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Christine Selby

Light at the end of the tunnel

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Leading into my final weeks now and I'm collecting and working on my TMA02. Fallen a bit behind these last couple of weeks and could do with xmas break now to just type up some notes and relax a little. But first TMA time. T - 12 days. 

Mathematical problem is making my head spin and thinking and rethinking which formula to use to solve the problem. I know I know it but I just keep doubting myself. 

First, day school today and that helped a lot with getting to grips with algebra. Fingers crossed I'm making a breakthrough. 
I don't know what I'm going to do when I get exams...It is clear I can't seem to prosses and work out the maths quick enough. So slow. I read and re read, answer then doubt the answer, change it, change it back - argh! 
Need more confidence from somewhere. 

This week has been quiet. Covid cases have shot up, school stayed closed for 2 days as a precaution while the LA worked their way through contact tracing. Football and rugby cancelled. However, the eldest managed to get to his first swimming lesson since March. At last he is back in the pool if only for a few weeks. After all the fuss that he didn't want to go - he came away beaming and cant wait to go back. 

Changes are looming in work with unions wanting schools to revert to online learning for the last week of term (welcome to my world kids) to allow for potential positive cases to be identified or those needing to self isolate to do so before Christmas break. Not a bad idea. Last week of school before xmas term is pretty quiet and chilled anyway in schools. BUT, no xmas concert and no xmas party. This is so sad for staff and kids. But what will be will be for the coming months in the hope we can get out of these tough times safely and soon. 

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Christine Selby

Submission of my first TMA

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Edited by Christine Selby, Thursday, 29 Oct 2020, 20:47

No longer a TMA virgin!!!!!
That's my very first TMA submitted and gone. How am I feeling?

Bloody nervous.....took a lot of talking myself into actually sending it in. So many things to think about and ponder. 

However, now that I have done it, i can get back into my next few weeks reading, note taking and MATHS!

Preparing for my first iCMA. 

Next hurdle, next challenge lined up and ready to go.....once I finally get some peace. 

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Christine Selby

Positive vibes

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Edited by Christine Selby, Thursday, 29 Oct 2020, 20:46

Spend all day today in my cave typing up my very first TMA. 

TMA01 - almost done. Just that little niggly mathematical problem left to do and I am ready to submit. 

Feeling positive this evening after my stress yesterday. 

Shutting down on a high for quality family time. 

big grin

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Christine Selby

De ja vu!

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Edited by Christine Selby, Thursday, 29 Oct 2020, 20:46
Here I am again, letting my studies slip. Still ahead of the weeks but kids activities and change in work not helping. Late night studying is taking its toll as I am struggling with the mornings. Life/study balance are scales not easy to balance. But I'm learning and trying my best to stick to the plan. Luckily my TMA involves me to reflect and review just that. Must keep ahead of the weeks to ensure I can keep up. Cant wait for the first tutorial to come round. Had a lovely bike and brunch Sunday - that helped so much with easing some of my stresses and frets about this first TMA. Nice to be abele to enjoy an activity without the kids or hubby and have a good natter with the girls. TMA: T-16 days
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Christine Selby

Actively frustrated and feeling lost

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Edited by Christine Selby, Thursday, 29 Oct 2020, 20:45

The weekend has once again flown by. The crappy weather didn’t help. 🌧

Got some good bit of studying done, but I am severely actively frustrated. I.e: I haven’t run, cycled, hikes or ridden a horse all week ☹️ Managed to get to rugby training though in the rain and mud and thoroughly enjoyed it. 🏉 Sluggish in the morning when I should be going for my runs, weather not helping matters. 

Must try harder this week or I will slip into worse bad habit. I can’t not do exercise. 😬 love food way too much! 

The evening drew in and I found myself abandoning the sanctuary of my office and dedicated study area to the bedroom with my T192 book and a glass of red just to get away for the noisy kids. 😫 They are driving me insane this evening. Can’t get peace to read in this house sometimes. 

Still Feeling a bit lost as my first TMA submission date is drawing ever closer. 

Still unsure of how to set things out, the depth of knowledge/research required and to successfully get a decent mark. I just want to do well regardless if this TMA doesn’t count towards my final grades - at least I know what I’m doing to an extent. 

But that the joys of studying at home with a family.  

Onward and upwards 

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