Tuesday, 5 Sept 2023, 10:52
Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Richie Cuthbertson, Tuesday, 5 Sept 2023, 21:00

Painted in acrylic. Prints available from here.
© Asoka Richie 2023 (all rights reserved)
New blog post
Saturday, 2 Sept 2023, 19:00
Visible to anyone in the world
The Buddha noted that dependent co-arising and the causes of suffering are like a tangled skein.

Painted in acrylic. Prints available from here.
© Asoka Richie 2023 (all rights reserved)
spiritual, buddhist, craving, abstract, painting, art, prints, hand-painted, asoka, dependent origination, knotted, colour Aurora
Saturday, 26 Aug 2023, 17:05
Visible to anyone in the world

Painted in acrylic. Prints available from here.
© Asoka Richie 2023 (all rights reserved)
The yellow kasina and the body
Thursday, 13 Apr 2023, 21:51
Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Richie Cuthbertson, Thursday, 13 Apr 2023, 22:22
Feeling a tad unwell again, but keep reminding myself it is just the body. I am learning that it is true that although there is suffering in the body, the mind doesn't have to suffer with it.
The body can also feel comfortable even though there's aches and pains. Meditation can be practised while lying down. Samhadi connects one with the inner body, the mind-made body, and one can rest in the comfort and ease of the inner body, even when the physical body is in pain.
Anyway I do the best I can to take of this body, and show kindness to it. Without clinging to it. I cannot stop it from ageing, getting sick, and dying. this is the karma of having a body, there's no escape from that.
I don't mean to sound negative and gloomy when I say that. Knowing this is actually quite freeing, and oddly one can get into a state of profound joy and serenity contemplating the impermanence of the body and death. I think it is because it helps me stop clinging to something I have no control over. Which brings relief when one lets go of stressing about it and accepts it for what it is. Youth fades, beauty fades, health fades, strength fades, intelligence fades, none of it lasts, the body changes whether we like it or not, and we cannot keep it the same way all the time. It is vulnerable in an uncertain world, and death can come at any moment for any one of us.
The body doesn't belong to me. It comes from the Earth. It is borrowed for a time, but will one day have to be returned. The body is something other, a world within a world, a composite of many different beings working together in symbiosis. I do have some choice in directing what to do with that energy, but the processes are mostly outside my control. The body is earth, water, fire, air, space, consciousness, and interdependence. These are the seven elements that make up a biological being.
Have been meditating a lot on the yellow kasina lately. Another meditation technique I am finding helpful just now. This is a yellow disc about the size of a dinner plate in the middle of a black square. I set it somewhere in front of me that is easy to look at, and stare at the yellow disc saying silently in the mind: 'yellow', 'yellow', 'yellow'.... and maintain focus on the colour yellow, not too tight a focus, but not so loose as to become blurry.
I notice how the colour yellow makes me feel.Then when the yellow feels bright and strong in my awareness and I can stay centred easily with it, and the body feels comfortable, at ease. I close my eyes and wait for the initial retina burn to fade away, then silently say the word 'yellow', 'yellow', repeatedly in my mind. On the first day nothing happened, but today, the second day of practising this, a beautiful yellow field appeared behind closed eyelids. An internal mind-generated colour that filled all of my awareness, including the body. The body felt like it was full of golden light. It was a delightful experience, like being sat in a field of yellow. It faded and I opened my eyes and focused on the yellow disc again, then closed my eyes and said 'yellow' silently in the mind, and it appeared as if by magic. I didn't try to make it happen, I just suggested it mentally, and the deeper mind did the rest. It is an interesting meditation, and I am enjoying it.
There's also a nice side-effect that happens sometimes, as I look at the yellow disc the room around it starts to become gold coloured, as if illuminated by a heavenly light, and it feels like the whole world is filled with the colour, it feels very peaceful.
Spring breeze
Saturday, 25 Mar 2023, 10:37
Visible to anyone in the world

Prints of this painting are available from here.
May all beings be safe, well, peaceful and happy (-:
painting, paintings, acrylic, green, blue, purple, yellow, asoka, richie, breeze, air, movement, change, flow, colour, abstract