Donated as presents to my friends on privacy respecting chat/messaging app SIGNAL.
Learn to donate and support not to buy and enslave yourself and others
Donated as presents to my friends on privacy respecting chat/messaging app SIGNAL.
Learn to donate and support not to buy and enslave yourself and others
Who turned on the heating outside?
You can't stop trading? Why?
Coca-Cola cares a lot about climate change, like the most of the trade-based lunatics.Because they have no choice - they need to TRADE.
drink giant Coca-Cola Co.’s sponsorship of the flagship U.N. climate
conference, known as COP27, sparked an online backlash and highlighted
broader concerns about corporate lobbying and influence.
A message to help you to wake up:
Do you want to save this planet? If yes, Stop Trading and create trade-free products and services. Educate yourself with trade-free books
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