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Jim McCrory

Happiness Comes From Sambovikt

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Wednesday, 11 Sept 2024, 20:48

Sambovikt: The contentment derived from long-term trusting relationships

Image kindly provided by https://unsplash.com/@whereisfarid

I was having a chat with a man who was doing work in my house recently. In our brief conversations, we had much in common. We both lost our parents in our teenage years and one thing becomes apparent, the loss hits harder as you get older. In both our cases, it was death that caused the loss.

The conversation rewound me back to the mid-90s whilst crossing over from Newcastle to Gothenburg on the Princess of Scandinavia. I had a drink before bedtime and went upstairs to the top deck to shake off the vodka effects. The Northern sky was clear, all the stars were out, all of them in infinite silence. Being alone, they belonged to me; no one else would ever see this exact constellation again. Feeling helpless in the moment, I became like Bergman in The Magic Lantern, who also had his demons, I silently concealed my insane wail and feeling imprisoned forever as I thought of my adopted father whom I lost when I was 12 years old. I mused:

Meet me amidst the ocean

Under my Northern sky

To the light of constellations

As our restless stars pass by.


This is why I like the Swedish word, sambovict, It stands upright and for me, it is what it means to be human. Too many children are growing up without one of their parents, quite often the father. I pray for the pain they go through and will go through in the future.  Happiness comes from secure long-term trusting relationships, not only for the couple, but the children born to the couple.

My father closed his eyes when I was twelve, I understand the pain a child goes through in the absence of the father figure. Children need guidance, daily direction, and bedtimes stories that capture their imagination. The stories that make us human. Goodness, I recall my dad reading David Copperfield, Oliver Twist and Pinocchio. Many single fathers and mothers rise to the occasion, but trying to prop up house and home and deal with the emotional fallout of divorce intensifies these pressures.

Children also need both parents to say, “Well done” or both parents to be honest and suggest improvements.

But when one parent is not around. Well… they grow up with a deep sense of loneliness and the feeling that something is missing in their life.

“ Above all these things, walk in love, which is the bond of perfection.


Colossians 3:14 WEB



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Jim McCrory

Is It A Sin to Question Your Religion?

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Wednesday, 11 Sept 2024, 09:54

 "It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man."

Psalm118:8 KIV.


Image kindly provided by https://unsplash.com/@ryan_riggins

There are many reasons why a person may question their religion, some noble, some for a more nefarious reason. The latter may use doctrinal issues as an excuse to pursue an immoral life.

When my wife and I left our religion, we decided to read The Gospels and The Book of Acts and systematically ask ourselves, what does God and Jesus require of us? This brought a great sense of freedom. For the last three decades, I had been spinning around like a Sufi whirler and never thinking of stopping, getting off and assessing my form worship. There would be guilt trips if I sat and watched a movie or went away for a day’s leisure. With no shepherding or talks and items to prepare, I had time to read God’s word independently without outside influence. It felt refreshing.

At the time, I read Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick. She is a North Korean defector. The parallels between the North Korean regime and my religion were cognate. She wrote about North Koreans having two conflicting thoughts in their heads: a cognitive bias like trains travelling on parallel lines. There was the official thought that Kim Jong Un is a god, but the lack of evidence to support the claim. If North Koreans spoke publicly about such contradictions, they would find themselves in a treacherous place. Sadly, the force of the regime, as with the society I was associated with, is to isolate its own people completely. Take a few moments to read key quotes from Demick’s book on the Goodreads website at,


The Bereans

The Bereans were a devout group of religious people mentioned in the New Testament of the Bible at Acts 17:10-12. They lived in the city of Berea in Greece. They were known for their noble character and open-mindedness in receiving the message of the gospel, but they had conditions:

“As soon as night had fallen, the brothers sent Paul and Silas away to Berea. On arriving there, they went into the Jewish synagogue. Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these teachings were true. As a result, many of them believed, along with quite a few prominent Greek women and men.” (BSB)

They used their God-given right to question and check what they were being told. When I looked at my own religious beliefs, I found them wanting. It is not a sin, it is noble-mindedness and courageous to question why you follow some man made doctrines and rules.

I am often saddened when I see former members of my religion falling into atheism and taking up the current Western world’s occupation towards secularism. God has given us the privilege of being free moral agents. It is not the wise choice to blame God for the way matters turned out. The Bible is full of cautions about trust in man. Despite leaving, we are all still subject to the issue that was raised by Satan. Is it loyalty to God and Christ, or the Satanic secular zeitgeist that is currently sweeping the West?



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Jim McCrory

Good Morning Germany! I Like That Word

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The mediocre teacher tells. 

The good teacher explains.

 The superior teacher demonstrates.

 The great teacher inspires.”

― William Arthur Ward

Image by https://unsplash.com/@mockupgraphics

When I think of the German word Fingerspitzengefuhl, I think of Mr Abbot, our science teacher at St Gerard's in Govan, Glasgow.

Academics were in 3A. Girls were 3B, and we were in 3C. Whilst 3 A were absorbed into the more scholarly curriculum that included subjects like Latin, French and German, we, 3C focused on technical subjects like metalwork and woodwork. We were the offspring of hard drinking, macho shipbuilders. We were destined for the shipbuilding yards like our fathers and forefathers.

With that in mind, Mr A knew we would never be Nobel Prize Winners in science, so, he taught us to make fishing rods. Every Thursday, with our two periods of science, we would get out the fiberglass, glue and twine, and skilfully make seven-foot fly rods. They were works of art and it engendered self-esteem in us teenagers.

When the project was completed, he would take us all in the minibus over to the Clydebank canal to catch 1-to-3-pound goldfish. Yes, you read correctly: goldfish.

During the war, families could not obtain food for the pet fish, so they did the humane thing and poured them into the canal. The warm water emanating from the nearby Singer Sowing Machine factory allowed the fish to thrive and reach considerable sizes.

Fingerspitzengefuhl (literary finger-feeling) describes someone who has the finger on the pulse. Someone who can assess human nature and bring the best out in them.

Mr Abbott changed our life. Every weekend, Sammy, Tam and I would hop on the bus with our rods and fish in the Barrhead Dams and Loch Libo in Neilston. Many young people in those days adopted a life of gang violence and crime and I often wonder, what if I, we, never  experienced Mr A's Fingerspitzengefuhl?

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Jim McCrory

What is life? Can we Do a System Restore and Begin Over?

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 When a man dies, will he live again? 

All the days of my hard service I will wait, 

until my renewal comes Job 14:14.

