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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 21 & 22: An introduction to Conole

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Wednesday, 8 July 2009, 21:09

Some thoughts and visions that popped up in my brain whilst preparing for the Conole Article.

A bit philosophical but hey..why not?

Are we on another ‘groundhog day’ cycle or is there something significantly different this time?
I don’t believe we live in cycles. I believe that any novelty in technology brings us somewhere else in life and points us in a new direction. Whether this is forward or backwards is debatable, but it certainly gives you a new perspective and I consider that, always, as a step forward!

If your conclusion is broadly that each technology is just another cycle of change, with promises not matching reality, is the perspective any different if the lens on this is over a longer time frame? In other words, has there been a significant change in practice when you take a longer-term, cumulative account of a range of technologies?
I believe that all new technology challenges the way you think and gives you the opportunity to approach many aspects of life differently. It can make you reflect on what is considered to be old and it can help you gain new insights, but it definitely makes you think. That is, in my opinion, always a step forward.
Let’s face it...we can’t go back in time and can’t “uninvent” new technology. It is there and it will be there, even beyond our graves. Surely it is better to learn how to approach technology critically and to consider how we can use it effectively in education instead of simply ignoring it and not evaluating it at all.
Will it replace teachers, will it replace educational Institutions....I don’t believe so!
The need for personal expertise will always be there.

Cheers and happy Blogging for the following two weeks,





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