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If you'll turn left at the dead badger, then straight ahead .. 

Black books 

My place is becoming a little bit dishevelled. Mostly due to work and laziness. Today is a day for change. Today is a day for reconciliation. Today is a day for success. Today I will actually maybe clean my flat.

This whole working week thing is a lot more ... I don't know. It's weird. When you have legit zero hours contract jobs, your time is really still all your own, you just have to work when the work is available. Effectively you choose to make as much money as you want and how much time to give up. Now that I have like, regular days of work and legit days off I am starting to feel the whole real adult life thing creeping up on me. Again. I am not particularly brilliant at being an adult. Unfortunately. So here is my plan. I am going to try to and get my place to a level of tidiness that I can keep to. Budget. Buy food that I don't eat as soon as I get home. Return all the phone calls and texts I have been too busy to look at properly. Catch up with my family. Please God find some sort of way to express myself musically. Plan some cool stuff to do over the winter. Get fit again. Get my power level over nine thousand. Find the dragonballs. Bring back all the people who died due to celebrity culture. 

I didn't go to stupid Belgium. I have lost a debit card a month since I got my new card in April. It's very irksome. I have only in fact lost one, literally, got home from cancelling my card today and went to pick up some washing. Found the card in the pocket of some work trousers. So I got the three I have cancelled but not lost together (ones I have founds since thinking I lost them) and tried to make a clear memory of it so that I stop losing my stuff. I actually lost my wallet, which I thought had my card in it, apparently not. I am so freaking confused with all of it. The end of that story is that I don't have any money in my account anyway. Which might seem dire. Really though I have been taking the Michael for about three or four weeks now. Eating whatever and whenever, drinking and smoking, getting cabs home from work. Putting the little studio thing together. I also bought an XBOX and an HD TV. Belgium didn't happen because I lost my card on the Monday when I wanted to book the tickets. I thought I might be able to do it on Thursday when I got the card back but the tickets were so much more expensive that I had to cut my losses. For anyone uninitiated, Belgium was a gig for BitNormal records, I can't really express my feelings about missing it. It was music I love seeing live, my friend was playing and a band I like was playing who I would've seen for the first time. And a sort of mini-Holiday. I could've made it work but some three hundred quid for a night out seemed excessive. But I did done missed out on this whole bassy experience. Wasn't to be that time I guess. Hopefully there will be many more!


Currently listening to DJ Cam Quartet. Very good chilled out music. Laid back maybe is a better word. It still has some energy to it, its very nice. What else? I re-applied for the course. W201 mutha-trucka's. So that is all sorted out now. The most spectacular life-changing-world-righting-babys-life-saving-supercalifragilistic-thing has happened at work as well. Right now its a secret though. Known only to me!

N.B. Upon reflection it may not be that great, but has the potential to be that great. 


If you haven't seen Emperors New Groove by the way. I don't know. Your children will probably grow up to be accountants or work in marketing. Not that theres anything wrong with that. In fact, if you do want to your daughter to be a librarian, make sure she never sees that movie. Or Over the Hedge. 

I also apologise if these gifs are slowing you down or rinsing your data. I know it can be frustrating. Oh yeah! Video games! 

Dude, my friend Nathan basically was like, when I bought the XBOX, play this game. It's called Air Mech, if anyone cares. Anyway. It's an online game. I have been playing it a lot with him and his friends online. Essentially he has introduced me to what the rest of the world has been doing since the Wii became outdated. Not sure what my point is, its been fun, but has directly contributed to my lack of money and action over the past week or so. I am in the top thousand for player kills and online wins though. So that can go on my headstone alongside, 'Once sewed back on his own button'. I'unno.

Anime fans? Ah there you are, both of you. Watched Fade to Black on the recommendation of a friend. I have no clue what the hell happens in that show. Some guy who looks like he should still be in Medabots is apparently able to control electricity. And is a badass assassin. He and his friends (a mute goth who runs a cigarette stand, a former guido mob-boss and a talking cat) take on missions for some shady organisation. As the narrative bounces around their different missions the story develops around the main characters interaction with the world, you get a sense of who he is by how skillfull he is and that he always seems to know whats going on. People turn up who seem to be random but turn out to be from his past and so on. I'm certain its very clever but some of it washes over me because the delivery isn't what I'm usually into. A little like Wes Anderson movies. Code Geass holds the same dilemma for me. I watched some of it, once, I kind of like it but being that I grew up on Gundam Wing I am constantly left wondering why people love it so much. I guess maybe its to do with who you associate to as a hero, Heero to me is always going to be a legendary main character but I can't get myself to care about Lelouche. I'll probably try again from the beginning. Elfen Lied was like that for me too, Ouran too. Haven't been reading much manga lately. I got some great comics. Metal Made Flesh came out with their kickstarter edition, so good, hopefully I will remember and the next blog post I can tell you all about them. I bought the Umbrella academy. I was in the shop, I had seen the cover-


-and always wanted to read it. Anyway, I am so loving the artwork and style, the first panel is so freaking good. That I was like, OK, I am going to read the introduction. Lo' and behold it is written by the freaking guy from my Chemical Romance. Side-track. I love metal. I hate them. Particularly them, as I liked a few of their early songs, they really killed everything that was left after Busted had annihilated the soul of all rock music. I put the comic straight down. I was disappoint. It was pretty expensive though and I read it. Irritatingly it is really good. It has a little bit of that Noel Fielding feeling which I hate with a passionate fire. He manages to keep touch with enough relevant, emotional content that I enjoyed the whole thing though. Frank Miller and Stan Lee are probably ok but it is a damn good read. I also re-read some of Nijigahara Holograph in the hope I might come to understand more of it. The rape and murder scenes somehow became alarmingly disturbing now that I know the characters (you have to read the whole thing to find out who people are, as the timeline jumps around and the art changes a lot) so I don't know. Never read any manga like it, at all, I am still intrigued by it. Anime wise, I watched SAO. The manga is better. Really, it makes you think its going to be a shonen action comic but then instead it takes you through this really touching Romeo and Juliet story. The relationship isn't forced or taken for granted, the lead characters are just in love and the situation is the story. Anyway. I'unno. I re-read the first 20 volumes of Bleach too. Just like playing Mario games, you realise, people don't care as much about what they're making anymore as much as they do making sure they can sell it.

In closing, No Game No Life is the taint.


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