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Christopher Douce

A334 Journal - January 2025

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1 January 2025

It’s been a lazy day today. 2024 has been thoroughly rubbish, so I went to bed early, and I woke up with a clear head.

I’ve worked through all the audio and visual resources for Week 14, which relates to the Arabian Nights’. It was interesting to hear that there were also some references to Montague, which I think is the next week.

I’ve been busy reading Aladdin, and I think I’m nearly through to the end. There’s a lot going on. The more that I read, the more uncertain I am about the direction my TMA 3 is going to take.

13 January 2025

I’m in my second week after getting back to work, and I feel as if I’m getting behind again. Last Tuesday there was an interesting tutorial about the poetry section, which I quite enjoyed. A bit of the tutorial introduced us all to the TMA questions. I’m now increasingly certain about which option I’m going to choose.

There’s a couple of things I need to do. I need to finish Aladdin (I took it to a medical appointment, but I ended up reading Grazia magazine), watch Tartuffe on iPlayer (as recommended by my tutor), and start to read The Turkish Embassy Letters. There has been some interesting chat in the WhatsApp group about this text.

One other thing I’ve done is begin to listen to Gulliver’s Travels whilst on a long drive (which is available on BBC Sounds). I did try to begin to listen to Sense and Sensibility on the same journey, but I had paused my Audible subscription. Even if you’ve downloaded an audio book, you can only play if back if you have life subscription. An annoying ‘feature’.

It looks like the BBC iPlayer version of Tartuffe lasts for about two hours. I’m going to put the kettle on and give that a go.

18 January 2025

There have been a round of tutorials over the last couple of days. There were three tutorials, back to back, with a break for lunch. I’m guessing that the structure reflects what would have taken place had there been a face-to-face day school. I’ve also noticed that there’s another tutorial that has been recorded, which I need to listen to.

The tutorials have covered some of the texts that are the focus of TMA 3. I’m still not sure exactly sure which direction I’ll jump. My tutor shared a point that had already occurred to me, that some of the texts more directly align to one of the questions rather than the other. I’m waiting until I’ve got to the later texts that are in the current part of block 2.

One bit of the tutorial that was especially helpful was the section on independent study, which relates to TMA 4. My working assumption is that we pick up on some of the texts that we haven’t chosen for TMA 3. A range of different independent study options were highlighted to us: some further stories from the Arabian nights, or some more plays by Moliere. I’m far from close to deciding which way to go, in part since I’ve not done very much this month; I’ve been really busy in my day job.

The other night I got back to Aladdin, but didn’t get very far. What I did discover was that I only have ten pages to go, which admittedly isn’t too many pages. After I’ve got to the end, I’m going to jump to The Turkish Embassy Letters, after making sure I know what bit of the text to focus on. I’m not sure whether jumping about is the best strategy, but I do feel that I need to study strategically.

19 January 2025

I’ve finally finished Aladdin! In the end, I quite liked the story, but I did raise a critical modern eyebrow about how some of the characters were depicted. The whole text has got me thinking about the role of stories, and how similar stories appear in different contexts and cultures.

After Aladdin, I went to the module materials and briefly read up to chapter 6, which was about Gulliver’s Travels, which I read over the summer. I do need to reread what I’ve gone through today, since there’s a lot in the detail that I need to properly take in. The material about the political situation in the 18th century is interesting.

A couple of notes to self: I need to have a good look at the audio and video materials that relate to Gulliver’s Travels. I might even get onto doing that today if I get through a bit of ‘day job’ work. I also need to look at the suggested independent study options, to see what I want to do.

23 January 2025

I’ve been to another tutorial which focussed on the independent study materials. I need to have a good look through all the different options and figure out what I want to do, since that will make up an important part of TMA 4. I need to refer to my notes - there is also a question of figuring out what bit of independent study may have changed my perspective.

I had a good listen to the Gulliver’s Travels audio book whilst doing a lot of driving. Maybe I’ve mentioned it before; this was one of the few texts I managed to read over the summer. I’m finding that I’m really starting to enjoy the text (if you can call an audio book a text). Reflecting on the previous module, there’s clearly a link between Gulliver’s Travels and Ursula Le Guin’s The Dispossessed. By the time I get home from my own travels, I might be able to navigate myself across Gulliver’s.

Whilst chatting on WhatsApp, a fellow student mentioned something called York Notes. Although I had never heard of them before, I recognised some of the book covers from my times browsing bookstores. Knowing that I’m going to struggle with TMA 5, I ordered a couple of second hand copies from eBay. I know this is taking me away from my course texts, but I do feel as if I need as much help as I can get.

When I’ve finished reading the module materials about Gulliver’s Travels, it is then onto the bit about The Turkish Embassy Letters. I’ve got a load of reading to do.

30 January 2025

I’ve still not finished reading the module materials about Gulliver’s Travels, or have started The Turkish Embassy letters. I have, however, read a set of York notes. Reading these notes took me back to a time when I was studying from my literature GCSE. It was a curious time, where I had an increasing realisation that I enjoyed studying English lit. It was also a time when I didn’t really know what was going to do for the rest of my life. The notes took me to quite a reflective place.

A couple of nights ago, I went to a tutorial about the Arabian Nights, which was facilitated by a member of the module team. We focussed on literary technique, and had a look at a couple of passages, practicing our close reading skills. I quite enjoyed the tutorial, but it did help me to make my mind up that I’m probably not going to use that text for either my TMA 3 or TMA 4.

I also spent a bit of time going through the TMA feedback I received. There were some really helpful points, particularly about where to focus my writing.

I now have more of a sense of what it means to be an English Literature student, but I still feel I have quite a restricted way of thinking about the texts we’re studying. I feel as if need to begin to look at the texts in a different or more creative way; in a way that I’m not yet doing. I feel as if I need to get away from an ‘engineering’ way of looking at what we’re studying. I feel that I’m doing okay, but not as well as I feel I could be. I’m hoping for a ‘penny drop’ moment, but I’m unsure about how to speed that up.

To procrastinate a bit more, I’m going to see if there are any audio or video materials about Gulliver’s Travels and the letters on the module website, and then I’m going to go back to my day job. I’ve a lot to do.

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Christopher Douce

UML Sequence Diagram goose-chase

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Over the last couple of months, I’ve been updating block 2 of the TM354 module materials as a part of a module refresh. This has meant I’ve had to reacquaint myself with the Unified Modelling Language (UML), which I first learnt as a postgraduate student. I went onto use UML for a short time when I worked as a software developer in industry. It’s a really useful tool; it provides a neat graphical language that helps software engineers to communicate with each other when put pen to whiteboard.

UML describes the structure of a number of diagrams. To explain everything very coarsely, there are two main types of diagrams: structural diagrams (which describes what something is), and behavioural diagrams (which describes what something does).

Introducing the sequence diagram

One of the behavioural diagrams is a sequence diagram, which is a ‘type of’ interaction diagram. A sequence diagram can show what messages can be passed between which modules at a particular moment in time.

Objects are presented using something called lifelines. Messages that are sent between objects are presented using arrows. There is a special type of message, which is called a create message, which (unsurprisingly) creates a new object, which is depicted as an object with a new lifeline.

Books and tools

One of my ‘go to’ books is UML Distilled (OU Library). I have a 2nd edition copy of the physical book, but more recently I’ve been referring to the 3rd edition which I can access through the OU library.

A tool I’ve started to use is Visual Paradigm (which is also used in M814 Software Engineering, the postgraduate module). Visual Paradigm enables me to draw UML diagrams, including sequence diagrams pretty easily.

Sequence diagrams can depict the creation of new objects, by the creation of a new lifeline. UML Distilled says that a ‘solid’ line is used. Visual Paradigm, on the other hand, insists on using a ‘dashed line’. After an hour of fighting with Visual Paradigm, and uncovering some relevant documentation, it would not relent. 

Which one is correct?

Digging into the standard

After a bit of digging, I discovered that someone else has been asking the same question (Stackoverflow).

One of the replies directed me to the UML 2.51 specification (PDF).

Page 577 contains the following line: ‘An object creation Message (messageSort equals createMessage) has a dashed line with an open arrow head.’

My conclusion? Visual Paradigm implements a more recent version of the UML language than is described in my textbook.


Does all this matter? Yes, and no. It depends on how you use UML.

If you use sequence to occasionally figure out what is happening within a nest of objects, drawing informal diagrams for either yourself or other developers that you work with, it won’t matter whether you use dashed or solid lines.

If you apply UML in a more formal way, it might matter.

My own view is that I prefer the solid lines. I’m more familiar with dashed lines showing the return control flow from objects. On the other hand, a different line highlights a ‘special’ function, of which object creation is one of these. 

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Christopher Douce

A quick look at the QAA benchmarks

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Sunday, 19 Jan 2025, 18:05

In an earlier blog article, I described the structure of an undergraduate honours degree in terms of academic credits (or points). Degrees are organised into modules, and modules attract credit. To gain a degree you need 360 credits.

I am sometimes asked the following question: ‘is a degree from a brick university the same as a degree from the OU?’ The answer is, ‘of course it is’. A related question is, of course, ‘who defines what goes into a degree that makes them the same?’ 

This is where the QAA comes in. QAA, an abbreviation for the Quality Assurance Agency (for Higher Education) is a government quango (a quasi-non-governmental organisation) that defines what goes into a degree. Academics who are writing and delivering modules, and external examiners who help to maintain academic standards all need to know about QAA Benchmark Statements.

Here’s a definition of what they are, taken from the QAA website: “Subject Benchmark Statements describe the nature of study and the benchmark academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas, and in respect of particular qualifications. They provide a picture of what graduates in a particular subject might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their course or programme.”

What follows is a mild ‘deep dive’ into a couple of subjects: Computing (which I’m involved with teaching), and English Literature (which I’m currently studying). If you are not interested in either of these, you can still find your own subject by having a rummage through the QAA website. An interesting activity would be to see how the learning outcomes for the module that you are tutoring are expressed on the QAA website.

I begin with computing, looking at computer science. I then move to look at Artificial Intelligent (AI) and then software engineering (which is a module I have some responsibility for), before looking at any accompanying QAA guidance that relates to project modules. This is followed by a contrasting look at English. I conclude with some reflections. To give you a good idea of what is contained within the QAA materials, I’m taking liberty of quoting extensively.


The QAA Computing benchmark statements are presented in two documents: a summary document (the basics), and a more detailed subject statement. At the time of writing, both documents were dated March 2022.

I began by looking at ‘the basics’ document. The purpose of a computing degree is to gives students “the opportunity to explore creative and dynamic technologies” and to “improve their employment prospects in a rapidly evolving global digital skills economy” (p.3). I was also drawn to a comment about assessment, which includes varied methods that are accessible to all students. Assessments should be authentic and tied to real-world contexts and constraints, allowing students to practically demonstrate the skills they have developed” (p.2).

Turning to the larger document, IEEE and ACM computing curricula (1.2, p.3). Before digging to the ACM curriculum and important subtopics within computing, below is a summary of points from the first three sections of the statement that struck me as being interesting and important. 

  • Sustainability is to be addressed throughout the curriculum. The curriculum should make students aware of ‘the resource consumption of massive data centres used for cloud computing, and more generally, the environmental costs of both building hardware to support computing and disposing of electronic waste’ (1.16, p.6).
  • On the topic ‘content, structure and delivery’, ‘educators should consider the balance between subject-specific and transferable skills development between educational and workforce requirements as courses are developed and maintained’ (3.4., p.15). In other words, learning activities should help students to develop skills that are useful in the workplace.
  • On the topic of pedagogy, ‘teaching should encourage students to reflect, evaluate, select, justify, communicate and be innovative in their problem-solving; and prepare them to become adaptable independent learners throughout their lifelong learner-earner journey.’ (3.9, p.16)
  • On the topic of defining what is to be learnt, computing ‘curriculum will define the knowledge students will gain and the course learning outcomes indicate the areas in which graduates will have knowledge competence or capability.’ (3.12, p.17)
  • Computing is also a practical subject: ‘[t]he hardware and software resources available should facilitate a practical approach to the delivery of the course’ (3.13, p.17). 

Section 4 of the document summarises the benchmark standards, which are divided into the following areas: subject knowledge, understanding and skills, intellectual skills, computational problem solving, practical skills across the computing lifecycle, interpersonal and team working, and professional practice. The professional practice topic includes the importance of working with a legal and ethical framework, understanding the important of equality, diversity and inclusion, and sustainability.

Three levels of attainment are outlined: threshold (students must demonstrate a requisite understanding to get a pass), typical (students should demonstrate a sound understanding), excellent (students are to show an exceptional understanding, showing an ability to be creative and innovative).

Curricula summaries

Appendix 3 of the benchmark statement shares some further guidance about what should go in computer science degrees. Educators should be aware of the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) curricula recommendationsFrom here, it is possible to find your way to a digital book, Computer Science Curricula 2023 by Kumar et al. (2023) which was published in January 2024. It is useful to note that the document summarises ‘core’ and ‘non-core’ subjects. 

There are connections between the subject of computing and related named degrees, such as artificial intelligence and software engineering, which are sketched below. This is followed by a brief summary about the importance and significance of project work.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be a named degree, but the QAA does not publish its own benchmark statement that is specific to AI. Instead, at the time of writing, it falls under the subject of computing. 

In the ACM 2023 Computer Science curriculum, AI is covered from pages 65 to 86. Two notable points summarise some recent changes: ‘importance of understanding and assessing the broader societal impacts and implications of AI methods and applications, including issues in AI ethics, fairness, trust, and explainability’ and ‘there are explicit goals to develop basic AI literacy and critical thinking in every computer science student’ (p.66).

Important AI topics include searching (for solutions), the use of heuristics, knowledge representation, machine learning, applications and (as mentioned) the societal impact of AI. Machine learning is a significant topic since it can relate to different approaches, and highlights the importance of working with data. Other areas (which are currently considered non-core) includes natural language processing, robotics, and computer vision.

Software engineering

Software engineering, like AI, can be a named degree. Appendix 3 of the QAA benchmark standard (p.34), contains a useful summary of software engineering, suggesting that students need to understand:

  • problem definition, specification (including formal specification), design, implementation (including debugging) and maintenance, software testing, change management and documentation;
  • cybersecurity, including information security, and safety-critical systems;
  • understanding risk, reliability and scalability of the range of possible options and an appreciation of design trade-offs.  (QAA Computing Subject Benchmark Statement, 2022, p.34)

ACM offers some specific guidance about Software engineering courses, specifically SE2014 Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Software EngineeringIn the recent 2023 ACM curriculum book software engineering is covered on pages 237 to 254. Topics that courses should cover includes teamwork, tools, requirements (functional and non-function, which can include sustainability), design, software construction, software refactoring, software reliability, and formal methods. It is interesting to note that formal methods has now been relegated to being a ‘non-core’ subject, which reflects both current trends and practices.

Another source of guidance for educators is something called the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, which is also known as the SWEBOK. The most recent version, SWEBOK V4 was made available towards the end of 2024

Computing projects

When I was an undergraduate in computing in the 1990s, I had to do a computing project towards the end of my degree. The OU’s named Computing degree is formally accredited by the British Computer Society (BCS). This means that students must complete a project to gain a specific named degree.

The QAA benchmark guidance offers comments on the notion of a project in paragraph 3.19: “[c]omputing courses often conclude with a capstone activity, which brings together knowledge and practical and analytical skills that learners have developed throughout the course. This may take the form of a traditional project or end-point assessment, but other formats can be appropriate, whether research or practice-led” (p.18). Students who are studying on degree apprentices will work on a project that integrates together professional practice and independent study. 

The 2023 ACM curriculum book also offers a bit of guidance about projects, suggesting that ‘many of the fundamental topics of software engineering are best experienced in a hands-on fashion’ (p.238) whilst also emphasising the importance of feedback.

English Literature

The QAA benchmark standard for English was published in 2023

It shares the following characteristics of an English degree:

  • 'English involves the study of language, literature and the practice of creative writing’ (p.3)
  • ‘The study of language, of literary and cultural works, and the production of critical and creative work, enable students to interpret and interrogate past and present cultures, to anticipate their future transformations, and to enhance their ability to understand themselves, other people and our shared world.’ (p.3)
  • English graduates should be able to: read critically, analyse texts, reflect critically, develop persuasive interpretations, articulate an understanding of complex texts, communicate, and apply a scholarly approach.

Just like the computing benchmark standards, there are three levels: threshold, typical, and excellent (p.14). To gain a pass, students must meet the threshold level. The benchmark is split into categories: generic skills; subject knowledge; understanding of EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion), access, sustainability and entrepreneurship.

Subject the subject knowledge is understandably quite descriptive, highlighting the importance of close reading of texts, helping students appreciate that different texts can carry multiple meanings, help students to understand the ‘rhetorical properties of texts’ (p.16), including pre-1800 texts, and how culture of the time would have influenced the production of texts. 

When looking through the benchmark standard, the following struck me as both interesting and important:

  • ‘English courses often link literature, language or creative practice to sustainability and environmental challenges through exploring the relationship between humans and the natural environment across different periods and discourses, and between different modes and genres of writing. Ecocriticism places the environment at the centre of its interpretative focus.’ (1.15, p.5)
  • ‘Creativity is fundamental to all aspects of English. Students of English demonstrate open-mindedness, initiative and independent thinking, as well as abilities in innovation, problem-solving and solution finding.’ (1.21, p.6)
  • ‘The subject of English enhances the critical and analytic thinking that is crucial for enterprise and entrepreneurship, by encouraging curiosity, questioning, observation, pattern recognition, and problem identification.’ (1.22, p.6)

Unlike the computing subject benchmarks, there are no detailed appendices that provide pointers to other curriculum summaries.


This has become more than a ‘quick’ look at QAA. To prepare this blog, I actually had about three goes of looking through it and reflecting on it before compiling this post.

There are some clear similarities and differences between the computing and English standards. Beginning with computing, I felt the QAA guidance tries to offer a balance of providing sufficient detail to be useful, whilst at the same time offering pointers to organisations which are able to offer a more comprehensive summary of the state of the curriculum in a fast moving field.

I was struck by the extent to which sustainability was emphasised, and I was impressed that it provided pointers toward helpful papers. When digging further into the computing curricula reports, I was struck that computing history is considered to be non-core. Computing clearly has an history, and understanding of how things are they way they are is important to understanding computing practices and tools.

Turning to English, the benchmark statement felt more complete, but I don’t think that should come as a surprise. It was striking was that nothing was mentioned about the canon; texts that are broadly recognised as being significant and worthy of study. This said, the standard wasn’t specific to English literature. This begs the question: do English academics have more of a free reign to choose texts? I have heard of instances where lecturers and students have worked together to study texts that they themselves identify as important.

There are clear points of similarity. There is the importance of skills, knowledge and critical thinking. Both subjects emphasise the importance of academic practice; what it means to study the respective subjects at a degree level.

It is interesting to see close reading emphasised in the English benchmark; it is certainly emphasised within the modules that I have been studying. Computing students have to do close reading too. Rather than analysing novels and poems, computing students need to analyse code. Code has, of course, two audiences: the machine, and software engineers working within the culture in which the software exists. There’s another important similarity, which is perhaps emphasised more in the English degree than it is in the computing degree: the importance of creativity. To get things done, computing students need to study a range of sources (different software components) and combine them together in creative ways.