Image courtesy of https://unsplash.com/@cadop

Imagine, you are in the lab working on cells. Suddenly, a cell dies on you. What have you lost? Can you revive it? After all, it’s only a tiny cell. The strange thing is, we don’t know what life is.

I raise this question for many reasons. I was watching the biochemist, Dr James Tour, being interviewed on Socrates in the City. He discussed life,


And you would expect scientists to know and define what life is, but Dr James Tour says otherwise.

In the Book of Matthew, Jesus states in verse 10:29 the following,

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.”

Let’s ponder, you walk along the park and see a dead sparrow. It has just fallen; you saw it with your own eyes. And yet, it still looks like a sparrow, but it is missing that vital life force. Just before Jesus mentioned the sparrow, he said, “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” Matthew 10:28 (BSB).

Humans can take our physical life from us, but not our future life that God has planned for our future.

We have a soul; we are the soul with body and life force. Consider,

“Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.” Genesis 2:7 (BSB).


I was walking through a graveyard last Thursday whilst on holiday. There were graves dating back to 1760. People who were once living souls with rich inner lives. Was their short walk on earth futile? That depends on how they lived their life as their future lies in the hands of God and Jesus.

This reminds me of a story regarding a child who was speaking about her grandmother. Her fiend asked, “Where is your grandmother?”

            “She is in the tomb.”

            “What’s a tomb?”

            It’s like that locked drawer where my mum keeps all her valubles, but the tomb is a drawer that only God can open.”

I am a duellist. In other words, I believe consciousness is linked physically to the brain, but in essence is a separate entity. When the day of renewal comes, I believe God and Christ will give me a perfect body whether spiritual or physical, and with it, he will restore my memories. Effectively restoring my identity.

When a man dies, will he live again? All the days of my hard service I will wait, until my renewal comes Job 14:14.

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Jim McCrory

Why Are We Here? Let's Escape This World For a Moment

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He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart…” 

Image by https://unsplash.com/@cosmictimetraveler

I live in Scotland, and I know it’s rude to ask people’s age, but what age are you? Not that I’m prying —— goodness, I run away from prying people. Anyway, I’m just wondering if you are at this stage in life where you wonder, what’s it all about? Life, I mean. Why are we here? Are we just products of an aimless evolution and were just dancing to our DNA?

Well, you may believe that, but is that something you reasoned into or something you just accept because everyone else does? Hmm!  That’s no way to understand why we are here.

Let’s look at the evidence: We live on a beautiful planet. To be honest, it’s man that’s ruining it. Science doesn’t know who or what put the universe here, and yet, our planet is perfect for human habitation. We see beauty in flowers, animals, the microcosm, and the macrocosm. We see all this in colour. We love poetry, music, sport, dancing and just sitting in a summer evening with that hygge feeling as we sit watching a sundown with family and friends.

But then, we grow old, and wonder, why all this? Will it all be over for me soon. Yes, and torschlusspanik kicks in; that feeling that the doors are closing in on you. And you ask yourself again, what’s it all about?

This is where it all gets contradictory. You see, if evolution were true, we wouldn’t ask these questions. We would just say hatches, matches, and despatches, concluding that we are here to be born, mate, keep the line going and then depart. But no, we want to live forever. No. you don't believe that? Okay, when would you like to die? Tomorrow, next week, next year. No, we want to hold on to life as long as we can.

My sister was out one day and observed an old man crying as he looked at the landscape.

“Are you okay?” my sister asked.

“I see all this beauty and I don’t have much longer to live, but I want to stay.” He answered.

The old man felt like that because we have been programmed from birth to have life indefinite in our heart. Look at Ecclesiastes 3:11,

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart…” (NIV)

So, what about you and me? Is God going to give us that feeling and not open the door for us in some way?

Jesus spoke to a man when they both were dying, the man asked for Jesus to remember him when he got into his Kingdom. Look what Jesus said,

Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43 (NIV).

This tells us where we can go, but not why we are here, right? Okay, here is my theory. Could it be that we are born here as a test?  You see there is this story in the Book of Job where Satan said to God that man only serves God for what he can get. Job chapter 1.

Let’s just stop there to take this all in. Satan has claimed that we would serve God for selfish gain only. I think Satan has a point, don’t you? But wait, that may be true of some, but not all. There are many people out there that would give their life to God and Jesus.

But there’s another factor here. 

God permitted Satan to test Job. So, there’s no doubt who’s in power here. Rather, it’s a moral issue. A moral issue that takes humankind’s lifetime to settle.

Let’s illustrate. If I were to say to you “I’m more honest than you. “How do we settle that? It would take our lifetime. And so it goes with God putting us here. We are here to be tested as to whether we are willing to side with God or Satan on this issue regarding man being selfish or selfless towards God. Look,

For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” 2 Chronicles 16: 9 (NIV).



Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.
Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


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Jim McCrory

We Are the True Religion

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Thursday, 5 Sept 2024, 08:22

"[We] forbade him, because he doesn’t follow us"

Image by https://unsplash.com/@kiwihug

"For whoever is not against us is on our side. "


 I was reading about this Sanskrit word, Muditā. It’s defined as a selfless joy one derives from seeing and experiencing the success of others.

There was this incident in the Bible where a man was performing miracles in Jesus’ name.

The disciples who were with Jesus got a bit hubristic and protested,

John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone who doesn’t follow us casting out demons in your name; and we forbade him, because he doesn’t follow us.”  But Jesus said, “Don’t forbid him, for there is no one who will do a mighty work in my name and be able quickly to speak evil of me. For whoever is not against us is on our side.  For whoever will give you a cup of water to drink in my name because you are Christ’s, most certainly I tell you, he will in no way lose his reward. Mark 9:38-41 mi (WEB).

The disciples were under the illusion that they had a monopoly on the Holy Spirit, like many religious groups today. but no, God and Christ are greater than any religious denomination and we can see the working of the Spirit on many individuals, irrespective of the denomination. Jesus, not the religious group is “the way the truth and the life.”

And therefore Jesus celebrated this man who was on his side.

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Jim McCrory

Speak Positively of Fellow Humans

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Wednesday, 4 Sept 2024, 19:35

A perverse man spreads dissension, and a gossip divides close friends.

Proverbs 16:28 BSB

Image courtesy of https://unsplash.com/@bahr_splash

Can I ask you to put yourself in an imaginary scenario? Suppose by some miraculous means someone knocked on your door and offered you £10.000.000 with only one string attached:  as soon as you decide to take it, a poor farmer in Mongolia or somewhere else will drop dead. 

