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An Allotment Day

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 9 Nov 2021, 21:54

Our friends J and K have some allotments near the nearby villages. They are completely into allotments, in a big way!  and because she is now retired and free from  commitments, she has the time to do that.

She is always down on the allotment every day,  but she has no dependent children (but she has some grandchildren) so she can do it part time and sell some vegetables.

We, my husband and me,  we  used to have an allotment some years ago, and it all went very well for a while but unless you are completely dedicated to looking after it,  it just doesn't work.

It started off ok, but our family commitments got in the way at the time ( hospital and Drs appointments for our son) and this meant we couldn't keep up with the allotment work at that time. We had too many other commitments!

However, today we went to visit our more capable green fingered friends, to give them some encouragement and to re-live a bit of our own nostalgia for allotment days too!

Her husband was off work today and so they had asked us to drop by and say 'hello' while we were going past their allotment for our walk.

They were now teaching their grandson to drive the mini tractor, as they have quite a large plot of land. The grandson was driving the tractor and we were all gathering up the potatoes and putting them into bags.

He (mr) was carrying large bags of potatoes on his back, ones that had already been gathered earlier, he was putting them into the van to take home.

The vegetables are all organically grown, and they always fresh and taste very good. She then asked us if we would like to gather up some tomatoes from the greenhouse, and she said I could have some tomatoes (free )for my salad! We were doing this for a little while and we managed to gather up quite a lot, also for us !

The rest of the tomatoes were not completely ripe yet, so she said to leave them, for another time.

Next, we collected the french green beans. first we placed them in a basket , ready to bag up later, into smaller bags. Kale was put into another bigger basket, all ready to put into the van. They also gave us a ( free) bag of Kale too! They are very kind! 

After a while K  called us over to the table next to the shed, that they have built there. The shed is large enough for sitting in when the weather turns cold or if it rains, but today we were eating outdoors, in the fresh air, as the weather was nice warm with a little breeze.

K poured us all a glass of red wine, which we ate with some crusty bread , a pie, and some cheeses with pickle sauce, cooked potatoes and of course with their own, very good, allotment tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, lettuce  and a little beetroot!

Very tasty!

We had thoroughly enjoyed our day with friends down on the allotment.


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Holiday walking- To 3 Villages!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 26 July 2023, 07:32

🏘      🏘      🏘
My friend and I decided to do the three villages walk. However,  I think you have to do it one village at a time, not sure about that? but anyway we did it all in one go which was quite ambitious !

When I arrived back home afterwards,  It felt like my legs were about to drop off! 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

My friend and I Started off in the morning to the first village (about 2 miles away) This village was where there was that quaint little old church,  that we  had just visited recently. ⛪

There was a footbridge 🛤 and a lake but unfortunately there is no public right of way beside this lake,  and it was behind a fence! 🏞

We just had to follow the track. Pity we couldn't see it up close, it looked like it was really pretty,  and it had a boat on it, near to an island in the middle. perhaps it must be on private property? 🛶 pity they can't share it with us isn't it? 

We had lunch (a small picnic) just past the village green 🟩 and on top of the hill, ⛰where we could  view the lake from a distance. After our picnic we walked back  down the hill and took the track leading to village no 2. (Another 2 miles.)🛤

Continued on walking to another lake, 🏞usually this one is for fishing in and here we sat down with much relief on a bench used by the fishermen.  There were no fishermen there at the time,  but we did see plenty of moor hens and ducks! We also saw a heron bird! 🦩It was nice to just sit and rest there. I was just waiting for my heart beat to slow down again!  It was quite sunny, balmy and warm by this time. 🌝 we just rested there and admired the amazing views.

The water on the lake was rippling in the cool breeze, and sparkling in the bright sunlight. We even thought we saw a fish 🦈 plop up to the surface, and swim off again, there were waterlilies and dragon flies. Wildflowers were growing everywhere. It was quite beautiful! 🌾🌼🌻 we took some photographs and we sat there chatting for a while.

However, I wish there could have been more benches for sitting along the way! 🌳🛋🌲
There was one large tyre, lying out flat in the field which we could both sit upon, on the way up the hill. This was great to sit on and it was all bouncy, which was a lot of fun to sit on and bounce about upon, the trick was to bounce up and down without actually falling off!!

