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Christine Selby

Feeling disappointed with myself

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Edited by Christine Selby, Friday, 6 Nov 2020, 08:15

Over the past 5 weeks I have been concentrating so hard on TMA and nailing a decent score in the iCMA I have totally abandoned my fitness that I built up so well. 

Running was easier - cycling was enjoyable... I had a fairly good balance (or so I thought) 

Clocks changed, light hours changed, weather changed and lockdown returned. Before I knew it I was back in school working again. 

I am so upset and pissed off with myself for allowing it to slip away and I am paying the price. I feel fat, frumpy, disgusting and horrid again. 

Let’s look on the bright side - my youngest has started pre school. Meaning I have 3 hours on the morning of Monday and Friday free. What should be study time I have to do something for me to get me out of this rut I’m back in again. This morning I’m heading out on my bike to climb the local hills. Hopefully I will feel a little better and the little one will be tired enough from school to have a nap for me to study a little. 

Time to start my redemption and claw back the body I had begun to sculpt 5 weeks ago. 

I will be happy 😃 

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Christine Selby

Positive vibes

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Christine Selby, Thursday, 29 Oct 2020, 20:46

Spend all day today in my cave typing up my very first TMA. 

TMA01 - almost done. Just that little niggly mathematical problem left to do and I am ready to submit. 

Feeling positive this evening after my stress yesterday. 

Shutting down on a high for quality family time. 

big grin

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