I think the major thing is to prioritise and understand what are the must dos and what are the optionals and if time allows do all the readings and activitiies, if not must dos will come first. I have contacted my tutor and heard back from him, and based on his advise here are some updates:
1.) we are in week 1. 2) Dummy TMA is optional, but its helpful to understand how the it works and to get used to the format, I guess. 3) the must dos are - to read the guide, introduce yourself on in the group and read introductory activities and the guide to the activities on the website. My tutor informed that he will be setting threads in the group so that we can see what others are up to. 4. "substantial account and analysis" should be completed by 15th of November 5. MDA 1 starts Nov 15th and is allowed 2 weeks for completion 6. The timelines in general are just there to guide us, but for TMAs and exam I belive the deadlines are must haves.
Zhala Mammadova (4 Nov 2012, 09:15)