If you refuse to take the money, he lives. What would be your decision? You have his future life and the happiness of his family in your hands. Does a rural farmer you have never met have value in your eyes?

Before you decide, think of the poor farmer whose family depends on him for survival. He has a child who needs medical care but can barely afford it. Added to that, the farmer has cancer and worries every night about what will become of his children when he dies.

So, what would be your decision?

Gossip and slander are like that. We may pass on a bit of gossip for the reward —— the temporary dopamine lift ——, but at what cost? Someone at school, work, family, or congregation ,whom you have grown to dislike or hate for some reason,  is lying awake with hurt.

Do you feel that is worth the cost of the dopamine lift? Think about this, if you gossip, what kind of crowd will gather around you? I guess those who may talk about you. People who gossip cannot be trusted. Therefore, in trying to raise their self-esteem by putting down others, they lose self-worth and dignity.

Besides, and above all reasons, there is our relationship with God to consider. No one would want to be viewed by God as "corrupt" or "perverse",  Proverbs 16:28,

A corrupt person stirs up anxiety and divides close friends.

If we have failed in this, let us resolve to speak positively of fellow humans.

Proverbs 16:28 WEB

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Jim McCrory

Regrets, I have a Few: Some Words on Shyness

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Image courtesy of https://unsplash.com/@purzlbaum


The Yaghan people of Tierra del Fuego — I love saying this country—have this long untranslatable, Mamihlapinatapai. Now this is what this word is all about. Two strangers meet and gain eye contact. Both are desperate to initiate a conversation, but The Owl of Minerva flies at dusk, so to speak, and they miss that opportunity. Tis a pity.

I spent my first five years of childhood in a sort of solitary confinement. These were the days before nurseries, and I spent most days playing in the back yard. To add to the problem, I attended four primary schools before high school. Naturally, I grew up with a painful shyness. As a result, I missed many opportunities in life.

When I was eighteen, I bought a book on shyness; it changed my life. Often shyness relates to not knowing what to say. I know people who have never read a book. Who spend their evening hours watching TV and wasting time on the cyber-hive playing video games and social networking. Then, when they meet people, they don’t have much to say. And to be honest, they can be extremely boring as they repeat the same old stuff.

Learn to read, there are many book-reading meetings online.

Learn to start conversations,

“I see you are reading a book, what’s it about?”

“That’s a nice camera, do you have a website where you post your images?”

“Is this your full-time job, or do you attend university?”

These are a few questions I ask, and I have had the most interesting conversations with passing strangers. Think of the various scenarios in which you can use conversation starters. Go on, bite the bullet.



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Jim McCrory

I Do Like That Japanese Word, Yūgen

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Monday, 2 Sept 2024, 20:06

Yūgen is often connected with our natural world, a sundown, fog-covered mountains, a moonlit night, or the fleeting bloom of a cherry blossom. These scenes evoke a sense of transient beauty and the vastness of the universe.

Image kindly provided by https://unsplash.com/@martinbennie

I'm a nature lover and I have often visited the Cairngorms. It is a four hour drive from home. Whilst sitting in such places, I often say a silent prayer to the Creator for allowing me to spend my life on this planet. I know there are some out there who would deny the existence of God, and yet, we still enjoy the earths bounty. In truth, we cut down the tree to enjoy its fruit.

Some centuries ago, a certain healer was walking from Samaria to Galilee. Stopping by a village, he met 10 lepers (a death sentence back in the day). The healer instructed them to go on a short journey.

When they carried out the healer’s request, they were cured of their leprosy. One of them returned and prostrated himself before the man with the healing powers and demonstrated appropriate gratitude.

The healer asked, “Were there not ten of you? Then where are the other nine?” Luke 9. Were indeed?

I guess we all have in that part of our memory that we archive as experiences from hell, encounters that we have filed as "ungrateful people."

It may be things we have done for others, and they never returned to thank us. On the other hand, there is the happiness we experienced when someone returned to show their appreciation. Showing gratitude is one of these qualities that's not necessary in life, but doing so, embeds a memory in the recipient's mind that will never be forgotten. It brings and happiness, completeness.

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Jim McCrory

Resignation Syndrome, I Don't Like That Phrase

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Monday, 2 Sept 2024, 11:58

"Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! "

Ålmeshultasjön, Nässjö, Sverige kindly provided by https://unsplash.com/@magnusostberg

Some years ago, I read The Emigrants by Wilhelm Moberg and when I took a trip to Sweden, I visited the Emigrant Museum in Växjö. Blighted by famine in the mid-1800’s, many Swedes migrated to Minnesota. Växjö is in Småland, a region that faced the heaviest migration toll. 

Entering the building one is hit with an emotional cloud as the rooms reek with sadness: images of emaciated pensive creatures in sepia-tone like Holocaust victims facing an uncertain future.

As a child, my friends and I would skip school, take the Govan Ferry over the Clyde, and spend the day at the Glasgow Art Galleries and Museum. The Last of the Clan by Thomas Faed was a painting that always caught my eye; An old clan chief on a horse, a few kith ‘n’ kin, some trunks, and earthenware pots to start life in North America. They were victims of The Highland Clearances; a policy  where sheep were favoured over humans for economic gain.

Such challenging times are repeated throughout the world from the persecution of the Lollards in Germany to the famines in Ireland. Events that are memorialised in songs like Runrig’s The CutterShane McGowan’s Fairytale of New York and Björn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson’s musical, Kristina from Duvemåla.

When we left the museum, we found a café in town and sat for a while people-watching, and I thought about what I observed in the museum. I wondered if emigration in the national consciousness makes Sweden more egalitarian and kinder to migrants. 

With the threat of deportation, many little migrants are falling victim to a strange syndrome called uppgivenhetssyndrom (Resignation syndrome). A catatonic state peculiar to migrant children who slip away from everyday reality due to the stress caused by the anxiety of an uncertain future.

At the time of writing, families with children cross the channel in a desperate attempt to run from poverty, exploitation, war and all forms of human cruelty.

I believe the following verses offer a future hope for children, 

"Now people were bringing the little children to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them, and the disciples rebuked those who brought them.

But when Jesus saw this, He was indignant and told them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”  And He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them, and blessed them."

Mark 10:13-15 (BSB).


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Jim McCrory

We All Want To Be Loved

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Monday, 2 Sept 2024, 08:34

"One wants to be loved, failing that admired, failing that feared, failing that despised and loathed. One wants to inspire some sort of emotion. The soul shudders before oblivion and seeks connection at any price." ----- Hjalmar Söderberg.

