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How The West Was Lost

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The Taliban have now taken over Afghanistan again which is a surprise to no one, it would seem, but the politicians, especially when it was reported a few weeks ago that they were in talks with China.

Realistically, no one in the West was ever going to succeed in Afghanistan because of one simple fact, you will never beat a man in his own country, especially a country as hard as Afghanistan, those people are like mountain goats, tough as old shoe leather. Any initial successes you may have, as with ‘shock and awe’ in Iraq, will fail in the long term because you are a foreigner in a foreign land, and unless you can flood the country with your own people to live there permanently, as the Chinese appear to have done in Tibet, then eventually you will have to leave. And what the west usually leaves behind is a mess of their own creation.

For comparison, the UK is 2.7 times smaller than Afghanistan and the might of the British Army could not win in the 6 counties of Northern Ireland, even with the support of the majority of the population.

When you turn off the technology and the news, as I have done several times this year, and take a step back, you have time to think and the bigger picture starts to reveal itself. I’ve been trying to figure out what is going on in the world with the ‘pandemic’ and what the end game is. There are plenty of theories online, most designed to generate fear and confusion, and most best ignored. But experience tells me it is always about money.

For years, I looked at the US and the military industrial complex as being the villains of world conflict and war. I now see that the military were just the pawns of the bankers and corporations who have been running the world for decades. We paid the costs of those wars with our taxes, and the banks and corporations took the profits, not to mention the costs in the thousands of lives that were wasted or the countries that were destroyed. It is now obvious that most western governments are corrupt and controlled by the banks/corporations, and act in their interests, not ours. They don’t give a damn about who is left sitting in poverty, or the decimation of the high street, or the destruction of the economy and job losses, as long as they make a profit.

The UK is now basically a second world country, or at least getting very close to it, a position that has accelerated under the ‘pandemic, and becoming less relevant on the world stage with every passing day. The US is the same, it is on its knees and deliberately engineered to be so. The corporations have abandoned the US and the west, they moved all the industry out to China and other Eastern countries, less costs and more profits, at least for now, and we’re left to watch the complete destruction of our economies and lives, while our leaders fiddle with their egos, fill their pockets and sell us out.

I never realised how much the world needed a strong US to keep the balance of power in the world, but the days of western dominance are over. There is a brain dead corporate shill in the White House, (remember Spitting Image when the presidents brain was missing, history repeats itself) politics across the west is riven with corruption and, as usual, it will be us who will ultimately pay the price.

I have included a link to a video I watched a couple of months ago down below, it is titled ‘Massive Chinese cities you never heard of. It’s only 7 minutes long and I would ask you to take the time and look at it. You will see just how far ahead of the west China is and how neglected and in decline we are.

The media, of course, are a big part of it too, cheerleading the destruction and keeping us distracted with the latest hysteria and ignoring the real issues, whether it’s BLM or ‘Trans rights’. By the way, where is all this ‘trans’ discrimination happening, are they denied work, can they not marry whoever they chose, are they excluded from society? They have the same rights as the rest of us, so what do we have that they don’t? They can mutilate their genitalia and call themselves Daphne, Josephine or Frank, who is stopping them indulging in their narcissistic, gender navel-gazing and denying them their ‘rights’? What specific rights are they being denied?

And BLM, where is the discrimination happening? Is it in jobs or housing? If they are so concerned with black lives, why don’t they start with gang crime, read Malcolm X, and look at what is needed in their own communities instead of screaming about white privilege.(I’m still waiting for mine to arrive, I’m sure it will be here any day now)  Someone needs to tell them that Europe is white that is  the way it is, that doesn’t make it racist. And someone tell Lewis Hamilton, Grand Prix racing started in Europe, if it was so racist, he wouldn’t be the world’s number one driver with 7 Grand Prix’s under his belt, and living a tax-avoiding lifestyle in Monaco with his millions. Go take a look at a white, working-class community in Britain and tell them about their white privilege.

Or, as a man, maybe highlight the problem of absent and excluded fathers which isn’t always down to men, as the feminist movement would have us believe. In my work, I have dealt with men who have been denied access to their children, even when there are Court orders in place, by vindictive and bitter women, and no one seems to be able to do anything about it, not the police or social services. Children need fathers too, masculinity is not toxic, and is just another agenda driven issue to divide us. The feminist movement have made men the enemy and I don’t care what they say, experience and every social survey will confirm, a stable home with 2 parents and a strong family network of support is still the best place to bring up children and has the best outcomes for both the children and society. As the African saying goes ‘It takes a village to raise a child’.

And, as usual, while we are all distracted and bickering among ourselves over the latest non-issue, the corporations continue to bleed us dry and are, literally, getting away with murder.  Is it a coincidence that President Magufuli of Tanzania and President Moïse of Haiti, who both refused to enforce the vaccine, are now dead? Is that what happens when you stand in the way of the almighty profit? I hope President Bolsonaro of Brazil has good and trustworthy security.


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Edited by Aideen Devine, Friday, 9 Sept 2022, 16:13

One for the working classes whose political voice is rapidly disappearing, in and out of Parliament.  Free market economics are fine if they apply to all, but workers are forbidden from joining unions and striking, the law is skewed in favour of practices that favour employers. Banks gamble and lose, and the tax payer is left to pick up the bill; so where is the ‘free’ in the free market?  Are we under the Orwellian, ‘everyone is free only some are more free that others’ or are those on top ‘free’ to exploit those on the bottom?  Time for a wake up call.


Alarm Call

Wake up the working classes!

Wake up! Wake up!

