E-portfolios from the institution's p.o.v.
Attract, retain, maintain and develop future stars?
E-portfolios from the institution's p.o.v.
Attract, retain, maintain and develop future stars?
School-leavers will have an electronic portfolio showing their achievements and best work, giving a clearer insight into what they can do in the workplace (DfES, 2005, p 12).
Without the support of adults this is futile. Too often technology tries to eliminate the need for relationships for things to happen. Sometimes the technology is an attempt to replace people with things, with stuff, with systems.
An e-portfolio won't say well-done; an e-portfolio will no identify strengths and weaknesses and with care offer positive feedback; an e-portfolio might use up time, but it doesn't give of its time ...
Who historically has known what a person can achieve? Their teacher, parent, or grand-parents, a close friend or partner?
What do e-portfolios lack?
A heart, a head and a hug.
In the early 1990s something called 'The Choices Card' was launched across the North East of England by the now defnct Tyneside Tec. This creidt card and chip held a basic CV, had training credits on it and was meant to be a young person's passport between school, training and/or a job.
This was an e-portfolio in microcosm. The most important component of it was the person, the adviser who took the 'candidate' through the process.
There are plenty of people in the country, many of whom will have more sense and achieve greater 'stickiness' then a collection of amorphous software.
It is tool. A clever too. An engaging tool. A valuable tool. And a resource. And a gateway. But it is about a person and should be applied through engagement with the right 'other' people. If guided alone through social networking sites what kind of decisions will be taken?
We'll see. Because this is what will happen.
It's easy enough to be on Facebook while doing homework, to be on Facebook while completing a job application or writing a CV. Who are the influencers here?
We'll see.
The drivers and issues regarding e-portfolios from a Government perspective is all about creative the life-long tax-paying, contributing 'Citizen.'
E-portfolios from the student point of view.
I like what bubbl.us can do. Without fuss and with a sense of fun a few ideas on the back of the proverbial fag-packet (in my case in an A5 drawing pad) becomes something semi-permanent and easy to share. Commpendium takes this one step further, allowing each 'node' to contain layers of details as documents or attachments.
Here, after some weeks of this, I try to cover every corner, literally, on the topic of 'e-portfolios for learners.'
I read somewhere a hint of why students baulk at this - their perspective, for the most part, is short-lived. Several years working in the communication of graduate opportunities it was surprising how few could look beyond 'Day One' at their place of work, to their completing their first year ... unless, as in accountancy, law and some industries there was a longer-term career training period.
It isn't just as matter of context, it's a matter of perspective.
Anything 'sticky' can as easily become unstuck.
Remember how stuck we were on FriendsReunited, before MySpace and then Facebook came along?
On the one hand a software developer makes their platform 'interoperable,' but then you open the door to users switching platforms.
What is the commercial value of free software? What is the cost? Pop-up adverts inside your' virtual head.'
If someone can exploit it, they will.
Aalderink and Veugelers.
· Focus on competence-oriented education
· Emphasis on student development
· Fostering academic maturity
·Net generation oriented
Aalderinck, W. and Veugelers, M. (2005) ‘E-portfolio’s [sic] in The Netherlands: stimulus for educational change and life long learning’ (online), paper presented at the EDEN 2005 conference in Helsinki, Finland, Portfolio Themasite. Available from http://www.icto.ic.uva.nl/surf/nl_portfolio/Publicaties/Downloads/aalderink_veugelers_2005.pdf- FOR ANALYSIS
I'm reaching the stage where I feel I may have to type entries such as this in Word and then paste them in. Why? Too often it closes before I save or finish and everything is lost. My loss, not yours.
Just owning up to buying an annual subscription to PebblePad. All the pointers say it is the right step to take, I can see that it will absorb everything I've put into MyStuff these last seven months about (700 pages) and allow me to do much, much more with it.
The movies that run you through how things work are clear. The buttons and actions seem intuitive and desirable. For example, when it comes to reflect I can follow the prompts. Even I can do this. And in relation to building evidence, once again, I will follow this H.E. inspired creation to perform as a graduate should.