Image by https://unsplash.com/@pawel_czerwinski

Three young girls in Costa.

"What’s your favourite movie Fiona?”

“Without a turning of a shadow, Fiona says, “Beauty and the Beast.”

“What’s yours?” Fiona asks.

“The Phantom of the Opera, but it made me cry at the end, I mean really cry.”

The third girl whose name I never got brought a philosophical tone to the table and said, “Yes, everyone wants to be loved.”


This epigraph quote reflects a deep yearning for connection and recognition, even if it comes in the form of negative emotions.  Söderberg was known for his exploration of human nature, often delving into themes of loneliness, love, and the need for acknowledgment.

Paul, in Colossians 3:14  wrote,  "Above all these things, walk in love, which is the bond of perfection."

I've known people who crave love, but never shown it. The most effective way to receive love is to show it.

Writing:  © 2024 Jim McCrory

Verse from The World English Bible


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Jim McCrory

Good Morning Japan! I Like That Word Natsukashii

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Sunday, 1 Sept 2024, 10:13

Image by https://unsplash.com/@jjying

Memories: Look at Me

My father closed his eyes when I was ten years old. Memories of him are like distant candles, too far to emit significant light.  I have one picture of us when I was seven. He has a Mediterranean look although his grandfather was from Donegal. Many agree that he looked like the actor, Antony Quinn, rugged with compassionate eyes. He is dressed in white shirt and black trousers. He appears dignified.

His business was successful which allowed us to live in a nice building in the shipyard town of Govan. His proudest possession was not the home, but the view from our third storey. When visitors came, he would point over to Hills Trust Primary School and tell them it was the school John Mclean (1879-1923) taught in. Although McLean was a half century out of the public eye, ‘Mother Glasgow’s succour is perpetual’ and everyone remembered him as the political activist who was dismissed by the Govan School Board for ‘Using language likely to cause a breach of the peace.’

 Mclean taught evening classes in Marxism and political economics. Dad shared his views, and he would put me on his shoulders and march round the house singing John McLean’s March; a song that celebrated Mclean’s release from prison.

Hey Mac did ya see him as he came doon the Gorgie
Away o'er the Lammerlaw and north o' the Tay
Yon man is coming now the whole toon is turnin' oot
We're all sure he'll win back tae Glasgow today.


 I never understood the foreign sounding words, but I enjoyed the bonding as he marched round the living room ignoring the precarious position of ornaments and photos as they defied gravity.

Books were his pleasure: Twain, Dickens, and The Untouchables by Eliot Ness. I think it was the sense of justice and injustice explored by these writers that appealed to him. Bedtime stories were memorable as I would be privy to abridged versions of Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, and Huckleberry Finn. They were related with incredible feats of memory and accent skills, enhanced by his rhythmic wheeze that was sustained from a childhood bronchial condition.

He always had time for the lonely. I recall an ex-employee regularly visiting us. Jimmy Hooper was his name. I guess he was young, but his long brown coat, working boots and seven o’clock shadow aged him. Jimmy stopped working for my father when he was admitted to a mental institution with schizophrenia. He had a severe stutter, and my father, with his hands clasped like a priest would, patiently listen to Jimmy, as he lost all self-respect when rhythmically moving his head to and fro like a Rabbi reading the Mishnah in an effort to blurt out a simple sentence. It was stressful for all in his company.

In ‘66 Dad was rushed into hospital with respiratory failure. My last image was a pale looking man gasping for life.

A few years ago, I was at the Edinburgh Festival; a BBC live recording. The folk group, Tonight at Noon performed John MacLean’s March. My eyes filled with pleasing tears. When I related this memory to Kanoko, a Japanese friend, she put both hands to her mouth and uttered ‘natsukashii’. In this context, she was using a word for a positive nostalgia; a fleeting, but sweet memory, initiated by music.

Nostalgia is a vogue word that’s obscured by abuse, misuse, and overuse in society. Like a last-minute kedgeree, the various nuances of memory are thrown into one pot and labelled ‘nostalgia’ in our English language.  But memory is never that simple, the complexity of images and films drawn up in our private vaults hidden away from human scrutiny, reveal a colourful array of thoughts and meanings that change with the transfer of time and space and present themselves in colourful assemblages of meaning, reminding us we are unique and individual.

natsukashii: evoking sweet memories from the past.

Writing:  © 2024 Jim McCrory


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Jim McCrory

"The most enduring thing about being human, is our desire to connect"

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Saturday, 31 Aug 2024, 12:29

Image courtesy of Josh Fuller at  https://unsplash.com/@joshuafuller


The most enduring thing about being human, is our desire to connect and no more is this self-evident than the message in the bottle.

In 2015, Luke from Germany, threw a bottle with a message into the sea whilst on holiday in the Dominican Republic.

The Aberdeen Press and journal reported that two years later, a man who had just finished his shift on the Island of Barra on Scotland’s west coast discovered the bottle whilst walking along the beach.


The Irish Times reports one that was discovered by a German women 108 years after it was launched by a biologist in 1906,



But please don’t do this at home; the wildlife dearly need our help.

Edward Hirsch in his book How to Read a Poem compares a poem to a message in a bottle. When the poem is written and put out there, a circuitry connection takes place between the poet, the poem and you and the reader. Consider a poem as a personal letter to yourself; a figurative message in a bottle.

How to Read a Poem | Edward Hirsch | Big Think (youtube.com)

I think of William Carlos Williams poem when I consider the following poem,

The Red Wheelbarrow

 so much depends



a red wheel



glazed with rain



beside the white


I see this poem as one of those captured images that had become eternally locked in his head. There's nothing deep or lost in the poem, he is simply telling us with a poetic language what he saw that day and he desires to tell the world. And you and I open it, like a message in a bottle and connect with someone who lived a half century ago.

I guess this blog is a figurative message in a bottle. I get up early in the day and start my writing process penning some basic thoughts into my e notebook. Thoughts that I plan to develop. You come along from who-knows-where and connects. I would love to know who you are and where you are and why you are here. You are the addressee to this private message  Drop me a line- JimAlba@proton.me



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Jim McCrory

MA Creative Writing: The Personal Essay

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Saturday, 31 Aug 2024, 10:00

Image kindly provided by https://unsplash.com/@sickle

There is a beautiful piece of cinematography in Nikita Mikhalkov’s movie Urga, where one is presented with a vast panoramic field of emerald grass. There’s movement in the distance. The image gets closer and closer and slowly coming into focus. It’s accompanied by the sound of rumbling hooves and snorting. Wafts of agitated dust float in a state of suspended animation which hastens the suspense. The camera eventually centres on the focal point, Gombo,  a vigorous Mongolian equestrian shepherd mounted on his stocky steed fill the screen.


