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Crucibles of terror

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the trouble is with Brown that he is now saying that our occupation of Afghanistan is to keep terror off the streets of Britain. He then mentions Pakistan. I think that Brown needs to choose his words very carefully. From what he is saying I would say that we are under threat from those Pakistanis who now live in this country, that they are a threat to our security. Now I regard myself as being rather clued up and I am sure that the impression to which I allude to is not one that Brown wishes to convey. However, he is whether by design or by accident.

I think that he needs to clarify his position and to confirm in no uncertain terms that he does not regard the Pakistanis who now live in our country as being a threat to our security. Either they are or they are not. It would appear not to be the Moslems who are a threat, it is now people from specific areas, crucibles of, well I am no longer sure what term the PM now wants to use but crucibles of something or other.

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We do bad things to bad people?

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rather than have a debate on the Iraq Inquiry maybe parliament would like to have a proper debate on what exactly is happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The extra American troops now going in to our zone show the total abject failure of our presence in Afghanistan. We went in with the Americans after 9/11, we then took our eye off the ball because of Iraq. Now we are paying the price in terms of British soldiers injured and killed. Furthermore, we just cannot hold what we take, we are reinforcing defeat, something any military historian will tell you is just so not the right policy.

There must be a withdrawal policy from Afghanistan, there is absolutely no further point in our being there. Also, too many civilians are being killed, we are using drones because the Air Force show more courage by not bombing sites where there is the danger of killing innocent women and children. The war is being fought like a video game.

When Harry went to Afghanistan, in secret, he let the cat out of the bag. He was shown at a computer screen calling up an air strike which resulted in deaths of 'Talibhan' and the worst thing of all was his cap logo 'we do bad things to bad people' which in the light of allegations on the BBC of mistreatment, by the Americans, of detainees says it all. I suppose that by bombing people to death it prevents them from being detained and then ill treated!

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