After that it was all walking, walking up hill all the way. The footpath seemed endless and I was beginning to feel very tired,  my legs were starting to turn to jelly! How much further is there to go?
On to village no 3, 🟩 much more flatter here (about 1 1/2miles plus walk back of 1 1/2 miles) Fields of sheep, 🐑 cows 🐄and some very beautiful horses.🦄 Long country lanes, but only one bench at the end of the village!  All those wheat fields to walk through! That was really hard going!
After when  I had sat down on the bench,  I could hardly get up again! my legs, my muscles and back really hurt.

My friend who is younger, taller, slimmer and fitter than I,  had to push me really hard to get me up!

"Come on, up you get!" she said
"I can't go on!" I wailed.
"Yes you can, no pain no gain! " She told me
" I reckon we must have walked about 7 miles today!" I said seriously.

"Yes, 7 miles imagine that, you have walked 7️⃣miles, and at your age!" 👩‍🦳she laughed "Ok you, you cheeky young woman !.." I joked with her playfully, and we laughed a lot about it!
A little further on we came to a little village pub and a much needed drink and a sandwich!🥃🥪
"I think this is what saved the day!" I said gratefully " That was quite a punishing walk,  I think tomorrow I will just rest all day!"

"Well actually, Said my friend with a mischievous grin. I was just looking on the map and there is yet another great walk, not far from here!"  

" I hope you are joking?" I said looking rather alarmed at the idea.

"Yes, of course!" She said laughing and I gave a sigh of relief.

Needless to say I slept very well indeed that night!


Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 10 Aug 2021, 11:02)
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A Wild Gardening day

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 24 Sept 2021, 00:12

This morning we take our coffee in the back garden, on the table beneath the trees. We then consider how to tackle this gardening. What a task! 

Now where do we start in this overgrown garden jungle?
We have decided to leave the bramble berries where they are for now,  but Perhaps trim them back a little. They have attracted a lot of bees buterflies and other insects this summer. The bramble  berries are growing, but still green at the moment.

There is an elderberry tree at the side of the house somewhere, that usually has plenty of lovely dark elderberries on it by September. Just a little trim up for that one.

An Apple tree grows behind the shed, that has had some apples on it in the past, but we don't know what condition it's in until we find it again!

The plum tree in the middle of the garden we cut back,  but we haven't seen any plums for a few years but it seems to be growing still. It used to have lovely white blossoms on it which were very pretty. This tree also is used as a feeding station for the birds, so we will just leave that one. Maybe put some bird boxes placed high up on one of the other nearby tall trees, at the side of the garden.

The evergreens provide excellent shade,  but they need to be cut back, a bit,  as they are just like triffids, and are threatening to come right through the back window!

Going to have a false pond as the other one has dried up altogether! It has nice plants and shrubs growing there, but we just need to add some more ferns and rocks and a tidy up. Maybe we can do something with it! 

The shed has almost disappeared under the jungle!  so we must try to find it again and create a pathway leading up to it,  so we can gain access to it again!

Perhaps place another hanging basket or two on the shed?
We will have to cut back all the branches, shrubs, nettles, grasses and weeds with a trimmer and strimmer machine  in order to find the shed! Although a machete would more likely do the job much better!

Hey-ho lets get on with it!
Happy Gardening. Anybody got any wild gardening ideas? 


Permalink 7 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 12 Aug 2021, 12:45)
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Return to the little wood!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 27 Sept 2023, 09:41

A bit of a cool day today, with only a little sunshine. It felt quite cold and there was something of a sea mist lingering in the air.

After doing my morning chores, shopping, cleaning. etc. I walked  down to the park, then along the country lane at a slow pace! I walked passed the cemetery,  on the way down towards the little wood.

I then stopped at the little wood (aunty's wood we call it!) to sit down for a while, on one of the benches in the centre of the wood. No one was about  walking about in the wood today,  probably because the weather is much cooler, so everyone stayed near their home instead. It was very peaceful in the wood.

