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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.


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Oh dear..., I'm considering changing my learning activity for my ECA. I designed an activity for primary school children but want to change that into a smart board training for teachers and others with video sharing as a part of the course. I'll try to set up this activity and send it to Mr. Bell. See what he thinks..
Very pleased with TMA04 result. This was a very difficult one, a real brain teaser.
Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alex Bell, Thursday, 3 Sept 2009, 11:06)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

ECA Draft

Visible to anyone in the world

I'm working on my ECA which is quite exciting and difficult at the same time. Anyway.... I think I am going to stick with my original plan with a couple of adjustments (comments made by tutor).

The two technologies I am investigating at the moment are video sharing and all its related (technical) issues in the classroom and outside the classroom. How can it contribute to individual and collaborative learning. The other technology will be folksonomy. Again how can this be used as a useful tool in the class, which (technical) issues can we expect. Is tagging a new skill, do we need to prepare learners or teachers for the proper use of folksonomy....

I'm glad we can use 2008 papers..so I'm off searching the internet for background info and research articles. If anyone has a tip...please feel free to drop me a message. Much appreciated.

Cheers, Eugene

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