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Tempie Williams MIAB


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Edited by Tempie Williams, Friday, 2 May 2014, 04:04

I think for some people being away from higher education for a great many years would be a reason to question a lot  of things. Do I still have it? Am I too old? Can I  relate to the younger generation and how they think? So for me having been out for a little over 35 years , now in a different country , where the culture is basically the opposite in almost every aspect of the culture I grew in in and know and with hearing difficulties in both my ears now, I have a different question that I ask myself. Have I literally lost my mind? 


You see, for me, whether I have lost my mind or not, I am loving every waking minute of my journey. So at 57 years young now, living in Crawley, England, of the UK having been born in Memphis, TN of the USA, I start my second Open University Course B190 Introduction to Bookkeeping and Accounting officially on May 1st!  I have already received all my course materials  and I have already started with the activities and am not finding it all as difficul as I had imagined. In fact my thought processes are working out nicely. There are not enough hours in the day or night to get all the studying in along with all of my other daily wifely responsibilities. I am so very motivated and my inspiration seems to keep getting bigger and better.


Not to mention, I have a husband , who I think is probably the only other person that I think at this point is more excited than I am because he starts his 5th Open University Course  B120 Business Studies on May 1st too! What is absolutelty ironic is that we actually enjoy being each other's support. So if this is what it feels like losing your mind,  I want to stay lost! All of the questions I asked from the start can be answered for me as well as my husband with very simple answers which just keep us going. I say' we' now because it is not just about 'me' but' us.' Age just simply doesn't matter to either of us because we both feel the older we are getting the better we are becoming.  We think we are growing up, finally. The more we have learned the more we want to learn. The more obstacles or challenges that await us the more we are determined to figure it out and find the solutions.


So, as I close for today, I will know it has been beautiful and that tommorrow will be even better with each aspect of my life in it's own place and time. B190 Introduction to Bookkeeping and Accounting, I am so very ready for you!   



Tempie still on the move...


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Tempie Williams MIAB

Today is the Official Start Day!!!!

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Edited by Tempie Williams, Friday, 2 May 2014, 04:05

I guess mentally I have already starteed my Y159 Understanding Management Course but officially it is today Nov 1st!!!

I do feel good that I have already looked through my book and actually completed activities 1,2,3 and 4...

Everyone is different and since I haven't been in higher education studying in 35 years and in a different country, I didn't want to wait. A part of me had to take the initiative and start for myself. I think it is one of the best things I could have done. Now, I can wait and follow directions and do all that is expected of me...

Wishing anyone else who starts today all the best!!!


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Tempie Williams MIAB

Excited and Pleased To Take My First Journey at Open University...

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Edited by Tempie Williams, Friday, 2 May 2014, 04:06

Today marks another very special day to me.  I just received all my materials for my Y159: Understanding Management opening course at Open University. Everything arrived earlier than I had anticipated and I am so very impressed before my Nov 1st start date.  I have ample time to properly get my self better organized and in the right study mindset.  I am looking forward to a wonderful journey.

As I unpacked and checked off to make sure everything was here, much started going through my mind and because Open University understands completely what each new student will go through; I followed their instructions and  watched the DVD and my mind became at ease, I began to smile. It was as though all of what was said throughout the DVD  I could readily relate to and became an immediate source of inspiration.  

You see, I have loved watching my husband, Albert as he started his Open University journey now a year ago and has successfully passed his two modules M150 and T175  toward his BSc ( Honours) Computing and IT. He is now taking TM128 and T156 modules.  I have watched him grow as a committed student and a wonderful husband while working full time , never loosing focus of any of his responsibilites and keeping me  motivated to the fullest.

My journey at Open University is just starting and will be a bit different as  I  received my BS (honors) degree over twenty years ago as well as been in management all in another country.   Today has truly confirmed Y159: Understanding Management is exactly what I need to get me back into the higher learning, focusing on management in a different country with a different culture mindset.

Now, I will take it one step at a time and work hard doing what I love doing as well. To be able to apply all that I know and I will learn is exciting and a welcome experience.

Thank you  Open University, you are such a continual blessing to both my husband and I in our business as well as our personal development.


Tempie Williams

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Tempie Williams MIAB

My First Sketch of My Husband

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Edited by Tempie Williams, Friday, 2 May 2014, 04:07

(Continued From My Last Blog)

I will post a Picture of My First Sketch of My Husband  (Albert Williams) Below that I did as his birthday gift

Making My Sketches Special

I like the idea that when I am inspired by a feature, a photo, a person or even a thing, I try to capture in my sketch that  inspiration. Some have actually turned out better than others. Just like my fiction writing and writing my novel, I enjoy having the opportunity to create, develop and nurture an idea to bring it to life and be able to make it turn out the way you wish it could or would be, rather than how it actually is.  For an example on my second sketch I drew my parents who both died a month apart several years ago. For me to be able to sketch them brought both of them back to life for me ; and to be able to sketch the watches that I knew they each had given one another when they were alive into the drawing just made it all so very special.  Another very special addition was to be able to sketch my husband sitting inside our new car he had just bought for us a couple of years ago, having just passed his driving test.  To be able to sketch him in his glory of having his dreadlocks and beard was another  joy for me. Being Rastafarian all his life he has always had them and when he had to cut them only God has seen them until now they have grown back and beautifully.