Everything was pristine and tidy in the little wood, all the litter was  gone,  different from the last time, when it looked like a bomb had hit it!  when I had to pick all the rubbish up.  In fact, it looked like someone else, had actually been back in there to tidy up again!

Branches that had once been strewn about,  had now been placed into a nice neat pile. Someone had even made some little houses  for the hedgehogs and placed a new bird box on one of the trees! 

Children had placed some pine cones on top of a shelf, all in a perfect row! There were also some pretty decorated pebbles and lovely wild flowers in a vase!

Birds were sweetly singing, there were only the crows cawing,  and the wood pidgeons,  who were just softly cooing, in the wood. Peace and order had once again been restored!

I think someone else who comes here,  must like this little wood as much as I do!


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Seek and you shall find!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 31 July 2021, 20:30

You will seek ME and find ME when you seek ME with your whole heart. ❤

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An Invitation

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 31 July 2021, 20:29

Come to ME 🐦
all you who labour 🐢
and are heavy laden🐌
and will give you rest.


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Trying to be environmentally friendly ! 🚮

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 27 Sept 2023, 09:49

Today was my day off from studying so I have been to visit a little wood we call it Aunty's wood  (so called after my aunt, who saved it from destruction!) The builders were supposed to build there but she organised a petition.

The children are now on holiday, and are coming here regularly into the  little wood. They sit down on the bench, and sit there with their friends having a chat, which is great of course! 

However, what I found the other day was a piles of plastic bottles, beer cans and crisp packets scattered about! It was terrible and in such a mess
Maybe older teenagers?

A bin was placed pricisely for this purpose at the entrance to the wood also signs saying 'Do not drop litter!'.
I think they are just too lazy to go back to the entrance (only about 20 steps away) to put their rubbish into that rubbish bin!

We thought maybe placing a bin inside the wood, but they tried that at the park, and the kids just emptied all the contents out of the bin, onto the grass near picnic benches, so there was even more rubbish strewn about in the park. The council finally removed this bin and now there are bins only at the entrance and exit.

It is sad really because it is a pretty, peaceful little wood and up until now it was nice and tidy. It is only since the schools broke up, that I have started to notice all this rubbish appearing.

We have arranged a litter picking day tomorrow.  We will go to Aunties wood first wearing gloves and pick up all the plastic bottles, beer cans and crisp packets. After that we will also go litter picking at the park as well.
I just hope the kids will get the message this time! 🚮

Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 31 July 2021, 14:44)
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Language and Creativity

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 24 Jan 2022, 10:57

I am now fully enrolled on.E302 English Language and Creativity. Filled in all the questions and received the confirmation note. I noticed the site has already come up on my Student Home Page and will be active in September. Looking forward to getting started on this module!

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 27 July 2021, 09:59)
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The bike ride 🚵‍♀️

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 17 Nov 2021, 21:06

On Sunday afternoon there 🌅 was balmy soft, warm sunshine with a cool breeze. The air was scented with the perfume of flowers, 💐 that was drifting across from the nearby gardens where I live. Today my friend and I were  taking a bike ride to the next village.

My friend 🙋‍♀️arrived on her bicycle. In cool comfotrtable clothes and trainers. She had on her usual cheerful smile that always cheers me up !
We set off and I carried a small picnic in my bike carrier👝 on the back of my bike.
The roads were quite busy as we expected!
At first I felt petrified as It has been a long time since I rode a bike, last time was when I was a care assistant working in the next village, where I used to cycle to work each day. But that was a long time ago!
Out on the main road I closely followed my more confident friend!  After about 5 minutes in we slowed down , and signalled we were going to go left,  just before we reached the hard shoulder. 

At the hard shoulder we dismounted and walked along a little, until we reached the gap in the hedge. This track is not very well known by many people, but it has a wide flat path much used and flattened by busy tractors. It is excellent for riding a bike!

There is beet growing here in the field,  which is food which they grow for the animals. We whizzed along quite quickly now!
Through this quite large field. 
Fortunately nobody was about walking at the time, so we could really have fun riding fast!! We could almost fly!  it was a great feeling of freedom and fun!!! 😁🚵‍♂️🚵‍♀️            

The track broadened out as as it meets with the village green. 🟩⛲  Here we slowed down, dismounted ,  rested a while, and took a drink from a carton of orange🧃
Now we had to take to the road for about 5 minutes on a very quiet road thankfully. This takes us up to the next footpath.