So, what have I learnt from all this? I now know that the benchmark standards have a consistent structure, and I’ve given myself even more curriculum guidance to look through. I’m going to assume that’s a good thing.


I have drawn on the QAA subject benchmarks statements extensively in this post. They are worth spending a bit of time looking at. This article has been written as a part of an eSTEeM project about tutor practice.

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Christopher Douce

Introduction to Digital Accessibility Compliance

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On 14 January 25 I went to a STEM Professional development event that was pitched as an introduction to digital accessibility compliance. Although I felt that I already felt that I knew quite a bit about accessibility (after being employed on an OU accessibility project, and tutoring on an accessibility module for a good few years), I thought it might be useful to go along to make sure that my knowledge is as up to date as possible.

What follows are some key points that I noted down during the session, along with a few additional related points that appeared in my inbox the following morning. In writing this blog, I offer a perspective, and thoughts drawn from study and previous experience. These notes present a personal interpretation rather than a summary of what was presented.

OU students

I made a note that there are 36k students who are studying with the university who have declared a disability, but this number might be higher, since there isn’t a requirement to disclose. 

The university must be anticipatory, which means that it must be proactively prepared to provide support for disabled students. Some early points of the session included the importance of the social model of disability. This is the notion that people are disabled through society rather than a specific impairment. This is a principle that should guide responses. It is also important to consider disability and accessibility holistically; it is necessary to build in accessibility by design.

Since started as a tutor, I have noticed a change to the disability profiles that are shared. This is information available to tutors to help them understand the needs of students; they are now a lot more detailed than they ever be. 

I learnt that student accessibility profiles draw upon six categories of profile that have been based on real people. A point that was emphasised is that profiles are different from personas, for the reason that every student is different.

Legislation and standards

A number of pieces of legislation were mentioned: the Equality Act, public sector bodies regulations, and EU legislation.

In terms of standards, there is WCAG, of which there are different versions, and different levels of compliance. The university currently aims to gain the ‘AA’ level of compliance, the current benchmark, for WCAG 2.2.

Here is an important new bit that I took away from this session; there is a new standard, WGAG 3, which is a working draft as of 12 December 2024.

Digging a bit further, there is a simple abbreviation which gets to the essence of what WGAG is all about: POUR, which is short for Previable, Operable, Understandable and Robust.

Development and support

Another important point I took away was that accessibility takes time, effort, patience and expertise. One of the things that was emphasised in the module that I was a tutor on was the importance of a community of practice (CoP). Put simply, a community of practice is a group of people who know how to do stuff. A community of practice can facilitate peer support and sharing of expertise, and can help to empower others who are involved in the provision of accessibility.

It was interesting to hear about changes. Accessibility support used to be provided through a team in the Institute of Educational Technology, but this has moved to the Accessibility and User Experience (AUE) team. There is something called the OU accessibility champions network (which is an internal site) which facilitates sessions for advocacy, learning and networking.

It was also interesting to hear about something called the Accessibility Compliance Toolkit (ACT), which is another internal resource. It provides a set of ten tests, and offers help with how to provide a basic accessibility statement. At this point, I remembered another toolkit that can be helpful for module development: the university’s inclusive curriculum toolkit.

Related points

I'm fairly technical. It was good to be reminded of the challenges that accompany the ensuring of the accessibility of non-written notation, such as mathematics (and programming languages). It was also useful (and interesting) to hear different screen readers mentioned, such as Jaws and NVDA which is used to test OU materials.

On the morning that I was about to collate these notes, I was sent a reminder by the OU library services to tutors about services and resources that are available for students. Tutors were reminded to make students aware of the alternative versions of module materials that are available on module website, which are available in the Resources/Download section of every module website.

It was through this email that I learnt of a service I had never heard of before. If ever there is the need to convert one digital learning resources into another form, the library provides a service called SensusAccess (OU Library), where students can upload files, and specify an output format.

As a related aside, I use an Amazon Kindle for study. Like so many tablets, it contains some useful accessibility features (I’m increasingly having to increase the size of the reading font; it’s connection with audio books is quite helpful too). Earlier this year I wrote a short blog post about a Kindle feature that facilitates the conversion of PDFs into a form that is more native to a Kindle.

A point is, of course, that everyone’s needs are different, which means that everyone will use digital media and conversion tools differently.


Over the last couple of months, I’ve been editing module materials. As I’m working through everything, I’m regularly returning to the important theme of accessibility. A question that was posed in this session was: are there any quick wins? When it comes to module materials, the recommendation is to break down an update into stages.

In turn, I’m thinking of how to provide UML diagrams in accessible formats, enabling students are able to interact with them, and manipulate them. This also provides advantages for everyone; it helps students to potentially gain experience of using of digital tools. There are two different tools: a free tool, and a trial version of a commercial product. I’ve been working with the commercial product, but the free tool might be the way to go. When I’m through with updating the text of the module, and I know what diagrams are remaining, I need to do some experiments, with the notation, and also using a screen reader.

I’m concluding with three points: what remains important, what has been updated, and what is new to me. The social model of disability remains important. WCAG has been updated; I need to have a look at WCAG 2.2 and see what version 3 is all about. What is new to me is new(ish) university structures that support accessibility.

It’s now time that I return to module, TMA and exam editing. It’s all go at the moment.


Many thanks for Jade Matos Carew who presented the session with help from Victoria Pearson.

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Christopher Douce

Reading Shakespeare with a ChatBot

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I’ve had to read quite a few plays during my study of A334 English literature from Shakespeare to Austen I have found that some plays are easier to read than others; it really does depend on how much I know something about them.

One play I’ve enjoyed reading is Hamlet. To help with my study of the text, I tried an experiment. Could I get an AI chat bot to read Hamlet with me? After a conversation with a friend, I tried Pi, a general purpose chatbot.

We’ve been studying the Arden edition of Hamlet, which is an annotated version of the Q2 edition (if you know about these things). To keep things simple, I focussed on the very start of the play, where Barnardo and Francisco have a chat about keeping watch.

Using my mobile phone and a headset, I told Pi that I would play the role of Barnardo, and that Pi (who I configured to have a male voice) should play the role of Francisco. Pi insisted on saying ‘Francisco says…’, which was really annoying. After a bit of persuasion, Pi agreed just to immediately move onto the next line in the text after I had finished my line.

Although I was initially hopeful that I could have a cool digital performance buddy, things fell apart very quickly; ‘Francisco’ began to say lines that were not in the Q2 edition. Responding to this, I patiently explained which edition I was using, and Pi said something like, ‘okay, I understand, I’ll use the Q2 edition’.

We started again… and it all fell apart. Pi started to speak the wrong lines again.

Knowing that AI models have drawn on resources such as Project Guttenberg, I tried it out on a different play, using a version that we could both have access to: the Project Guttenberg version of Julius Caesar. Out of curiosity, I asked it to speak Mark Antony’s famous speech about Brutus being an honest man.

My reason for asking this was simple: perhaps Pi could be a helpful accessibility tool, and may help me to work through passages of bits of texts that I might have trouble with.

Pi refused. It didn’t want to read the speech for me. It told me that it wasn’t designed to help me in that way.

All this messing about with AI chatbots does beg some interesting questions. To what extent could it be possible to create a digital tool to help with the performance of play texts? I didn’t get too far with the use of a general purpose AI chat bot. My guess is that it would be better to tool that is specific to the problem. I have in my mind something where you could give different voices to different roles. Alternatively, the tool could play real recorded human voices too.

My questions are: what bits of technology could help to do this? There are speech recognition APIs and speech generation APIs. How might it be possible to create the middle bit? How could the idea of virtual actors be used in live performance, or to help to prepare for live performance?

I'm pretty sure there must be something like a text annotation language, to specify how a fragment of text should be read, i.e. whether something should be read slowly, or quickly, or in a friendly tone, or in an angry hurried manner.

Collaborators welcome.

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Christopher Douce

Applying for a Computing and Communications doctoral scholarship

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Tuesday, 7 Jan 2025, 21:27

Towards the end of last year, I shared a link that advertised PhD Studentships in Computer Science, Information Technology and Software Engineering with the OU school of Computing and Communications. This short blog posts shares some pointers to anyone who is considering applying.

The advert directs you to a summary of Current PhD topics and studentships.

The page is split into a couple of sections. The section at the top summarises funded PhD projects and scholarships and the second bit summarises a loose set of topics that can be supported by potential supervisors. A topic that is featured on this second part of the page isn’t the same as a PhD project. To be considered for a scholarship, and to apply to be a PhD student within the school, applicants need to develop a topic into a proposal, and one of the aims of the project is to identify (and articulate) a set of clear research questions.

Another important part of the advert is the sentence: “You are strongly advised to identify a potential project and supervisor before submitting a formal application.”

There are a few reasons for this:

  • Applying for a scholarship is competitive. At the time of writing, there is only one funded vacancy within the school a year. Not only do you have to pass an interview where your suitability for postgraduate study is considered by a panel, your potential supervisor needs to advocate for both you and your project. In other words, you need to find an academic to make the case, to other academics, why your project idea is the best and why you deserve the funding. Having taken the time to speak with an academic about your subject will help them to understand more about you and your project.
  • To find out whether we share research interests. Computing is a broad subject, since it touches on so many different aspects of human activity. As well as being a technical subject, it can sometimes be thought of as a humanities subject (depending on who you speak to, of course). Subsequently, it’s really important to find out whether you and your potential lead supervisor share a passion about a topic. If there are common interests, and you pass your interview, your potential supervisor will advocate for you as best as they can.
  • A doctoral research project takes a long time. Let’s say you’ve made contact with a potential supervisor (whose name is mentioned on the topics page), an important question is: do you seem to get on with each other? The reason why this is important is that a doctorate takes a lot of time; it is likely to be a significant part of your early career. Whilst sharing of academic interests is really important, so is personal chemistry. Do you feel you’re able to ask questions of them easily? Has your potential supervisor answered all your questions clearly and carefully?

Also, do take the time to look at the MPhil and PhD application process page. Pay particular attention to the proposal section of the page. If you have identified a potential supervisor, there may well be a bit of time to work with an academic to help to refine and develop and application before it is submitted. At the time of writing, the deadline for this year’s scholarship is 24th January 2025.

The following page shares more about the writing of a doctoral Research project proposal.

Before going further, I do recommend that you look at some of the following blog articles that offer some helpful guidance:

Do feel free to reach out to any of the friendly academics who work within the school. I’m sure they will reply as soon as they’re able to do so.

When you are ready, send them a draft of your doctoral proposal. They should be able to offer you some helpful guidance about how it may be improved or developed further; a clear project proposal is really important. The clearer your questions are, the stronger your proposal.

Good luck with your application!

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Christopher Douce

A334 Journal - December 2024

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Christopher Douce, Wednesday, 1 Jan 2025, 17:53

6 December 2024

My deadlines are getting out of hand; not only do I have to write a TMA, I also have to mark up to 20 TMAs. I’m obviously going to prioritise the marking and returning of TMAs for the students that I support over writing my own TMA. There are other things that I have to do, which is writing of exam questions and TMA scenarios for the module that I’m supporting. Plus, there is other life stuff going on too.

My tutor has been really generous with an extension, which I really appreciate. This said, I continue to feel as if I’m getting behind. I also feel that I’m not going to have much time to get any reading done, due to the importance of doing my best to support others.

Part-time study is hard. I always knew this.

What am I going to do?

I’m going to double down on my marking; I’m going to work hard to get some time back.

14 December 2024

I’ve turned my marking around, I’ve got stuck into editing some module materials, and have been supporting those who are around me.

All this has taken me away from the module materials for over a week, and I need to get my head back into the Hamlet space. This weekend is TMA writing, which I’m going to mix up with a bit of cycling, and also a bit of TMA marking (two more scripts have come in over the last couple of days).

I’m beginning the day by making notes, and remembering where I was. By the end of the day, I hope to have identified a number of passages to draw on. If all goes well, I hope to submit in 4 days’ time, which is a lot earlier than my extension.

I have a vague plan over Christmas, which is to try and begin to read the Turkish Ambassador’s letters, but there’s a possibility I might well get distracted by cooking and mince pies.

17 December 2024

Well, my TMA 2 has gone in. I don’t think it’s the best thing I’ve ever written, and there’s a part of me that feels that it isn’t really what the module team was looking for. This said, I think I’ve done a fair job at answering the question.

I’m troubled by two things. The first is that I don’t think I’ve analysed the text as closely as I feel I ought to have done. I have picked out various key bits, and related these to comments from critics, but I don’t think I’ve gone into enough detail about the literary forms and structures. On the subject of critics, I don’t feel as if I’ve got them talking to each other as I would have liked. What I mean is that I don’t feel like I’m positioning myself in the middle of a debate. Perhaps this is something that comes with practice.

I have a vague plan for this morning; to have a quick look at the module website to find out where I supposed to be, and then to look at what I ought to be reading over the Xmas break. I know there are two sections that have passed me by: Donne and Spencer. When I’ve done this, it is back to my day job: editing TMAs and module materials.

Final comment of the day: I’ve looked at the module materials, and I’ve eyeballed the all the remaining TMA questions, as well as the EMA. I think I’m going to quite like TMA 3. TMA 4 looks worrying, but TMA 5, which is about Austen looks like a nightmare. I quite like the EMA, though. I need to choose some texts to base it on.

I’ve got such a lot to do. I need to sort myself out.

18 December 2024

I’ve just watched Simon Schama’s John Donne. A fabulous documentary. I really appreciated the setting; the scenes of trapped office workers, working in offices that were said to be close by the former site of the Fleet Prison. I feel another field trip coming on. This time, a trip to Bread Street, which I might have visited once before. My Kindle is charged, ready for a trip to a hospital reception area, to pick up my reading when I get there.

Back from my visit. It’s been quite a productive day in terms of reading. I’ve been through all the poems in Chapter 8, and it looks like I have two tutorials to catch up on; one that was about Petrarchan poetry, and another about TMA writing (which I missed).

In terms of what I’ve been through today, I recognised one of Donne’s poems, but I have no idea when I first came across it – it might have been a tutor development event; I honestly can’t remember. I quite like the sonnets of Samuel Daniel, but there’s a part of me that want to tell him to ‘get a grip’ and stop being so dramatic.

Looking ahead, to book 2, there’s a lot more poetry to get through. The next section is going to be pretty racy.

19 December 2024

I’ve listened to the tutorial recording about Petrarchan poetry, and I’ve sped through the Write Now tutorial. I feel as if I’ve now caught up a bit, but Spencer remains a bit of a mystery. I’m making a practical decision to not spend any more time looking at The Faerie Queene – it really doesn’t appeal.

The Write Now tutorial was useful, even though I listened to it after having written everything. A worry that I do have is that my essay might have a structure that is over complicated, and I may have covered too much of Hamlet. After having a quick look at it, I’ve decided not to worry. I think it’s okay. I think I know what mark I would give myself, and I would be really pleased if it was higher.

I’ve not got the racy block 2. Instead, I’ve got to return to the marking of TMAs, which is an occupational hazard. I then need to write a few more blog posts to share a bit more material for a project that relates to TM470.

I also need to do a bit of Xmas shopping.

I haven’t done any more Xmas shopping, but I have been listening to (and reading) some of the poems in chapter 1, book 2. Oh, my days…

23 December 2024

My TMA results came back in super quick time. Kudos to my tutor for turning the results around just before the Christmas break. I’m happy with my score (although obviously I would have liked to get a few more marks).

I’m managing to find a few hours here and there. I’ve not been specifically studying the module materials, but I’ve been finding resources that connect to the module materials.

Last night I watched a production to the bawdy play The Country Wife (YouTube). I remember reading a very short discussion in the text notes which considers its genre. It’s certainly a comedy! The characters are ridiculous. This summary I tried to read the play without either listening to or watching a production, or having the useful notes from the start of the set text. My imagination just wasn’t up to it.

In the early hours of one morning, trying to get to sleep, I discovered an In Our Time episode that was about the life of Thomas Wyatt who was covered towards the end of block 1. I listened to quite a bit of it before dropping off. I’ve noted it here, so I know to go back to it. Another poet that I’ve found from Block 1 is Lady Mary Wroth; another programme which is worth listening to.

Turning to the early chapters of Block 2, to complement Simon Schama’s documentary, there’s also this programme about John Donne, which I need to listen to.

Continuing my searching, I’ve discovered a programme about the life of Aphra Behn, a poet, playwright, novelist and spy. I really want to read her biography. There’s hasn’t been a biopic made about her. I feel there should be. The podcast mentions actress Nell Gwyn. I’ve heard of Gwyn, but I don’t know anything about her. There is an episode about Gwynfrom a series called You’re Dead to Me.

Reading through the list of poets in books 2, there are programmes about Thomas Campion (The Early Music Show); Campion being a composer as well as a poet. There’s also a programme on Richard Herrick (Omnibus). There is, of course, an episode of In Our Time about Christopher Marlowe.

There’s a programme about Marvell’s To His Coy Mistress; one from a programme called Free Thinking.  .

Looking a bit further ahead, there’s an episode of In Our Time that relates to The Arabian Nights'. There’s also an audio book version of Gulliver’s Travels. Although there isn’t an audio clip that covers the life of Swift, there is a different episode of In Our Time that explores Swift’s A Modest Proposal .

29 December 2024

Over the last couple of days, I’ve been reading Tartuffe. I quite liked it. I found it an easier read than the block text which summarised the different acts. I found another summary online, and listened a couple of podcasts about it. I guess this all counts as independent study, right?

A couple of days earlier, I had a quick look at the next TMA; there has also been a bit of chat on the WhatApp group about it. I’m not quite sure what option I’m going to do, or what texts I’m going to draw on, but it is really early days.

My objective for today is to get an overview of the online module materials to see what texts might be useful. I’ll also have a delve into any accompanying audio or video recordings.

I had a look through the independent study options for week 12. It looks like that in quite an unstructured way I’ve already done bits and pieces: I’ve listened to an audio recording, have read the introduction to the set text, read a biography of Molière and have read a review of a contemporary (2018) production. I looked for a video of a production through Drama Online, but I couldn’t find anything. Instead, I found a 1983 RSC production on a popular video streaming site, and I was immediately struck by the difference in the translation between the text and the play.

I realised I hadn’t looked at the week 11 independent study options. The suggestions were to look at the poetry of Suckling and Lovelace, find out more about Hobbes and Leviathan, read more about Aphra Behn (from where I discovered a summary of her works) and to practice one’s close readings skills.

Looking forward, there’s audio recordings for The Country Wife (which I need to have a listen to), the chapters on the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, Gulliver’s Travels, and The Turkish Embassy Letters all before the next TMA. Remembering the TMA question, I think I already know what direction I’m going to move to, but everything will depend on the tutorials.

Back to my proper study (rather than this ‘messing about’) I need to go through the Wycherley chapter pretty sharpish.

30 December 2024

I’ve read the chapter about Wycherley, but I need to go over it again.