Sketching Quickly has been better for Me

Another aspect of my sketching that I first noticed and then my husband immediately noticed is the speed in which it takes.  For me once I have the idea and/or inspiration it only takes minutes to complete. In fact, many times I have finished so quickly, that I thought I must go back and change this or that and each time I did that I realized it was best to not change what I had sketched because it is what I had felt at the time. I know I have a lot to learn and in time and with more practice I’ll get better but at this point I am so very pleased. To be able to  take a thought or idea or photo , etc and  try to capture with only pencils has been like the creation of a story or my novel except it takes it to another level for me. It puts substance and form and becomes that vision that can not only be heard and felt but seen as well. My new discovery is great and I look forward to taking it to the highest level I can. I especially am grateful to so very many friends and family in addition to my husband, who is my number one fan to continually encourage and support my efforts. I  Thank and appreciate each of you.

My First Sketch of My Husband



Tempie Williams



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Tempie Williams MIAB

My New Discovery and Passion of Sketching

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Edited by Tempie Williams, Friday, 2 May 2014, 04:09

I would like to share here a new discovery and passion that actually started a little over two months ago. I'm excited about it because as with most things lately it was discovered purely by accident on June 10, 2011.

How It All Started

I remember it so very vividly because it was my husband’s birthday and I wanted to do something creative, something different, a real surprize.  I wondered what could I give someone who had given me his heart and the world? What could I do that would truly surprize him and that he would have no idea I could do? Just like himself, he already knew my musical and writing abilities, so singing or writing another song  he would appreciate but it wouldn’t be a surprize. And then, I looked straight in front of me and saw his lovely picture and to my own surprize, the more I doodled the more I thought  to myself it started to resemble him. The real beauty was when he saw it, the first thing he did was smile and say, ” This looks like me, who drew this? “  For me my birthday gift had been an absolute success and the rest is history. From then until now I have totally enjoyed doing raw sketches.

I'll share here my latest of the late Amy Winehouse and my first is my husband (Albert Williams) on the following blog.

My Tribute to the late Amy Winehouse (14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011). May she rest in peace. *In this sketch I loved trying to capture the sweet wholesomeness and innocence that I saw in the photograph below. Her music and spirit will live on...

My Raw Sketch

The Photo sketched from is below

photo sketched from

Click on this link to see all my sketches I had done to date. 


Tempie Williams




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Tempie Williams MIAB

By Way of Introduction

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Edited by Tempie Williams, Friday, 2 May 2014, 04:10

Hello, my name is Tempie Williams. I am excited about being here at the Open University.  I will be attending the Understanding Management Open Course this Nov 2011 along with continuing my participation in the Open Learn study units of The Open University.

I currently live in Crawley and am happily married to a wonderful man, Albert, who is also enrolled here at the Open University, studying toward his BSc (Hons)Computing and IT. I chose to explore the Open Learn Units first because being American born and having obtained my BS degree from the USA back in 1976, I felt it might be best to help me become acquainted and adjusted better in developing my study techniques in a different country.

I am grateful to have been accepted into the Open University and the opportunity that they have afforded me. My first instinct was to jump right into the Master's Degree Program that I was accepted into but decided I should start at the ground floor level and work my way up earnestly; for financial reasons as well as wanting to obtain a BA (Honours) Business Studies first. Upon my first Open Learn unit a quote stated confirmed all of what I was feeling being in a new and exciting culture; " Rather than getting people to adopt a different culture than their own, you have to help them adapt their own style to a new culture.

And so it is with me having been born in America in 1954 in Memphis, Tennessee, USA. I lived their for twenty five years and moved and lived the next twenty five years  in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Having work experience in sales, education, and management in the Cable TV and Hospital Laboratory Systems; it was fate that in 2005 destined me at 50 years old, to become a published author, meet my husband and choose to migrate to live in the United Kingdom.

Since then, I have actually enjoyed the wonders of life I had only dreamt of earlier. Now along with my husband we have started our own business that both our studies will continue to help us grow as well as better ourselves in current knowledge and technology. I am all the more determined with the love and support of a wonderful man and a wonderful life. The Open University is a blessing for us both in so very many ways. I can't express how very thrilled I am at the opportunities here at the Open University. Now, enough of me for now as I look forward to another adventure and journey in re developing my studies. I will take it slow and learn from others to develop my own style putting my best forward...


Tempie Williams

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