Your life is disappearing,

down the drain

While you watch TV

That’s rotting your brain.

A cell killing diet

of soap from the sink.

Until, you no longer know

what it is, to think.



Wake up the working classes!

Wake up! Wake up!

Your future hopes

Are being cut away,

While you sit dreaming

of stardom in X-Factor

for your son or daughter.

Blinded by celebrity:

wake up and face-up to,

the con of this ‘reality’!



Wake up the working classes.

Wake up! Wake up!

You’ve forgotten your history

The story of your labour,

What your ancestors fought and died for.

Remember Tolpuddle and Peterloo,

The Suffragettes and Miners

As citizens, not subjects,

This nation is not one class,

It is your country too.








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Elections and Votes

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Edited by Aideen Devine, Wednesday, 18 Aug 2021, 19:11

Looking at the results of the local elections in Britain, I have to say I find it very disappointing to see how low the turnout has been, although considering how democracy has been subverted for many years now, it’s hardly a surprise that people have lost faith in the political system.  I think this is due in part to the fact that there is no mechanism for appeal once a party has been elected, so the politicians can promise all sorts during the campaign trail, but once in office, they can do what ever they like which, of course, they have done and there is no one to stop them or make them follow through on the promises they made. 

 I also think we are still suffering the fall out from the Thatcher era.  Her attack on the unions, strongly backed by a right-wing media (I for one, am delighted that the past is finally catching up with Rupert Murdoch and his whole media dictatorship, having been railing against him for years) has left the working-classes without a way into politics or a strong voice that truly represents them. 

 All the political parties are now populated by upper/middle class public school boys who have no idea how the other 95% of the population live.  That the front bench in the House of Commons is full of millionaires, speaks volumes about our so-called democracy.  Where is the voice of the working-classes in Parliament?  Even the so-called left wingers seem so egotistical and arrogant that they don’t really speak for ordinary people any more, with the exception of Dennis Skinner and, since Tony Benn retired, they are becoming thinner on the ground and there does not seem to be any new blood following in their steps.  Politics is now a career for the upper middle-classes and they work in the interests of one group, and one group only, their own. 

The whole class system too, is part of the problem.  The most obvious example of this is the House of Lords.  The whole idea of an unelected upper house based on class and privilege is so anachronistic in the 21st Century and completely subverts what is supposed to be a democracy.  Why should these people have this right?  It supports privilege for some and exclusion for most of the rest of us.  How can Britain even claim to be a democracy when this system remains in place.

 What is really needed is political reform, but how is that going to be achieved when it is in the interest of the ruling classes to maintain the status quo?  The truth is, is that those who now rule, are not the least bit interested in democracy but are only interested in self-promotion and self-protection for themselves and their own social class.  And I’m really going to p*ss off the middle-classes with this next statement because I believe that they too, are partly to blame for the situation. 

The class system is elitist and unfortunately too many aspire to be part of it.  I don’t believe in the middle-class, and if you think of yourself as middle-class then you are, in my eyes, a working-class snob.  What does it even really mean to be middle-class, other than you have more money and a bigger house (or should that be mortgage, another con, but a subject for another day) than someone who is called working-class.  Middle class is an illusion, you either work for a living or you don’t, and to divide people into class groups is nothing more than social apartheid, and is every bit as disingenuous and damaging, as the racial apartheid that existed in South Africa.

 So how do we resolve the political apathy that exists?  Well, firstly, I would like to say thank-you to all those who did turn out to vote, at least you made the effort.  To all those who didn’t vote or who haven’t voted for years, I challenge you.  If you are so disillusioned with the system and those self –serving politicians, then put yourself forward for election next time.  Go forward as an independent, and let’s start a campaign to fill Parliament with independents at the next General Election, because your vote IS your voice and if you don’t use it, even if it is to spoil it, then you shouldn’t even be allowed an opinion. 

 Politics affects every area of our lives, and almost seventy per cent of the people who were entitled to vote, didn’t even bother to turn out.  Now, what if those seventy per cent had turned out and voted for the most politically independent candidate on the ballot paper?  Or just for the fun of it, voted for anyone as long as they were not a candidate for any of the big three?  What kind of difference could that have made?  Because it isn’t just one vote, it amounts to millions when used collectively or not, as the case may be.  Opting out resolves nothing, if you want to change it, then you have to get in there and do something about it, otherwise things will just remain the same. 

 And when you do get in, remember why you are there.  Get rid of the House of Lords, and while you’re at it, do your best to dismantle the class system, and that means removing the Queen from Parliament.  The monarchy is an out-dated system and doesn’t really have a place in a truly democratic society.  I have nothing personally against the Queen, she seems like a really nice woman, she can still be Queen if that’s what people want, but an honour’s system that confers titles, again supports the social elitism of the class system and she doesn’t have any political power, so why is she even there?  I read in the paper today about a move to bring in changes to the Honour’s system by removing Empire from titles and instead give awards that are more reflective of the reality of life in Britain today.  Rather ironic that the Queen’s Lord Lieutenants are more in touch with the social reality of Britain, than our so-called Parliamentary democracy!!

 And remember too, that when elected, regardless of who has, or who has not voted for you, you have a moral obligation to govern in the best interests of all the people in the country, because the business of government, is the business of the people, and the business of the people, is the business of government.  This means, that government has a moral obligation to work in the best interests of the entire population and that the population too has a responsibility to be aware of what their government is doing, and to hold them accountable for it, and the only way we have of doing that at the present time IS WITH YOUR VOTE.  So please, use it!

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