Otherwise I'm finding Filemaker Pro as easy as when it first came out in Clarisworks in the 1990s and the various versions I've used since. It's just a pain and a shame that I'll have to buy a new version once the 30 day trial is over and a greater pain that details of 800 swimmers and 44 teachers/coaches will have to be added manually. (I may be able to get around this only if I very carefully ensure that most of the many fields I use match. Though refreshing my memory with the swimmers and deleting out of date records might be worth the effort as poolside all this stuff has to be in your head).
Today I've had fun with Bubbl.us and have been introduced a a slide-sharing tool - both courtesy of fellow student Lesley Morrell. Always one to want first hand experience of a tool before I can recommend it, I plan to take the Bubble I created on Reflection (see below) and work it through with Compendium, seeking out and adding reports and references as I go along. Whether the end result can be written up as a 500 word report is quite another matter.
This and plans to have a professional crew video a number of swimmers above and below water to then put through a broadcast post-produciton house come to fruition. The plan is then to generate material for a substantial 'reusable learning object' or what Salmon (2002) wants us to call an 'e-tivity.'
So a busy day.
Risotto done, Mushroom soup to make.
The Government's e-strategy anticipates that schools, colleges and universities "will want to develop eventually an e-portfolio where learners can store their own work, record their achievements" (Dfes, 2005).
The e-learning strategy for higher education also has as an objective "encouraging e-based systems of describing learning achievement and personal development planning" (HEFCE, 2005).
COMMENT life over death, growing rather than frozen, developing rather than not, moving over static, dynamic over passive,Here's an idea.
I'd like to see a 'review grade' recommends star system on all the resources we're invited to read, whether they are a must read or supplementary.
Whilst it is a skill to skim read something before giving it your all, I'd like to have a second, third or fourth opinion. Or just a fellow student indicating, 'don't bother,' or just as useful, 'don't miss this one out.'
Too often I have got stuck into a report only to find I wish I hadn't, either I'm not ready for it, or someone else says it better.
On the resources on 'Reflection' (H808) I feel I came in as an MA student on a topic that in one context I understood, but in relation to its use in academic study I did not. The 'heavier' text simply wound me up. Then I got the RLO from the University of Central London. Simple.
Something happened. What happened? So what? What next?
See, I can even remember it.
Though required for H807 I don't recall it being emboddied in the module. Were too many of us left to flounder? Or allowed to flounder?
Moon, Creme and all the rest embed this simple message in so much learning theory and psychology that the only thing they needed to communicate got lost. It assumes previous knowledge.
Go back to Kolb, rather than tacking on ifs and buts and provisos, or invent your own 'cycle of reflection.' I want to read Dewey. The book, hardback. From a second hand book shop. In my hand. With a former teacher's pecilled in notes.
I've come across a system that is simpler than any of the above.
You ask the question 'what is the problem?' over and over and over again.
By the time you have answered this six times you may be surprised at the truth it reveals, the real problem that on fixing resolves everything else.
Reflection that produces an outcome, or simply a dog chasing its tail?
(in due course, I think I've drawn on the thinking of a dozen above).
Imagine if we had to reference everything we said in a conversation at a cocktail party? Or in the pub? I feel a sketch coming along. I wonder if I could get Mel Smith and Rhys Grifth-Jones back together to do one of their head to heads? You know, over the table, resting on their elbows, deliberating. But whenever they say something that requires a Harvard Style reference they must give it. Try that as they have first one, then a second or a third pint of Harvey's ale.
Training as a TV producer I picked up some skills editing, writing and directing. A project was never too small that a person fulfilling each of these tasks wasn't required. Indeed, the 'one man band' was frowned upon. Some TV crews were still unionised so you had a cameraman, assistant and sound engineer, minimum.Today in TV production a producer may not only direct and write, but operate the camera and edit the piece. To be a TV professional in 2010 you need this variety of skills. I do. I did the courses. Camera, editing ... even six months as a sound engineer.
