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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 24 Feb 2022, 14:56

Well, so much for the global warming! A good snowfall this morning made the drive to work rather treacherous and definitely added a few more grey hairs to my head. That winter sparkle has it's own unique beauty which you cannot help but admire, although it doesn't help the drive when I'm trying to watch the road and admire the scenery at the same time! But it only snows in winter so you have to enjoy it while you can or as the man says:

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

And from the beauty of nature to the ugliness of man. It begins in Ukraine and there are reports of Chinese aircraft over Taiwan. We stand with bated breath...

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Never-ending Fear

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Life is full of endings, people come and go as we move through life, get married, have children, move house, change jobs and lives diverge into separate paths and futures.

We have a tendency to believe more in happy endings which probably stems from a life of watching movies and reading fiction, where everything works out in the end, everyone lives happily ever after, most of the time: the estranged child and parent make peace, the parted lovers finally get it together, the evil corporation is made to pay and the villain is brought to justice. If only life were so simple.

The last two years have seen the ending of a lot of things we took for granted, friendships that we thought would last forever have been broken beyond repair. Friends and acquaintances, who we once thought of as liberal and open-minded, turned into strangers/fascists overnight, parroting the propaganda pumped out by the media in their campaign of terror against the population that those who dared to disagree with the narrative should be ‘expelled from all society, rounded up into camps or forcibly jabbed’. All concerns about bodily autonomy, or human rights, forgotten, or pushed aside, and their conscience ignored, leaving behind a bitter aftertaste.

With the ending of restrictions for some and, hopefully, the end of this particular bout of insanity, we should take some time and reflect on our actions and behaviour. We should also review the information we were given, and by whom, and question as to why the ‘scientist’s’ got is so wrong, and why did the government continue to listen to them and enact policy on that basis. Why does government policy appear to be based on the latest media hysteria and not on logic or actual evidence? Computer models can only provide information from the data that has been inputted and if the data is flawed, then the results will be flawed too.

Sadly, the misery inflicted by covid is still not enough for the globalists who are now doing their utmost to start a war with Russia. (The lunatics are still running the asylum) This is something they have been trying to do for many years and have created the fake ‘threatened invasion’ of Ukraine along with the false flag attack on a nursery school. Although, no one mentions the invasion of Ukraine by western forces which remains largely ignored by the media,(or the fascism in Canada) as they gather on the border with Russia, or is it only an invasion when it is done by those not on the side of the corporate and banking cartels? Who exactly is threatening who? Is it also a coincidence that Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, have been involved in a lot of dirty dealings in Ukraine, the details of which, and contents of the latter’s laptop, again largely ignored by the mainstream media.

Fortunately, most people are not swallowing the lies which you can see from the comments on news articles. People are waking up and seeing through the propaganda and realise that much of what they were told and believed were lies constructed to further the interests of the global ‘elite’, as they like to think of themselves. The question is, can we stop this? We have the mainstream media pumping out the hype as they did with covid and everything now comes with a large dose of hysterical over-reaction. We can’t even have a bit of winter weather without warnings of ‘threat to life!’  But the biggest threat to life and a bit of peace, is the government, their corporate and banking masters and the hysterical media. Just look at this news article - How would a nuclear war between the US and Russia play out? (msn.com)  – it is complete insanity.

Thankfully, most people are ignoring the hype and aren’t really taking it seriously and who can blame them. We are all tired after covid, and I, for one, am sick of the constant fearmongering. Why can we not be left to live our too short lives in peace? Most people do not want 10 houses or billions in the bank, no one needs billions but think how much good those billions could do if they were put to good use and managed differently or used to really improve our lives. What most of us want is to be left in peace, to get a fair days pay for a fair days work, to be able to enjoy time with our families and friends, have the odd holiday and follow our leisure interests or hobbies without this never ending harassment. It really isn’t a lot to ask but still we cannot be left in peace. When and where will this nonsense end?

