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No Mask, No Vax, no Trax

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As the lockdown grinds tortuously on, I don't even know what we're allowed or not allowed to do any more, I stopped listening weeks ago and I don't particularly care either.  All I'm waiting on is the start of the Grand Prix and flights to England.

I won't be wearing a mask either on public transport or anywhere else (unless it's Halloween) and I don't give a damn who says it, it isn't the law and as far as I'm concerned it is a violation of the most fundamental human right, the right to breathe the air. By the way, a mask is of absolutely no use against a virus, it's the equivalent of using an open door to stop a fly. A mask will also reduce the flow of oxygen into the body and raise Co2 levels which place the body under stress and may cause you to pass out, this is especially dangerous if you are driving. 

A virus cannot survive for very long unless it has a living host.  When you put on a mask, you are breathing out bacteria (which are living organisms) and viruses that are contained within your nose and mouth, providing a fertile breeding ground for any virus to replicate which you are then inhaling back into your lungs. Not a good idea and liable to make you ill. So, forget about the mask.

I was having a discussion with someone on Twitter as to how to make our dissent known to the powers that be and we needed something quick and easy to organise so I suggested sending a mask to 10 Downing Street in protest. So this is mine, sent yesterday along with a letter detailing why I'm not going to wear a mask, get vaccinated or volunteer to be tracked and traced. 

I've read so much about vaccines in the last few weeks that I was sick to my stomach that I had ever allowed any of my children to be vaccinated. As Dr Judy Mikovits said, it is a plague of corruption and if you haven't watched her interview on London Real then I strongly recommend you do as soon as possible and then follow it up with the Robert Kennedy Jr (son of the late Senator Bobby Kennedy) interview, also on the site.

And I certainly will not allow anyone belonging to me to be vaccinated at the behest of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with his record, he should be in jail for crimes against humanity. His vaccines have caused polio in up to half a million girls in India, the deaths for hundreds of African children and he chemically castrated a million women in Kenya with a supposed Tetanus vaccine. The stories are horrific.

And I will not be tracked and traced, I am not a dog and what I do and where I go is no one's business but mine, I do not have the virus, I am not a danger to anyone and I am not doing anything illegal. 

We were discussing this in the office the other day, and how this 'track and trace' is going to work. There are 7 in our office when we are working at full capacity, now imagine it's Monday morning, we've all been in the office for a few hours and someone gets a call - they have been in contact with someone with Covid and they have to self-isolate, so we will all have to go home and self-isolate for 2 weeks. So, 2 weeks later we come back and next day another one of us gets a 'self-isolate' call so again we all have to go home and self-isolate.  And then 3 weeks later it happens again. Realistically, you could be off work forever, it's complete nonsense and is never going to work, apart from the fact that the so called 'deadly' virus has practically gone anyway. 

Where is the voice of reason? We are ruled by the incompetent and the arrogant and unfortunately, that didn't happen today or yesterday. A change is badly needed to the whole system. But, in the meantime, if anyone else feels like making their dissent known, I invite you to send a mask to Boris and let's end this insanity.

By the way, one man died in our town with the virus, not from the virus, with. He was 88 had major heart surgery about 20 years ago and many thought he was dead already, as he hadn't been seen in years. So, it is safe to assume he had several co-morbidities as well.

Mask letter

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 10 June 2020, 19:11)
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