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Clare Wood

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Feeling pretty sorry for myself at the moment as all my joints/muscle pains have flared up again and I'm back to being on the strong painkillers! I've even resorted to wearing tubular bandages on my wrists to help support the muscles as I write/type etc.

I'm even finding holding a cup of drink a struggle! sad It just seems to weigh too much for my wrist to take at the moment - sometimes I'm picking up a cup of drink and have it 5cm off the tabletop then it's like my wrist just gives way and the cup is back on the table!

Not to worry, at least I'm managing my studies & not as bad as I have been in the past plus it could be worse!

On a more positive note I have my assessment for DSA on Monday which I hope will go well & they'll be able to get me some equipment to help! thoughtful

Right now though I feel shattered despite sleeping reasonably well last night for around 9-10 hours! Perhaps my M.E. is actually worse than I think it is! surprise

So I'm off to doze through whatever I put on on the tv in the background! sleepy

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Clare Wood

Wow It's been too long!

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Ooops! I've been so absorbed in DB123 that I've forgotten to update this!

This course is going really well - done 2 of the 3 TMAs and got good marks on them both smile

In the time that's passed since my last post a lot has changed/happened. I PASSED B120!! Which meant I couldn't keep the grin off my face for about a week! In other news I've registered for my next course - just waiting for the financial support to be sorted, - it's T215 Communication and Information Technologies!

I've also applied for Disabled Students Allowance which I keep being sent forms for because I might be eligible but up until now haven't thought I needed it! Unfortunately I'm going through a dip in my health so I'm sturggling to concentrate for long periods and holding a pen, using a knife and fork, making hot drinks as well as typing and much more is a real struggle at the moment! Because of this dip in my health I've also had to ask my parents to look into getting a shower stool or put grab rails in as I'm getting dizzy and unsteady on my feet quite frquently!

I think that's you up to date with the goings on over the past few months! I must try and remember to post on here more regularly but what with typing being difficult at times and my memory being really quite like a sieve it doesn't exactly go to plan!

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Clare Wood

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Wow didn't realise it had been soo long, I was last on here on 19th April!!

I've started getting stuck in to DB123 now : ) seems really interesting especially considering the way things are at the moment!

I've finished Chapter 1 and started the DVD tutorials then I'll be starting the first TMA!

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Clare Wood

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Hmmm... So with spare time on my hands between courses, all I seem to be doing is knitting and watching tv! Had so many things I planned to do in the garden but it keeps bucketing it down with rain!!

Part of me says perhaps resting is a good thing, I'll have more energy for my next course... But then again I won't have any energy for doing much else!!

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Clare Wood


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Finally finished and submitted my EMA for B120 at 04:26 on April 12th! And I was only adding the word count then because I couldn't sleep! Had a very bad night that night only got about 2 hours sleep in all!

However since then I've been sleeping better and on Friday (13th) I actually managed to walk from home to the market in the city centre and back again! First time I've managed that since Oct/Nov time! I'm soo proud of myself! This also meant I was able to spend my christmas vouchers in a nearby shop!

This weekend I've been helping my father to start insulating another wall of the house! Fingers crossed next winter the heating bills won't be as high because of all the work we'll have done!

Sorry it's been so long since I've written, but I've either been very tired or busy!

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Clare Wood

Feeling rough Again!

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The virus I thought I'd got rid of has come back with a vengence and I still need to check through my EMA! I'm feeling really quite rough today - head, neck and ear ache and I'm feeling sooo tired (more than the usual tiredness I get with my illness) Could possibly sleep for most of today! Which I might yet do! sleepy

Struggling to get on with anything - i did tidy my room yesterday which knackered me which it doesn't normally do! So either this is either that virus come back with a vengence or (lets hope it isn't) a relapse of the M.E. sad


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Clare Wood

Grrr... so frustrated!!

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I have finally managed to install my Adobe CS4 Web Premium software after my upgrade to Windows 7 Professional!

I started yesterday afternoon, and the first install failed because the anti-virus program stopped it. Then the second install worked fine, but it wouldn't accept the serial number!

My Father spent over 2 hours on the phone to someone in India because we thought it was just it couldn't confirm with the server or something, and they accessed my computer via remote desktop kind of thing and tried uninstalling it and in the process corrupted the installation files!

She left us copying the disc to the hard drive because apparently after that you should be able to install it from there. Well surprise surprise that didn't work! However this morning I googled the problem and found a simple solution in the Adobe forums - deleting two files then reinstalling which worked, except adobe acrobat didn't work. So i ended up deactivating it again, uninstalling it completely and then reinstalling it and now finally 24 hours later (14 of thoe working on it) I have everything working again!

Can't believe how long it took! And to top it off I've had to delete no end of extra files and folders the Indian created!

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get back to my EMA which is what I was going to do yesterday! (But I wanted a function from adobe acrobat for the course book!)

Hope you've all had a better start to the weekend than me!

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Clare Wood

It's a wonderful day!

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Today has been fantastic, not just the weather!

I spent most of yesterday and today working on my EMA and have now finished it! I just need to type it up, read it through and submit it! But everything is written!! big grinsurprise

I've sat out in the wonderful sunshine writing it all out! I just hope when I type it up the word processor counts the words as I have because I'm right on the 2500 word limit!

