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Lies, Damned Lies and Fake News

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So, 37/38 weeks on from 3 weeks to ‘Save the NHS’, we’re still being held to ransom in a big open prison. Do you still believe this is about a virus, a virus so deadly, 99.97% of us will recover from it and even if we get it, will have mild or no symptoms, and even among 80 year olds, has a recovery rate of 80%; a virus that still hasn’t been isolated, yet, they can make a vaccine for it? A miracle virus that went from Wuhan to the rest of the world, bypassing the rest of China. Can you see now looking at those videos and news reports from China back in March, of people collapsing and dying in the streets, people in hazmat suits walking around and fumigating the place? All fake, fake news, as real as a White Helmet rescue in Syria. 

They are playing us, on a monumental scale, they think we are fools and idiots and are laughing at how easily we have been lied to and manipulated. They’ve being doing it for decades and getting away with it too. Do you really believe Bill Gates, Boris Johnston and Matt Hancock give a damn about your health? Bill Gates is getting a 20% return on vaccines, he says it’s the best investment he’s ever made and has doubled his wealth in 10 years. These bankers and globalists know that the majority of people are decent and law abiding, otherwise society would not be able to function, and will do what they can to take care of their families, friends and neighbours. I mean who would deliberately want to kill their granny. 

Your trust, your sense of decency and your inherent desire to do the right thing is being exploited and taken advantage of, and they are sitting back having a laugh and making a fortune while our lives have been taken over and we have been locked down in this big open prison.  And Matt Hancock's 'performance' on GMB yesterday confirms this, pretending to be crying, when he is in fact crying with laughter at how they have pulled this off and, no doubt too, at the big pay day for him and the rest of them. What a vile human being! There’s a link down below, I would urge you to view it. See also the photos of yesterday’s fake patients getting their jab. Check the dates on the pictures.

What sickens me most about this is that ordinary decent people are being deliberately terrorised and exploited by those with no moral standards of any kind, and who would sell their granny for profit, in a heartbeat. It’s not nice to be taken for a fool, to be lied to, to be exploited, especially when you are trying to do the right thing. 

Globalist billionaires and trillionaires, like Rothschild, Soros and Gates have more money than they could spend in 10 life times, but it still isn’t enough for them, they want more, they want everything you have and to reduce your life to that of a serf. Too much is never enough for them, a mind-set beyond most of our understanding. 

As it says on the World Economic Forum website on the Great Reset, ‘you will own nothing and you will be happy’.  I wonder how they are going to take away what we own, will property and material goods be outlawed and rationed. Who thinks up this stuff? And who are they to decide what will or will not make you happy, or what you can or cannot own? 

As humans, what makes us happy is connection with others, relationships, friendships, love. There are numerous studies on the need in humans for those connections. I remember as part of a psychology course, learning about how children in the Romanian orphanages were literally dying from the want of touch. After the fall of Ceausescu, and the world became aware of the awful conditions and deprivation in the orphanages, money and help poured in but children were still dying at the same rate they had being dying at before. Then they discovered that while they may be getting fed and clothed better, they still were not having any physical contact, no one giving them a comforting hug and they were dying from the want of it.  There is also Bowlby’s famous experiment with Rhesus monkeys, which found that the monkeys deprived of a comforting touch in their early development became psychotic. 

When I think about that coldness and lack of empathy as demonstrated by the psychotic, I can’t help but draw parallels between those public school boys who are sent off at a young age to boarding school and who proliferate the world of business and politics, and turn out like Hancock, Johnson and Gates. 












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Letters to the Paper Round 2

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Aideen Devine, Sunday, 11 Oct 2020, 09:39

Well I've a day off today and it’s been a busy few weeks so I’m just trying to get caught up with things and get the blog up to date. So, this is round 2 of letters to the local paper, this was the response to my letter, it added nothing to the debate, nothing on health figures or the efficacy of masks, lockdowns or otherwise to back up their case but here it is anyway.

Firstly I would like to paraise the author on her eloquence. It was a well written piece stating her points very clealy and I do agree with her when she describes the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ as lazy. It is a phrase too often trotted out to dismiss the views of a minority whose beliefs do not fit in with the mainstream narrative.

I do however have to question where Ms Devine is coming from in the rest of her well-crafted monologue. Basically she is laying the blame for all the current woes facing the world at the doorstep of Bill Gates.

Ms Devine states with such authority that what she says is the absolute truth – that one would be led to believe she has met Mr Gates. Not only has she met him but he has granted her access to his various investments and financial affairs. How else could she know such unchallengeable truths about his $1billion deals and his helping to draft legislation that would let pharmaceutical companies off the hook in the event of a coronavirus outbreak?

I’m guessing and I stand to be corrected here, that Ms Devine has not in fact had dinner with Bill Gates but that she has received her Masters Degree from the University of the Internet. A well-attended educations establishment it is too.

My question would be this: Why? What has Bill Gates got to gain from this pandemic? A quick Googles search tells me that he is already worth $114 billion so he’s hardly in it for the money.

The man will be 65 shortly – so unless he uses his billions to unearth the secret to eternal life, he has 30 years left , give or take. And what then? On his deathbed will he be surrounded by the rest of the supposed ghouls – Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Jacob Rothschild – rubbing his hands and cackling at how he brought the world to its knees? (BTW I made no mention at all of any of these people in my letter if anyone want's to go back and check, or a new world order)

I just don’t see it. But maybe that is the point MS Devine is trying to make.

I would also ask though, so what? So what if there is some New World Order out there and we are all being played like cheap fiddles? We only get a few decades on this earth and time passes quickly. When you’re gone the nefarious cabal will be someone else’s problem.

Step away from the computer. Drive to the beach. Meet a friend for a cuppa. Do something productive because siting worrying about Bill Gates and the unholy dealing you believe his is weaving from his dark castle is not good for your mental-well being.

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