The scene acts as an apt metaphor for the personal essay. One begins with something out of focus. A word like ‘nostalgia.’ A sentence like ‘It happened like this.’ A quote like Soderberg’s ‘People want to be loved, failing that admired…our soul seeks connection at any price.’ An image like Avril Paten’s painting, Windows in the West or the German word Fernveh.

Then, my journey begins. I have no maps. I have no coordinates. Just the loose excursions of my mind. My reader joins me on this pilgrimage or saunter; a description that’s dependant on the subject. It’s often highway to seemingly nowhere, but the scenery is interesting, occasionally captivating.  It’s worth the effort.

It’s an image of what’s going on in my head, albeit a glass darkly. But the process of pen to paper sparks a chemistry that is leading to a place. The place appears and disappears in a literary eclipse. We appear lost, but in the large vat of editing, the destination emerges.

Like a camel on the road to Kathmandu, the personal essay can take the load I have to pack on. My memoirs, musings, my angst, the wanderings of my mind, my peculiarities and fears, my worldview, and philosophies. The introduction to the personal essay was like bursting out of prison and finding a voice for all I have to say.

Yes, I could have specialised in poetry, fiction or drama, but  nonfiction was the place I found my voice.

Writing:  © 2024 Jim McCrory

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Jim McCrory

The Guest I Would Desire To Have At My Table

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I am a child of this age, the child of disbelief and doubt, until now and even to the grave. What a terrible torment this thirst for faith has taught me, and now cost me, which is stronger in my soul, the more in me the arguments to the contrary.’ ----  Dostoevsky 

Image courtesy of https://unsplash.com/@vivom

A profile of Dostoevsky reveals a man who experienced considerable injustices in life.  Diagnosed with Grand Mal Epilepsy as a teenager, a last-minute reprieve from a firing squad, exiled to Siberia, death of his second wife whom he loved, death of his child from an epileptic convulsion and the distress of raising a troubled teenager.

Scholars recognise the Karamazov book mirrors Dostoevsky’s life. That being the case, it was the existential angst that troubled Dostoevsky’s later years. Mourning the repeated inhumanity of Russian society, he inevitably turned to thoughts of Divine justice. A question that is as relevant today as it was two centuries ago.

When he was exiled to Siberia, an old widow supplied him and his fellow prisoners some hospitality. She signalled out Dostoevsky and gifted him with a Bible. He later wrote:

I am a child of this age, the child of disbelief and doubt, until now and even to the grave. What a terrible torment this thirst for faith has taught me, and now cost me, which is stronger in my soul, the more in me the arguments to the contrary.’ Letters XXV111/1, P.176, 

The Bible, she gave him, was still in his possession at his death.

Fascinating that The Brothers Karamazov was, despite careful reading, I never found that attributed phrase where Alisha said to his atheist brother, ‘If there is no God, then all things are permissible.’ The problem lies in the translation it seems. Nonetheless, the aphorism stands as a valuable argument for objective morality and the personal God. Why does something exist rather than not exist? Why are humans who are apparent chemicals that have come about in the big cosmic game of chance directed by this virtue called justice? Are all the evil and good deeds carried out by humans all for nothing? Are the acts carried out by Pol Pot, Putin, Stalin, and others, permissible? Will there not be a great judgement? If we are alone in this dark universe, then anything and everything goes. But the lived experience reveals otherwise.

We are governed by an invisible force that bends towards justice. We feel it in our lives daily. I say bends because we are free moral agents on a level playing field where goodness and wickedness meet. There’s too much wickedness for God to exist some might say. But isn’t the reverse also true? There’s considerable goodness. Why would any virtue exist in a universe that just happened? I see medical staff going to war-torn countries and risking life to provide care for those who are not their kin. What about Ignacio Echeverría, the 39-year-old Spanish lawyer who confronted the terrorists in the 2017 London Bridge attacks and sacrificing his athletic future and life in the process? There’s the stranger who sacrifices a kidney for the person he will never meet. The millions of charitable givers who make life more endurable for orphans in Brazil, the Philippines, Bangladesh, and other parts of the world. These acts defy the theory of reciprocity allogrooming. They describe altruism in the true sense. Just pure, unconditional love. And history is filled with such.

Back in 1979, just like Dostoevsky, I had many vexing theological questions I wrestled with. One Sunday morning, a man who looked dressed for a funeral, knocked my door and asked, ‘If you had an audience with God, what would you ask him?’

Between a blink and a wink, I asked, ‘Why so much injustice in the world?’ I was expecting this tall thin man with heavy black glasses to ferret away in view of my difficult question. But no. He read me the following:

‘We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time … For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay…’

Why would God create a beautiful planet then subject it to futility? I have thought of this most of my adult life. Here’s what I think. Are we not free moral agents? Then it’s back to that level playing field scenario. How will humans conduct themselves in the absence of a creator? The presence of injustice is a factor caused by man. This gives the illusion that there’s no God. But are humans not like the child who behaves in the parents’ presence and disobeys in their absence? Is there a place for the child who always conducts himself unselfishly, metaphorically speaking? I say that God has us in this seemingly futile situation to test our worth. Not knowing if he is there for sure, reinforces our true selves. What we value most.

C.S. Lewis wrote, ‘If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world will satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we are made for another world.’

All the books I read as a child was about a craving. The hero’s striving for something. I could not put my finger on it at the time. But it was the human impulse for justice. Something books will never satisfy. I found that hope in the further words the man read to me that day as he stood at my door:

‘He (God) will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, the old order of things has passed away.’

 Revelation 21: 4.

I shed many a tear as a child. I shed some now. But to embrace a hope where a universe will prevail and justice being at its centrepiece, I wipe my eyes. The dark and stormy night looks brighter in the end.


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Jim McCrory

The Young Man in Ancient Times Who Won the Lottery

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Wednesday, 28 Aug 2024, 09:45

Do not let me be too rich or too poor. 

Give me only as much food as I need each day.

Proverbs 30:8

A special thanks to Matthieu for his image at https://unsplash.com/@mathieustern

Every week I see folk lining up at my local supermarket Customer Services to buy their lottery tickets. I guess as they stand in line, they dream of what they would do if they won.

