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The message to the Aliens

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TROM II: Earth

There is only one, and one only. A few kilometers of crust layered with a few kilometers of atmosphere. A seemingly endless variety of plants and animals. And yet, the 8 billion humans inhabiting it are naively ignoring the fragility of this ecosystem. If Earth was an island, it would be the only one in a vast, empty ocean.

Humans are the rulers of this world, with no corner left untouched by them. Rulers who think that they might be exempt from the rest of nature. But the destruction of this habitat is starting to have consequences that are impossible to ignore.

earth trom2

Watch it here https://www.tromsite.com/documentaries/trom2/

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Donation to Libre office

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Edited by Raimondas Lapinskas, Sunday, 11 Dec 2022, 10:39

Donated to Libre Office, because I care about planet and people.

What about you?

Have you sold your soul for the trading game, origin of most problems?


Libre office

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A reminder that we provide a ton of trade-free services via https://trom.tf/

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Edited by Raimondas Lapinskas, Tuesday, 29 Nov 2022, 18:52

Social (facebook alternative) - https://social.trom.tf/ - more info
Files (alternative to google drive or dropbox) - https://files.trom.tf/ - more info
Videos (alternative to youtube) - https://videos.trom.tf/ - more info
Maps (alternative to google maps and the like) - https://maps.trom.tf/ - more info
Chat (alternative to dicord, whatsapp and the like) - https://chat.trom.tf/ - more info
Office (alternative to microsoft office and/or google docs) - https://office.trom.tf/ - more info

And more....


tromtf en

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Laptop Donation Campaign

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By Tio:

This is a donation campaign to help me, Tio, buy a new laptop that will allow me to become more mobile while having all I need to work on TROM and its baby projects. Please see the donation campaign for a detailed explanation and help if you can.

Basically I need to take what is in this photo (except those galaxies):


Help if you can https://social.trom.tf/display/dbc8dc44-1463-7bf0-ea86-d93601167380

I donated 9£

laptop campaign

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FIFA World Trade

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The current FIFA event shows a few things that should have been obvious anyway:

fifa trade

1. Slavery was not abolished, it was reduced and redefined at best.
2. High level sport is a business, nothing more.
3. Greenwashing is the most popular practice of pretty much all companies and organizations.
4. Not many people care about climate change, slavery, dictatorship regimes, and so forth.
5. The ones in power (from states to organizations like FIFA) care only about profits and lie endlessly.
6. We are fucked, nothing changes. The same trade based society keeps on being in the driving seat, deciding where we go.

"The OTHER big problem with the Qatar World Cup ->> https://ytb.trom.tf/watch?v=euSNZhTrDNM

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The UN has done it! We will fix it. Finally!

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Oh look "leaders" are still meeting to talk about climate change - https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/11/1130832

How cute!

They are talking about how this global trade based society pushes us all, from individuals to companies, to pollute, mostly care about profits, destroy the nature, enslave others, coerce. And are taking direct steps to overcome this by providing humans with their basic needs trade-free https://www.trade-free.org/ (as a first step), so that we help humans have a good life, and not pollute and waste as much, and get involved more to reverse the effects of pollution and destruction.

They have also started to ban all advertising because they rightly say that this is only going to create more needless consumption. I am so happy about that. Online or offline, ads are illegal.

They are working with all governments around the world to make a global transportation system that is trade-free, so that we phase out cars entirely. Universal healthcare is also on the agenda together with trade-free education. Two meals a day for everyone, trade-free access to the Internet, investing a lot of resources in non-meat food alternatives, and kick-starting a massive sharing platform (online/offline) so that we can all share the vast amounts of wasted and unused stuff that we have around. Even sharing a room/place to stay. How amazing! This, they hope, will incentivize people to re-use, rather than buy useless shit all the time.

Lastly, they realize that laws and rules do not work, so their overall approach is to create a better society from within the current one. One that does not rely on trade but on share. This way we can make companies and profiteers obsolete, with time. The focus will be on how to protect us and the nature, using renewable energies, less polluting practices, and so forth, since there is no incentive to do otherwise. All, while decoupling ourselves from the need for trade. Have a lot more free time, get more educated, get involved.
climate responce UN
GO UNITED NATIONS! Let's do it folks! #tromlive

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Another great project I support OneZoom

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Edited by Raimondas Lapinskas, Thursday, 13 Oct 2022, 10:38

Very interesting open source trade-free project.

How much impact did you made to save species? Can you beat me by donating more?



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Modern slavery

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Ou has modern slavery act but uses and forces students to use slavery programme MICROSOFT. So sad, but a good news I use trade-free alternative https://files.trom.tf

Highly recommended if you want to make a change in this planet problems.

trom tf trade-free services

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Edited by Raimondas Lapinskas, Monday, 3 Oct 2022, 03:00

Just watched this documentary https://www.videoneat.com/documentaries/23059/buster-keaton-the-genius-destroyed-by-hollywood/

This documentary showcase how TRADE fucks up all creativity in this planet. All beauty of human brains is destroyed by trade.

Videoneat is very good source to help you study in Open University. For me, it is a treasure.

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Edited by Raimondas Lapinskas, Sunday, 2 Oct 2022, 22:58

To maintain the stable planet it is not enough to study or to know 'things' you need to act, the best way to act is to avoid trade, the origin of most problems.

I use trade-free services alternatives to trade-based slavery google, Microsoft, windows, office, cloud and other online activities at https://trom.tf


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Trade-based slavery

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Edited by Raimondas Lapinskas, Sunday, 2 Oct 2022, 23:01

Trade-based slaves think most of the time: how to trade and consume, trade-free humans: how to create and give. The reality is hitting, Fellas 😁

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