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Good News/ Bad News

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Thursday, 1 Sept 2022, 12:51

It's been a good news/bad news sort of a week. Good news, in that Boris won the election with a sizeable majority so now we can finally get on with Brexit and leaving the EU. I never thought I would be glad to see a Tory Government elected but like many working class, Boris was the only choice to finally settle the debate and I would like to say a huge thank you to the people of England who turned out to vote and make it happen. I feel, for the first time in a very long time, hopeful and optimistic about the future of the country and I think the UK will thrive from here on and that we have a lot to look forward to.

The sheep here turned out to vote for the tribes, as usual. However, there were a few upsets. Sinn Fein lost Foyle to the SDLP and the DUP's, Nigel Dodd’s lost his seat too.  Unfortunately, it was to Sinn Fein so that was a bit of a double-edged sword!  

With the EU out of the way, the buck will now stop in Westminster (at least, it will once we are out) and our politicians will now (hopefully!) be more accountable for their policies and actions.  At least, it will be easier to hold them to account.

Other good news on the election front, was the non-election of Jo Swinson who got a lesson in reality - self-righteous pontificating isn't really much of a policy and a bit of advice for Jo, just because The Guardian say it, doesn't make it true. Now, Jo will have to get a real job and work for a living. Welcome to the real world!

Labour too, got a hard lesson in reality. They deserted the working-classes and now the working-classes have deserted them, at least, temporarily. Although, I was sorry to see Dennis Skinner lose his seat. 

Labour hasn't been a working-class party for years, like the politics of Northern Ireland, their view of the world is out of date and so are most of their policies. What we have also seen, is that reality trumps ideology and we are now moving towards a post-ideological world.  The extremes of right and left ideology no longer work when faced with the practical reality of life. Labour needs to restructure and start living in the real world and not in some 'socialist' Utopian ideal that exists only in the minds of those who have only ever lived comfortable, middle-class lives. Especially, when in recent years, they pontificate and insult their voting heartlands with their self-righteous grand-standing and try to ignore the voice of that majority.

On the bad news front, we lost Dr David Bellamy, the naturalist and critic of the 'climate change' fraud. His opposition to that fraud saw him side-lined by the media and many of the environmental groups he was involved with. I hope the day is coming soon when the lies of the mainstream media are finally exposed on this and with the EU out of the way, that will, I hope, be the end to their funding of the propaganda and distortions of the truth.

And if anyone is still in doubt about 'climate change', answer this one simple question (even Jo Swinson could work this one out!) 

Who is more likely to tell you the truth about the effects of Co2 on the climate of this planet?

A - An American politician, Al Gore?

B - An unqualified and uneducated, 16 year old with a learning disability, Greta Thunberg?

C - A naturalist and environmentalist with a Phd in Botany and over 40 years of campaigning on the environment, Dr David Bellamy?

On the news/news front, since you cannot trust the BBC or any of the mainstream services, I would recommend Sky News Australia.  A completely different beast from Sky News UK which, I would never allow in the door but a great channel with some great commentators. You can find it on Youtube.

So, roll on 2020, and the US election.  This will probably return a massive vote for Trump since the US is also enduring the same self-righteous grandstanding that we have endured from the Neo-Liberal Fascist's in our midst but from the Democratic Party in their propaganda war of lies as they try to cover up Biden's dirty deals in Ukraine.  Watch this space...


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Edited by Aideen Devine, Monday, 5 Sept 2022, 15:26

The power battle between East and West is about to be settled. The power base shifted last year over Syria when China backed Russia. If China backs Russia again just sit and watch the West hand-wring but be powerless to do anything.

The West is in decline and has been for years and the East has risen. That's why England is so anxious to keep Scotland in Britain because without it they are just one small country on an island of three. Will they still be able to keep their seat on the UN Security Council when they are no longer 'Great Britain'?  Probably not.

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