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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 23: Adaptive & Non Adaptive Systems

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Tuesday, 21 July 2009, 15:42

Now search for additional terms that might be relevant and add them to the list, again in chronological order.

I've found an interesting article written by Goran Shimic in 2008. It helped me clarify the various terminology in which I was interested after week 21 & 22

LMS: Learning Management System

Virtual Learning Environment:
Blackboard, Moodle, StudyWiz etc
: a software system designed to help teachers by facilitating the management of educational courses for their students, especially by helping teachers and learners with course administration. The system can often track the learners' progress, which can be monitored by both teachers and learners.

Personal Learning Environment:
Blog, Twitter, Facebook: a system that helps learners take control of and manage their own learning. This includes providing support for learners to set their own learning goals, manage their learning, manage both content and process, and communicate with others in the process of learning.

ILMS: The intelligent learning management systems (ILMS) become a new way to integrate the benefits of the different e-learning systems. The ILMS represent an effort to associate benefits of adaptive and non-adaptive systems.
For example:  Unis Multitutor  



There are two main groups of the e-learning systems which are the most frequently used on the Web:
- adaptive systems: adaptive hypermedia (AH), intelligent tutoring systems (ITS)
- non-adaptive systems (learning management systems, or LMS).


Non Adaptive E-learning systems: LMS
The learning management systems (LMS) are integrated systems that support
teachers’ and students’ needs. The LMS provide a complete platform in the areas of logging, assessing, planning, delivering contents, managing records, and reporting. They improve both self-paced and instructor-led learning processes.

An LMS has 3 functions:

Teacher functions (creating, describing, and publishing the learning resources, organizing resources in the courses/lessons/tests/exams, collaborating with the other teachers and learners, monitoring learners’ progressions, etc.).
Learner functions (using of a learning/test materials, collaborating with the other learners and teachers, etc.).
Administration functions (managing of overall system data).

Adaptive E-learning systems: AEH & ITS
Adaptive Education Hypermedia: these systems are focused on non-linear and adaptable structure of the educational contents.  The AEH contains various modules: adaption, domain, leaner and pedagocial.
It provides the user easy navigation, referencing and global view of the contents.
For example: InterBook (http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~plb/InterBook.html)

ITS: These systems are focused on a specific domain and on the learning process (pedagogy, user modelling, and user evaluation). While the AH systems are focused on the content design, representation, and adaptation, the main task of the ITS is tutoring the learner.
There are five modules: the student model, the domain knowledge, the pedagogical module, the expert model, and the communication model Most ITS are focused on problem-based learning.

AEH & ITS Architecture





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