What would you do with the money if you were a winner? I suppose the old house is looking tired and a new house would do. Perhaps that holiday you always dreamed of. A top of the range car.

The big question I ask you; would you be any happier? Would you sleep like Don Quixote? I read that winning the lottery can be counterproductive to hippieness.  

There was a man in ancient times who was a winner in a material sense. It was King Solomon. He was a young man when he took the throne and God asked him what he could do for Solomon. This youthful king asked for wisdom to rule God’s people, a noble request,


“So please give me a wise mind that understands things well. Then I will be able to rule your people properly. I will know the difference between right things and wrong things. I will only be able to rule this great nation of your people if you do that for me.” I Kings 3:9.


Well, God gave him wisdom. But, because of his humble desire, God gave him riches. He had gold, art, lavish buildings, a lavish palace, the pick of the most beautiful women in the kingdom and everything that money could buy. But it all went wrong.

One of God’s greatest gifts to man is free will.; the right to choose our own sojourn on this earthly stay. We can gain knowledge, but that depends how we use it. Wisdom is the application of knowledge. It is knowledge to know that a tomato is a fruit, but it is wisdom to refrain from chopping it into a fruit salad.

Solomon ruled wisely for a time, but his life went pear shaped when he stopped applying the knowledge and married wives that served false gods. He lost God’s favour. Fortunately, he turned around before his death and imparted one of the most profound words in scripture,

 “Now I have heard everything, and this is what I have decided: Respect God and obey his commands. That is God's purpose for all people. 14 Remember that God will judge everything that we do, to see if it is good or it is bad. He knows even the things that we do secretly.” Ecclesiastes 12:13,14.

Solomon's experience teaches all humans a valuable lesson in life: no matter how much we have, we will always want more. That distraction becomes a god.

There is no greater prize that life everlasting, the gift God gives to the faithful.


“Scripture quotations are from the Easy English Bible Copyright © Mission Assist 2019 - Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1162807. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

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That Feeling That No One Loves You

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Monday, 26 Aug 2024, 11:32

A special thanks to Nik for the image https://unsplash.com/@helloimnik

I was singing a song one morning as my wife was getting ready for work. She is from the Philippines. She asked, 'where did you get that song, did you make it up?' 

'It's an old Glasgow street song,' I replied. 

Perhaps you sung it as a child? I would  be interested to know if some of you from various countries sung it. When I did a bit of research on it, it seems it originated from Tonga in the 13th century. I guess Glasgow being a maritime city, it travelled with sailors from the area. We will never find out who the mystery wordsmith was who taught us how to hide from humans, and brought joy to countless millions of kids. Here is the melody at the end, if you wish to karaoke with it.

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me

I think I’ll go eat worms.

Big fat juicy ones

Emsie weensy squeensy ones

See how they wiggle and squirm


Down goes the first one, down goes the second one

Oh, how they wiggle and squirm!

Up comes the first one, up comes the second one

Oh, how they wiggle and squirm!


I bite off the heads, and suck out the juice

And throw the skins away

Nobody knows how fat I grow

On worms three times a day.


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Jim McCrory

On Travel Writing

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Thursday, 29 Aug 2024, 10:15

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Image kindly provided by https://unsplash.com/@raphaeldas

The art of travel is only a branch of the art of thinking

                                                        Mary Wollstonecraft

On Travel Writing

I awoke early; that time when thoughts rush in and fill the senses with sharp anxiety. It was June 24, the Ayrshire forecast of sunshine and dark cloud reflected the conflicting mood of the nation. ‘The British people have voted to leave the European Union, and their will must be respected.’ The politician’s carefully written statement sent shock waves throughout Europe. It was like living in a village after the Vikings had raided.

A film emerged, a captured memory in time that took me back to July 1995 and a sleepy little village tucked away in the small commune of Målsryd. A Swedish girl who had been my daughter’s pen-pal since youth, visited us in ‘94 and her family wished to reciprocate the hospitality. I never needed much persuasion to accept. I was fourteen when I first fell for the country. The influence of my teacher who painted images alongside the music of Sibelius and Grieg created a love affair with a mistress I never met. Unlike the poet, Yeats, I am not rooted in this ‘perpetual place’ where I grew up. No, Scandinavia affected me in such a way that it felt like my proper home; an emotion the Germans call fernweh, the strange and paradoxical longing for a place never visited.

So, we spent the year learning Swedish and on July 16, before sunrise, we packed up the Ford Granada with the usual tartan kitsch; a tin of shortbread, Tartan Special Ale, placemats, and a bottle of Laphroaig and made our way to the North Shields Ocean Terminal to board the Princess of Scandinavia for the overnight journey with a plan to stay a few days with Elisabeth’s family and then tour the country, including Stockholm.

Our onboard cabin was the size of a box room with four bunks. After some negotiating, my wife and I had the lower bunks whilst my son and daughter slept on top. We then set out to survey the vast vessel with a sense of excitement and finally to emerge on the top deck to watch the North-East coastline disappear in the wake.

The family went to explore the shop while I retired to a cosy corner in the sitting area to get more sense of the culture by reading Ingmar Bergman’s, The Magic Lantern.

Some of the Swedes looked eager to communicate. A look, a smile, a nod. I hadn’t been this popular since my adopted family received me back in ‘56. Likely they were suffering from vemod; a pensive melancholy triggered, on this occasion, by post-vacation blues. By clinging to a Brit, they were prolonging the adventure like a nicotine addict has that ‘last’ cigarette.

Collective roars emerged from the lounge. Sweden was beating Bulgaria in the FIFA World Cup. The mood among the Swedes was one of… well, overlyckliga (overjoyed). Swedes are characterised by the social mores of lagome (not too much, not too little). Overjoyed in their culture would amount to a subdued euphoria as no one dare stand out in the crowd. Myth reports that lagome originated from the Vikings. The celebratory horn filled with mead would be passed around and partook in such a way that every Norseman took only his fair share. Lagome presses in on modern culture and dictates that no one dare overdo it. Unlike the Midwestern Swedes in Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion who see their women as strong, men handsome and children, above average, the fatherland natives modestly bottle such pretentiousness as they would a jar of lingonberry preserve. I feel a deep respect for such modesty in a world where positive values are on a downhill piste.

I wondered if we, raised in the second city of the empire, would have traits that would appear strange to Swedes. As a child, my mother would step on a bus, lay her shopping down, turn to everyone on the bus and sigh, saying, ‘that’s been me all day’. Immediately, a conversation would begin, with strangers participating enthusiastically, behaviour that would make Swedes freeze with social anxiety, I’m assured. I wonder with my confident extroversion if I can irritate foreigners in the same way a loud tourist at the breakfast table in a Highland B & B can vex me. It was time for self-reflection. Other cultures teach us who we are. Their characteristics, like a raised mirror, help us compare ourselves, our values, albeit we look through the glass darkly.

