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Letters to the Paper Round 3

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Well, I waited in anticipation for their response in the hope that we could get this debate going but this was it under the banner - Hard to know who to believe

In response to last week’s letter – Respected doctors, scientist, epidemiologist and virologist with decades of study, research and practical experience behind them or someone who has spent six months watching Youtube videos.

It’s hard to know who to believe these days.

That was it, so this was my response -

The NCR still cannot put forward any argument to support masks, lockdowns or restrictions and can only demonstrate the same arrogance with their empty rhetoric and sarcastic comments. They talk about doctors, scientists and epidemiologists but cannot offer the name of one or cite their work.  So, here’s a few for them to look up – Dr Vernon Coleman, Dr Judy Mikovits Phd in Virology, Dr Rashid Bhuttar or any of the 640 German Doctors who recently spoke out against the WHO narrative, Covid 19 and their government as part of a global scam.

I would especially recommend watching the interview with Dr Mikovits on the London Real site and there is also a very interesting interview with Robert Kennedy Jr, son of the late Senator Bobby Kennedy and Chairman of the Children’s Health Defence, especially, if you have a child with autism.

I could name many more but I’m sure that the NCR won’t even bother to check them out  because even a few hours of ‘honest’ research would reveal glaring contradictions and discrepancies in the narrative being pumped out by the media and the government.

And if they are trying to work out who to believe, here are a few questions for the NCR to ask as they try to work out where the truth lies:

1 What is being said? 

2 Who is saying it?

3 WHY are they saying it?

4 Where is the evidence

5 How do you know it is where or who they say it is?  Can it be verified by an independent body or person or someone you know is reliable?

6 And this is probably the most important one - Is there anything else going on in background that they may be trying to distract you from? 

On the advice of the late great Carl Sagan, I try to ‘critically interrogate’ everything I am being told and when things don’t add up, I apply the scientific principle of ‘Occams Razor’ - when there are two competing narratives, the simplest explanation is probably the truest - and when it comes to politics (and health) the answer is usually money.

And coincidentally, back in March, in the world of financial trading, there was a lot happening. The west was/is bankrupt and was heading for another financial crash. The Saudi's and the Russians’ wanted to dump the petrodollar as the world’s trading currency. They fell out for a while about it which was why the price of oil went down but Russia was in the best position to take it over.  Saddam Hussein and Colonel Gadaffi had proposed this before and we all know what happened to them. 

So, financial trading was going to change from petrodollars to whoever had a currency, and the wealth. to back it, the US, at that point, had a budget deficit of 1.3 trillion dollars, whereas Russia had no debt, lots of gold, natural resources and oil.  So, this is why, I think, we are where we are - the Globalist don't like that they have lost their hegemony and then along came Covid 19, just in time, to save the day.  

So, we are being frogmarched towards the financial reset, the ‘new normal’ a cashless society where they can wipe out their debt with a bit of computer wizardry but not your debt, and we are all going to be paying for it, us, our children and our grandchildren.

Then again, maybe I am wrong, but coincidentally, last month, the Belarusian President said that the IMF and the World Bank offered him $940million to impose extreme lockdown on his people in the form of Covid Relief Aid. I wonder why?

So, now, I think, the question has to be asked, have any of our political parties received money from the IMF or the World Bank to impose ‘lockdown’? Maybe the NCR could tell us or will I see what I can find on Youtube?

But this letter wasn't printed, so the right of response has been denied by the editor of the paper, who I strongly suspect is the NCR. As well as editing the paper, he also has a column and the style and tone of writing is very similar. This week's paper was full of the fear-mongering again, with reports of a rise in cases so I don't think my letter would have fitted in with the narrative or the hysteria they were trying to generate. But I'll wait and see, maybe they were short of room and it might be in this week. However, right at the beginning of this, I sent a letter is which is on the blog, and it wasn't printed and very probably for the same reasons.

Here is a link to an article on the Belarussian claim, this has been reported on other sites too. And just as a note to this, there are ongoing demonstrations now in Belarus against the President, and reports in August of an attempted coup, link to that story below as well.



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No Mask, No Vax, no Trax

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As the lockdown grinds tortuously on, I don't even know what we're allowed or not allowed to do any more, I stopped listening weeks ago and I don't particularly care either.  All I'm waiting on is the start of the Grand Prix and flights to England.

