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Off Like A Shot

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Edited by Billy Fagan, Sunday, 25 Oct 2009, 17:01

I've been doing pretty well with my studying I think. As someone new to the whole thing I think I have a pretty good routine. I've had a couple of quickened heartbeats though...

In M150 the course team are very good at linking to your CMAs and TMAs within the study planner itself, on the course website. I assumed this was an automated thing and was keenly awaiting access to CMA41 for MU120.

Maths, it turns out, is less linky than computing... I figured the MU120 team were just waiting til the appropriate start dates before publishing the text as a hyperlink but no. It turns out they're not linking it at all from the study planner or either sidebar. Thankfully I found it (and in doing so learned something!) on my studenthome page linking to CMA submission and feedback.

Why didn't I just look there first? *rolls eyes*

I'm also in the middle of TMA01 for M150 and I've hit a block. I've actually hit two blocks as I'm working through unit two at the same time and both require I wait for the tutor to post to the message boards. *twiddles thumbs*

I'm probably doing too much too soon but I'm just waiting for real life to rear it's ugly head and butt in to my timetable!

Still, at least I've saved local copies of the CDs to my home dir on this PC, I think the "setup.exe" progs just copy the contents to a wine directory, so I'll properly copy them to my OU directory instead. All linking seems to work fine etc so result. M150 course CDs are fully linux compatible from the off! w00t!

Tutorial tomorrow evening at Aberdeen College for M150, can't wait. I need to get this wireless sorted out so I can actually use the printer though! "Bring a copy of TMA01" might be pretty difficult for me to manage!


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