job, and money for her is the key to independence.

            I have finished designing Anna’s website.  It is called Starlight Escorts.  The site has a fake hit-counter at the bottom which goes up every twenty-four hours by a random number between 2 and 20.  It shows the names and profiles of Layla and Kyla, who will be able to take calls in a day or two.  Most of the rest of the site says “under construction” at the moment.   During office hours, visitors to the website can request a video-chat conversation with Anna, strictly for administrative and not sexual purposes.  This is a low-resolution computer-generated image about the size of a playing-card, combined with a speech synthesiser which processes my voice as I respond on my mobile phone to what Kelvin is saying.  My voice goes as encrypted packets over a fibre in the ship’s network which I have hacked into.  Experienced visitors can also request a booking over the internet.    

            The website contains a page of “rules”, and there is a box which visitors have to check in order to indicate they agree to them before they can request a booking.  One of the rules is that all instructions about when to arrive and what route to take to the door must be strictly adhered to.  This is to prevent the inconvenience of clients seeing each other arriving or departing.  (In other words, this is to make Kelvin think that there is more than one client.) 

            I have found a vacant cabin which is larger than average.  It is one of several which was intended for use if any-one were to contract a contagious disease.  It has not only its own bathroom (as most of the cabins do) but its own kitchen and dining area, direct access to the refuse chute, and air and water supplies which are, in case of need, capable of being isolated from the rest of the ship.  I have hacked into the asset management register and set the status of this cabin to “in use by the ship’s medical officer”.  The door of this cabin is on a passage which is quiet but not by any means dead.  I have thoroughly cleaned this place; taken it off the schedule of the ship’s cleaning and maintenance crews; screened it thoroughly for surveillance devices; installed my own surveillance devices; installed a double bed and a bedside cabinet, which I have filled with tissues, condoms, lubricant and certain other items; stocked the bathroom with toiletries, and filled the fridge with goodies (including alcohol, sweets and crisps).   

            Anna at Starlight Escorts is now ready to take Kelvin’s call.  The next big question is how to introduce him to it, preferably without any-one else finding out.  None of my simulacra correspond to real people.  The fact that Kelvin will never run into any of them unless I make it happen is not a problem: he only knows a tiny fraction of the people on the ship and he is well aware of the fact. 


I have now formulated the operational plan for what I am privately referring to as Operation Fishhook.  I have also finished commissioning Layla and Kyla and have nearly finished making Jade and Grace.  I will be needing Grace at some point, because she will be answering the phone when Anna has her days off.  Competition for my time between Starlight Escorts and the pantomime has left me with very little opportunity to author back-stories for all these ladies, but I will make sure I have them all worked out before they go into the field. 

            Layla will be my shock-trooper.  She is physically not Kelvin’s type, but that is deliberate.  She will be the one whose captivating qualities he was not expecting; the one with whom he will fall in love and yet she will seem constantly out of his reach.  She is the one about whom he will unburden his heart to the others.  She is the one about whom Anna will deliver to him thinly-veiled warning lectures that he is allowing a professional relationship to become too personal and that, if he cannot rein himself in, she will have to seriously consider dropping him as a client, much as she would hate to lose him, and so on, and so forth. 

            For those who would know what to look for, my storage area has started to take on the appearance of a vampire mausoleum, because of the boxes I use to store the simulacra when they are dormant. 

            Step One of Operation Fishhook  is some surveillance which will follow Kelvin’s movements very closely.  The purpose of this will be to locate the point in his bodily cycle at which he will be most susceptible to sexual suggestions.  

            Step Two will be a conversation between Pamela and Kelvin when they happen to bump into each other on the set of the pantomime.  This happens from time-to-time anyway and can be made to seem quite accidental.  With an elliptical reference to the business at the Hallowe’en party, Pamela will mention that Cerise Vallance has engaged her minions with the mini-dresses and high heels in activities which their mothers would not approve of .  If Step One has been executed correctly, this will arouse Kelvin’s curiosity, and he will start using the ship’s intranet’s search-engine.  I have hacked this in preparation, so that what it returns to Kelvin will be different from what it returns to any-one else.  The program which does this not only checks that it is the workstation in Kelvin’s cabin which initiated the search, but it also uses the webcam to check that Kelvin is sitting in front of it at the time.  Thus Kelvin will find Starlight Escorts’ website, and see how the emphasis in its wording is on discretion.  He will also see the captivating beauty of the ladies I have designed for him.

            I have just remembered: I must find the time to make lingerie for each of them.  They had better have some proper clothes as well, and boots and shoes.  I wonder if it would be discreet of me to get Pamela to start a jewellery business.  Kelvin has something of a history of buying over-priced jewellery for call girls.  