Next we rode along a long straight footpath behind the church. This footpath is mainly grassy and takes us along the side of the field, where some brown cows were grazing, safely behind the fence!         🐂 🐂🐄

They looked peaceful, there in the field, contentedly chewing on the lush green grass. We just slowed down a little, so as not to scare them. They moved back slightly nervous,  but they soon carried on chewing again, after we had passed by. In the adjoining field there were some sheep 🐑 🐑also grazing, but further off in the distance. All this time we have been steadily climbing up hill. After a while the path comes to an end at a road.🛣

Now we just had a main road to cross to reach our final destination. Only a few cars passed by, then we were able to at last dismount from our bikes and cross over the road. A wide footpath leads us onto what appears to be a field, but soon we found ourselves on top of a hill, with an  amazing vista!   🌄  where on a clear day like this, you can just about see the sea.🌊

We scanned the whole area. At the bottom of the hill we saw a foot bridge over a stream, then in the near distance a lake, 🏞this had 🦆🦆ducks and water hens on it. After that the road slowly rises up again, leading to a large wood. A farm to the right and wheat fields to the left.  On our return journey home, we shall be heading back home by the scenic route, running  alongside the wheat fields.

However, before we could go any further, we have a picnic to eat, so we walked along to the bench, sat down and unpacked our picnic!

🌲🛋👝 🧃🧃🌮🥪

What a lovely Sunday this was.  There is nothing better than to be sitting, enjoying a lovely  picnic, with a friend,  in beautiful and peaceful surroundings! 🌅

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A study day poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 28 July 2021, 02:54

The birds they are all singing
It is a sunny day
The children are out playing
And the postman's on his way.

The bees in garden buzzing
It is the merry month of May
The people are all leaving
To go to work or play.

I must be up and busy
There are a hundred things to do
Like cleaning, washing, shopping
Then study with OU!

Gill Burrell


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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 24 Jan 2022, 11:04

j'ai reçu mes résultats d'examen!
Je suis soulagée d'avoir réussi mon examen de L222 étage 2.
Malgré des difficultés dans un domaine d'études, J'ai pu réussir dans d'autres domaines du module,
par exemple, dans la rédaction, la lecture et la compréhension d'essais. J'ai bien compris !      

 Je suis très heureuse!


Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Sunday, 25 July 2021, 14:19)
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Have faith!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 17 Nov 2021, 21:14

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of God.


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Being inclusive when someone is getting on your nerves!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023, 00:51

  But love your enemies, do good to them,  and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High,  because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. We were once like that!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Thursday, 29 July 2021, 18:59

Faith is the substance of things hoped for , the evidence of things not yet seen.


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Global warming is it getting hotter ? 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 2 May 2023, 05:08

A little cooler today to start with but temperature starting to rise still becoming sunny.🌞 23°
After a coffee or two and some health biscuits I feel ready to start the day. I read a few pages from my detective story in french 📖 "Maigret et les petits cochons sans queue" par Simenon. 🐖🐖🐖 it seems like a good start to the story. I think I might like this book.

 🌞  👒After a quick tidy up I set off with a brisk walk to Sainsbury's supermarket. When I set off it was nice and cool but coming back it was horribly hot! I felt so poorly walking back home with my bags of shopping. I should really have taken the supermarket trolley and just  thrown all the shopping bags in. Jolly good job I only live 5 minutes away!
      28°              🥵
When I arrived home I drank a large ice cool glass of orange flavoured spring water straight from the fridge!
When I had rested enough, it was time to go to collect the organic vegetables , from the vege lady on the edge of the village. This time I had some help from my hubby to carry the bags for me!
We managed to find what we needed including carrots, new potatoes, broccoli, Kale and leeks.
I also bought tomatoes for my salad at a reasonable price from her. She even threw in a free bag of carrots and some beetroots! What a lovely lady!


Then the long walk back of 25 minutes in this fierce heat.
We then stopped to rest in the park under the big trees which was really nice!

