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Amy Ka Ling Moore


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So I seem to have slacked with the blogging! I'm still absolutely loving the MBA and slowly getting to grips with the workload and actually beginning to understand the material. As we're reading about various management ideas, and realizing what worked years ago may not work today, makes me realize how flexible I need to be when it comes to working out the best study skills. What worked for me during A-Levels, or University is different from today, as I'm a different person, in a different context. Simply reading and revising the night before worked back then, but no way would that work today. Week 1 - in hindsight I over worked and did not take enough rest breaks, and probably did not take in as much detail in as I expected. Week 2 - achieved more balance, got some rest. But highlighting ferociously isn't effective, I need to be more selective in what I'm highlighting. The audio notes have worked brilliantly. Week 3 - my job and social life has taken over this week a bit too much perhaps, but note taking seems to work, whilst reading with the dictaphone playing. The problem is I'm being a little bit too slow so need to speed it up. Must manage the way I am studying. I did say the month of November would be the month of experimenting, how I study, then in December get into a better routine. But each month it's worth evaluating, to improve.
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