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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 20: TMA03

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I'm still researching the net for interesting articles about the two technologies I want to choose for my ECA. At the moment I'm looking into Social Bookmarking and its use of Tagging. I just wonder how  this can be used in education. Is tagging a useful tool and will users need to develop new skills to really benefit from this new technology in their learning?

I'm not sure about the second technology: use of web-logs in education or the use of social networking in education.

Mobile 2.0 is also interesting, but I can't get my head around at the moment about how to use mobile devices in education? Who creates content, users or practitioners? Who is consuming and who is participating (mobile 2.0), why is someone participating...because of consumer behaviour (making assignments on mobile devices?)

Maybe someone has any ideas or tips?

Well it's 22:35 here in Karlsruhe (DE), time to call it a day!


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