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Neo Liberal Fascist Feminism

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 20 Oct 2023, 09:43

Here we go again! Another day, another incident and another opportunity for the Neo-liberal Fascists to display their 'liberal' principles in a virtue-signalling, social-media, feeding-frenzy of self-righteous indignation.  And who is the target this time? None other than Tory minister, Mark Field, suspended now from his job for 'assaulting' a 'climate change' protester.  Oh, the howls and screams of protest as they rabidly set out on another hysterical and media-fuelled witch hunt, to publicly disembowel the latest target for their ire. They won't be stopped until he has been hounded from his job, stripped of all human rights and banished to some dark corner of hell, to ponder the errors of his ways, dressed only in sackcloth and ashes and made to self-flagellate on a daily basis until he is allowed to return but only after making a humiliating public apology and being psychologically castrated!

I mean, the audacity of the man! To manhandle this weak and helpless woman, this victim of the patriarchy, a symbol for our times of all that is liberal, truly feminine, deep and meaningful, and not forgetting, all self-sacrificing, not just for the sake of women everywhere but for the entire eco-system of planet earth! What a gal!  Move over Greta! There's a new paragon of virtue in town!

And, would you believe it, before the screaming had died down, what should happen but none other than another rich, white, Tory male should find himself at the centre of another feminist storm when it was reported that his partner was heard to shout 'get off me' in the middle of a row, than the media feeding-frenzy found another target to aim their self-righteous indignation at! And who should it be but none other than the potential next Prime Minister himself, Mr Boris Johnson!   What a present to the Neo-liberals, two in one week! (I wonder, is there a sale on? I might be able to get my own patriarch that I can stomp all over with my self-righteous feminist principles!)  

Then, there was a story on Donegalonline about a National School in Wicklow that is going 'gender neutral' allowing boys to wear skirts and girls to wear trousers (with parental approval). They are also providing 'gender-neutral' toilets.  The insanity spreads, like a cancer, as the Neo-liberal fascists inculcate their anti-Trump, anti-Brexit, pro climate change, all-knowing, all-inclusive, immigrant loving, self-righteous, virtue-signalling on the rest of us!  

Let's not bother that 'gender neutral' clothing would be neither skirts nor trousers (so go figure that one out!)  and let's not bother with the realities of the psychology of a child's mind or the fact that most children have no idea what 'gender' even means, or that they operate at a level below full consciousness.  No, let’s keep indulging the stupidity, let’s not bother to challenge it publicly, lest we be seen and neanderthals, nazis, racists and homophobes.  Let's just keep our mouths shut and let the tyrannical 'liberal' emperors stomp over everything in their fine new clothes!

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