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In kitchen, no specs

Talk: am I too old for this?

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Edited by Jane Williams, Wednesday, 18 Sept 2024, 17:54


No, I'm not (surprise!) I've been introduced to problems that others have, or expect to have. Most are irrelevant to me.

There were some interesting tools and terms used that may be helpful. I wish I'd read the guidance on note-taking before attending rather than as a result!

Further interesting demos  of what this Connect application is capable of. I'm impressed!

There was mention of a thing called "body doubling" as a study aid. They're using a very different meaning of that phrase from me!



That's the Pomodoro technique (and I may have to hunt Amazon for  a tomato-shaped timer)

Like this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Judge-Analogue-Timer-Tomato-Red/dp/B00SXKZ1TY?th=1
Arrived Wednesday afternoon 

And the note-taking techniques


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In kitchen, no specs

Talk on reference managers

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Edited by Jane Williams, Thursday, 19 Sept 2024, 15:52

This might be a good place to keep my notes?

That was yesterday evening. Quite a few possible tools were mentioned, but I'm only looking at the freebies.


Here's the  tool I'm thinking of using


ACTION: join, investigate

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In kitchen, no specs


Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Jane Williams, Tuesday, 17 Sept 2024, 17:43

I'm signed up for a bunch of OU talks - some from the library, some from the Student Hub. This uses a new (to me) video conferencing tool, Adobe Connect. So it's been downloaded, and so far I've attended one talk. All seems very straightforward, though I'm not yet sure how I get a copy of the chat.

One thing I did notice was that when the slides are being shared, I can click on a link in the slide, and it works!

I did one yesterday from the Library, about reference management tools. Fascinating! I probably won't need it for my OU studies this year or the next, but I can use one of those to get my WEA notes under control.

Later this afternoon there's "Am I too old for this: age is just a number?". The reminder email tells me I can download the slides in advance, so I'll do that.

And in "freshers week" (24th Sep) I have a few more lined up. 

Note to self: list of more to sign up for!

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