Oh well, I currently feel ON TOP OF THE WORLD! because most of the hard work is finished! wide eyes

Hope everyone else is enjoying the weather!

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Clare Wood

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Well today I'm feeling better than I was yesterday! smile I've still got a bit of earache and I'm still very tired but my head is a lot clearer.

I've spent most of today out in the garden, doing my EMA for B120. I've got Q1 and Q5 done they just need typing up and I've started Q4 today. (We only have to do 3 questions, 1 and 5 are compulsory and we pick between 2,3 and 4).

The sunshine and warmth is helping my joints, as it always does - cold and damp weather make they painful and stiff.

I've started having muller vitality today, I was taking multivitamins but I was getting too much vitamin a so I had to stop. However I still need something to help boost my immune system as Myalgic Encephaolomyelitis (M.E.) weakens it. So I thought I'd try something in yogurt form!

Lets hope this weather lasts!

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Clare Wood

Might Venture Outside Soon...

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Edited by Clare Wood, Monday, 26 Mar 2012, 11:59

Well that lost hour of sleep has really left its mark - I feel like I could sleep most of the day if my Dad wasn't doing DIY in the house!

However insulating the rooms is important so I suppose I'll let him off all the drilling and banging which is going on!

It's a shame its been so cold here in Chelmsford this morning but things are brightening up after the fog and the temperature's rising, so perhaps an escape into the garden is possible. Lets just hope I don't fall asleep in the sun and become a red lobster!

Mini rant /feeling sorry for myself and need to let it out somehow. Apologies in advance for a rather long monologue.

I'm feeling very down again today, for some reason my focus seems to be on what could have been - I see what my friends are doing, going to uni, out clubbing, getting boyfriends/ engaged etc. and it just seems to be reinforcing all the things I haven't done/ am unable to do thanks to this blasted illness! I'm not normally so negative but I don't know maybe it's just this winter of viruses getting to me. This is the first OU course I've done where I've been unable to attend any of the tutorials!

I just don't seem to be able to get past what I was able to do 6 months ago which I'm unable to now and focus on what I can do. I'm wondering how I'm ever going to 'meet a guy' as I hardly ever get out and when I do it's usually with my parents either in the car (as I can't drive yet, it's in my plan of future things to do) or with one of them pushing a wheelchair / encouraging me to keep walking when we go for short walks out.

Everything just seems to be getting me down, I'm fed up that I can't rest or sleep when I want/need to because our neighbours are noisy. I seem to be studying even when I'm not feeling great just because I don't know if I'll be able to sleep that night or study the next day because the neighbours may be banging/ arguing/ stinking the place out with garlic like smells. (that last one may sound petty but at the moment such strong smells make me feel nauseous so I don't feel able to study).

Life just seems so hard at the moment, but there's alot of determination in me yet this M.E. is NOT going to BEAT me. I'm just not sure how I'm going to beat it...but I'm determined I will!

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Clare Wood

Another Virus :(

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Edited by Clare Wood, Monday, 26 Mar 2012, 11:59

So I haven't managed to go to my tutorial today, woke up with earache and a headache, keep feeling off balance and don't want to get something on top of this new virus!

Feeling bitterly disappointed about not going as I was really looking forward to it (I do everytime!) But still as this prayer/poem says I need to accept what I cannot do:

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know where to hide the bodies of anyone whoever said, "You're perfectly healthy; It's all in your head"

I love that poem! smile

So I've decided to stay at home, I'm managing quite well with the EMA of this module anyway so it shouldn't have too much of an impact on my results.

I'm currently sitting outside in the sunshine, (well half lying on a bench if I'm honest) writing this. The weather is glorious for this time of year, shame we need the rain really!

Looking out over the garden I think I really need to start planting my veggie seeds - I plan to grow a limited amount this year, just peas, strawberries, lettuces, tomatos and cucumbers, not just because I seem to have relapsed but also because we need to move the composters / rearrange the vegetable patch so it's easier to get the compost out of the composters! Luckily I'll only be growing the veggies, not doing the hard work of digging the veggie patch over and moving composters! smile

However we may be looking at a late crop of vegetables this year as the seeds may not be planted till April at this rate!

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Clare Wood

Feeling a Little Low...So I've decided to start a Blog!

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Edited by Clare Wood, Saturday, 24 Mar 2012, 11:28

Hi Everyone,

I've been feeling very down recently, thanks to a bad winter where I've had virus after virus on top of my existing illness (M.E.)

So I've decided to cheer myself up I would start a blog, in the hope that it's a place where I can vent my frustrations, share my achievements and generally talk to everyone without using as much energy!

I seem to have very little energy to go around at the moment!

I'm currently studying B120 An Introduction To Business Studies (Nov 2011) and had intended to attend all 3 dayschools but so far have failed to attend any! There's one tomorrow which I really hope I will manage to attend, but my M.E. has got worse this winter, so I'm now struggling to hold pens, keep books open etc.

I've yet to apply for DSA as when I started studying it didn't seem necessary, however I'm now looking into applying for it as I keep being sent the forms by OU.

I've now got my course materials in comb bound format and I'm looking at getting pen grips.


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