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Matt Griffin

Digital Study Hall

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As part of Week 1 Activity 4 I’ve chosen to look at the Digital Study Hall (DSH) (2012) initiative, which uses video-sharing to provide education to students in poor rural and urban slum schools in India. The initiative uses a system of decentralised hubs and spokes. Each hub is a centre of education excellence and is responsible for content production (typically in the local language) and content distribution to its ‘poke schools. The hubs are also responsible for teacher training, monitoring and evaluating, and collaborating with other hubs. Teachers in the spoke schools use the videos to facilitate lessons, pausing periodically to engage students by asking questions or initiating group discussions.

As of 2012 DSH had developed over 2,000 videos covering subjects including English, mathematics and science, in a range of languages (e.g. Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, and English). DSH has also recorded training sessions that seek to further gender equality, and social awareness of topics such as domestic abuse, sexual abuse, and child marriage.

An article by Hull et al. (2009) describes a local teacher who used the videos to facilitate learning from her two-room house while children “peered in and pushed for a prime spot at the door.” There appears to be a level of enthusiasm by both teachers and students, the likes of which is rarely seen in the UK, where compulsory education is regarded as both an entitlement and something to be endured.

My initial concern with this video-sharing method was the consistency of delivery at different locations. This is likely to be affected by the teachers’ own knowledge of the subject, where they choose to pause the video, the questions they ask etc. It then occurred to me that in this context a consistent delivery probably isn’t as important as it is in the UK, where students are subject to standardised testing.

The last blog post published by DSH was May 2015 and there doesn’t seem to be any evidence of activity after this. However, the video-sharing approach is currently being used with other projects, including Digital Green (2013), a non-profit organisation using video-sharing to improve agriculture, health and nutrition; and Digital Polyclinic (2012), which disseminates health-related knowledge in rural India.


Digital Green, 2013. Digital Green. [online] Available at: <http://www.digitalgreen.org/>; [Accessed 21 February 2016]

Digital Polyclinic, 2012. Digital Polyclinic. [online] Available at: <http://dsh.cs.washington.edu/info/dpc.html>; [Accessed 21 February 2016]

Digital Study Hall, 2012. Digital Study Hall. [online] Available at: <http://www.digitalstudyhall.in> [Accessed 21 February 2016]

Hull, G., Zacher, J. & Hibbert, L., 2009. Youth, Risk, and Equity in a Global World. Review of Research in Education, [online] March 2009 33: 117-159. Available through: Open University Library Services <http://rre.sagepub.com.libezproxy.open.ac.uk/content/33/1/117.full>; [Accessed 21 February 2016]

Seely Brown, J. & Adler, R. P., 2008. Minds on Fire: Open Education, the long Tail, and Learning 2.0. [online] Available at: <http://er.educause.edu/articles/2008/1/minds-on-fire-open-education-the-long-tail-and-learning-20>; [Accessed on 16 February 2016]

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Matt Griffin

On reflection

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Edited by Matt Griffin, Saturday, 6 Feb 2016, 15:11

Reflective writing tends to be something I encourage my learners to do but rarely do myself. Having said that, I do appreciate the importance of thinking about my own practice and the impact it has on my learners’ experiences - I probably overthink the effectiveness of what I do, what worked, what didn’t work, what I’ll do differently next time, and so on. I just need to get into the habit of actually writing it down!

I hadn’t come across the Gibbs model before, but it seems more comprehensive than other models I've seen, and I think the stages are more aligned to my own thought processes. Previously I’ve used Kolb’s experiential learning cycle, and Schön’s reflection in/on action model.

I haven’t written an assignment for several years so it’s fair to say I’m somewhat apprehensive about writing my TMAs, particularly at this level. I think using the Gibbs model - along with tutor feedback - will help me to identify any areas of writing that I need to improve, and understand how to make those improvements next time. I also think it’s important to identify any areas I’m quite good at, as this will help me to stay motivated - although this often seems harder to do!

 - Matt

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Matt Griffin

Study finds younger students increasingly drawn to online learning

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Edited by Matt Griffin, Saturday, 6 Feb 2016, 15:12

A 2015 report shows an increase in the popularity of online undergraduate courses among under 25-year olds. This is due in part to increased pressure to continue working while studying, and familiarity with online courses.

The article and link to the full report can be accessed here: http://www.usnews.com/education/online-education/articles/2015/07/17/younger-students-increasingly-drawn-to-online-learning-study-finds

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Matt Griffin

The nerd's guide to learning everything online

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Edited by Matt Griffin, Saturday, 6 Feb 2016, 15:13

I found this interesting - author John Green (The Fault in Our Stars) talks about online learning and the community of learning he found in online video.

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Matt Griffin


Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Matt Griffin, Saturday, 6 Feb 2016, 15:13

My name is Matt and I’m from South Wales, UK. I’ve been a vocational education and training practitioner for the last 12 years specialising in work-based business and management qualifications.

Most of my delivery and assessment is done remotely but it’s quite basic so I’m looking for ways to make better use of existing technology. I’m particularly interested in e-assessment, and in using social media to facilitate discussions - especially LinkedIn as most of my learners use this already.

I haven’t studied with the OU before but I have completed numerous distance learning qualifications and MOOCs - it’s definitely my preferred method of studying.

In the limited free time I have I enjoy reading thrillers, I play the bass guitar poorly, and recently I’ve started to dabble in writing fiction.

I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone better as we work through the course.

Please feel free to add me on LinkedIn (http://uk.linkedin.com/in/mattrgriffin) or Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/hashtagmattg).

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