Writing:  © 2024 Jim McCrory

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Jim McCrory

The Secret Kept in Children's Books and Picturebooks

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Monday, 26 Aug 2024, 11:13

"“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”
― C.S. Lewis

Image by https://unsplash.com/@matblueforest

I have an embarrassing  secret. I am happy to tell you what it is so long as you don’t tell anyone. Is that a deal? This is my secret. I love children’s books. At my age I should know better, but it's an addiction . I love them so much that I changed my degree from a Literature Degree to an Open Degree to accommodate EA300 Children’s Literature with The Open University.

Gyo Fujikawa is the most addictive for me. Children in paradise. Waving from tree houses. Gentle fairies and children no bigger than polka-dot toadstools. Captivating. But, there's the loneliness of the child with no one to play with except a frog. That saddens me. I was a lonely child and I empathise. 


Then there’s Astrid Lindgren’s The Children of Noisy Village. I’m a Swedophile who can speak a few words of Swedish and I am in awe of the beauty and setting where the tale is filmed. An age of innocence. Swedish village life that will never return, perhaps.


There’s the Portuguese word that best explains my longing to enter a world that these stories encapsulate, Saudade,  a longing or nostalgia for something that cannot be realised.

I guess the reason such stories appeal is the desire to escape mentally from this broken world. C.S. Lewis wrote:

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

Interesting, but what world did C.S Lewis mean? Did he mean the world of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe? No, he was a Christian and an academic who wrote children’s books, Christian, apologetic and academic books. The world he was thinking of was the world recorded in Luke 23:43 “Truly I say to you today, you will be with Me in Paradise.”

Writing:  © 2024 Jim McCrory

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Jim McCrory

If I cannot find compassionate people...

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Thursday, 22 Aug 2024, 09:06

“Compassion is the most important, 

perhaps the sole law of human existence.


Image courtesy of https://unsplash.com/@vincentvanzalinge

" If I cannot find compassionate people in society,

 I will find them in a book."

A friend asked me, “Who is your favourite character in literature?”

   “Oh, that’s a difficult one; it’s like deciding who your favourite child is,” I replied. “But, let me think… there’s Lucy Pevensie in Narnia, Boo Radley in Mockingbird, Hans Huberman in Book Thief and then I read Striped Pyjamas last year and Bruno impressed me.”

   “Your favourite, Jim?”

   “Okay, Prince Myshkin.”

   “Prince who?”

   “Prince Myshkin in Dostoevsky’s, The Idiot.”

   “Why him?”

    “Well, he was too good for this world.”

   “Come again?”

   “The story centres on Myshkin, who returns to St Petersburg after years convalescing in Switzerland with severe epilepsy. Although he’s a native of the city, he feels like an alien on his return; compassion was absent throughout the self-indulging society, and under his breath he uttered the condemnatory line, ‘Pass us by and forgive us our happiness.”’

I've always been interested in books that teach me compassion. If I cannot find compassionate people in society, I will find them in a book.

Writing:  © 2024 Jim McCrory

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Jim McCrory

A Letter From Somewhere Up There

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Wednesday, 21 Aug 2024, 12:40

A special thanks to Benjamin Voros for his image at https://unsplash.com/@vorosbenisop

It was February 2023. I was returning from a wedding in the Philippines on a late evening flight from Manila. After crossing the Bataan region on the western edge of the Philippines, we were flying over the South China Sea and over to Changzhou in China.

I would look down and see little droplets of light like a half-lit Christmas tree throughout this region of China. The day had ended for them. I began to think of Dylan Thomas’ epic poem, "Under Milk Wood", where the narrator imagines what the people in the small Welsh village are dreaming about. I looked down at this Asian nation with similar sentiments. People with rich inner lives filled with experience, disappointments, love and hate, goodness, and selflessness. Was there a father reading a bedtime story to his four-year-old? What stories do children like in China? I recalled reading The Little Seamstress a few years ago. How will these babes grow up, will they learn to love and show gratitude? They have more advantages to do so. Many children’s books today teach empathy and selflessness.

And what about the poor rice farmers. Would they be awake, wondering how they will get through the forthcoming year as anxiety floods in like a Chang Jiang flash storm? And there’s the teenager still playing his video game with the kid in Oklahoma, both struggling with their schoolwork as they live for the moment.

Crossing over the Gobi Desert, the patches of light became sparce. What was going on down there I wondered? Bedouin shepherds awake and guarding their flocks from predators. They would be looking up at us and wonder what it would be like to fly in a plane and imagining who we were, what countries we came from. And musing on how little of this world they will ever see. What else could one think of whilst awake at this deathly hour? I envied them as they staired into their dark skies filled with the universe.

But they were not alone. Here I was, I’ve been to the Philippines, a few European countries, and Boston in USA. Like these Bedouins and people of the Gobi and China, I have seen so little of this planet and a feeling of lost opportunity began to overwhelm me. Now I became discontented at missed opportunity and thinking of young people who take a sabbatical and wander this earth with a backpack and a pair of sturdy walking boots. Bless them.

But there is something refreshing that offers hope of gained opportunities. Jotted around the Bible are verses like Peter’s words in 2 Peter 3:13 where he wrote,

“But, according to his promise, we look for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.” (WEB).

The scriptures also speak about “The renewal,” “paradise” and “the meek inheriting the earth.”  It becomes apparent that humans who have the right motive will one day inherit a paradise. Then, we can return to our youth, put on those walking boots, throw on the bag pack, and meet the human family.

See Job 14: 14 (NIV).

Luke 23:40 (WEB).

Matthew 5:5 (NIV).

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Jim McCrory

Do You Feel Betrayed by Someone You Trusted?

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Saturday, 24 Aug 2024, 13:29

 “Watch the door of my lips” Psalm 141

Image courtesy of https://unsplash.com/@sergio_rola

If your mate, closest companion or family member was asked to give you marks out of ten regarding the quality of trust, what would they give you; ten being the highest? Ask someone who is not given to flattery and who is trustworthy by reputation. Would you be disappointed? It is a valuable wake-up call that should be treasured and taken seriously. “Watch the door of my lips” the wise man prays in Psalm 141.


