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Personal Blogs

Clare Wood

Wow It's been too long!

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Ooops! I've been so absorbed in DB123 that I've forgotten to update this!

This course is going really well - done 2 of the 3 TMAs and got good marks on them both smile

In the time that's passed since my last post a lot has changed/happened. I PASSED B120!! Which meant I couldn't keep the grin off my face for about a week! In other news I've registered for my next course - just waiting for the financial support to be sorted, - it's T215 Communication and Information Technologies!

I've also applied for Disabled Students Allowance which I keep being sent forms for because I might be eligible but up until now haven't thought I needed it! Unfortunately I'm going through a dip in my health so I'm sturggling to concentrate for long periods and holding a pen, using a knife and fork, making hot drinks as well as typing and much more is a real struggle at the moment! Because of this dip in my health I've also had to ask my parents to look into getting a shower stool or put grab rails in as I'm getting dizzy and unsteady on my feet quite frquently!

I think that's you up to date with the goings on over the past few months! I must try and remember to post on here more regularly but what with typing being difficult at times and my memory being really quite like a sieve it doesn't exactly go to plan!

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