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Something Went Wrong

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Monday, 16 Sept 2019, 15:18

Something going wrong frustrates many, is the digital way of life to others. I fall somewhere between the two depending on my mood. Why, oh why, having successfully done something last week will it not work this week?

I'm MAC not PC born. So I struggle with the constant trips and lack of intuativity that I feel comes with a PC.

These photographs would be on, are on my MAC at home. I take a pic on my iPhone, iPad or Sony DSL and that's where they end up. 


At college they have to be imported onto the network via the camera disc and a cable. Today PC Photos doesn't like what I have to offer. I am expecting to import RAW photos to colour correct on Adobe Lightroom. I can neither import them, nor open Adobe Lightroom.

A challenge for another day. 

For someone the fix will be obvious. Who to ask? Google doesn't want to help me. Google the problem and you just get flogged an App that will be a panacea for all your problems. 

Any suggestions out there? 

I can see I'll be taking this home with me - get them on my iMac at home that drop them into my college Google Photos album to make use of tomorrow. 


I just opened Google Photos and uploaded there. I'll make do of the editing tool there for now. I don't need to do anything fancy via Adobe Lightroom with these.

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Design Museum

Frog - Dreamstime Photo Gallery / Agency

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Tuesday, 13 Nov 2012, 04:58

Free Stock Photography: Frog. Image: 230177
© Photographer: Paul-andré Belle-isle | Agency: Dreamstime.com

Join Dreamstime and there are tens of thousands of FREE to use images. If you want the fancy stuff there is a fee - either a monthly subscription, or purchase of a minimum of credits. A stunning image may cost 11 units. You must purchase a minimum of 110 units which costs £66.

There's a different platform that allows you to spend just the units required for a single purchase - I was convinced enough by some image that I paide £1.57 or some such.

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Design Museum

Reflecting on illness

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Friday, 9 Sept 2011, 19:12
I appreciate that some reading this will have gone through months of being unwell or their condition is long term. I am simply using ideas taught to me during H808 a year ago to reflect on what I have been through: 15 days of a ghastliness that has included a day in hospital and three clinic visits. In hospital I counted the seconds and did so for nearly five hours. At home I crave fresh air but repeatedly ended up back in bed. As the last week or so shows I would read, comment and write - though until today my head has felt decidedly befuddled. So I did some digital housekeeping, all my mind could manage, mostly shuffling pictures, screen grabs and such around in Picasa Web, even referencing them properly. And I slept a great deal. I read Martin Weller's new book but know, and will see this from notes, that a second reading will have me picking out different things and adding different notes. We humans are unstable at the best of times, gender, age and background doesn't start to define who we are and how our state of mind, openness to learning, levels of self-esteem, can influence how we will 'perform' one week to the next. Consistency, for me at least, is a futile, even a stultifying quest.
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Design Museum

Use of personal photos

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Edited by Jonathan Vernon, Sunday, 4 May 2014, 10:37

A healthy debate over the use of photographs has developed in our Forum.

What is best practice?

There needs to be common behaviour for a start. If some of us show our faces while others do not, or put up abstract images or symbols then I'd liken this going to a dinner party and finding some people in fancy dress, or eating alone outside ... or hiding under the table.

There is a very good reason to 'show your face' - there is not better way to relate to someone, or to 'tag' a piece of text.

As a swimming coach I now coach or teach or have responsibility for nearly 300 children age 5-17. I know who they are because I recognise their faces. This is what we humans do, faces are of such vital importance, even our field of vision is defined by the scale and detail of a face.

The choice of picture matters too. Why half hidden? Is it recent? And the mood? Would it ideally look like the Mast Head for a Newspaper ... or ought it to be more modest and reflective, not quite a passport photo but equally bland?

What do people think?

How do you represent yourself?

Do you have a different picture for different sites or do you use the same picture each time?

Is this you in the last year? Or the last decade!

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