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London Real TV

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 29 Apr 2020, 08:10

For anyone who is interested, Dr Andrew Kaufmann is going to be on London Real TV today at 6.00pm. Dr Kaufmann was the person I cited for his investigation into the virus' in 'Virus, Wot Virus 1' (I went back and numbered them so as not to confuse people) which detailed the very strong similarities between what they are calling 'covid' and an exosome.  

By the way, here's an interesting fact I found out in my research, guess who owns the patent on coronavirus? 

Here's a clue, he was part of Event 201 which, in case you don't know about, was a simulation of what would happen if there was a coronavirus pandemic which started in China. This was hosted in October of 2019 in New York in partnership with The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Economic Forum.

Yes, none other than the billionaire Bill Gates, the Eugenicist who believes that the population of the world can be reduced with vaccines, now there's something to think about. There is a Ted Talk on youtube on this, again if anyone is interested.

Here's another little coincidence, and this may be a coincidence, but the World Military Games were on in guess where in October 2019 too?  Yes, you guessed it, Wuhan, China!

Anyway, I have to go to work but if you check out the London Real website there is also an interview with Dr Rashid Buttar on the origins of the virus. Dr Buttar is another person who's work is disappearing off youtube.  As a matter of fact anyone who disagrees with the WHO on this is being taken down.  

I find the censorship of dissent much scarier than any virus! Strange days and times...

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