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Barnhill, Jura. June 2015. (Thanks to the kindness of the Fletcher family).

Christmas Eve puzzle solved?

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Edited by John Gynn, Monday, 24 Dec 2018, 20:50

The residents of Tyne and Wear woke today to discover that Antony Gormley's colossal statue the Angel of the North was wearing a Christmas hat.

The Angel of the North with a Christmas hat on its head


This seems to be strikingly similar to the cautionary cone chapeau traditionally associated with the Duke of Wellington, seated on his horse Copenhagen, at Glasgow's Exchange Square.

Duke of Wellington, Glasgow, with cone hat

The video clip on the newspaper web page below, circulated online in 2013, might, possibly, go some way to explaining the mystery behind the Angel of the North's Christmas look - it's just a matter of statuary interpretation.


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Geoff Young, Monday, 24 Dec 2018, 22:10)
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