Which will permit easy export from MyStuff?
Can anyone explain this to me?
Export your MyStuff in the LEAP2A atom feed format (which enables transfer of data to and from other ePortfolio systems). Please click refresh feed if you have made any changes recently.
1. What were the anticipated outcomes of using an eportfolio in this case?
2. What were the limitations to its implementation?
3. How is the eportfolio in this case supposed to help the user to identify and manage their learning?
In an effort to bring myself into the 21st century technologically I am revisiting Filemaker Pro as a piece of software I have used since it was developed in 1994, though not upgraded in eight years.
Whilst it is a relief to find current versions are familiar in terms of the way fields are created and popualted with 'assets' it is a pain that to transfer material I am going to have to retrofit an earlier version of Filemaker and use this as a electronic stepping stone.
The reward will be to have data that I am familiar with that I can then manipulate and share in a Web 2.0 way. The intention is then to populate this with a substantial number of documents to familiarise myself with how it operates with text. It used to be the case that files could not contain much more than 150 words.
Then I will use Filemaker Pro to build by OU e-portfolio for H808.
The problem no doubt remains of 'interoperability.' Does my using Filemaker Pro necessitate others to have the same software? To use its extensive functionality, probably so ... however, on a 31 day free trial I think much could covered and from this user's point of view, the investment in a light version of Filemaker Pro may be more beneficial that going down to the route of a customised PLE of various recommended software tools, or going for Google Docs.
Meanwhile my OU Blog and MyStuff get the lot! (Just to be safe)
Although Weller applies this thinking to VLEs the same must apply to e-portfolios.
The argument for standardisation is made in relation to electricity plugs.
Modularisation – like music through Napster and the commercially through iTunes.
Is interoperability in relation to the transferability of data and resources like issues of access for disabled people?
Transferability adds a dimension from a point moving forward, as well as going back, and weaving across.
Where and how do I share in a secure online environment with 40 swimming teachers, 12 admin staff:
Swimming teaching and coaching plans.
About 200 documents
Workforce Development
This is has been a headache for years, which I feel can be resolved and better managed with something like Google Docs. Whatever Facebook can offer, its image is tarnished, so I can't see anyone taking me seriously if I place and lock documents there.
I'm very aware of Data Protection issues so none of the 'data base' info of our 1,000 members will go beyond a handful of people who keep it on their PCs. However this is some info that must be shared with specific teachers and coaches.
We have a website, but there is a limit to what volunteers can be expected to do and manage therefore 'free' software and service, or at small cost.
Early days to believe photos and video clips could be put here too for teaching-training purposes.
My thoughts thus far:
Google Docs
Any other suggestions to give a go before I start migrating things here?
This will need to link with contact details in Outlook.
Prompted to give Google Docs a go I find within a couple of minutes I am Google-smacked!
Overwhelmingly impressive.
e-Life transforming. e-Things will never be the same.
I've only just crept on from Word 2002 in the last few weeks, so to be hit with so much more I feel like someone who has been trying to ski on a dry-slope strapped to planks of wood who has just been let loose on an Olympic Piste in the latest Salamon gear!
My 'MyStuff' days (six months actually) are also numbered. I knew that I had to 'populate' such a resource with material to give myself something to play with, but Google Docs without any doubt, on first impressions takes what MyStuff could have been in the commercial arena and realises it.
Google Docs has translated the desiress, hopes and expectations I had for MyStuff into a user-friendly and intuitive interface.
All I want to do now is share, share, share ... and go and compare.
And write more and read more and never leave my desk again.
In fact, I may re-instigate my exercise-bike as work-station. This is a standard exercisebike with the handle bars removed. Instead I have a lectern of sorts with a keyboard sensibly covered in a plastic skin. In this way I can type and bike!
(The second term of the day, did it with heebie-jeebies an hour ago, that I have put through the OED online)
Between them, the OED online and Google Docs leave me feeling like a kid on Christmas Morning with two brilliant but quite unexpected gifts!