I’ve realised that I don’t have the set text for the Arabian Nights, so I’ve downloaded a copy for my Kindle (since the chapter suggested that I should read the introduction of the set text). I hate ordering things from Amazon.

Talking of Amazon, I’ve noticed something weird about the OU ePubs that I’m using on my Kindle Scribe. I can add handwritten notes to my ePub version of books 1 and 3, but I can only save ‘text notes’ (by using a virtual keyboard) in book 2. It must be something to do with the format that is used.

Here’s a summary of the independent study options for Wycherley: read the introduction of the set text (which I’ve partially done), read two articles about restoration theatre, read another libertine play (which looks like an interesting option), and read some criticism. Although I shouldn’t really jump ahead too far, my task for today is to read the introduction of the Arabian Nights, and to go through the accompanying material that is on the module website.

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Christopher Douce

Software Matters: Some thoughts on software engineering TM470 projects

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Friday, 3 Jan 2025, 17:23

On 16 December 2024, I went to a lecture that was given by Professor Bashar Nuseibeh, Head of the OU Software Engineering and Design (SEaD) Research Group, with Alexis Lansbury, TM470 module chair.

What follows is a set of notes that I made during his presentation, which I have edited together into a blog summary which may be helpful for students who are either currently studying TM470 or may be considering studying TM470. The headings that I share are directly from Bashar’s presentation. I have taken the liberty of paraphrasing his points and sharing my own interpretations.

Opening remarks

Bashar opened with some striking remarks. I noted down the following words: “the project is the most exciting thing you can do in your degree; it changed my career” and “it allowed me to put a lot of different things together; I owned the project and what I wanted to do”. Since the project is all about developing what you already know and taking it further, the project “may help you to decide if you really enjoy computing, and what direction to take your skills”.

Bashar offered a further interesting personal reflection: “I discovered that computer systems engineering wasn’t for me; I preferred software rather than hardware”.

What follows is a perspective on software and software research. In particular, there is a summary of the different types of computing research that has been carried out in the school. The idea for sharing a research perspective is simple: if you are looking for an idea for a research project, you might get some ideas from the different types of computing research project that OU academics have been involved with. Bashar also said he would share some tips about how to carry out a project.

Part 1: Software without boundaries

Bashar opened with an important point: software permeates all our lives. Software engineers have the potential to affect the world in different ways, and we have to be responsible in terms of what tools we build, and how those tools are built.

From this starting point Bashar began to share a summary about the evolution of software engineering. Historically, software was considered to be an artefact. Linked to this, there are some key questions: who are we engineering it for, and what is our software to do? This led to the realisation that software requirements are actually pretty important.

There are other questions that we need to ask, such as ‘what kind of world do we want?’ This is an important question since software has an effect on the world. There are implications on users, communities, society and also the environment. When we build software, we also need to ask, ‘is this the kind of software that we really want?’ A related question is, of course, ‘is our software affecting our lives in a way that we care about?’ This question is particularly appropriate and relevant to social media software and products, for example. Software isn’t only about computation; it’s about the way that we live, and the world that we want.

A useful reflection that wasn’t in Bashar’s lecture is that software is, of course, a technology. Any technology can be used for good, or for ill: it can be used to avoid food waste, or it can be used to share fake news stories. Returning to Bashar’s points, if you want to build software for society, it is important to think about that society.

It is also important that software to be adaptable and changeable. In other words, software needs be malleable. In my own experience, work practices (and societal requirements) can change more quickly than software can. Within a complex world of systems that comprise of software and people (which is sometimes referred to as ‘socio-technical systems’) if things go wrong or don’t go as planned, we might not always know who is responsible.

If we consider and engage with society concerns, such as values, ethics and morality, we’re more able to anticipate more about requirements, the needs of users, and the impact of software on others – but we can’t anticipate for everything, so we need to ‘build for evaluation’, and evaluate what we build.

Part 2: TM470 Known knowns

This section was all about some of the key characteristics of Computing and IT project. I noted down the following key points. The Computing and IT project is:

  • An opportunity to test, improve and demonstrate what you have learnt.
  • An opportunity to personalise your learning.
  • Explore what you have learnt can change the world around you for a better.
  • An opportunity to challenge the materials that you have read; computing is a fast moving discipline.
  • An opportunity to enjoy yourself!

What characterises a TM470 project?

An alternative title for this section could be: what makes for a good TM470 project?

  • There is a clear problem that needs to be solved: it shouldn’t be too narrow, and how will you know if you have solved it.
  • Computing is an applied discipline, so it should have a strong practical context.
  • Your problem can be solved by applying Computing and IT.
  • There will be aspects of planning, evaluation and revision; there might be elements of your project (or produce) design that could be extended.

It is easy to define a project that has a very wide scope. Practically speaking, you should always break your problem down into smaller steps. If your project is managed incrementally, you can add to it at a later point.

If your project was too ambitious, remember that you are only assessed on your project report, and in this report, there will be an opportunity to write about how our project was planned (and what changes you might have made) and share a reflective summary (about what you learnt).

Do remember to refer to some key resources: module and subject resources which you can find on the module website, and the project choice forum, which you can used to gain advice from a tutor before you start work on your project.

Types of projects

The module materials describe three main types of projects, development projects, research projects, and evaluation projects. Practically speaking, a project will contain elements from each of these categories. 

A number of active verbs can describe the work that you do within your project: investigating, developing, evaluating and comparing. 

Depending on the exact aim of your project, you could also add the social and practical context to your project to explain why there is the need for something and why you are doing what you are doing.

Identifying your project topic

Here are some useful tips when considering a project topic:

  • Play to your strengths; throughout your project you should have some idea what you are good at, and what you enjoy.
  • Build in a challenge to your project; identify something you can get your teeth into.
  • Imagine a client; think of someone who might use it – you might even want to define some user personas and some accompanying scenarios.
  • Consider your academic objectives; what are you going to extend your knowledge of (and how will you show you have done this)?
  • Consider defining success criteria; how will you know when you have solved your problem?
  • Be ethical and inclusive; inclusivity could be even a topic for your entire project.

Part 3: Software engineering and design group

The final part of the lecture was to give everyone a flavour of the different types of software and software engineering research that takes place within the school.

Broadly speaking, research can be split between technical domains and application domains.

Technology topics can include, and have included: adaptation and autonomy, security and privacy, machine learning, responsible software engineering. Programming languages, software architectures, empirical studies of software development.

Application topics: health and wellbeing, policing, responsible technology, aviation and aerospace, social good and sustainability.

Taking a wider perspective, the OU also has something called a Digital Humanities Research group, which has members from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, and the Knowledge Media Institute.

Closing points

Bashar concluded by sharing the following concise, but helpful points:

  • Own it - and enjoy it.
  • Frame it - consider the context of use; consider the users, the communities and the society.
  • Build it - you need to have an applied computing component.
  • Reflect on it – writing about your project in terms of how you tackled it, and what you learnt will get you good marks.


I really liked the wide thought provoking perspective that was adopted in Bashar’s lecture, which speaks to the importance of ethics.

After working with software and being a computing educator for a couple of decades, I sometimes wring my hands and become anxious about the impact that my chosen discipline has on individuals, communities and societies.

The ‘computing’ genie, this magical machine of numbers, has escaped, and we’re perpetually finding new ways of doing things with these machines. In turn, these machines inherently reflect back to us our humanity. Software engineers have a responsibility to look further than just their machines, but also to consider the impact on others. The Computing and IT Project module enables consolidation of learning, but also enables the demonstration of how different perspectives are considered.


Many thanks to Bashar, Alexis, and also to the TM470 module team. Thanks are also extended to fellow TM470 tutors and TM470 students. Every year, they always inspire me with their work, problem solving, and solutions.

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Christopher Douce

A334 Journal - November 2024

Visible to anyone in the world

2 November 2024

It’s time to do a bit of catching up. I save all the email notifications about forum posts, and I put them in a separate folder. Before moving towards looking into the detail of the TMA question, I’m going through them all, just to get a sense of what they’re all about. Before making this post, I’ve made four short posts: a comment about The Spanish Tragedy (mostly saying that I don’t yet understand it), one about Julius Caesar, one saying something about Love’s Labour’s Lost, and another one about As You Like it. I really had to struggle to remember what happened in Love’s Labour’s Lost, but I remember adding some notes in the bit of the module website.

Our tutor has posted some FAQ notes, which are helpful. Some points that I’ve noted down are: look at the English Literature Toolkit for guidance about close reading, look the Renaissance Rhetoric document, the module glossary, the Oxford English Dictionary and some OpenLearn resources. The three resources that are relevant are: Approaching playsApproaching poetry and Approaching prose fiction.

5 November 2024

I’ve started to prepare for my TMA 1, albeit quite late. 

I’ve clicked through to the independent study, and I’ve looked at the suggested options: exploring a 2012 film adaptation (which I’ve watched whilst working through the module materials), read two critical essays (some suggestions are offered), something about Plutarch’s Lives (which are at the back of our set text), and the role of women in Julius Caesar. Although I’ve kind of done the first activity (but not really thought about the setting and direction much), I’m interested in the final activity. This said, what I’m probably going to do, is to quickly read through the introduction of the set text (I’m sure that alternative option is okay!)

Before I get there, I’m just going to remind myself by doing a quick re-read of Chapter 4: Julius Caesar and the shape of Shakespearian tragedy, and have a good look through the additional notes about Renaissance Rhetoric.

7 November 2024

Well, I think I’ve written a reasonable draft of my TMA. I compiled a whole lot of notes together when I was in London yesterday morning. I then continued my reading, writing, and editing this morning, from deepest Lincolnshire. 

Whilst on one hand, I have felt that this one has been a bit of a struggle, I quite enjoyed how it has all come together after putting in the groundwork. I’ve emailed a PDF to myself, so I can do some proofreading on my Kindle in the morning, before making some final edits.

There isn’t much of a break. The next TMA is due to be submitted by mid-December.

8 November 2024

Well, it has gone in. My first TMA for my first level 3 literature module.

I’ve looked ahead: the next chapter is all about Hamlet. I’ve eyeballed the independent study options, and whilst I might have a look at some other sources, I’m quite drawn to the activity of looking at the different versions of the text. At this point, more importantly, I need to make sure I get my head around the chapter of the module materials.

11 November 2024

Slightly worried the next deadline, I got stuck into Hamlet. I began with a video that I found on the module website, followed by a document that highlighted differences in one of Hamlet’s speeches. I then discovered an In Our Time Podcast which I thought was brilliant. The guests spoke about differences between the texts, and the different characters. I’m going to give it another listen. Now that we’ve done an exercise in close reading, I’m going to do my own exercise in close listening.

I’m up to act 4 of the set text, which is Q2, rather than the FF (if you know about this stuff; I didn’t know about this stuff until very recently). I’m surprised at how well I’m following it all. Looking back, I remember seeing two film versions of Hamlet (one with Laurence Olivier, another with Mel Gibson), a recording of an RSC performance, and a live performance in Catford. Each one was, of course, pretty different. A question I’m toying with is: why is there no clown? There are bits of the play which suggests that, perhaps, Hamlet is the clown? I should be done reading it in a couple of days. I’m actually reading it out loud to myself.

The side effect of all this is that I feel as if I’m now talking in iambic pentameter.

A final note for today: my tutor has sent a note encouraging me to start thinking about the EMA question, encouraging me to make notes whilst I do the various independent study option (I’ll share a top level summary of what I’m doing in this blog). It’s a useful reminder. I need to find a few moments to look at the EMA options.

16 November 2024

Catch up day. I’ve chosen independent study option 1 for chapter 5. To make it easy for myself, I’ve put the text in a Word document, adjusted the font to make it bigger, and I’ve emailed it to my Kindle, so I can read it a bit more easily; my eyes are getting old. Plus, I can scribble on it with a digital pen, which will help with understanding the text.

I’ve realised that I’ve already done independent study option for chapter 6: watch a production of Hamlet. You could say I’ve watched quite a few of them.

My plan for today: read The Story of Amleth by Saxo Grammaticus, read chapter 6 of the book, and look at both the TMA and the EMA question.

Okay, I’ve chosen which TMA option I’m going to go with, and I’ve had a first go at finding some sources. I’ve found about five so far. I’m going to email these to my Kindle and hope to read these over the week.

My final bit of work for the day: I know which EMA option I’m going to do. I just need to make a choice about which set texts to choose. There’s quite a bit of time between now and the end of May so I have a bit of time to choose, but I do know that there’s quite a bit of pace to it all.

I’m starting to feel a difference between level 2 and level 3 study. I have a feeling I’m going to puzzle over TMA 2 (and the EMA).

22 November 2024

I’ve fallen off the study train since I’ve had to focus on my day job, where I’ve been going through other module materials. This said, I have been to one interesting and related event; an annual digital humanities workshop, which was facilitated by some colleagues who have been involved with the writing of the modules I’ve been studying.

Yesterday I received my TMA 1 result. I’m pleased with it, but I would have liked a higher score. I’ll be really happy if I can keep this up, but I know it’s going to be a hard slog. There has been loads of chatter on the module WhatsApp group from other students about the return of their TMA results.

The biggest learning point I’m taking away from my TMA is: be more secure in your own opinions, and try to get different sources to play off against each other. Good advice, which I need to remember.

Before delving into my day job in a lot of depth, I’m going to listen to a tutorial that I missed. There was chatter on the WhatsApp forum about that too.

25 November 2024

I feel I’m making a bit of progress, in terms of starting to organise my thoughts for the next TMA. I’ve downloaded about four or five different papers that relate to the TMA theme, and I’ve scribbled on all of them using my Kindle Scribe (or whatever it is called). One of the papers offers a set of useful definitions which I can work with. Another paper articulates the exact same idea that I had about Hamlet. I guess that is encouraging, since that might suggest that I’m starting to think like a critic?

On Wednesday I may have a bit of time to transcribe my annotations and thoughts, so I can begin to order them. In doing this, I hope to crystalise my opinions.

I’m slightly behind on the module planner, but not too behind.

There are some rumours on the WhatApp group about what is in TMA 3. I haven’t looked yet. I feel I can do TMA 2, but the rest are complete mysteries to me.

28 November 2024

I didn’t manage to do any note taking yesterday despite the best of intentions. I hauled all my books to a medical appointment, but there was no way I could find a quiet corner.

I’ve listened to two tutorials this morning. The first was recorded by my own tutor, and the second was by another tutor, which was all about Spencer. Both tutorials were really helpful, even though I’m not doing the Spencer TMA option. It was especially helpful since I’m a bit behind the reading; it shared a framework that will help me understand more clearly the reading.

Next steps? Over the next couple of days there are some really long ‘composite’ tutorials, which should be interesting. When I’ve been to one of those, I’ll be ready to start my TMA. I still need to keep up with the reading, though.

In my day job, I’ve got some tasks where I need to find some headspace some writing that also requires a bit of problem solving.

29 November 2024

Another day, another set of tutorials.

Today we had one about Hamlet, one about Donne, one about Spencer, and one about independent study. The study session focussed more on rhetoric, which I’m quite comfortable with. I recognised all the techniques that were mentioned, but I don’t know the names for everything.

I think I would like to do the earlier independent study option which was to read some essays by Michel de Montaigne.

Now that I’ve attended two tutorials on Hamlet, have written a bunch of notes, I feel I need to write my notes up, pick a few passages and then start to pull everything together.

The module calendar says that I’m now officially behind.

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Christopher Douce

Accessibility: AL Professional Development

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Monday, 2 Dec 2024, 16:48

On 24 April 2024 I attended an AL professional development event that was all about accessibility. What follows is a short blog summary of the event, sharing some of the key points that I found of interest. I’ve written this summary as a part of an eSTEeM writing project, which has the aim of providing useful help and guidance to tutors.

Twenty Tips for more Accessible AL practice

This first session was facilitated by Simon Ball, Associate Lecturer for the faculties of WELS and STEM. The sub-heading for his session was: quick wins and essential adaptations. Simon worked for the Jisc TechDis accessibility service. For a while, we worked together, tutoring a module about accessible online teaching.

He also made the point to me that there is a lot of detail that lies underneath each of his tips, which I’ve tried to summarise concisely as I can:

1: Set up documents. When you create, use, and share documents, always use the Word in-built headings. This makes them navigable for users of assistive technologies, such as screen readers. Plus, it makes documents easier to work with then they get bigger.

2: Images - Inline or floating? Make sure that images, tables, charts, or anything else are embed within Word document ‘inline’ rather than floating. This makes sure that the navigability of a document is clearer. You can check this using the Word Accessibility checker.

3: Punctuate bullet points. Add a full stop at the end of a bullet point. This adds a pause and will make documents more understandable if read through a screen reader.

4: Don’t convey information by visual means alone. In other words, don’t use colour to convey information. If you find that colours are useful in a diagram to share information, make sure that the information presented in the diagram is shared in another way. Screen readers won’t be able to pick up on colours.

5: Avoid relative instructions. Simply put, to use Simon’s words, ‘avoid using only phrases like ‘the box on the right’ or ‘at the bottom of the page’ as learners using a screen reader will not have a clue what is on the right or at the bottom’. This applies to both documents, and to instructions shared within tutorials.

6: Choose accessible fonts. Use sans-serif fonts, and ‘never use smaller than 12 point (RNIB recommends 14 point), or 20 point on slides’.

7: Avoid footnotes. The add complexity when trying to navigate through a document. Simon shares a clear option that they should only be used ‘for providing supplementary information that isn’t essential to the reader, so they can safely be ignored without material loss’.

8: Avoid obliques. In other words, avoid slashes, such as ‘and/or’, since this can cause screen readers to read them as ‘and slash or’. If you can, try to ‘phrase the sentence without the oblique’. It is obviously okay to use them within web addresses and within the subjects that specifically use them.

9: Alt text. Provide alt text, or alternative textual descriptions; ‘all images or graphics that contain useful information (as opposed to purely decorative images) must have alternative text (alt text)’. Give only the essential information that is needed.

10: Set up tables carefully. If you can, do prioritise rows over columns since a screen reader will read a row at a time.

11: Avoid adding textboxes. There is a simple reason for this: they are not read by screen readers. Even if a screen reader did read them, the reading order would be ambiguous.

12: Colour contrast. To ensure readability there must be a good level of contrast between foreground and background colours.. The following specific guidance is offered: ‘for body text you need a ratio of >7 to 1; for headings or isolated words you need a ratio of >4.5 to 1.’ To help, there are some useful free tools available.

13: Make feedback usable. Tell students how they can find on script comments; ‘say where it can be found, and what colour it is’ also invite feedback from students about whether the approach you use is accessible. Give dates of next events and TMA cut off dates, and provide explanations if a student has not gained full marks. Don’t say “9 out of 10, very good”, say something about what needed to be done to get the final mark.

14: Inclusive feedback. Ensure that feedback is ‘directive, constructive and clear’ whilst avoiding ‘metaphors or colloquialisms’. Offer helpful examples. Always consider how your feedback can be read.

15: Keep in touch with students. Keep an eye on which students have disability marker – ask your student about their specific needs, and be driven by them. Check in before assignments. A key point that Simon shared was that the personal touch cannot be overstated.

