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Johan Stinckens

Approaching the EMA

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Edited by Johan Stinckens, Tuesday, 10 May 2011, 05:51

I haven't been writing anything on this blog for some three months now. Not that I didn't have anything to write about though. As there were once again a lot of issues regarding my study scheme, I could and should have written these down here. That said, the posts that I had done before, have been very useful in constructing my reflective assignment (TMA-07) on which I received quite a good score.

The renovation of my appartment has reached a major milestone in that both the kitchen and living room have been finished for some four weeks now. Since then I have moved my desk to this much more airy and spacious area and studying there is way better then where I was studying before.

As for the aforementioned 'ritual of preparation' I have to confess that I haven't been able to follow through with it as well as I should. But, as I have experienced before, something should go a bit wrong before I eventually am able to make better use of it. So for these last few weeks of the course I am going to try the very best to maintain the ritual that i've set for myself. As a matter of fact, I am planning to live by this ritual even when the course is over. I think it best to keep it going so that it feels naturally when I start the next course in October. This four month period can be very useful in finishing yet uncompleted chapters of the AA100 course and furthermore for some English language study. Recently I met some English relatives which I hadn't seen for a while. I've talked about the OU-course that I am currently undertaking and asked about the possibilities of communicating via Live chat-sessions to enhance my knowledge of the language and improve my speech. I really look forward in doing some of these in the near future.

But for now it's up to me to decide which Option on the EMA I will choose. Choices! I could do without them for a moment! big grin

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Johan Stinckens


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Edited by Johan Stinckens, Tuesday, 1 Feb 2011, 18:48

There is really no doubt left about how much influence the work environment can have on studying efforts. As from day one of this course I have been living in a small part of my appartment while the living area and kitchen were being renovated. The work isn't finished yet; ceilings still need layers of paint and the walls need their paper coverings. However, since I cleaned these rooms last friday I was able to use the kitchen as my working area today.

The spaceous environment along with better lighting had a welcome effect on the work at hand. As for TMA-04. I've created a Mind Map and just finished my Essay plan. So, tomorrow it's of to write the first draft.

On the other hand, the Ritual of Preparation has already proven it's useability. On friday morning I completed the poem — which I started thursday evening but was unable to finish — in a mere 20'. Got up at 06.00, went for a little walk, came back and sat at my desk at 06.38 and finished the Night-poem by 06.58.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Kate Fitzroy, Thursday, 10 Feb 2011, 06:53)
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Johan Stinckens

Ritual of Preparation - Day 1

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Edited by Johan Stinckens, Thursday, 27 Jan 2011, 22:08

My first attempt at creating a Ritual of Preparation to eventually gain a Creative Habit (see previous post) has proven to be quite successful. I did not get out of bed right away. The initial goal was to get out of bed within 5' after the alarm clock would sound. However I did manage to get up before the first Snooze-period was over (up until now I 'snoozed' the alarm several times gaining up to 40' of extra 'sleep').

So, I got up at 6:12, ironed my trousers and shirt for the day, took a shower and by 6:50 went out for a short walk around town. By 7:15 I returned home, gathered my stuff and headed for the bus-station to take my daily 15' drive to work.

I did not gain that much of this 'first-day' experience. I wasn't able to read anything form the study book or write anything down during this morning session. But I do believe that by Wednesday next week I should be able to get about an hour of Creativeness in the morning.

Not sure if it had anything to do with all the above, but in the afternoon a little butterfly of an idea about a poem flew by. It is National Poetry-day today and at noon there was some talk about it on a radio station. I wasn't paying much attention of it at the time, but later in the day I caught another reference to it. I searched for the website that accompanies this event and found out that this years theme was 'Night'. This really couldn't be more perfect for me. So even during the last few hours at work the first words/lines sprung to mind. I wrote some of it down on a little sticky note and during the bus ride home I created a little mind map. During the evening I managed to produce part of what should eventually get to be my Night-poem.

But this will have to wait for now. It's just past 23:00 now and i want to get to bed a bit earlier as yesterday. This should help me get up a bit sooner, and I might be able to finish the poem in the morning.

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