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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.


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Oh dear..., I'm considering changing my learning activity for my ECA. I designed an activity for primary school children but want to change that into a smart board training for teachers and others with video sharing as a part of the course. I'll try to set up this activity and send it to Mr. Bell. See what he thinks..
Very pleased with TMA04 result. This was a very difficult one, a real brain teaser.
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alex Bell, Thursday, 3 Sept 2009, 11:06)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.


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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Sunday, 16 Aug 2009, 21:26
Yahoooeee, I finished my TMA04...I can go to the pub now and see other people!!!!
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.


Visible to anyone in the world
Deciphered TMA04 instructions and almost finished part A......struggling with the word count. Such a shame, because the Thorpe paper is really interesting!
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