16: Synchronous sessions (lectures and tutorials). Give each slide a title and a number. Consider using the camera, but do check on student needs and bandwidth. Use anonymous activities such as polls, and encourage the use of raised hands. If you are making a recording do dedicate some time for some unrecorded Q&A discussions at the end of a session. Finally, consider sharing slides before a tutorial.

17: Breakout rooms. Breakout rooms are difficult. Make sure you practice before running a session that has a breakout room. Make sure that students are clear about what is going to happen before moving them into a breakout room. Ensure that there is a helpful slide that describes the task within each room. Allow time; some students may be using assistive technology. Check to make sure there are no sound issues. Give a clear warning before brining students back to a plenary room.

18: Supporting deaf students in synchronous sessions. Allow time for an interpreter to convey messages to and from a student. Ensure that your webcam is on and the pod or window that is used is as large as practically possible; this is to facilitate lip reading. Be sure to summarise any questions asked by students. Ensure that tasks are written onto text chat areas. An additional tip is do turn on any subtitling or transcription tool.

19: Ask about language. Ask students how they would like to be referred to. Different students will have different preferences.

20: Get creative, be a voice. Some subjects will require creative solutions. Consider the challenges that exist within your own discipline. Do contact module teams and line managers for advice and guidance.

20.5: Bonus tip: every tutor always does their best. Don’t worry if you get things wrong. Learn from the experience, and move on.

Proactive motivational support

The second presentation was by Annie Storkey, Associate Lecturer for the Faculty of WELS, who is also an EdD student. Her presentation had an important subtitle, ‘online students with mental health challenges’. Annie shared a number of useful recommendations, which I hope I have summarised effectively:

  • Make early contact with students, especially those who may have disclosed difficulties. Make sure that regular contact is maintained.
  • Use data analytics tools, such as OU Analyse, to find out which students are at risk of withdrawing, and make contact, especially at important points in the module such as TMA cut off dates.
  • Communicate regularly: send regular emails; this can be motivating.
  • If the module addresses sensitive subjects, make sure that students are told of these in advance. In other words, embed resilience into your teaching.
  • Remember that tutors are only able to provide academic support to students, but do feel able to signpost and refer students to the student support team and other support resources.
  • It is really important that tutors look after their own mental health and wellbeing.

I found Annie’s thought provoking. She referenced a former IET colleague, John Richardson and work carried out by Kate Lister, who wrote about barriers and enablers to student mental wellbeing.

AL Support for Dyspraxic Students

The final session was by Angela Eyre, Associate Lecturer from FASS. Angela spoke about a FASSTEST scholarship project, Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder): Understanding students’ requirements, which carried out a survey to explore the barriers and enablers that are faced by students who are dyspraxic. 

Students who are dyspraxic face a number of barriers, which may include memory difficulties, time management, and find it difficult to find information from resources such as module websites. Other challenges may include reduced confidence about articulating thoughts and ideas, and difficulty proofreading and decoding questions.

I made a note of some key enablers, which can include the positive impact that tutors can make, the design of a module, and early access to module materials. Tutors can help by sharing direct and clear encouragement, share checklists for the completion of TMAs, and help students to decode the TMA questions through one-to-one sessions. 

I noted the following words: “give students permission to try [their study approach] their way”; everyone is likely to be an expert in their own condition. Since all students are different, seek guidance from them in terms of their needs and preferences. I also made a note about feedback: model solutions to illustrate alternative ways of forming solutions.

Towards the end of the session, I noted down a couple of resources that were specific to dyspraxia:


What follows are some useful resources which address some of the themes that were shared during this session:


I really enjoyed Simon’s session; I liked how he shared a lot of detail in a concise way. His tips offer a useful practical framework. I’m mindful that I don’t always follow all the points that he highlighted, but I really ought to. When it comes to accessibility of teaching resources, there is always room for improvements.

Annie’s session emphasised the importance of mental health. Her session covered a lot of ground which related to her EdD research, and I took away a number of helpful suggestions. It was interesting that Angela’s presentation described research that considered the barriers and enablers, echoing Lister’s research about student wellbeing.

These three presentations have made me remember another lesson that I once learnt: positive adjustments for one group of students are also likely to help everyone.


Many thanks to all the presenters. Thanks are also extended to the ALSPD team who organised this event.

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Christopher Douce

OU Digital Humanities annual workshop 2024

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Thursday, 28 Nov 2024, 12:00

On 20 November 2024 I was attended to attend an OU Digital Humanities annual workshop, which was hosted by the OU Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) and facilitated by Francesca Benatti, Research fFellow in Digital humanities. 

What follows is a brief summary of my impressions of the event, and what I took away from it. I’ve also taken the liberty of mentioning some of the really interesting presentations that were made, and ask for forgiveness for necessary brevity; I share only certain highlights.

Annotating object itineraries in Recogito

The first main presentation was by Sarah Middle, visiting fellow in Classical Studies, and Elton Barker, Professor of Greek Literature and Culture. Sarah introduces us to a tool called Recogito, a Pelagios project that is used for semantic annotation. To share a bit more detail, I understand Recogito to be a tool that can be used to store and record information about museum artifacts.

I confess to not knowing very much about how museum collections are curated and organised. In Sarah’s presentation we were presented with the concept of object itineraries, which was a compelling idea. Artefacts are found at places (at particular times, by individuals or teams). These artefacts end up in museums which, of course, have locations. When artefacts are moved, the spatial relationships between artefacts can be lost. If multiple institutions provide location data, I can see how it is possible to look back in time to see what artefacts were found where, despite artefacts being in different geographic locations. A particular interesting example of artefacts which might have a lot of location history are navigation instruments. Instruments such as sextants and marine clocks have their own unique journeys.

From what I noted down, Recogito Studio permits different types of annotation, such as Geo-Tagger annotation (which doesn’t mean a lot to me). I also noted down a reference for something called CIDOC CRM an ontology for modelling heritage data. Ontologies, a way of organising knowledge about or describing a world, is a term that I’ve come across before. In thinking about all this, a question I asked myself was: can Recogito be thought of as a collaborative and structured Nvivo (which can be used to hold any kinds of data)?

Another project that was mentioned was Peripleo, described as ‘a browser-based map tool which enables the visualisation of information that has a geographical component’. The project used to be funded by JISC and the Andrew Mellon foundation and aimed to help researchers to collaborate with each other, to share ‘linked open data’, and to assist with tool development. The tools can be useful for history, classics, archaeology researchers, and cultural heritage professionals. 

A recognised difficulty lies with keeping a project and accompanying resources alive after it has formally finished. A recent contribution to Pelagios has been made through the OU’s Open Societal Challenges Project, Pelagios: linking online resources through the places they mention.

There’s clearly a whole lot more to these projects than can be summarised in a relatively short presentation. There are tools, methods, ontologies, collaborations, records, and a whole lot of research that has been taking place. I sense this presentation merely scratched the surface, but did surface some really interesting ideas and questions.

From DH OU to DH at Reading

The next presentation was by Dawn Kanter from the Digital Humanities Hub at the University of Reading, who summarised her art history research about portraiture. An obvious question is, of course, what do computers have to do with art history? When we visit the National portrait gallery, we only see the final painting. There are a lot of other interesting details which relate to portraiture that I have never really thought about beyond the obvious question of who the painter was. Other relevant bits of information might be: when did a sitting take place?, where did it take place?, how much did it cost?, and what other portraits did a painter paint? (My begins to get a bit sketchy here, so I might well be making up questions).

Recording sitter information in a portrait-sitting ontology (that word again) translates analogue data into a digital form that can then be studied, searched and scrutinised. In turn, this can help researchers to test hypotheses, such as, when there may have been a movement from traditional portraiture to modern portraiture, which may reflect a moment from formal to informal sittings (if I’ve noted all this down correctly). 

The methodology that is applied in this project is interesting. It moves from an application of an inductive qualitative method, where data is described within a structured ontology, to a deductive method, where the data is then used to answer questions. It is a method goes beyond the notion of mixed qualitative-quantitative data that my social science training has exposed me to. Both stages of the method relies on interpretation, insight and knowledge. The machine becomes a tool for reflection and discovery.

Digital Humanities and email corpora

Rachele De Felice shared something out her linguistics research from email corpora. In other words, she analyses large sets of email messages, looking for how language is used. Email is interesting, since there are some large data sets available, typically from different well known scandals. The use of this kind of data poses some unique challenges. Sometimes email corpora can be in different formats which have to be worked with, and in other situations, the databases contains emails that are incomplete, since sections may have been redacted.

Rachele’s presentation led me to a question: perhaps this blog is becoming a corpus, which reflects an element of activity and work that is taking place within the OU. Accompany questions are: how could it be analysed, and what might a linguistic analysis say?

People and music: exploring their encounters over the centuries

Alba Morales, a Research associate at KMi introduced a project called Meetups. The aim of the project was to provide a tool to enable ‘the exploration and visualisation of encounters between people in the musical world in Europe from c.1800 to c.1945, relying on information extracted from public domain books such as biographies, memoirs and travel writing, and open-access databases’. If it is possible to explore the connections between musicians, then maybe it is possible to understand more about a musician’s collaborations and influences.

The interactions are extracted from public access records. There was the development of a tool chain to extract records from Wikipedia biographies. Tools were then used to explore the resulting database. The presentation led to a thought, which was expressed as a question: what other sources of data might be used?

For the Digital Humanities outsider looking in, this presentation also spoke to me about the importance of data structures and, of course, ontologies. I reflected on a similarity between this project and the project about portraits: both were using digital tools to study artistic outputs in new ways.


Rather than summarise what was a wide ranging discussion, I’m going to share a couple of themes or topics that caught my attention. 

A discussion about reading reminded me of the UK Reading Experience Database which I remember being mentioned at another event. On this point, there was a reference to theories of intertexuality; each reader would have read a whole number of other texts. Also, what about texts that have always been digital; texts that have never been printed, but are consumed through digital devices?

Another theme that was discussed was, of course, Generative AI. On this point there was a reference to potentially using AI to capture (and perhaps present) summaries of political discourse; a topic of a presentation which will be made in a forthcoming KMi seminar.


During the session, I identified a number of different resources that might be useful:

This final resource, a short course, looks particularly helpful.


I have been aware of Digital Humanities being a subject of its own for well over a decade. After reading an article that was shared by our former head of school, I have started to adopt the view that computing should be thought as a humanities subject. After all, computing is done by people, for people. People design, use and consume digital media; our humanity is, of course, can be expressed through digital artefacts. 

I remember someone suggesting that artificial intelligence is applied philosophy, since by trying to build ‘intelligence’ we try to understand what it is. In turn, computing can be thought of a subject that mirror, magnifies and reflects, our humanity. After all, it gives us a way to create and engineer tools that help us to look at ourselves and our histories in creative and imaginative ways.

One of the big takeaways was a more thorough understanding of methods. I can see how important it is to examine and study a domain, how important it is to describe or formalise data, how important it is to correctly capture data, and how to interrogate data to answer research questions. The examples that were shared were really helpful.


Many thanks to Andrew Murray, who mentioned this session to me, and to Francesca Benatti who let me join the session. I hope I can attend events in the future.

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Christopher Douce

A sketch of M813 Software Development and M814 Software Engineering

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Christopher Douce, Tuesday, 26 Nov 2024, 18:20

After becoming the module chair of TM354 Software Engineering, I had a look at two related postgraduate modules, M813 Software Development and M814 Software Engineering

These two modules sit alongside a number of other modules that make up the MSc in Computing programme. My intention was to see what related topics and subjects are taught, and whether there were any notable differences about how they were taught. 

This blog aims to highlight some of the key elements of these modules. To prepare this post, I had a good look through the module materials, including the assessment materials, and spoke with each of the module chairs. My intention of looking at these modules is to identify what themes and topics might potentially feed into a future replacement of TM354, or another related module. This summary is by no means comprehensive; the points I pick up on do, of course, reflect my interests.

I hope these notes are useful to anyone who is interested in either software engineering, or postgraduate computing, or both. Towards the end of the blog, I share a quick compare and contrast between the two modules and share some links to resources for anyone who might be interested.

M813 Software Development

M813 aims to “to provide the skills and knowledge necessary to develop software in accordance with current professional practice, approaches and techniques”.

The key module learning aims are to:

  • teach you a variety of fundamental techniques for software development across the software lifecycle, and to provide practice in the use of these techniques
  • give you enough knowledge to be able to choose between different development techniques appropriate for a software development context
  • make you aware of design and technology trade-offs involved in developing enterprise software systems
  • enable you to evaluate current software development practices
  • give you an understanding of current and emerging issues in software development
  • give you the research skills needed to stay at the leading edge of software development.

The module description suggests that students “will have an opportunity to engage with an organisational problem of your choice, working towards a fit-for-purpose software solution” and students “will also have an opportunity to carry out some independent research into issues in software development, including analysing, evaluating and presenting results”.

It makes use of a set text, Head First Design Patterns, accessed through the university library. To help students with the more technical bits, it shares some resources about a graphical tool, Visual Paradigm, which enables students to create diagrams using the Unified Modelling Language (UML).

The module has 10 units of study, which are spread over four blocks. The module’s assessment strategy summarised below, followed by each of the blocks.

Assessment strategy

Like many other modules, there are two parts of assessment: tutor marked assessments (TMAs), and an examinable component, which is an end of module assessment (EMA). Interestingly, the TMAs adopt a more practical and software development skills perspective, whereas the EMA is more about carrying out research which is applied to a study context. To pass the module, students need to gain an average score of 50% in both of the components.

TMAs 1 and 3 account for 30% of the continually assessed part of the module. Due to the practical focus of TMA 2, this assessment accounts for 40% of the overall TMA score.

Block 1: Software development and early lifecycle

This block is described as helping to “learn the principles and techniques of early software lifecycle, from requirements and domain analysis to software specification. You will engage with a number of practices, including capturing and validating requirements, and UML (Unified Modelling Language) modelling with activity and class diagrams.”

The model opens with a research activity which involves finding and reading academic articles. There are three other research activities which build on this first searching activity. These activities helps students to understand what the academic study of software engineering looks like. Plus, when working as a practicing software engineer, it’s important to know how to find and evaluate information about methods, approaches, and frameworks.

This unit beings to introduce students to a tool that they will use during the module; Visual Paradigm. Throughout the module, students will learn more about different UML diagrams, such as use cases, class diagrams, and activity diagrams.

Unit 1, introducing software development, shares a couple of perspectives: a philosophical perspective and a historical perspective (history is always useful), before mentioning risk, quality and then moving onto starting to look at UML.

Unit 2, requirements and use cases, covers the characteristics of requirements and the forms that they can be presented. Unit 3, from the context to the system, starts with activity diagram (which are all about representing a context) through to class diagrams, which is all about beginning to realise a design of software using abstractions. Finally, unit 4, specifying what the system should do, touches on more formal aspects of software specification.

Block 2: Design and code

This next block explores “principles and techniques of software design, construction, testing and version control”. Other topics include design patterns, UML modelling with state diagrams and creating of software using the Java language. Out of all the blocks in the module, this is the one that has a really practical focus.

In addition to links to further video tutorials about Visual Paradigm, there’s some guidance about how to start to use Microsoft Visual Studio Code, and some initial development activities.

Unit 5, design, introduces some basic design principles, and new forms of diagram: communication diagrams and object diagrams. Unit 6, from design to code, shares a bit more detail about the principles of object-oriented programming, and goes onto introducing the topic of configuration management. Unit 7, design patterns, continues the theme of object-oriented programming by introducing a set of patterns from the Gang of Four text, which is complemented by a software development activity. 

Block 3: Software architectures and systems integration

Block 3 goes up a level to explore how to “develop software solutions based on software architectures and frameworks”. 

Unit 8, software architectures introduces the notion of architectural patterns, and how to model patterns using UML. Another useful topic introduced is state machines. An important theme that is highlighted is the idea of layer of software which, in turn, is linked to the notion of persistence (which means ‘how data can be saved’). This is complemented by unit 9, component-based architectures, which offers a specific example.  The module concludes with unit 10, service-oriented architectures.

Block 4: EMA preparation

This fourth block relates to the module’s end of module assessment (EMA), where students have to carry out some applied research into a software context in which they are familiar with. To help students to prepare, there are some useful preparatory resources.


I really liked that this module brings in a bit of history, describing the history of object-oriented programming. I also liked that it shared some really useful descriptions about the differences between scholarship and research. There are some common elements between M813 and TM354, such as requirements and the use of UML, but I’ll say more about this in a later section.

M814 Software Engineering

M814 is “about advanced concepts and techniques used throughout the software life cycle” and replaces two earlier 15 point modules: M882 Software Project Management and M883 Requirements Engineering.

The module aims are to:

  • develop your ability in the critical evaluation of the theories, practices and systems used in a range of areas of Computing
  • provide you with a specialised area of study in order that you can experience and develop the frontiers of practice and research in focused aspects of Computing and its application
  • encourage you, through the provision of appropriate educational activities, to develop study and transferable skills applicable to your employment and continuing professional development
  • enable you to develop a deeper understanding of a specialist area of Computing and to contribute to future developments in the field.

Although this module is less ‘applied’ than M813, there are some important elements. Students make use Git and GitHub, and use a simulation and modelling tool, InsightMaker.

The module has four study blocks, containing 26 study units; a lot more than M813. These are summarised in the following sections. Students are also required to consult a set text, Mastering the requirements process by Robertson and Robertson, which is also available through the OU Library.

Assessment strategy

The module has three TMAs and an end of module exam, which is taken remotely (as opposed to an EMA). TMAs 1 and 3 have a weighting of 30% each, with TMA 2 being slightly more substantial, accounting for 40%. Students have to pass both the TMAs and the exam, gaining an average of 50% in each.

The exam covers all module learning outcomes and is split into two sections. For the second section students would have needed to be familiar with a research article.

Block 1: Software engineering context

The first two units, unit 1, software in the information society and unit 2, the organisational and business context, introduces software engineering. This is followed by an introduction to the organisational context through unit 3, organisational context, codes and standards. The title of this unit refers to professional codes, and professional and technical standards. Accompanying topics include software and the law, which includes intellectual properly, trademarking, patents, and data protection (GDPR) legislation. The final unit, unit 4, addresses ethics and values in software engineering.

Block 2: Software engineering methods and processes

Block 2 concerns software engineering methods and processes. The first two units highlights the notion of the process model, project management, and quality management, which includes the ISO 9001 standard and the Capability Maturity Model (CMMI). These are presented in unit 6, software activities and unit 7, software engineering processes. 

The module then covers unit 8, agile processes and unit 9, managing resources, which includes materials about SCRUM, Kanban, and something called the SAFe framework, which is a set of workflow patterns for implementing agile practices. There is also a case study which describes how agile is used in practice. I remember seeing some photographs that show how developers have been sharing information about project status using whiteboard and other displays. The module concludes with unit 10,  managing uncertainty and risk, and unit 11, software quality.

A part of this block makes use of simulation, introducing a ‘simulation modelling tool’ which can be used to experiment with the concept of Brooks’ law. As an aside, this reminds me of a short article https://ppig.org/papers/2002-ppig-14th-hales/ that touched on a similar topic. In the context of M814, I like how the idea of simulation has been applied in an interesting and pedagogically helpful way.