And then I put a document into Google Docs, my piece on H808 First Impressions (below) and out of curiosity had it translated into French.
Though I understand French well enough to work in the country and can speak it OK, my written French is attrocious. Has this just given me the facility to communicate at a reasonable level with written French? Its an incredible, by default personalised language learning tool if nothing else.
Perhaps I could head for France in the next couple of months after all?
On verra.
I've regained the will to live.
Three Degrees of Blogging
If it plays to how it is defined, a ‘weblog’ then it should be nothing more than a captain’s log, in the style of Star Trek, that logs position and events as they occur.
Web pages, cobbled together into a journal like experience defy what the web affords.
The person who keeps a diary in a hardback notebook, or one of those Five Year Diaries with a flimsy padlock, have to keep notes on specific dates in the calendar, online the daily webpage is a falsehood, it is a devise that obliges something that is wholly unnecessary.
Personally, long ago, I ditched all pretence at writing a daily entry (even if I did so), by archiving entries by category.
Weblog as webstorage or repository.
More like the modern e-portfolio I suppose. The idea concept is easily controverted. Writing pages of fiction, with comments turned on make sharing and critique immediately possible. Allow any number of readers to contribute directly to the pages and the weblog becomes both a blog and a wiki.
Can we ‘wikify’ a website?
And do I coin such a word as soon as I tell my dictionary to accept the term? Which makes me wonder – is there a way for multiple users to share the contents of their dictionaries?
Crucial to my development and understanding of e-learning is to have some one or two people I can discuss issues with face-to-face.
One an multiple MA graduate now with a Diploma in E-learning, the second a PhD Tutor in Environmental Law and the third someone who commissions e-learning projects (though he sticks with 'online learning' as the only term that is understood by lay-people).
A fourth person is a giant in education who in his 85th year just wonders if I can help put the papers he is still writing online to share with students. All he has in mind are a few dozen papers on a platform such as EduBlogs, which I can do.
My goal is to 'map' the many thousands of papers and books that are stacked three layers deep, to the ceiling, in his three-storey 15th century Cotswold home! i.e. The Contents of his Brain.
On verra
P.S. We've jsut had an hour long power-cut. The panic as two adults and three kids scramble around not knowing what to do is notable. I got my hands on the laptop so could press on under battery (but no internet connection as the router was down). My wife took a break from a mega pharmaceutical report she is writing to take her dog on an extended walk, while the boys (family and friends) gave up on dual Xbox and Internet activities to play poker!
Perhaps I could put a time on the electricity junction box to deny us electricity at random times through-out the day.
We might start talking to each other instead of e-mailing and messaging around the house.
Meanwhile, three computers are up and humming and my son is back on Skype planning some 15 rated Afghanistan-like raid with his cousin (300 miles away) and couple of Americans (one who calls himself David Hasselholf, but isn't as his voice hasn't broken) and someone's Mum who pretends to be her son as she likes the game more than he son does (I listen in).
All computers are in communal spaces in the house so that activities are surrepticiously or indirectly monitored.
Inspired by Martin Weller's book on VLEs. Just read Chapter Seven - Standards and Specification and Chapter Eight - Learning Design. notes to follow.
Courtesy of the OU's 1990 book 'The Good Study Guide' I am trying to make my notes less a cut and paste and more a considered extraction of ideas, my agreements, disagreements and questions with a few notable quotes and references to follow up. These are probably then best catalogued and tagged in the OU ePortfolio MyStuff (for now).
Having read 'Standards and Specifications' I am wondering what role e-learning designers might play once a set of common approaches have been adopted? Once every learning design follows 'the script' the way a Hollywood screenplay has its three acts, various turning points, antagonists and protagonists, roles and events.
For every chapter I read, I read two chapters of a Bernard Cornwell Novel 'The Lords of the North' and a chapter of Norman Davies's history of the Isles (UK and the Republic of Ireland).
I won't be able to afford this luxury come September, a new season and a new moduel H808 'The Elearning Professional.'
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