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I had to smile when I read your comments. Maybe others have also noticed that Andrew always seems to have a woman as his side-kick. Is he unable to accpet another man beside him, I may be wrong but he always seems to be assisted by women, but I don't think that I am. I must say however, that Andrew's women always seem to very, very attractive, both physically and intellectually. I hope that this is not seen in a negative light but is seen as a statement of transparency, honesty, and truth. Which is what I think we are demanding of those who represent us in parliament.

One final thing I hope that others have noticed that Cameron has picked up on one of my themes, that is when questioning Brown about the cabinet meeting he referred to Darling, and Cooper, just how rude can you get! Maybe the new speaker ought to have a quiet word, I mean these are honouarble people, not like us mere mortals. There is just not enough capacity in westminster, better send for reinforcements from America, oops sorry that is Afghanistan.
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Women at Mission Control

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a slight change of subject but it does relate to parliament and the presence of women in parliament. I am going to make a highly contentious comment but has nobody seen the link between the allowing women the vote and the decline and fall of the British Empire.

I have been watching the BBC programmes on the NASA programme to send man to the moon. Has nobody else noticed the complete lack of women at Mission Control, it was just so full of men, men who smoked, men who had short hair, men wearing white shirts and ties. The only time we saw any women was the faces in the crowds, and the wives waiting by the TV for news of their husbands. To solve the problems of the planet let's put men back in control, let's reduce the number of MPs but let us also reduce the number of those eligible to vote.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Perry Mc Daid, Thursday, 25 June 2009, 08:45)
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