Block 3: Software deployment and evaluation

Block 3 concerns software deployment and evolution. In other words, what happens after implementation. It includes some materials about DevOps (the integration of development with the operation of software), and continual integration and delivery. There are three units: unit 12, software configuration management, which introduces Git and GitHub, unit 13, software deployment, and unit 14, software maintenance and evolution.

This block returns to simulation, specifically exploring Lehman’s 2nd law (Wikipedia), which means that software complexity increases unless something is done to reduce it. Students are also directed to a text book, Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation, by Humble and Farley. 

Block 4: Back to the beginning

The final block returns to the beginning by looking at requirements engineering, extensively drawing on the set text, Mastering the Requirements Process. It introduces what is meant by requirements engineering, a subtopic within software engineering. Unit titles for this block includes scoping the business problem, functional and non-functional requirements, fit criteria and rationale, ensuring quality of requirements, and reusing requirements. The block concludes with a useful section: unit 26, current trends in software engineering.


I really liked the introductory sections to this module; they adopt a philosophical tone. I also really like how it uses case studies. What is notable is that there are a lot of materials to get through, but all the topics and units are certainly appropriate and are needed to cover the module in a good amount of depth.

Similarities and differences

There is understandably some cross over between M813 and M814; they complement each other. M813 is more of an ‘applied’ module than either M814 or TM354, but M814 does contain a few practical elements. It’s use of simulations is particularly interesting. In comparison to the undergraduate software engineering module, TM354, the two postgraduate modules do clearly require the application of higher academic skills, such as understanding what it means to carry out scholarship.

In my opinion, there appear to be more similarities between M813 and TM354 than with M814. It is worth noting that TM354 introduces topics that can be found in both postgraduate modules.

TM354 and M813 both emphasise design patterns. An important difference is that in M813, students are required to demonstrate how patterns might be applied, whereas on TM354 students have to necessarily demonstrate their understanding of design patterns that have been chosen by the module team. Both modules also explore the notions of software architectures and state machines.

There are differences between TM354 and M813 in terms of tools. TM354 steers away from the use of diagramming tools, but by way of contrast, M813 makes extensive use of Visual Paradigm. TM354 makes use of NetBeans for the design patterns task, whereas M813 introduces students to Visual Studio Code.

By way of contrast, M814 covers wider variety of concepts which are important to the building of ‘software in the large’; the importance of software maintenance and the characteristics of software quality.

UML is featured in all three modules. They all refer to software development methods and requirements engineering. Significantly, they all use the Roberston and Robertson text. The differ in terms of the depth they explore the topic.

To conclude, software development and software engineering are huge subjects. The three modules that are mentioned in this blog can only begin to scratch the surface. Every problem will have a unique set of requirements, and every problem will require different methods. There are two key elements: people and technology. Software is designed by people and used by people. Where there’s people, there’s always complexity. Adding technology in the mix adds an additional dimension of complexity.


The following links takes you to some useful OpenLearn resources:


Many thanks to Arosha Bandara who spent some time introducing me to some the key elements of M814. I also extend thanks to Yujin Yu. Both Arosha and Yujin are professors of software engineering. The current chair of M814 is Professor Andrea Zisman, who is also a professor of software engineering. Thanks are also extended to the TM354 module team: Michael Ulman, Richard Walker, Petra Wolf and Andrea Zisman.

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Christopher Douce

TM470 module briefing: 2025B&D presentations

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Christopher Douce, Friday, 22 Nov 2024, 16:05

On Wednesday 30 October 24, the TM470 module team facilitated a module briefing event. On the day, I was only able to attend for a few minutes, so afterwards I went to the recording of the session. What follows are some notes of what I took were the key takeaway points from the session, written from the tutor’s perspective.

Generative AI

The university has devised a simple framework which has been shared to module teams: students muse use, may use, or shouldn’t use generative AI (Gen AI). The TM470 module team position is that students may use Gen AI, but students must use it critically, and clearly (and unambiguously) reference its use. 

This point of clarification led to an interesting discussion. A project might use Gen AI to create resources (such as program code) which may then be critically evaluated and discussed within a project report. A project may evaluate the use of generative AI, but generative AI should not be used to write parts of a report; doing so would be a breach of academic conduct. Students must be clear about what was, and what was not produced by Gen AI.

The module team will share some guidance on the tutor’s forum.

Ethics approvals

The university now has a requirement that all student projects need go through an ethical review process. This now applies to TM470 projects.

Here is a summary of how I currently understand the process that has been set up:

  1. A tutor will have a conversation with a student to enable them to understand more about the broad aims of their project.
  2. Students complete an online form which aims to collect a summary of their project idea. 
  3. The tutor will determine whether the student’s project will meet the criteria for an appropriate project; they either approve a project, or they refer a proposal to the module team.
  4. If a project is approved, then students receive a confirmation email which contains some further information and guidance.

To facilitate this process, there is a new TM470 Project Ethics approval portal, which has three views: a student view, a tutor view, and an assessment panel view.

Students submit their form through the student view, where they give a title, and a brief description of their project, and answer set of simple questions. These questions ask whether the project will involve people, may involve animals and/or plants, and how data protection will be dealt with.

From the tutor’s perspective, the portal will share a summary of all the students in your group. When reviewing the student’s ethics form, there will be a space for tutors to respond to the information that a student has shared. You may, for example, offer further guidance, or say that a further conversation is necessary. 

All these records are saved in a simple database which facilitates to the Faculty Board of Studies, showing how everyone has engaged with a process.

Early conversations with tutors is essential, so tutors can potentially steer students away from projects that might be difficult from an ethical perspective.

If there are changes to the aims and intent of a project, there could be either a new form, or additional information could be recorded that a change has taken place.

Changes in module assessment

There have been some important changes to assessment strategy for the forthcoming module presentation.

There will be a greater weighting to the important Computing and IT elements to ensure that the module meets both current and future accreditation standards. There will also be more emphasis that students must demonstrate how they have extended their study of their level 3 modules.

As with earlier presentations, there will remain 5 groups which cover each of the 11 learning outcomes. An important difference is that these learning outcomes will now be more explicit in terms of where to award marks, and what for.

The module team will be sharing a very basic TMA template for students, but tutors are free to suggest their own versions and alternatives. A recommendation is that students adopt whatever template they choose for TMA 1, and then use it for forthcoming TMAs.

TMA 1 will now become more of a proposal: what they aim to do, and how they how to do it. TMA 2 and 3 will be now known as interim reports; TMA 3 will no longer be known as the draft TMA. Students should, of course, write enough to evidence each of the learning outcomes. In other words, students can write more than the 10k word limit, but some practical advice is: don’t go too far over, since if you do, this might influence the ‘communication’ learning outcome.


I welcome the introduction of the ethics processes for the simple reason that the processes will help to facilitate conversations between students and tutors. It is also right and appropriate that ideas that relate to projects are scrutinised and considered.

I also welcome the tightening of the criteria that relates to learning outcomes. This can only help with clarity for students, and consistency in marking.


Many thanks are extended to Alexis Lansbury and Chris Gardner. A number of TM470 tutors were involved in proofreading the updated guidance.

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Christopher Douce

A334 and A335 literature: searching for critical sources

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Friday, 22 Nov 2024, 10:08

This morning is a morning of catching up on tutorials. Immediately after listening to a recoded tutorial about Hamlet, which had been delivered by Molly Zeigler. I went on to listen to a tutorial about finding literature sources through the library. I thought I did okay for the previous TMA, having found a couple of useful papers, but I thought it might be useful to attend, just in case I might be able to pick up some useful tips.

What follows are some notes that I have made from the session.

Stages in literature searching

Identifying the topic, developing a search strategy, identifying sources, searching and evaluating. Within all this, you might well be choosing (and moving on from) different literature databases. An important point: a beginning point is sources that have already been recommended (in the references section at the end of a chapter).

Useful tips: on the resources page on each module website, click on the library resources page, which can be found on the right hand side of the page (which can be overlooked if you’re not careful). Also, do have a look to see if there are any specific guidance in the assessment guide.

Visiting the library

On the right hand side of the library website , there’s a summary of types of resources. The Drama Online site was mentioned, which I’m a fan on. The subject specific collections were mentioned, which I’ve had a look at before; there is one for English Literature as well as one for other subject, such as computing. For example, the dictionary of literary biography might be useful.

We were shown how to find articles that were mentioned in a reading list, just by entering in the title of the article. In JSTOR (a journal database), there’s a ‘cited by’ feature, which can be useful to look at how articles have been used since something was published.

Searching search terms

When searching for topics, you can use the ‘*’ character to widen a search to find different word endings (or spellings) and use quotation to make sure that you find specific titles. You can also use Boolean operator, such as AND, OR or NOT, and can use brackets to specify search precedence. When you get a search result, you can then specify filters to show only articles, or results where we can access the full text.

Proquest One Literature is a catalogue that I’ve looked at before. A feature that was highlighted was the author pages, where we see primary texts, other works. Proquest can be used to find articles that relate to criticism. It’s also possible to carry out searches of specific fields. 

Looking at JSTOR, the advanced search screen can be helpful. 

Useful resources

Towards the end of the presentation, there was a recap of the PROMPT framework and the CiteThemRight guidance website.


I didn’t spend too long on this session, using the fast forward button to skip through the activities, but it was helpful. After the session, I did a quick topic search for articles that relate to an idea I had following the earlier Hamlet tutorial. I didn’t find anything, so I went back to some earlier search terms that I had used. This links back to the point the presenter in the library session had made about iteration.

One tool that has been really useful, but wasn’t covered in this session was the Library Browser extensionThis was mentioned by my tutor. It has changed my life (only in a very small way, but it has changed it for the better). Using it means that I don’t have to continually login to various journal databases to access articles I’m looking for. Do install the extension; it’ll save you time.

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Christopher Douce

Student Interaction and Collaboration in Tutorials: Why, What and How

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On 13 June 2024 I attended a seminar that was run by three colleagues from the School of Maths and Statistics: Cath Brown, Vinay Kathotia, and Abi Kirk. The seminar was intended for ‘anyone interested in the development of online teaching’.

For anyone finding this blog post, it might be useful to view this summary alongside other posts about Adobe Connect , tutorials, and online pedagogy.

What follows are some brief notes that I made from each of the presentations. For concision, I have taken the liberty of abridging each of the titles. Some reflections and acknowledgments are shared at the end.

Why should we promote students working together?

The subtitle for this first presentation, which was facilitated by Vinay Kathotia with Cath Brown was: what are the pedagogical and broader benefits?

A useful term was introduced: student-centred pedagogy. Student adopting an active role during a tutorial can mean increases in confidence and self-efficacy. Interaction can be as simple as students making points, listening, arguing, and responding to a tutorial.

These points can be connected to ‘inquiry based mathematics education’ where collaboration has the potential to lead to higher levels of inclusion. There are some advantages of collaboration: mathematics is a collaborative activity. Through tutors demonstrating mathematical thinking, students can see that mathematics can be messy.

I noted down the phrase: “community enhances attainment”. Community can relate to the study of a module, and anything that helps to develop community, but is also useful is important.

We were asked a question: what were everyone’s experiences? How do we convince the students it is a good idea for them to come along to tutorials? Perhaps writing can be useful; asking students to write an account of what happened during a tutorial, is one approach that can facilitate sharing and suggest the benefits of tutorials.

The design and structure of collaborative tasks

The second session was facilitated by Abi Kirk. The full title of this second session was ‘some ideas and examples on the nature, design and structure of collaborative tasks’. The presenters described some collaborative tasks they have used for tutorials: small-group problem solving (which takes place on M337), and ‘pub quiz’ group work.

In the pub quiz activity, students were put into breakout rooms where they have access to five questions. In each room, students record their answers. This then leads to a plenary session which is facilitated by a tutor where all the results are shared using an Adobe Connect whiteboard.

A question was asked: how could collaboration using breakout rooms work in your context? One thought is to giving information in advance; perhaps it is important for everyone to know what is going to happen in a tutorial. There is an inherent tension of giving them too much in advance. Making a session look enticing and interesting is a skill all of its own.

Technology to enable collaborative work

The full title of this session was ‘technology to enable collaborative work - Adobe Connect and beyond’. In this session we were introduced to a variety of different Adobe Connect features and maths tools the presenters have used, such as GeoGebra, Desmos and PolyPad. Different subjects will, of course, necessitate the use of different tools. What I might use as a computing tutor will, of course, be different to what a maths tutor may use.

You can, of course, use features within Adobe Connect, such as screensharing, file sharing and polls with external tools and utilities. In some tools it is possible to create multipart activities, for example, and share URLs (web page links) with students through a text chat window.

One other idea is to open a shared Microsoft OneNote notebook. Any OU student can use it through Office 365. It can be used as a whiteboard where student can share their work. Control could be given to students, where they could interact with mathematical text.

Towards the end of the session, we returned to the topic of breakout rooms. They are pretty complex, which means that it is important to make sure you have a solid understanding of the interaction metaphors that are used. Tutors need to know how to set up and move between different layouts, how to adding and deleting breakout rooms, how to start and end breakout rooms, how to communicate to all rooms, moving between rooms, and combining results from different rooms together in a virtual plenary space.


Quite a lot of time has elapsed between attending the seminar (June) and making these notes available (November). This means that there is risk that the sessions may not be summarised as accurately as I would have liked them to be. This said, I hope the points that I have shared are helpful, and apologies to the facilitators if I have misrepresented anything.

I went to this session since I hold the view that student interaction through online tutorials is important, but I also have the sense that it is very difficult to do well. This session was of specific interest since there are some key similarities between maths and computing: both subjects work with textual notations. With maths, there are equations (and whatever mathematicians do); within computing there are programming languages.

I do feel that there are multiple structural and technological barriers that are put in everyone’s way before interaction can become possible. More often than not, I don’t hear any student voices in tutorials, since no one really knows anyone. I remember that a book called eModeration by Gilly Salmon emphasises the importance of digital socialisation. In the currently tutorial world, where students can attend any number of different tutorials by different tutors, the tentative social connections between everyone works against interaction and collaboration. I don’t know what the solution is.

Using distance learning technology to facilitate interaction and collaboration is difficult. I don’t know where this comes from, but I’m always minded that perhaps digital educators have to become digital media producers and performers. To be good at digital performance, rehearsals are essential.


Many thanks to all facilitators.

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Christopher Douce

Generative AI and assessment in Computing and Communications

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Wednesday, 27 Nov 2024, 14:06

On 13 November 2024 I attended a workshop that was all about Generative AI and assessment for OU computing modules that was organised by colleagues Michel Wermelinger (academic co-lead GAI in LTA), Mark Slaymaker (C&C Director of Teaching) and Anton Dil (Assessment Lead of C&C Board of Studies). What follows are a set of notes and reflections which relates to the event. I also share some useful links and articles that I need to find the time to follow up on. This summary is, of course, very incomplete; I only give a very broad sketch of some of the discussions that have taken place, since there is such a lot of figuring out to do. Also, for brevity, Generative AI is abbreviated to GenAI.

Introduction and some resources

The workshop opened with a useful introductory session, where we were directed various resources which we could follow up after the event. I’ll pick on a few:

To get a handle on what public research has been published by colleagues within OU, it is worth reviewing ORO papers about Generative AI

The following notable book was highlighted:

There were also a few papers about how GenAI could be used with the teaching of programming:

To conclude this very brief summary, there is also an AL Development Resource which has been produced by Kevin Waugh, available under a Creative Commons Licence.

Short presentations

There were ten short presentations which covered a range of issues, from how GenAI might be used within assessments to facilitate meaningful learning, through to the threats it may offer to academic integrity. What follows are some points that I found particularly interesting.

One of the school’s modules, TM352 Web Mobile and Cloud technologies, has a new block that is dedicated to tools that can be used with software development. Over the last couple of years, it has changed quite a bit in terms of the technologies it introduces to learners. Since software development practices are clearly evolving, I need to find the time to see what has found its way into that module. It will, of course, have an influence on what any rewrite to TM354 Software Engineering might contain.

I learnt about a new software project called Llama. From what I understand, Llama is an open source large language model (LLM) engine that can be locally installed on your desktop computer, from where it can be fed your own documents and resources. The thing is: LLMs can make things up and get things wrong. Another challenge is that LLMs need a lot of computing resources to do anything useful. If students are ever required to play with their own LLMs as a part of a series of learning activities, this raises the subject of computing equity: some students will have access to powerful laptops, whereas other might not. Maybe there will a point when the school may have to deploy AI tools within the OpenSTEM Labs?

Whether you like them or not, a point was made that these tools may begin to find their way closer to the user. Tony Hirst made the point that when models start to operate on your own data (or device) this may open up the possibility of semantically searching sets of documents. Similarly, digital assistants may begin to offer more aggressive help and suggestions about how to write bits of documents. Will the new generation of AI tools and digital assistants be more annoying than the memorable Microsoft Clippy

GenAI appears to be quite good at helping to solve well-defined and well-known programming problems. This leads us to consider a number of related issues and tensions. Knowing how to work with programming languages is currently an important graduate skill; programming also develops problem decomposition and algorithmic thinking skills. An interesting reflection is that GenAI may well help certain groups of students more than others.

Perhaps the nature of programming is changing as development environments draw upon coding solutions of others. Put another way, in the same way that nobody (except for low level software engineers) knows assembly language these days, perhaps the task of software development is moving to a higher level of abstraction. Perhaps developing software will mean less coding, but more about how to combine bits of code together. This said, it is still going to be important understand what those raw materials look like.

An interesting research question was highlighted by Mike Richards: can tutors distinguish between what has been generated by AI and what has been written by students? For more information about this research, do refer to the article Bob or Bot: Exploring ChatGPT’s answers to University Computer Science Assessment (ORO) A follow on question is, of course: what do we do about this?

One possible answer to this question may lie in a presentation which shared practice about the conducting of oral assessments, which is something that is already done on the postgraduate M812 digital forensics module. Whilst oral assessments can be a useful way to assess whether learning has taken place, it is important to consider the necessity of reasonable adjustments, to take account of students who may not be able to make an oral assessment, either due to communication difficulties, or mental health difficulties.

The next presentation, given by Zoe Tompkins, helped us to consider another approach to assessment: asking students to create study logs (which evidence their engagement), accompanied by pieces of reflective writing. On this point, I’m reminded of my current experience as an A334 English literature student, where I’m required to make regular forum postings to demonstrate regular independent study (which I feel that I’m a bit behind with). In addition to this, I also have an A334 reflective blog. A further reflection is that undergraduate apprentices have to evidence a lot of their learning by uploading digital evidence into an ePortfolio tool, which is then confirmed by a practice tutor. Regular conversations strengthen academic integrity.

This leads onto an important question which relates to the next presentation: what can be done to ensure that written assessments are ‘GenAI proof’? Is this something that can be built in? A metaphor was shared: we’re trying to ‘beat the machine’, whilst at the same time teaching everyone about the machine. One way to try to beat the machine is to use processes, and to refer to contexts that ‘the machine’ doesn’t know about. The context of questions is important. 