I won't be wearing a mask either on public transport or anywhere else (unless it's Halloween) and I don't give a damn who says it, it isn't the law and as far as I'm concerned it is a violation of the most fundamental human right, the right to breathe the air. By the way, a mask is of absolutely no use against a virus, it's the equivalent of using an open door to stop a fly. A mask will also reduce the flow of oxygen into the body and raise Co2 levels which place the body under stress and may cause you to pass out, this is especially dangerous if you are driving. 

A virus cannot survive for very long unless it has a living host.  When you put on a mask, you are breathing out bacteria (which are living organisms) and viruses that are contained within your nose and mouth, providing a fertile breeding ground for any virus to replicate which you are then inhaling back into your lungs. Not a good idea and liable to make you ill. So, forget about the mask.

I was having a discussion with someone on Twitter as to how to make our dissent known to the powers that be and we needed something quick and easy to organise so I suggested sending a mask to 10 Downing Street in protest. So this is mine, sent yesterday along with a letter detailing why I'm not going to wear a mask, get vaccinated or volunteer to be tracked and traced. 

I've read so much about vaccines in the last few weeks that I was sick to my stomach that I had ever allowed any of my children to be vaccinated. As Dr Judy Mikovits said, it is a plague of corruption and if you haven't watched her interview on London Real then I strongly recommend you do as soon as possible and then follow it up with the Robert Kennedy Jr (son of the late Senator Bobby Kennedy) interview, also on the site.

And I certainly will not allow anyone belonging to me to be vaccinated at the behest of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with his record, he should be in jail for crimes against humanity. His vaccines have caused polio in up to half a million girls in India, the deaths for hundreds of African children and he chemically castrated a million women in Kenya with a supposed Tetanus vaccine. The stories are horrific.

And I will not be tracked and traced, I am not a dog and what I do and where I go is no one's business but mine, I do not have the virus, I am not a danger to anyone and I am not doing anything illegal. 

We were discussing this in the office the other day, and how this 'track and trace' is going to work. There are 7 in our office when we are working at full capacity, now imagine it's Monday morning, we've all been in the office for a few hours and someone gets a call - they have been in contact with someone with Covid and they have to self-isolate, so we will all have to go home and self-isolate for 2 weeks. So, 2 weeks later we come back and next day another one of us gets a 'self-isolate' call so again we all have to go home and self-isolate.  And then 3 weeks later it happens again. Realistically, you could be off work forever, it's complete nonsense and is never going to work, apart from the fact that the so called 'deadly' virus has practically gone anyway. 

Where is the voice of reason? We are ruled by the incompetent and the arrogant and unfortunately, that didn't happen today or yesterday. A change is badly needed to the whole system. But, in the meantime, if anyone else feels like making their dissent known, I invite you to send a mask to Boris and let's end this insanity.

By the way, one man died in our town with the virus, not from the virus, with. He was 88 had major heart surgery about 20 years ago and many thought he was dead already, as he hadn't been seen in years. So, it is safe to assume he had several co-morbidities as well.

Mask letter

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 10 June 2020, 19:11)
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The Foresight of Carl Sagan - a lesson to us all

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While Arlene Foster with the complicity of Sinn Fein, keep NI on lockdown even though our figures are minuscule, I noticed that, around my town, new cameras have been put up. These are not CCTV or traffic cameras, these are face recognition, track and trace cameras to keep an eye on us wherever we go. There are 2 on the main bridge in the centre of town and 4 on the new bridge. Big Brother has arrived and our political representatives remain silent. This is why we have been kept on lockdown, to give them time to get them in place - coming to a road near you any day now that's if they are not already up. 

I watched an interview with Dr Judy Mikovits on the London Real website, she is a virologist. I thought that all this was just to do with oil and money, which I am sure is a part of it, but the threads run deeper and darker and, to be honest, I am frightened of where this is leading. If you care anything about your health, or your family and friends, then please, take the time to watch this, it is an hour and 40 minutes long and well worth a look. I will put the link down below.

I am also reading Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World at the moment, I'm only a couple of chapters in but I came across this passage and I felt I had to share it with you, it's very prescient especially when you consider that it was written in 1996 about America but just as easily applies to the UK:

“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...

The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance. As I write, the number one video rental in America is the movie Dumb and Dumber. Beavis and Butthead remains popular (and influential) with young viewers. The plain lesson is that study and learning  - not just of science, but of anything - are avoidable, even undesirable.

We've arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements - transportation, communication and all other industries; agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment; and even the key democratic institution of voting - profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.”

I think it just did. Carl Sagan must be spinning in his grave.

 Link to interview - https://londonreal.tv/is-coronavirus-a-plandemic-exposing-the-truth-behind-americas-covid-19-strategy-dr-judy-mikovits/

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