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Richard Walker

One Liner

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"Newfangled".   There's an old-fashioned expression.

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Richard Walker

Cracker Motto

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Although fewer than 141 days remain to Xmas, most of the Elves are still on their hols.

However a young apprentice has recently joined and shows good promise. Here is her first joke. Please applaud a star in the making.

Q:  If lions had feathers, why would that be restful?

A:  Because it would be lion down.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 4 Aug 2016, 23:13

I once had a postman named Alfred, who was really aggressive and testosterone-driven

He had this T-shirt made that said "Al for mail".

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 4 Aug 2016, 23:00

What kept you, Angel?

Angels I hear lot about.

But you may be the last I run up against.

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Richard Walker

Epitaph for an Insomniac Film Buff

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 4 Aug 2016, 22:37

The Big Sleep

Is The Best.

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Richard Walker

Snail Winter Haiku

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In winter, will you wrap up like me?

What answer did I expect?

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty Misquote #1

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Edited by Richard Walker, Tuesday, 2 Aug 2016, 23:23

"Alas poor Yorick, I knew him well", said Tom gravely.

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Richard Walker


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Had scabs all over his knees.

Some were clinical

That's what you get from living in a barrel and being cynical.

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Richard Walker

Doubting Angel

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I met a doubting Angel in a late-night bar

Who said: "I do not question why (or even if) we are."

"But why should existence in itself exist?"

There was no answer I could give to this.

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Richard Walker

Loss of the forest

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oh my heart oh my heart

the red forest fell in the autumn

the green shoots that rise in spring

are never you. oh never

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Richard Walker

Kōan of the Day

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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 1 Aug 2016, 21:55
The teachers and the taught were on different wavelengths.
Wisdom advised them to tune in.
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Richard Walker

Anglo-Saxon Pottery

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 31 July 2016, 19:43

Someone brought me this small Anglo-Saxon pot sherd and I've only just got around to photographing it.

You can see little roulettes, which look as they were embossed with a bone or wooden tool, and I think this form of decoration is characteristically Anglo-Saxon.

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Richard Walker

Transport Trivia

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 31 July 2016, 01:31

Adolph Hitler once launched a rickshaw service. It's almost forgotten today, but it was called "The Trike".

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Richard Walker

Homage to Alexander Pope

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A poet's only trying to say

A memorable thought, but in a memorable way.

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Richard Walker

Mouse Pointer Poem

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The mouse pointer it's,

More erratic than the fly,

Crawling over my screen.

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Richard Walker

Poor Bastards

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Us poor bastards got locked up.

Which made the rich bastards breathe a little easier.

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Richard Walker

The Magician

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A poet is a magician
Since he can
Make you think it's a trick
When really it's magic.

This is a very free reworking of "O poeta é um fingidor", by Pessoa, but I hope a worthy one.

The remarkable Portuguese poet Pessoa wrote under fourscore and ten different personas. This is one he wrote as himself.
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Richard Walker

Collar Again

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Mi Madre always used to say

"Change your shirt!" And I'd reply "Por que?"

"Because!" So each time I gave way.

Another qué, another collar.

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 25 July 2016, 13:22

Adolph Hitler was a keen cyclist but he had a thing about twos. When he bought his second bicycle, he insisted it was the third trike.

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Richard Walker


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I knew this bloke whose job was flying highjacked aircraft, especially ones stuffed with Carribean treasure chests. He was an airline pirate.

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Richard Walker

One Armer

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"I'd rather chew my own arm off" he said. I was like, hmm, that's not exactly evidence-based.

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty

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"I didn't notice we'd be sleeping under canvas", said Tom inattentively.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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I'm off on a booze cruise. It's organised by Pinot.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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A friend has just launched a Bittern Sanctuary. He tells me business is booming.

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Richard Walker

Wildlife Report

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Tonight walking home (we both were) I saw a hedgehog.

Once I saw these these little animals every night in summer but now they seem uncommon and I mourn.

Passing a grassy bank – I heard a familiar rustle. I froze; waited; and sure enough a hedgehog emerged; snuffled its way on a circuit (pausing to eat a morsel at one point); then scrambled back up the bank and away.

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