The final presentation was by one of our school’s academic conduct officers. Two interesting numbers were mentioned. There are 6 points that students need to bear in mind when considering GenAI. If I’ve understood this correctly, there are 19 different points of guidance available for module teams to help them to design effective assessments. There’s another point within all this, which is: tutors are likely to know whether a bit of text has been generated by a LLM.


This event reminded me that I have quite an extensive TODO list: I need to familiarise myself with Visual Studio Code, have a good look at Copilot, get up to speed with GitHub for education, look at the TM352 materials (in addition to M813 and M814, which I keep meaning to do for quite a while), and review the new Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK 4.0) that has been recently released. This is in addition to learning more about the architecture of LLMs, and upskill myself when it comes to the ethics, and figure out more about the different dimensions of cloud computing. Computing as moved on since I was last a developer and software engineer. With my TM470 tutor hat on, we need to understand how and where LLMs might be useful, and more about the risks they post to academic integrity.

At the time of writing, there is such a lot of talk about GenAI (and AI in general). I do wonder where we are in the Gartner hype cycle (Wikipedia). As I might have mentioned in other blogs, I’ve been around in computing for long enough to know that AI hype has happened before. I suspect we’re currently climbing up the ‘peak of inflated expectations’. With each AI hype cycle, we always learn new things. I’m of the school of thought that the current developments represent yet another evolutionary change, rather than one that offers revolutionary change.

Whilst studying A334, my tutor talked a little about GenAI in an introductory tutorial. In doing so, he shared something about expectations, in terms of what was expected in a good assessment submission. If I remember rightly, he mentioned the importance of writing that answered the question (a context that was specific, not general), demonstrated familiarity with the module materials (by quoting relevant sections of course texts), and clear and unambiguous referencing. Since the module is all about literature, there is scope to say what we personally think a text might be about. These are all the kind of things that LLMs might be able to do at some level, but not to a degree that is yet thoroughly convincing. To get something convincing, students need to spend time doing ‘prompt engineering’.

This leads us to a final reflection: do we spent a lot of time writing prompts and interrogating a LLM to try to get what we need, or would that time be spent more effectively writing what needed to be written in the first place? If the writing of assessments are all about learning, then does it matter how learning has taken place, as long as the learning has occurred? There is, of course, the important subject of good academic practice, which means becoming aware of what the cultural norms of academic debate and discourse are all about. To offer us a little more guidance, in the coming months I understand there will be some resources about Generative AI available on OpenLearn


Many thanks to the organisers and facilitators. Thanks to all presenters; there were a lot of them!


Edited on 27 November 24, attributing Zoe Tompkins to one of the sessions. During the event, a session was given by Professor Karen Kear, who demonstrated how Generative AI can struggle with very specific tasks: creating useful image descriptions. Generative AI is general; it doesn't understand the context in which problems are applied.

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Christopher Douce

Doctoral study: Third Party Monitoring and mentoring

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This post shares some notes that I made during a continuing professional development (CPD) event organised by the Research Career Development Team (RCD) that took place on 6 November 2024. The event was all about how a third party monitor supports doctoral students and doctoral level study. 

The event was pitched as being useful for “those who are new to third party monitoring”. It’s key objective and learning outcome were to help participants understand what the OU expects of third party monitors, whilst also sharing practices and experiences between participants.

Before moving sharing the key points that I took away, I would just like to share that I’m mostly writing this piece from the perspective of a third party monitor, sharing points with other potential fellow third party monitors. Although I’ve made this post widely available, some of the links that I’ve shared are very OU specific, and will not be available outside the OU.

Third party monitoring: the role

The aim of the third party monitor (TPM) is to provide pastoral support for research students outside the supervision team. A TPM is an academic member of staff who has had research degree supervision experience. They are there to provide confidential, independent, and dispassionate support. They are able to offer advice about how to deal with the challenges of doctoral research, how to deal with and handle conflict within (and possibly outside) the supervision team, and can offer perspectives about research process. A TPM can provide practical opinions about the supervision process. They may, for example, help to identify resource management difficulties; a student might meet with supervisors too frequently, or not frequently enough. A TPM may be able to offer practical advice on how to broach this with supervisors. The key point is that a TPM must always act in the best interest of the student.

In terms of meetings, there is an obligation for a TPM to meet with a student at least once a year, but a student might email the monitor at any point throughout the year. Meetings do not need to be in person; they can take place online. The first meeting should take place by the fifth month following registration. In my own practice, I tend to meet with students every quarter, but I would be happy to meet more regularly if there are any emerging or ongoing issues that need to be addressed or resolved. Meetings can be documented through a form (which is used within the WELS faculty) but this is not compulsory. All that needs to be recorded is a date of a meeting.

The TPM is described in the section 6 of the university research degree regulations. There are also third party monitoring guidelines from the graduate school network. Any member of staff who is carrying out third party monitoring should record it within their academic workload management (AWM) tool. At the time of writing I don’t have an official figure, but a guideline to work to is: one day per year, for each student you are monitoring.

What happens if things are not going well?

During the session, there was a useful discussion about what to do if things are not going very well. I noted down some important points.

The first point is: if possible, have discussions with everyone. Before even picking up the phone, gain permission from the student you are supporting; confidentiality, trust, and transparency in terms of actions are paramount.

It isn’t easy doing research. Depending on the topic, it can be sometimes lonely. It can sometimes place significant demands on reserves of intrinsic motivation. When looking at a subject in a new way, this can have a potentially destabilising way of seeing the world. All this means is that there are times when doing research can negatively affect our mental health. A TPM might be able to help just by having a chat about how everything is going. You can also signpost some resources that relate to staying mentally healthy.

Sometimes, you may well need to seek advice to answer some questions which may come up when meeting a student. Two key points of help were mentioned: the graduate school, or a group of staff within your academic school that supports postgraduate students. If something is serious, you might wish to contact your head of school, or their delegate.


A number of useful resources were shared during this session. The OU national support network that follows isn’t specific to the TPM role, but offers pointers to a whole host of different resources.

There is also something called the STEM Mentoring Scheme: Framework, which dates back to 2021.


At the time of writing, I’m a third party monitor for two doctoral students.

When I started as a third party monitor, I have to confess that I didn’t really know what I was doing. My interaction with students began with an email introduction from a graduate student supervisor (or lead). The was the followed with organising an informal meeting between myself and the student, where we introduced each other.

My big take away from this session was the importance of active listening and relationship building. Empathy also plays an important role. As third party supervisors we all have our prior doctoral experience we can draw upon. In some cases, it can be about being practical; sometimes third party monitors need to find things out for our students. In turn, we may need be their advocate, but always with their permission.

I found the discussion about the formality of a form, and its usefulness interesting. During my own meetings, I do sometimes make notes, but it does always depend on what is being said and what needs to be done.

Given the title of the session, I was expecting to learn more about mentoring, perhaps even something about models of mentoring. At various points in my OU career, I’ve been both a mentor and a mentee. Sometimes these relationships have gone well, other times less so. To help others more effectively, I feel as if I need to know more about how to ‘mentor’ well.


The event was facilitated by Dr Liz FitzGerald, a Senior Lecturer in the OU’s Institute of Educational Technology.

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Christopher Douce

A334 Journal - October 2024

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7 October 2024

Three days in, and I feel that I’m getting behind!

This said, I’ve just made a couple of forum posts. One related to the notion of ‘the author’, the other was a summary of musicals I’ve recently seen. I have, however, tried to link my post to theme of the module. I even shared a link to a famous song from Kiss Me Kate

13 October 2024

Last night was our first tutorial. I made notes of a number of points and tips:

  • Review Section 3.3 What your mark means, and Section 4.7 Using the Critics, both from the assessment guide. Another tip was to have a read of the English Literature Toolkit, which offers some comments about what an English essay is all about.
  • From TMA 2 onwards, it is useful to connect your independent study to your essay and text choices. A point here is that you don’t (of course) have to do all the independent study options. Study strategically. Do what is useful for you.
  • When writing your essay, beware of summarising articles or points that are shared by critics. It is more important to apply what they say within an argument. Use what you need to use to answer the question that is being asked.
  • When looking for materials, consider the diversity of materials. If you’re discussing a play, you might want to consider productions of plays at different periods of time. This enables you to gain a wider perspective, which can be useful for discussing critical points of contrast.
  • Use peer reviewed sources and articles, rather than using informal articles that you might find in blogs.
  • If you find articles which present opposing views, choose your own position, and don’t be afraid to state what this is. How you relate to a text is important.
  • Don’t make excessive notes. Make notes with a purpose, which is to help with answering of the assignment questions.
  • Avoid generative AI. It makes things up, and it isn’t transparent about the sources it uses.
  • Use the module glossary, which is a really useful resource, and read the optional Introducing Renaissance Rhetoric resource.
  • When doing close reading, consider the effect of what is done; don’t just identify the technical effects that are applied.

A really useful tutorial!

With these summarised, it’s back to the tutor group forum, and then a brief look at the module materials to remind myself of where I got to, and the TMA 1 submission date. After then, it’ll be back to looking at the materials for the module that I’m chairing.

A quick update: I’ve emailed the Introducing Renaissance Rhetoric resource to my Kindle. As I’ve done this, I’ve written this short blog: Studying with the Kindle continued…  The convert option is really useful.

Another quick update, a few hours after the above edit: our tutor has sent a link to a useful site, the Writing Centre, which is a part of the Undergraduate arts and humanities study website (There is one of these for the Computing and IT programme, but I’ve not looked at it for a while).

The key resources have the following headings: writing for assessments, skills toolkits, Write now! (which appears to be a bunch of tips), Referencing and Developing academic English. 

Clicking into the Study Skills Workshops takes me to a page which presents a whole range of events I’ve never seen before; events that relate to academic practice, planning and researching, quoting and paraphrasing, and writing skills. It looks like there are loads of recordings available.

14 October 2024

I’ve been properly reading chapter 1, and I’ve looked ahead to the independent study materials for chapters 2 and 3. I’m starting to think about the independent study options, and there’s a lot that I want to do. I want to watch a Drama Online production of Titus Andronicus (and read the play at the same time), find out more about Thomas Kyd (I remember reading that he shared a room with Marlowe, and was a scribe as well as a playwright), and listen to the additional audio materials that are on the module website. Decisions decisions.

I need to properly read chapter 2.  I’ll try to do that tomorrow.

I also need to get back to my day job.

15 October 2024

I’ve had a proper go through of chapter 2, but I’ve not spent as much time on the activities as I should have done, but I can always go back to them if it looks like they might help with the TMAs. 

There’s some useful pointers to read the introduction of that Hattaway edition of As You Like It, particularly with respect to its interpretations.

I was curious about references to Johnson’s play Every Man in his Humour (Wikipedia). It looks like there isn’t a production of this available through Drama Online (there is only a production of Volpone, which I know nothing about).

I’m just about to go off-piste with respect to my independent study. Although I did mention that I might watch Titus Andronicus through Drama Online, I have booked to see Coriolanus tomorrow at The National. After hearing a rumour that it wasn’t very good, I’ve skim read some reviews and by the looks of it, it doesn’t sound too terrible.

Next up, the online materials for the following week, chapter 3, and the independent study activities.

16 October 2024

I’ve had a quick read of chapter 3, but it really is a quick read. I remember bits of it from the even quicker read through that I did over the summer. I know what I need to do next, which is read The Spanish Tragedy again. There’s a lot of action that I don’t really follow.

I went into one of the independent study activities; looking up Kyd’s biography in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, making a few notes. There was also a suggestion to read a bit of a biography of Marlowe, but there’s another bit of a study activity that I want to do. 

Kyd and Marlowe shared lodgings. Kyd was arrested (I think along with Marlowe) and was possibly tortured. He died in 1594, not long after getting out of prison. He was buried at St Mary Cole Church.

I looked this place up. It doesn’t exist anymore, having been destroyed in the great fire of London in 1666. There is, however, a plaque which is reminder of its location, which can be found on the corner of Poultry and Old Jewry, not too far from Bank underground station.

His biography suggested a few firsts: the first Machiavellian villain in a play, the first play within a play, and use of ‘robust blank verse’.

Another memory of my morning reading is that Shakespeare may have contributed a bit of text to a version of Kyd’s play. I haven’t got the connections and the detail secure in my head just yet.

In all this distant history, there’s some suggestion about Kyd may have written an earlier version of Hamlet, but I’ve heard that all this is speculation. I think we’ve got this to come in the module materials.

17 October 2024

Okay, I enjoyed the production of Coriolanus that I saw last night.

Pretending to be a grumpy critic, I did feel that the production didn’t really know what it wanted to be. It was broadly supposed to be set in a museum, but made use of video effects too, and there were these later scenes which I didn’t really understand where there were these weird costumes, and lots of fire going on in the background. The play was hugely political, in the sense that it was all about keeping people onside. I guess there’s a strong link to the dangers of the use of rhetoric. I’m glad I saw it. I’ve read a couple of reviews, and they’ve been mostly positive.

Anyway, back to the module materials. This morning, I went through the module team’s selected recordings of The Spanish Tragedy, making a bunch of notes. I’ve not (yet) read it properly, but I might have another listen of the Radio 3 production, and have a good read of the introductory notes. I really like Kyd’s use of language. I’m struck by the poetry he uses in the seduction scene in act 2. I do feel that I’m quite a long way away to really understanding it properly, but I’m making steps towards figuring it out.

I kind of want to watch Titus Andronicus, but it might leave me mildly traumatised, like the time I watched Dr Faustus

A final reflection: I’m really enjoying this first bit of the module, which made me have the opposing thought of ‘I’m really not looking forward to the part when we get to Austen’.

20 October 2024

On Friday 18 October, I took a trip to the 2024 arts and humanities study day, writing everything up yesterday evening. At around the same time of doing this, I also tried to get my lever arch file together. Over the last few days or so I’ve been trying to listen to The Spanish Tragedy. I’m still a long way from figuring out what is happening to whom.

22 October 2024

I’ve started to listen to the tutorial that I missed on the 17th. Its focus is on close reading and the use of the OED. I made a note of the first two points, before I had to stop; I’m too tired. It’s been a difficult day. Balancing work and study is challenging.

28 October 2024

My study continues to be fractured due to personal circumstances (I’ve been helping my mum). It has taken me three goes to listen to the second introductory tutorial, which was very helpful. It covered two things: close reading skills, and the use of the Oxford English Dictionary. On the subject of the dictionary and accessing resources from the OU library, our tutor directed us to a useful browser extension, which saves us from having to access article databases without having to go via the library website. After an earlier listen of the tutorial, I installed it. I’ll see how I go.

On the subject of close reading, I noted down the following points: first impressions, identification of words that led to the first impression, what words most significantly contribute towards the theme of a passage, consider the style of language, and to critically make use of checklists. Some other tips included try reading it out, try copying the text, and make use of the set text edition.

I picked up on the suggestion of the set text, and in my independent study time I’ve been reading through the introduction of As You Like It. It’s very dense and hard going, so I’m just skim reading it at the moment, just to get a feel for it. I don’t think I like it; it’s work.

A final note for today. I like the look of the forum activities that were started over the weekend. I think it was these that made me realise that I’ve got a whole lot of learning to do.

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Christopher Douce

Go Green Spotlight

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Christopher Douce, Thursday, 24 Oct 2024, 12:01

On 23 October 2024 I attended something called a Go Green Workshop which was all about ‘Dirty Digital Habits’. Having recently supported a research intern who had been exploring what is meant by green computing, the topic of sustainable computing (and all that means) has become of increasing interest. The event had an alternative title: Go Green Spotlight - Digital Carbon Footprints. Apparently, this month is ‘cyber awareness month’. A lot of the session was facilitated by David Crews, our Digital Services Sustainability lead, with input from other colleagues.

A number of topics were covered in the hour long session. These were, broadly: challenges, current efforts, what we can do, and something about a search engine called Ecosia. I share a bunch of reflections at the end.


The full title of this topic was ‘challenges in reducing digital related CO2 emissions’. There was a passing reference to a Guardian article about data centres but there was also a passing comments that data centres would consume 8% of electricity by 2030. This suggested figure is likely to be under threat due to increases in cloud computing, and AI. I noted another challenging comment that was shared, which was: by 2025, everyone will have an interaction with a data centre every 18 seconds. I have no idea where this striking estimate comes from, but I now need to find out.

Current efforts

The full title of this section was ‘current efforts in digital services to reduce CO2 emissions’. In other words, what was the university doing? More specifically, what is ‘digital services’ doing?

During this bit of the workshop, I noted down a few points. One continual action that was being taken was addressing of legacy systems. There was a reference to the scheduled replacement of hardware, with the suggestion that newer hardware means better energy efficiency (I did later ask a question that asked whether the carbon cost of equipment manufacture, and disposal was also taken account of).

There was also a reference to a movement of services from university data centres to data centres managed by third party suppliers (two different vendors were mentioned). On this point, I also noted down the words “a cloud data centre is more efficient than anything that an organisation can run themselves”. The point is, of course, that that energy costs of our own data centres are likely to be higher than the costs of cloud suppliers.

A number of familiar topics were mentioned, such as the movement to different processor architectures on servers (such as ARM processors, the kind of chips that you find on your mobile phone), the use of virtual machines to make optimal use of hardware, and the importance of having your data (and servers) as close to the users as possible. Closeness improves latency (performance) and reduces energy consumption.

On a related note, I was introduced the PUE measurement, which is an abbreviation for Power Usage Effectiveness (Wikipedia). The lower the number, the more efficient your data centre is. I need to look into this in a bit more depth.

What can we do?

Under this heading, I combined notes from two different parts of the presentation which had the titles ‘how we can contribute at home’ and ‘top categories to reduce your digital carbon footprint’. Some of the suggestions were familiar: use energy efficient peripherals, power things off, go paperless, stop hoarding data (particularly on the cloud), and ask ourselves whether we really need to use super high definition data when streaming film. In the work environment, when having team calls, can we get away with only using audio? This obviously reduces how much data we use. Also, use browser bookmarks rather than searching for a website address using search engines. An interesting statistic was shared: a search using Google will use 14g of CO2, a kettle takes 15g (but I don’t have the reference from where this comes from; I need to find it).

An interesting question was highlighted: what is the carbon cost of email? It depends, of course, on the length and the content of an email message. A practical suggestion was to minimise the use of attachments. A further interesting statistic was that 71% of colleagues make use of email attachments rather than linking to files. Shipping files across and between email accounts makes unnecessary use of data storage.  A file sent through email can use 50g of CO2 (again, I don’t know where this statistic comes from). Sharing a link rather than an attachment can mean a 90% reduction. Of course, the choice of attachment vs link very much depends on whether we have continual access to the cloud services that we need to use. 

Ecosia: Search engine pilot

Towards the end of the session, a search engine called Ecosia was mentioned. More information about Ecosia is available through a useful Wikipedia summary. The reason for mentioning it is that there is a plan to pilot its use as the default search engine.


I feel as if I must have missed something. I had never heard of an OU unit called ‘digital services’ before; I’ve always known it as IT (in the same way that I know People Services as HR). 

This wasn’t an academic event, and it was less of a workshop and more of a presentation (since the time allocated to discussion was quite limited). I did feel that there was quite a need to discuss digital practices. Also, wearing an academic hat, I have an intrinsic need to look for the sources that relate to the statistics that were shared.