After this we sat for a few moments in the peaceful cemetery, a great place for contemplating life and death! We drank a coke to cool down. It was very peaceful, with butterflies and birds who were singing, there were wood pidgeons, wagtails, sparrows, crows, magpies and  even a couple of ducks from the nearby pond! 
32°              🕊🦅🐦🦆
Some little  sparrows were taking a mud bath, throwing dry mud all over themselves!
We had to laugh because we had never seen that happen before it just looked really funny!
We got up and continued on our way ,  taking the quiet route back, through the little streets, that leads to our road at the back of the church.
We arrived at last at our little house,  then I suddenly stopped half way up the path " O no! I have forgotten the ice-cream!" 🍦🍦
Yet another walk out, but back through the village this time, to the other supermarket!

Phew !  I feel exhausted !

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Hurray! Results day!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 7 Dec 2021, 17:28

I now have my results ! I have  Passed! French intermediate studies. I am so relieved that I have passed  the module L222 in French!

Despite having had some serious difficulties at one stage in one component. I made up for it in all the other areas of essay writing , speaking and in comprehension. I am so happy!



Permalink 6 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 20 July 2021, 15:04)
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A magic wood -Poem

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Monday, 24 Jan 2022, 10:56

This magic wood
where I now sit
All dappled and sunlit
Iike a golden
Cool cocoon
Far away From 
Heat and fume
Where birds fly free
In lofty trees
And honey bees hum in                  Flowers sweet.


Ladybird ventures out
Adorned in red robe
With black spots on
Unfolds her wings 
 And then is gone

Blue green dragon fly
Hovers by in mid air
He darts around
From here to there
But does not land


Colourful Butterfly

Flutters fleetingly

On fragrant flower

Then flys up high.


A Robin rests                                     upon a rusty fence                           with bold bright eye                          Spys a catterpillar                             Come crawling by            


In this wild wood

I would be buried 

 Among butterflies, birds and bees

Beneath these cool trees.


Gill Burrell

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A spiritual dwelling

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023, 00:50

Today I am doing some exercises from my exercise routine. I try them out now and then in my garden, whenever I have time!

 Do you not know that you are God's Temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you. 1 Corinthians 3:16 ESV.


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Education has helped me!

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023, 00:53

I am enjoying studying with the Open University. Language studies BA in French and English.I am finding the course L222 very interesting.

Before I became a student at the Open university,
I used to be a care worker. I liked this work very much and soon made my way up to Senior HCW.
I had never been in higher education before but just had a few basic certificates.

I worked very hard and did well within the field. I also worked part time with Red Cross sometiimes on weekends. I never thought I would do anything else in my life,  as I had never had the chance to study before.

However, one day the residential  home I was working in suddenly closed down so I found myself out of a job. Living in a village it was difficult for transport to other towns or cities. I felt at a bit of a loss at first.

I didn't really know what to do next. I drifted about a bit and took up various interesting hobbies, including Art, Music, singing, poetry, reading and learning to speak french on holiday.

While on holiday I made an effort to speak in french and I impressed my husband by ordering us a meal in a restaurant in french!

When I came back home my husband suggested I should learn more and perhaps take a course with the Open University. I decided to give it a try by taking first the access course in Arts and languages.

I really enjoyed this access course and soon  felt confident enough to continue studying towards a degree in languages so I enrolled in French and English. That is how I became involved in Open University studies.

Thanks to the OU and the tutors I can now speak to my french friend over the phone and I have also read my first book in French.I understand french better than I can speak it but hopefully after this degree I will be more fluent! 

I still have 2  modules left to go in language studies, one in english and one in french. I have gained confidence in my ability to learn new things. I have really enjoyed studying with the OU and am now looking forward to the next level of studies with the OU. My next module is English  language and creativity 302. Looking forward to this module!

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Gill Burrell, Saturday, 17 July 2021, 13:55)
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French reading - 1

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 16 July 2021, 19:51

Ce matin, j'ai terminé tout le ménage de la maison. Mon fils était à l'intérieur et il ne voulait pas se promener dehors pour le moment.

