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Free Speech

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I do sometimes wonder about free speech. I still struggle when people say that they get upset when somebody says that they don't agree with something, for example that we should not be holding parades for our brave and courageous military when they return from tours of duty.

I am always reminded of the War of Jenkins Ear, on the basis that the people thought that it was a good idea at the time. Or that England got involved in the Great War, which really was nothing to do with us, except that it was likely that Germany would have 'won' by Christmas without our assistance to the French.

I always worry when politicians use war as a distraction to events at home, for example again with the Great War, the near Mutiny in Ireland just before we sent the boys over to save the Empire. We are mired in the awfulness of Afghanistan, after our ignominious defeat in Iraq, with the run in the dark from Basra, and I fear what exactly we are going to do in Libya, and why we do nothing in Yemen, or Bahrain.


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