I appreciated the presentation about the carbon cost of email. This discussion reflects a similar question I have, which is: what is the carbon cost of taking a digital photograph? There probably isn’t a simple answer: it would depend on how that photograph is used (and how it is shared). 

Given that energy consumption is now important to business units such as digital services, I did wonder about whether there will become a time where organisations may be required to report their energy use. To what extent may statutory reporting be helpful or appropriate? Is this desirable or useful? There’s that old engineering adage of if you can measure something, you can then control it.

Within all this, there’s the need for balance. There’s the need to balance the need to minimise using digital bandwidth with the importance of maintaining and fostering personal connections. There’s also the need to use additional layers of software to maintain security and integrity of systems (such as virus checkers and intruder detection systems), whilst minimising a software stack to reduce server costs. There’s the balance of necessarily carrying out searches to attempt to solve a problem, contrasted with the inherent carbon cost of carrying out searches. 

One of the points that I asked about was the physical (environmental) cost of changing hardware. Electronics contain a huge amount of embedded carbon, which comes its design and manufacture. How is electronic hardware safely and responsibly disposed? Also, how to we make the most effective ‘carbon’ decisions about to migrate from one hardware platform to another?  Should this come under the remit of software engineering? Are there some standards or guidelines that can be help with decision making?

Tone of this event was very positive. Perhaps it’s my state of mind, but this positivity doesn’t reflect my own understanding of the term ‘climate emergency’. It’s important to consider how we consume digital resources, just as we consume physical resources. Individuals can, of course make a difference, but if individual decisions are not measured (in the way that the use of the Ecosia search engine may be measured), then it’s hard to measure what difference we may have made.

I’m going to have to search for some references.

Many thanks to everyone in Digital Services for facilitating a thought provoking event.

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Christopher Douce

Arts and Humanities Study Day 2024

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On 18 October 2024, I attended an Arts and Humanities study day which took place at the OU campus in Milton Keynes. There were a couple of other versions of this day, which took place at other locations. I think there were events Wales (I think in Cardiff), and another one in Scotland (I think in Glasgow), and another in Belfast, but I don’t know the specifics.

This 2024 event follows the study event that I attended in 2023 which took place at the London School of Economics. I attended this event whilst wearing a couple of metaphorical hats. The first was, primarily, as an A334 literature student (I can scarcely believe that I’ve just started my first level 3 module, which I’m a bit worried about), and second as someone who works in the STEM faculty; I was there to see what the FASS faculty was getting up to.

The event began with an introduction by Donna Loftus and Tim Hammond. I remember Tim from last year, perhaps because he gave me a pencil and offered a gentle jokey implication that I might “join the scientists”. Anyway, I missed Tim’s introduction, since I got lost on my bike ride from the Milton Keynes train station. Apologies Tim!

Study Skills Session

The first session I attended had the title L2&3 English Literature which was facilitated by Peter Lawson. He opened with a comment about the broad skills that are needed: ‘a sensitivity to language, an ability to spend time reading, intelligence to connect sentences, plots and narratives’.

There were some useful practical pointers: make sure we know our way around the assessment guide (and make sure that we read it properly), the module guide, and be aware of the English Literature Toolkit.

Peter took us through some learning outcomes that were from A335, but also apply to some of the other modules too. OU learning outcomes are divided up into a number of different categories (and these categories apply to all modules, science modules as well as arts modules): knowledge and understanding, cognitive skills, key skills, and practical and/or professional skills.

Breaking this down further, knowledge could include knowledge of genres, set texts, contexts, use of different types of media, and understanding the processes through which text can become canonical. Cognitive skills relate to the comparing and contrasting of texts, reading articles for scholarly voices, identifying texts for further study, relating texts to their historical and cultural contexts. Key skills: building arguments (or, preparing a well written discussion), and selecting of resources to create your argument (discussion), development of independent study as well as collaborative working. Regarding professional skills: effectiveness of communication, using a range of different tools, planning and time management.

Peter shared some important practical tips that can be easily overlooked, since they sound very obvious: read the question more than once, look for any accompanying guidance that relates to the question, be mindful about the word limits, note the referencing format, make targeted notes to help you answer the question, and set aside time for planning.

It was also interesting (and reassuring) that the abbreviation PEAL was highlighted, which can help with the writing of essays. Each paragraph should begin with a Point, provide Evidence (which could be a quotation to, or reference of a text, or a point that a critic has made), a sentence that Analyses the text that has just be shared, and then offer a Link back to the question. Another use of L I’ve heard, is to provide a Linking sentence to the next point of an argument (or discussion). A related (and very obvious, and very simply) tip that I’ve remembered is that a paragraph should only present or share a single point.

Another tip was, when it comes to TMAs, avoid any unnecessary ‘waffle’. In other words, don’t be rhetorical.

Finally, before you submit something, check a submission for errors, checking for spelling and grammar. My own approach is to read through a double-spaced printout a day before I submit, covering it with my own red pen. I’ve been thoroughly astonished at how much nonsense I’ve very nearly submitted to my tutor.

It’s interesting that the TMA 1s for all the literature modules explore a similar skill: close reading a fragment of text. Some further tips: check the set text from where your bit of text has come from, get a printout, and add a whole load of notes. On the topic of notes, I noted down that on A334 TMAs 3 and 5 require evidence of sources from outside the module materials. In other words, have a look to the library.

Write Now!

Next up, was a return to the Berrill Lecture Theatre, which was were the introduction had taken place. This shorter session was all about the Write Now! online sessions, which are designed to, well, get everyone writing.

We were asked to complete a couple of structured freewriting activities, having been asked a couple of questions. The first question was: ‘how do you feel about being an OU student?’ The second was: ‘what are your goals for developing your skills as an academic writer doing your studies this year?’ Following Peter’s session, I wrote down ‘using other resources, using opinions of critics and understanding what they are’.

I made a note of a couple of closing points: many arts and humanities modules are running the Write Now! sessions. Also, writing isn’t easy. It can take time what works best for you, which means being open to new ideas and approaches. Finally, accountability can be useful.

I interpret this final point to mean: it can be useful to set yourself targets, but equally, it may well be useful to tell other people that you’re doing studying for certain periods of time.

Five things to know about literature

This next session was facilitated by Richard Jones, Head of Discipline, English Literature and Creative Writing. Underpinning his session, he had a key question: what does it mean to study literature? What follows is a summary of his headline points, which I’ve summarised from my own notes. Any mistakes are my own, rather than Richard’s:

1) Form

When it comes to literature, forms could be categorised as poetry, prose, and drama 

Within these forms, there is the notion of genre, which relates to ‘a type of something’ where a reader has a set of expectations about ‘the forms’ that are used.

Breaking this down further, poetry can contain rhymes, rhythms and patterns, use imagery, employing techniques such as metaphor and personification. (I’m expecting to find out a lot more about all this in the second half of block 1 of A334). Prose can be, of course, novels and short stories. Dramas are, of course, plays.

2) Nuance

Texts can be read in different ways. There is ambiguity within literature.

3) Time (or history)

Literature has been created during a particular time. Reflecting on this point, literature can be performed, interpreted, and used within different times. There’s a point here about the use of language, and that meanings of words can change over time.

4) Words (or language)

We’re inside language, which means that we’re studying language and its use very closely.

5) Work

This can have an ambiguous meaning. It can mean the work of writing, or it can be ‘a work’ of art having been produced. It can (of course) be hard work to figure out what a text means. Also, the work of others find their way into other works.

Special interest talk: Ekphrastic approaches

The final session of the event had a curious title: Working with artists - ekphrastic approaches, which was given by Joanne Reardon. Apparently ekphrasis means ‘writing about art’, which is a word that was completely new to me. In some respects, this final talk was about writing practice and how writing and art can be connected together.

During this session I scribbled down a few points on my notebook, which paraphrase. These are that ‘writers can make excellent collaborators’, and that ‘a writer is always looking for what isn’t there’. Also, when writing or considering works of art, a great question to ask is ‘what emotional impact does it have on you?’


The sessions of the literature stream all relate to an interesting theme: the work of writing. Peter’s session focussed on skills that relate to our work of writing TMAs, Richard’s session explicitly mentioned the notion of work in its different forms, and Joanne’s reflections on her own work as a writer offers a nice conclusion to the day.

There were a couple of bits that I skived off from: the music bit, which was open to everyone, and the library session (I’ve been to quite a few of those). It was really nice to meet with fellow students, which really underlines the importance and value of face-to-face events.

On this final point, it would have been nice to have more discussions. It would also be useful to share experiences of study between the different levels. As a new third level student, I’m not (yet) entirely sure what I have in store for this forthcoming academic year.

Many thanks to all the organisers and facilitators. A really helpful set of sessions. As mentioned in the final paragraph of the summary of the 2023 event: face-to-face is important.

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Christopher Douce

Connecting everything together

Visible to anyone in the world

One of the things I try to always do as a tutor is to connect different bit of a module together. I try to tie the digital materials to the analogue materials, and the tutorials to the assessments, and so on. I also try to connect students together too. 

This short blog post summarises some of the different ways that I connect things together. There was a time when I tried to prepare a graphical model to emphasise the connections that can exist between the different components of a module. As time has gone on, I’ve realised that there are more and more elements that can be tied together by a tutor.

The module that you tutor will have a unique combination of components that can be tied together in different ways. Different tutors may well, of course, emphasise different combinations of components based on their own knowledge and understanding of a subject.

What follows is a summary of what I try to do.

Welcome letter

At the start of every presentation, I write to all my students. In my introductory email, which contains a link to an introductory letter, I direct students to my tutor group forum. To make things as simple as possible, I include a link to the forum, which they can click on. 

In my tutor group forum, I have an introduction thread, where I encourage students to introduce themselves. I also tell them to subscribe to the forum, saying that I use the forum to post updates about TMA marking progress and to share resources that I use in my tutorials. I also share dates about introductory tutorials, encouraging students to put their dates into their diaries. Finally, I will direct students to the module website and the module calendar.

From the very start of the module, I am linking things together, directing students to different tools, places and resources.

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes drive a lot of the ‘connecting’ that I do. In some ways, could be considered to be ‘academic glue’. I see learning outcomes less of a straight jacket that tells me what I should be talking about, but more as useful pointers.

Module materials sometimes begin with learning outcomes. Assessments are designed to evaluate learning outcomes. Subsequently, tutorials should help students to understand them and what they mean. A part of my role as a tutor to do my best to understand what students understand, and to offer guidance that helps students to move to a place where they can demonstrate an understanding of a learning outcome.

Study calendar

I’ve heard it described that the study calendar, which is available through the module website, is the backbone of a module. It outlines the study pace and rhythm. It is also an important ‘go to’ place to find out when the assessments take place; it gives the date of the TMAs, and the date when the examinable component is due. It also says when a block or a unit begins and ends. I highlight the study calendar during tutorials and introductory letters. I also sometimes post references to it in my forum posts.

Module blocks

Some modules have printed blocks, whereas other modules have everything online. Modules that teach fast moving subjects, such as computing, sometimes present all their module materials online. A module contains a number of units. I direct students to module blocks and units at different points during the course of a module presentation; at the start of a module, and when preparing for an end of module exam.

Online study materials

There are some module materials that can’t be presented through books. A literature module I have studied contained videos of performances, interviews with academics, and audio clips of pieces of music, all of which are presented through the module website. These study materials are linked to the module blocks and the module calendar. As a tutor, I also mention these materials during tutorials. I also share guidance about how online materials can be referenced.


Tutorials are a great way to connect different elements of our tutoring practice together. During tutorials, I might share handouts, do some screensharing to highlight bits from module websites, highlighting various module resources and tools. I connect tutorials to assessments, and encourage students to ask question through the module forums, highlighting that I will use forums to share resources.

Using the screen sharing facilities, I might even take students on a short guided tour of the OU library, demonstrating some custom searches. I might also show students some of the software tools or utilities that they might need to use during the course of their studies.


Although forums are sometimes underused, since students often talk with each other through various channels outside the university systems, they do represent an important way to share resources and connect things together.

Before some tutorials, I sometimes make a post, sometimes asking a question about what topics students would like to be covered. To make it easier for students to access the tutorial, I also share a link to the online room that is used. If a tutorial relates to an assessment or module materials, I may also share a link to these too.

After every tutorial, I post a link to a recording, if one has been made, also sharing a copy of a PowerPoint formed the basis of a session. If I shared resources during a tutorial, such as Word documents, or PDF files, I also share these too.

Sometimes interesting topics can be raised during tutorials. Forums are great spaces to continue those discussion, and to share resources that deepen understanding of module concepts.

Module materials often contain activities. Sometimes module materials specifically ask students to make forum posts. Other times, students’ complete activities in their own time. Forums are great ways to share activity work.

Towards the end of a module presentation, a forum has the potential to become a useful resource in its own right.

Study sites and materials

The OU has a wealth of really helpful supplementary materials. Tutors can play a really important role in highlighting these resources to students.

A study site is a set of pages and resources that are designed to offer help and support for students who are studying modules which form a wider programme of study. Sometimes these study sites provide pointers to complementary resources and activities. This might even include a range of optional online tutorial sessions that could help with study skills and writing. These resources can be especially useful for students studying at a high study intensity – in other words, studying full time with the university.

The Study Skills pages are also really useful, providing access to a range of helpful booklets on subjects such as preparing assignments, revising for exams, and studying with dyslexia.

A particularly useful resource is the page about good academic practice, which offers a link a some Open Learn resources and a set of pages about References and Plagiarism


In some way, all these different components all relate to the assessments. 

I tie together assessments and tutorials, and tutorials with learning outcomes, and learning outcomes with module materials. During tutorials, I sometimes share pointers to the sections of the module materials (such as block and online content) are particularly relevant for assignments (without, of course, giving any answers away).

Some modules ask students to share evidence of engagement with forums in their marked assessments. Also, students might be asked to provide evidence of interaction with software tools or products, but more of this in a moment.

One of best things that tutors can do is to link assessments to wider aims and objectives, to help students appreciate their purpose, and what they gain by completing them. It might be to demonstrate knowledge, or to develop skills. In turn, these skills may be useful within a wider programme or study, or have industrial relevance. In other words, gently answer the question: “why am I doing what I am doing?”

Student support teams

Remind students about their student support team (SST). As a tutor, you’re there to facilitate a student’s learning of the module materials, to answer any questions they may have, to run tutorials, and to mark their assignments and to provide helpful feedback. If you are approached about any non-academic issues, the thing to do is to refer students to the student support team, where they can gain further help and support. Do refer them if you feel that they require substantial study skills help that is above and beyond what you feel you’ll be able to provide.

The SST uses something called an Information, Advice and Guidance model (IAG). When students call, they are often seeking information. If it turns out that a query is more complicated, students are then passed onto advisors. 

Although tutors can sometimes share really helpful information about what a student’s next module might be, it is always worth encouraging students to have a conversation with the student support team, who will be able to offer official university information, advice, and guidance. Module choice is a non-academic issue, although it relates to the study of academic modules. If you’re ever in doubt, always refer students to the SST.

Software tools

Some modules require students to use different bits of software, some compulsory, some optional. These might be bits of software you access through a module website to share images or text with fellow students, or bits of software to download and use to create or edit digital resources.

If your module makes use of bits of software, you can connect them up with bits of the module in different ways: you can mention bits of software in your forum posts, you can introduce them using screen sharing in your tutorials, and emphasise their relevance (and importance) within your correspondence tuition feedback.

During my own tutor practice, I sometimes make some forum posts to make students aware of bits of software that might be helpful to them.


The OU library a fabulous resource. Through the library, you can find resources, articles, and books for every academic subject. The library provides access to really useful collections of journals and eBooks. A bit of a student’s module fee is used to support the library.

Every module uses the library in a different way. Some modules may direct a student to a lot of library resources, and databases that can be accessed through the library.

When working with your students, do remember to refer your students to the library, especially if they have to do some independent study as a part of level 3 or dissertation (or project) modules. It is worth remembering three key bits, which are especially useful: firstly, the library has curated selected resources for your study. Do encourage your students to spend browsing these pages. Secondly, the library often runs a series of events. The library also offers a really comprehensive help and support section, which can be really useful for students who are looking for articles to support their academic writing.

Finally, it's worth mentioning SCONUL to your students, which is an access scheme that enables learners to the use the libraries of other universities. If students lack a quiet place to study, SCONUL is a really useful service.

Correspondence teaching

TMA feedback is one of the most important opportunities tutors have to connect different elements of a module together.  There are, of course, two ways to provide feedback: on the student’s eTMA summary form, and on a student’s script.

When leaving comments on a script, I sometimes provide direct links to module materials, or provide page references to module blocks. Where appropriate, I may also share pointers to module activities that relate to the skills and ideas that were needed to be demonstrated through the assessment. I also may also share pointers to study skills resources, but also explain why I have done this.

In my eTMA summaries, I often mention the dates of an tutorials that are coming up, along with any important forum posts that may have been made to our module material concepts. I use the eTMA summary to provide pointers to what has happened, and what may happen, whilst also explaining why these pointers are important.

Group emails

Throughout a module presentation, I regularly send group email messages to my tutor group. These emails are useful opportunities to direct students to different resources, and also to highlight important deadlines. I don’t tend to put too much in my emails, instead preferring to put more information in an accompanying forum post, which I have shared a hyperlink to. The motivation for doing this is try to guide students to the discussion forums. In my emails I encourage students to subscribe to the forum if they haven’t already done so.

I typically send group emails towards the start of a module, reminding everyone of my introductory tutorials. When I do this, I would share a link that allows student to join the relevant tutorial room, saving them from having to follow a chain of links through the module website. Linking things together is about making things clear and easy for students.

I also send group emails a few days before each tutorial, to offer them a reminder of what is coming up. When reminding everyone about the exam revision tutorials, I might say: “as I have mentioned on your TMA feedback”, to remind them that what I have written may well share some useful guidance.

At the end of module presentation, I use the group email feature to send a short ‘sign off’ email, where I encourage students to consider their next study options. When tutoring on a level 2 module, I would mention (in passing) a combination of different level 2 and level 3 modules, and encourage students to contact the student registration service if they are considering doing their next module.

External news stories and events

Connecting your module to current events and stories can be a powerful way to emphasise its importance and relevance. During tutorials I might highlight a story by asking a question, by asking: “has anyone seen that news feature about…” For students who might not come along to a tutorial, I might post a link to a news article on my tutor group forum. In turn, I might share a relevant link or a news story with fellow tutors by making a post to the module tutor’s forum.

Personal experience

Andragogy is the term used to refer to the practice of teaching adults. One of the great things about teaching adults is that they arrive at your tutorial with a wealth of personal experience. Many students may well already have careers in the topic that is the focus of your module. A good andragogic practice is to draw on the experiences of those who are studying the module, which you may find out about during introductory tutorials and events. When you know a little more about your students, you can then relate their experience with module themes and topics. You may also be able to draw on existing experience of study, to facilitate sharing between students.

Exams and EMA

Many elements of a module can be linked with its examinable component, which could be an end of module exam, or end of module assessment (EMA), or an end of module TMA (emTMA). As a tutor, you may be asked to facilitate tutorials about the final exam or final assessment.