J'ai decidé de lire mon livre de l'histoire détective par Georges Simenon en français. J'ai toujours mon dictionaire à portée de la main parce qu il y a des mots inconnus.

Je me suis assise dans le jardin ,  à l'ombre des arbres, pour me reposée.


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French reading - 2

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 27 July 2021, 22:29

This morning I finished my house work at home and son was indoors and didn't want a walk outside. I decided to read my detective book in french par Georges Simenon. I had my dictionary at hand because there were some words I was not too sure of.
I sat in the back garden in the shade of the trees because the front garden was too exposed to the heat and I burn quite easily.
The neighbourhood was fairly quiet a lot of people have either gone to work or to the beach (which is quite close to us)so it is very quiet here at the moment. Perfect for reading in peace!

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Love one another ❤

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Friday, 30 July 2021, 19:50

If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

1 John 4.20

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Speak kindly to one another

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 17 Nov 2021, 19:48

And remember to-

“Avoid Loud and agressive persons , they are vexatious to the spirit ! "

— Max Ehrmann


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This year- Staycation! 😎🍹

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Wednesday, 15 Nov 2023, 00:48

At the Beach

After Lockdown.This morning we left the house at 10.30. to take the bus from the market place to go to the local beach. We both wore our masks in the bus as instructed. Son hates the sun and the beach, brings him out in a rash! So he is being looked after by a relative, while I take a day off with hubby.

The journey takes about half an hour and the bus stops at a location well before the main stop, thats where we get off. There is a short cut past a sports venue then onto a footpath which leads down to the beach.

Arrived at the beachfront and walked along to find our favourite spot in a remote little part of the beach which is far from the crowds.

For about an hour or so we stayed there in the sand dunes and I read my detective book in french using the on line dictionary on my mobile to find unfamiliar words.

The weather was fresh and breezy with occasional sunshine. when the sun finally did appear from behind the clouds, it was lovely and warm, so I had a little sun bathe. It was good to relax after months of studying. Hubby had a nap too.

The seagulls were flying overhead and we could hear the waves breaking over the pebbles on the shore. It was nice to unwind and enjoy the fresh sea air.

Off we went for a paddle in the sea but it was a bit cold,! so didn't stay there for too long! This is the best part of the beach as it is far away from amusement parks and ice- cream parlours. No one ever comes up this far up along the beach, well hardly ever!

Afterwards we took a long leisurely stroll along the beach and back towards the hustle and bustle of the main beach again. However we couldn't resist an ice-cream! Well you just have to have an ice-cream at the sea side don't you ?

The donkeys were there on the main beach, taking the children for a steady slow ride along the sand. People were playing volley ball in the sand with a net.
Children were happy and excited  bouncing on the trampolines. Everyone looked jolly and pleased to be outside agan in the sun at last!

It looked like the vendors were opening up, preparing for the busy holiday season ahead. At the moment there is a steady trickle of people strolling cautiously along the promenade. It is not yet in full flow, but that will happen at the end of the month, when the schools break up!

In normal times we usually come to the beach, about a month or two before the children break up from school, while it is still fairly quiet. However, this year we had to wait for the lockdown to lift so we are a bit later this year. Anyway it was a nice day out by the sea!

In August we will avoid the crowds and will be mostly staying locally, gardening, going walking or cycling and visiting relatives nearby.


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La communion de vie

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Edited by Gill Burrell, Tuesday, 13 July 2021, 10:53


Ô Dieu, notre père,
Nous te remerçions pour les merveilles et la beauté de votre création.

Pardonnez - nous, nous prions, que nous avons tenus pour acquis et que nous avons exploité impitoyablement et egoïstement de tant de manière votre création,
contrairement à votre volonté.

En particulier, nous prions pour les animaux et les oiseaux , qui partagent votre création. Ils sont impuissants à se protéger de la terreur et de l'angoise de l'abattoir et des laboratoires de vivisection, et ceux qui meurent de mort lentes et persistantes juste pour que nous puissions porter leurs fourrures.

Cessons de faire la sourde oreille à leurs cris et apprends- nous à vivre notre vie miséricordieux et avec justice pour que notre amour pour vous se reflète dans toute votre création.


From 'The Fellowship of life' Inverness

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