Of all the words for “betrayal” in the world’s languages, the Japanese Uraguri (裏切り)

literally “cutting from behind", are the most expressive.  

There are always ones out there who will cut you from behind: the workplace, family and false friends and even those who claim a religious affiliation but prove false to its power. I believe the pain comes from the injustice of not being present to defend oneself. The hurt also arises when you trust someone enough to reveal some feelings and find out later that they have spread your confidential information and embellished the story. We shouldn’t have to say “please do not tell anyone” to consider it confidential. Privacy goes without saying. There are people in my past that have never come to know me and that’s because I am cautious and never open up to them because they have proved untrustworthy. It’s a pity. I believe we are on this earth to love our neighbour and betrayal is a violation of that principle of being human.

The Psalmist in Psalm 41 had much to say in this regard.

My enemies say with malice:

“When will he die and be forgotten?”

My visitor speaks falsehood;

he gathers slander in his heart;

he goes out and spreads it abroad.

All who hate me whisper against me;

they imagine the worst for me:

“A vile disease has been poured into him;

he will never get up from where he lies!”

Psalm 41: 5-8 (BSB).


Consider this, the person who gains the trust of others has crossed over to a level of maturity that gains the respect of others, and by extension, gains considerable self-respect and dignity.

Writing:  © 2024 Jim McCrory

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Jim McCrory

Why Was Creation Subjected to Vanity?

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Sunday, 18 Aug 2024, 13:23

Imagine you had the power and resources to buy an island on say, the South Pacific. On this island, you would build beautiful houses suited for the environment. There would be rivers, streams, Japanese gardens, and a bountiful variety of wildlife to enhance the quality of life.

What could possibly spoil your project? Humans.

Image by https://unsplash.com/@jailam_r

The Why Question

To combat this moral deterioration on your island, you would observe and scrutinise the human family. Looking for those that would appreciate you as a landlord and respect their neighbours by following the rules necessary to keep this island a tropical paradise.

When God put our first humans in the Garden of Eden, he said,

            "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth." Genesis 1:28 (WEB).

He then said,

"Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die Genesis 3 (WEB).

God laid a moral requirement upon man, not to touch the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. Possibly a symbol of loyalty to God’s ways.

One of the greatest gifts we have from the creator is free will. However, it is not absolute. We have the freedom to drive, but we must respect the driving laws less we encroach upon others’ freedom.

And so it goes with life on earth. We can use our free will to do good or do evil. Now if you plan to populate a society with the right kind of people (as God intends), you will observe. And that’s what God is doing.

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” 2 Chronicles 16:19 (WEB).

But what if man was unaware of his being observed by God. Isn’t it true that when there is no police or traffic lights around, people abuse the law. So, could this be the reason why God tolerates suffering; to put humans on a level playing field where they believe we are dancing to our DNA in a dark, aimless universe. That is when we show who we really are.

We read the following account when Jesus was being put to death,

One of the criminals who was hanged insulted him, saying, “If you are the Christ, save yourself and us!” 

But the other answered, and rebuking him said, “Don’t you even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation?  And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong.”

            He said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when you come into your Kingdom.” 

Jesus said to him, “Assuredly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

 Luke 23: 39-44 (WEB).

Over the centuries, God, and Christ Jesus, are preparing certain humans to inherit paradise. It’s those who have a loyal heart and a will to enhance paradise.

Writing:  © 2024 Jim McCrory

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Jim McCrory

For the creation was subjected to vanity

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Saturday, 17 Aug 2024, 18:36

"For the creation was subjected to vanity"

Image kindly provided by https://unsplash.com/@jcotten

Some days I am like an ant lying in a red wheelbarrow inside a green garden shed and pondering the universe in existential angst.

Outside that red wheelbarrow, there’s another world. And outside the shed, there’s a greater world. The mind of the ant has walls. But so do we humans.

But let us explore that million-dollar Biblical question: Why does God permit suffering?

Imagine the scenario: one day in spring the village passers-by would observe a tiny robin building her nest. Puffing and panting, she worked all day collecting straw and intricately weaving a safe nest for her coming family.

That evening, the farmer came out and knocked down the nest.

The next day, the robin continued her bob-bob-bobbing along working tirelessly to prepare a home for the little ones.

Once again, the farmer returned that evening and knocked down that nest.

This continued for several days until the robin sought sweeter pastures. And soon after, a storm arrived and the whole tree was horizontal the following morning.

You see, the farmer knew the storm was coming and the tree was diseased, so by knocking the nest down, it eventually persuaded the robin to evacuate to a less hostile environment.

And this is the point, many condemn and abandon God due to human suffering, but they do not understand why God permits evil.

Take a few moments to read and ponder what is being said in the following verses. There are several points being made,

1.      God has permitted suffering (Verse 20,21).

2.      There will be a deliverance from suffering (Verse 21).

3.      God is aware of the pain suffering causes (Verse 22).

4.      God requires us to be patient (Verse 25.)

Romans 8:18-25

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which will be revealed toward us.  For the creation waits with eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.  For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of decay into the liberty of the glory of the children of God.  For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.  Not only so, but ourselves also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for adoption, the redemption of our body.  For we were saved in hope is that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he sees?  But if we hope for that which we don’t see, we wait for it with patience.

Berean Standard Bible

I will return to this thought at the weekend.

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Jim McCrory

You, stranger! Why do you dance in my head?

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Edited by Jim McCrory, Friday, 16 Aug 2024, 08:49

Image  provided by https://unsplash.com/@seteph

You, stranger! Why have you taken up residence in my head? You surface when I walk in the woods, when I hear a song, when I lay in my quiet moments? You entered my life with the briefness of a falling snowflake. Yet, you hide in my vaults. Friendly ghosts from other lives. Our ephemeral moments are as detailed as a 17th century Baroque painting. I ask, why are you there when all other fleeting occurrences dissolve in the liquid default of memory? Yet, you travel with me, shimmering in my consciousness like the gentle, mesmerising freshness of an energised snow globe. Transcending space and time, you share my passage in life.


1963: The Incongruity of Self-Awareness

I was six years old. You had this routine. Every Sunday at 11am, you would come round the back of my Govan tenement building and stand on a box. Wearing your bowtie and and suit jacket, you were out of place in a working men's environment; you looked like a music hall artist. You took a swig of wine and sang Mario Lanza’s Be My Love, a favourite song of my fathers. And every week, when you finished, my mother would open her purse, throw out some coins, close her purse and say, ‘why doesn’t that darn man not sing something new?’ she would say whilst wiping her eyes with her hanky.

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