In a tutorial that prepares students for an examinable component, it is useful to offer links and pointers to its structure, individual questions, and back again to the module the module materials. From there, you could link questions to module and unit learning outcomes. You might also link questions to previous TMAs, as well as any earlier points of feedback you may have shared.

It is also worthwhile offering links to other resources: module glossaries, resources about academic conduct, and guides about how to plan for exams.

Careers service

The careers service is sometimes easily forgotten about; it’s a great service. I mention the careers service in the comments of a final TMA that I return. I also mention it during some of my final tutorials and in my ‘sign off’ group emails.

Not only does the careers service provide some really helpful resources, students can also request to have a one-to-one career consultation with a career professional, which can be really useful in terms of identifying next steps. Working in combination with industry, the careers service also advertises jobs and graduate schemes that may be of interest to students who are coming to the end of their studies. It sometimes is used to share information about different types of internships.

It is worth telling your students that they are able to continue to access the OU career’s service a couple of years after graduating, just in the same way that they are also able to access module websites a couple of years after studying a module. Even though a student might not be a current OU student, they are still eligible to give the career service a ring.


Connecting different things together is a really important thing to do in online and distance teaching. A module is so much more than just the course materials and the assignments.

I initially thought this list would be a lot smaller than it is. When I started writing it, I thought there would be a maximum of around six entries. Reflecting on my practice as tutor, and reflecting on what I have experienced as an OU student has helped me appreciate that there are so many different pieces that can be proactively connected with each other. Tutors are perfectly placed to do a lot of connecting, to signpost different elements, tools, and resources.

Another reflection is that every module is different. One module that I tutored place a huge amount of emphasis on the use of discussion forums. Another module that I tutor doesn’t really use forums in a prescribed way. Just because a tool isn’t used doesn’t necessarily mean that you shouldn’t use a tool. Digital pedagogy is still something that is very new. We can only uncover best practices, and practices that relate to the modules that we tutor, by trying things out.

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Christopher Douce

Studying with the Kindle continued…

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Over the last few years, I’ve written a number of blog about studying using a Kindle device and using ePub files

Whilst beginning to study A334, I picked up a really useful tip from a fellow student, which is going to be useful when working with different types of resources.

I quite like reading PDF files on my Kindle Scribe, since this way I can highlight bits of text, and scribble some notes on the PDF with my digital pencil. I can then refer back to my scribbled-on PDF when I try to compose my essay.

My tutor directed me to a resource called Introducing Renaissance Rhetoric which looks to be really useful. To send it to my Kindle, I saved it as a PDF with the aim of emailing it to my Kindle account, for transfer to my device. When doing this, I tried one more step, which was to email the document whilst putting the word ‘Convert’ into the subject line of the email.

The effect of the convert instruction is that it appears to convert the PDF into a native Kindle format, so the text can be easily displayed at different levels of magnification. The PDF, in turn, looks a bit like what an ePub file looks like when it is displayed. It isn’t perfect; bits of the table of contents is a bit messed up, and some of the indentation and formatting disappears, but the conversion algorithm must adopt some simplifications to make the text reflow work.

I’ll be curious to see how ‘convert’ deals with more complicated PDF files, i.e. IEEE articles that are presented in two columns and have loads of images and graphs. My guess it that it works best with simpler articles.

To summarise, converting a Word file to a PDF, and then issuing a convert instruction in the subject line is a great way to send Word resources to your Kindle, so you can read it off line. I’ve had a look around to try to find any Amazon documentation about this feature. I haven’t found any yet. It you find a link to any documents, please do share by leaving a comment.

Acknowledgements are duly made to a fellow A334 student who shared the 'Convert' tip in the A334 module forum.

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Christopher Douce

Academic conduct review briefing

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Sunday, 13 Oct 2024, 12:21

On 29 February 2024 I attended an academic conduct review briefing for module teams. The aim of this blog is to share some highlights that may be useful for colleagues (and to also try to remember what was covered, since there’s always a lot going on).

During the introduction, it was highlighted that academic referrals have increased over the last 5 years. Two thirds of these typically relate to study skills and poor academic practice. In other words, this relates to what could be called inadvertent misconduct.

There are some specific challenges. Investigations take time, there is an obvious need for consistency with decision making, a need for transparency, and continually emerging threats, such as essay mills and the arrival of generative AI. To respond to this changing landscape, there is a new VLE page for staff, a new academic conduct tariff, new guidance on StudentHome, a new referral form, and new processes and study skills arrangements.

Academic integrity principles for assessment design

Assessment design is important. Good assessment design should ‘reduce the motivation and opportunities for plagarism’ and focus should be on how learning takes place, as well as what is learnt.

An important point that I noted was that module teams should look at patterns of academic conduct referrals. One way to respond to repeated issues is, of course, to consider the assessment design. To help with this, there some useful principles of assessment which I share below.

A key theme of these principles is authenticity. This is connected with need for to assessments that focus on problem solving, perhaps solving problem that might have an open ended answer.

Here are the ten principles that were shared during the session.

Principle 1: Reward academic integrity

Make sure students reflect on their skills and capabilities that demonstrate academic integrity.

Principle 2: Assess higher skills

Assess metacognitive skills where students actively create an answer, with an emphasis on construction and their own thinking. This point is, of course, linked to the principle of refletion.

Principle 3: Open-ended solutions

This principle is related to authenticity. It’s possible to see authenticity within the undergraduate computing project module.

Principle 4: Diversify assessment formats

This is linked to how students might relate assessment to their own interests and preferences. Providing a variety of different assessment formats also speaks to the importance of accessibility and diversity.

Principle 5: Authentic assessment

Making an assessment real by sharing an exciting concept can enhance motivation. Make an assessment authentic by drawing on their own experience.

Principle 6: New assignment questions

To limit the risk of academic conduct, prepare new assignment questions every year. Design the assignments in such a way that students cannot re-use a previous answer. In other words, make it difficult for students to directly benefit if the questions were to be shared.

Principle 7: Process besides product

Ask students to submit interim versions of assignments or ask them to provide a demonstration. In the computing project module, students are asked to submit a draft EMA as an assessment.

Principle 8: Making quality criteria transparent

Make rubrics transparent; share with students how assessments are made so everyone knows what the module team (and the university) is looking for. 

Principle 9: Generating and acting on feedback

Encourage students to generate their own feedback, which helps to develop critical thinking. This relates to a principle of peer assessment. This is used, to a limited extent in a software engineering module, where students comment on interim designs. 

Principle 10: Authentication methods

Are students who they say they are? There used to be a time when students had carry out written exams by attending exam centres at a specific date and time. As a part of this, students needed to show a form of ID, such as a passport or a driving licence. An alternative approach would be for a student to have a conversation with a tutor about their assignment.


A recent development has been the increased availability of TurnItIn to students. Module teams and staff tutors always used to receive TurnItIn reports. These reports indicated whether a submission contained words found in other online resources. A typical TurnItIn report might highlight legitimate quotes that a student used to evidence an argument, as well as uncited text.

On many modules students can now submit an earlier version of an assignment into TurnItIn. In turn, they can review a ‘similarity report’ to gain confidence that their assignment is adhering to sound principles of good academic practice. More information about TurnItIn can be typically found within a module’s assessment handbook.


A whole host of useful resources are available to students. The blog post Study Skills Resources: what is available? offers a handy summary of some of the most useful.


I’m not sure where these assessment principles come from. I really like them. I can bring these ten points into module team meetings. Their focus on authenticity strikes me as being really important. It is important in terms of problem solving, skill development and the application of knowledge.

Putting the assessment design principles to one side for a moment, tutors are really important. If appropriate, students can refer students for additional support sessions, and can also refer students to study advisors who work within the student support team.

Students can then be referred to additional support needs, and referral to a study advisor. In my experience tutors may sometimes get a sense when a student may have used Generative AI.


Acknowledgements are duly given to the academic conduct review team who facilitated this session. The principles shared in this blog post are their own, and I take no credit for them. I hope I’ve summarised them effectively.

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Christopher Douce

TM470 Considering LSEPI (again)

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Friday, 4 Oct 2024, 16:03

This post follows on from an earlier post: TM470 Considering LSEPI. The difference between this blog and the earlier one is that this article places more emphasis on the ethics bit, specifically, how to treat participants ethically.

Before looking at anything specific, it’s useful to remind ourselves of what learning outcomes in TM470 relate to ethics:

LO10. Identify and address the legal, social, ethical and professional issues (LSEPIs) and the equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) concerns that may arise during the development and use of computing and IT systems.

To gain a distinction for this learning outcome, you need to provide evidence to show that you have “comprehensively identified the relevant LSEPIs and EDI concerns arising during development and use and modified their project work to take these into account and behaved professionally in all aspects of [your] project work.”

At the beginning of your project it is very likely that you will be gathering requirements from stakeholders. During the middle of your project, you may well ask stakeholders for opinions about your intermediate designs, or emerging solutions; maybe asking their opinions about some prototypes. Towards the end of your project, you may (or may not) choose to carry out an evaluation. Your final project evaluation may involve stakeholders, who might be potential users of whatever product or system you have created.

Treating participants ethically

Given that you are likely to use participants throughout your project, what do you need to ensure they are treated in an ethical way?

A fellow TM470 tutor, Kawal Banga, offers the following useful summary: “you will need to consider how you are collecting data, where you are storing it, what stakeholder contact details you are storing, how you are ensuring anonymity and confidentiality, what will happen with the data on completion of the project, etc.“

Hold onto these points. 

Planning your project

TMA 1 is all about identifying a project, describing its aims, creating a plan and sharing it with your tutor. TMA 2 is all about showing that you have made some progress on your project and beginning to write about the ethical issues.

TMA01 states that:

“You will be considering in detail any legal, social, ethical and professional issues relating to your choice in TMA 02, but at this point you should consider whether these are likely to be serious enough to mean your project choice is inappropriate.”

It directs you to read some resources that have been prepared by the module team.

Before you begin writing your first TMA, do make sure you find the time to have a discussion with your tutor about your project and its aims.

In many cases, one of the first activities that you will carry out will be to establish requirements which may mean that you will need to talk to stakeholders. A stakeholder is, of course, anyone who has a vested interest in your project, or will be affected by its implementation or creation. Before you speak with anyone, you need to consider (as Kawal pointed out) how to collect data, what data you are collecting, and where you might be storing it.

TMA02 states that:

“If your project involves you working with human participants, you should include, as an appendix, your TMA02 LSEPI Form, found in the LSEPI Templates folder.” 

The point being made here is that you may need to address ethical issues before you get to your second TMA. Gathering requirements may mean working with people.

Working with stakeholders

When gathering requirements, if you need to consult people, it is important that you seek permission from those who you speak with and their line managers. Here is a suggestion about different resources that you should consider preparing before you interview anyone:

A project information sheet. This could be a single printed page, which you could then read before you go ahead with any data collection.

A consent form. This form is used to secure permission to gather data, and also to store data. More information about storing data can be seen in a related blog: Writing successful data management plans.

A set of interview questions, a set of survey questions and forms that can be used to gather responses.

Do consider sharing each of these with your tutor; they may well have some good ideas about how they might be improved.

Evidencing an ethical approach

When your examiner reads your project report, they will look for a description of what you have done and evidence that shows you have done what you have said you have done. Using a concept from creative writing, it is important to show the reader, rather than to tell the reader. 

You can show the examiner you have adopted an ethical approach by sharing evidence. You might, for example, share the following appendices:

  • Provide a copy of a project information sheet.
  • Provide samples of signed consent forms. You don’t need to provide copies of all the signed consent forms; one of each broad group of stakeholders will be enough. Make sure you hide any names and signatures. There is no reason why the examiner needs to see these.
  • Provide copies of any interview scripts or data collection forms.

Each appendix should, of course, be referenced within the body of your report.


The module website contains a number of helpful resources and pages. In particular, within the Legal, Social, Ethical and Professional issues resource, the following two sections are particularly useful:

  • Working with human participants
  • Appendix A Guidelines for conducting research with human participants

There is also a folder called LSEPI templates which can be found within the study materials section. At the time of writing, this folder contains the following files:

  • TMA02 LSEPI Form
  • consent-form-template
  • participant-information-sheet-template
  • EMA LSEPI Form

Do take the time to have a look at each of these files, and reflect on how they might be used within your project. 

When you submit your EMA you need to include a completed copy of the EMA LSEPI form as an appendix (which is something that be easily forgotten).

These above points offer some very practical advice about what you need to do to provide evidence of working with participants. This is, arguably, a very narrow treatment of the connection between your project and ethics. 

Thinking in an ethical way means that you need to consider the impact on any digital tool or product. If you are interested what this means, a good starting point is Carissa Weitz’s Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics (Oxford University press). You might find a chapter in this handbook that connects with the aim of your project. 

There is a requirements that your write about legal, social and ethical issues within your TMA 2 submission. If you're unsure about what this mean, or how to begin, a good bit of advice is, of course, find some time to speak with your tutor.


Many thanks to Kawal Banga and the TM470 module team.

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Christopher Douce

TM470 Considering evaluation

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Edited by Christopher Douce, Friday, 4 Oct 2024, 16:04

When planning your project, an important question to ask is: how can I tell if my project has been a success?

The extent of your evaluation very much depends on what you do during your project. For some projects, you might consider asking your stakeholders the question: “does this solve your problem?” You can ask this question in different ways: you could prepare a short survey (if you have a number of stakeholders), carry out an interview, or carry out a usability study.

If you consider design (rather than coding) to be your strong point, you may choose to carry out an interaction design project, where the output may well be a detailed high level prototype that could be presented using a prototyping tool. Since you may sidestep some of the important software development skills that you might otherwise demonstrate, is really important to ensure that you carry out your interaction design project in a really thorough way to clearly satisfy the requirement that your project is all about computing. If you are confident with software development and enjoy this aspect of your studies, you may well want to combine design with an aspect of software development; it is completely up to you.

Most interaction design projects are iterative. In fact, a practical recommendation is that a solid project that is based on the interaction design module should have three different development iterations, or phases. The thinking behind this is that this gives you the best opportunity to demonstrate your skills. When you get to the end you may want to ask the question: has my project solved the problem I set out to solve?

Consider an example of an app that could to pre-order a coffee from a local café, or to book a slot for your dog in a pet grooming parlour (you can choose another example if you prefer). 

Iteration 1: First initial sketches

Designs can be presented (and detailed) using different levels of fidelity, which (of course) relates to the idea of detail. A low fidelity design (or sketch) might be a rough sketch on paper (which is known as a paper-based prototype). A high fidelity design might be a design that closely resembles the final product. There are other terms that you might want to consider too: the idea of a vertical prototype (a prototype that covers a small bit of functionality in a lot of depth), or a horizontal prototype (a prototype that covers all the functionality of a product, but in a small amount of depth).

You might begin your design by creating some low fidelity designs, perhaps using paper-based prototyping. In other words, writing a bunch of sketches. You might want to combine this with other approaches from interaction design, such as the writing of user profiles and scenarios. It is up to you. Whatever you do needs to link back to the requirements of whatever it is you are designing. Different products will treat requirements in different ways.

When you have completed your first round of sketches (which could be made either using a pen or pencil, or using a tool), you should show them to whoever has the problem that needs to be solved (the café owner, or manager of the pet grooming parlour) to carry out your first round of evaluations.

Iteration 2: Wireframes

When you have received feedback, and have further refined your requirements, it is then a good idea to try to flesh out your design. You might have a second round of sketches, or you might move from pencil and paper to a prototyping tool. Choose whatever tool or product works best for you and your project.

When you have completed you second set of designs, go back to your stakeholders to get some further feedback. Here you should get some useful data (information about what works well, and what needs to be looked at in a bit more detail) to further refine you prototype further.

Iteration 3: Higher Fidelity prototypes

A high fidelity prototype is all about showing what a final (or polished) version of a product or system might look like. With this final iteration (or phase) you might get elements of your designing working. You may well develop software and create databases. 

As well as considering prototypes in terms of low and high fidelity, there is another couple of dimensions that can be considered helpful: horizontal and vertical prototypes. A horizontal prototype is a demonstration of a design across all its key functionality, but to a limited depth. A vertical prototype, on the other hand, means that you implement a small amount of functionality in a lot of depth. With a vertical prototype, you may well ‘go deep’ with the technology; you may have to choose appropriate software components and frameworks, and justify your choice.

When it comes to your project report, you should share your high fidelity prototype by walking your examiner through a series of screenshots.

Depending on the aim of your project, you might stop at this point. You may well have demonstrated a lot of technical skill and knowledge in a lot of detail. If your project is less about practical software development and more about design, it would be a good idea to carry out a final evaluation of your prototype to answer the question: does my design do what it supposed to do?

Using the DECIDE framework

The DECIDE framework can help you to plan (and run) an evaluation. It is featured within the interaction design module and its accompanying set text. Taking a letter at a time, here are the components of the framework: 

Determine the goals (of your evaluation): What are you aiming to get from your evaluation? Remember, this isn’t the goals of your project, it is the goals of your evaluation. What do you need to do to determine whether it is a success.

Explore the questions: What questions are you trying to find answers for? Or, alternatively, what questions do you need to ask to carry out an evaluation?

Choose the evaluation approach or paradigm: How are you going to approach your evaluation? You can choose a number of different approaches. You might wish to carry our a heuristic evaluation (which doesn’t involve users), a predictive evaluation (to predict how efficient your design is, perhaps using a cognitive walkthrough approach), or user testing (which can involve real users).

Identify the practical issues: This point relates to the detail of how you run your evaluation. If you need participants, how will you go about recruiting them? How will you ensure they are representative? How will you collect data? Will you be making notes on a data collection form, or if you’re carrying out an interview, will you be using the voice recorder app on your mobile phone? When you have captured data, where will you be storing your data, and how will you be making sure your data is secured.

Decide about the ethical issues: If you involve anyone in your evaluation, you need to think about ethics. Essentially, you need to gain permission, and you need to make sure that everyone knows what your evaluation is all about. An important point to emphasise is that you’re carrying out an evaluation of the performance of a product or a solution rather than the performance of your participants. Remember that your participants are always more important than the task of completing your evaluation. 

Evaluate: With your evaluation all planned, your data collection approach chosen, and permission gained, it is now time to carry out your evaluation. After you’ve gathered your data, it is time to analyse your data, interpret your data and then share your findings. In terms of your project report, this will mean the need to write a summary or conclusion.

Carrying out your evaluation

The DECIDE framework helps you to understand why you intend to carry out your evaluation, what criteria for success you consider to be important, and how you intend to carry out your evaluation.

If your project has an evaluation section, a recommendation is to show what you did in series of step by steps. In other words, adopt a narrative approach. Use a series of appendices to share the resources you may have created during the course of your evaluation. If participants are involved in your evaluations, consider taking a photograph of the environment in which an evaluation takes place, sharing that photograph within the body of your report.


Although I have suggested three phrases or iterations is often appropriate for an interaction design project, there are no ‘right’ number of iterations. Every project is different. Whilst carrying you’re your project you may discover that you need more phases, and more evaluations.


Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., Preece, J. (2023) Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, 6th Edition. Wiley.

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