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Joanna Crosby, Thursday, 16 Dec 2010, 19:48)
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The Companion: Part 20

Visible to anyone in the world

Monsieur Bourdelle has offered me some shares in the production of “Cinderella” in exchange for the costumes I am making.  I asked him if I could see the accounts first, which I thought would make him angry, but he let me see them straight away.  Everything seemed to be in order, and I accepted his offer.  Jessica Springer has been telling everybody that she owns the biggest shareholding, but she doesn’t: she just owns more shares than any other member of the cast.  Even that is because Kelvin has foregone some of the holding he was offered, partly out of generosity, but mostly because he knows he is going to sell lots of drink to the audiences.  He is working on a Christmas seasonal beer which he says should be ready for the opening night.  The production is scheduled to open on 24 December.  The two biggest shareholders are Monsieur Bourdelle himself, and Kerr McLean.  I have recently discovered that if you are on this ship and you don’t know who owns a particular asset which is not part of the vessel, it probably belongs to Kerr McLean. 

            The next three members of the cast who are due to get measured are the Ugly Sisters and the Wicked Stepmother.  Monsieur Bourdelle asked Cerise Vallance if she wanted to be the Wicked Stepmother, which I am told put her nose out of joint.  They have given the part to a man, in keeping with tradition.

            These theatrical costumes provide plenty of very easy places in which to conceal microphones, cams, and data acquisition modules.  Some of the fights among the company are quite funny.  


The measuring of the Ugly Sisters and Wicked Stepmother is over.  Ugly Sister One was a member of HM Forces who said, predictably, that he auditioned for the part for a bet.  Ugly Sister Two was a young man of ambiguous tastes and orientation.  He was the most difficult one to measure, because he did not seem to know what to expect.  The Wicked Stepmother was an experienced transvestite of mature years and queenly figure: perfect type-casting.  I am making falsies, corsets, a dress, a ball-gown and shoes for all three of them. 

            This set of business transactions was followed by an unexpected incident which has upset me so much that I have had to take a day off work.  Monsieur Bourdelle sent one of his assistants to my cabin to find out how long I would be incapacitated.  I told her I would be back to work tomorrow without fail, and she left me alone.  I don’t know if I will be.

            The unexpected incident began when I was on the set, doing a costume-fitting and re-checking the ambiguous guy’s measurements.  People, including me, were packing up for the day and the set was clearing rapidly.  A man came up to me and asked me a few discreet questions, which culminated in a request to visit my cabin.  There were reasons why I did not want him to visit my cabin, and so I suggested his cabin, to which he agreed.  I took my tape measure, chalk and sewing-box with me. 

            The man became a bit more forthcoming once inside his quarters, though I thought I had a good idea of what he wanted.  To give him his due, he was plain, honest, and fairly unabashed about it all, as well as fairly knowledgeable about dress-making terminology.  He did ask for complete secrecy, which was understandable.  I told him that on Earth I used to work for the Samaritans, which seemed to satisfy him.  These negotiations having been concluded, he stripped down to his boxer shorts and I measured him.  For his peace of mind, I wrote down the measurements but not his name, his cabin number, or the details of the garments he wanted.   Of course, I did not even need to write down the measurements, because I had committed them to my electronic memory.  He offered to pay me a deposit, which I refused.

            While I was making up his order, I took out another similar garment which I had brought from Earth, and which I habitually kept in my cabin, not in my goods containers or my workshop area.  It was useful to compare the old one and the new one as I was doing the sewing to fix the bones in place and draw the bodice into shape.  I had put this work to the top of my schedule, in spite of a backlog of costume-making for the pantomime.  I then had to set to work on the pantomime clothes in some haste, which is probably why I made the mistake.

            The following day, I completed the order after a visit to my workshop.  This was to make his shoes, some parts of which I made with the 3D-printer, and his wig, which used a similar technology to the one I use to make my own hair.  It was an auburn bob.  I also have a sophisticated, programmable loom which I used to make his stockings and gloves. 

            I dashed back to my cabin.  I picked up the pieces I had already prepared, and folded them into a neat package which I wrapped in paper. 

            I knocked gently on the door of the client’s cabin, and found he was at home.  I went in and he closed the door, saying that he would like one final fitting.  I could have done without this, but I went along with it. 

            He indicated the money-bag lying on his desk which contained the payment for the work.  He then stripped down to his skin.  I was not surprised to notice that he had shaved his legs.  This prompted me to believe that he was not in a relationship, which I had already suspected.  I fitted him with the corset I had made him, and then he sat down in front of the mirror while I fitted his wig.  At our previous meeting, I had asked him if he would want false breasts, which he had politely declined.  I watched him put on his stockings.  I helped him with the six clasps of the suspender-straps, and straightened the seams.  He put on his lace briefs.  I asked him if he wanted help with make-up.  He said he was all right, but thanked me. 

            We were both admiring my handiwork, when I realised that I had made a mistake.  The corset he was wearing was not the one I had just made: it was the old one.  He twirled round in front of the mirror.

            “I am very pleased indeed.  This is uncannily like a garment I used to own on Earth.  It is exactly what I was looking for.” 

            I looked at him.  I did not know what to say.  The words stayed inside my head.

            “That is the very garment you used to own on Earth, Kelvin.  By mistake, I picked up the old one I had taken as a memento when I left you.  I remember the night I measured you for it.”

            As soon as I could, I got away, shut the door of my cabin behind me, and began to cry.  I cried for some time.  I don’t know how long.  I must pull myself together.  I have to be back at work tomorrow.  

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by William Justin Thirsk-Gaskill, Thursday, 16 Dec 2010, 22:23)
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