Fig 1. MY PLE
First Half 2012 (earlier PLEs in the blog here)
The blogs, Picasa, increasingly eBooks from Kindle on a Kindle and the iPad. Tweeted. This locates like-minds but also provides my notes in my Twitter feed. Google as ubiquitous as QWERTY. Facebook for social/family; Linkedin for work related groups, interests and contacts (e-learning, corporate communcations)
My OU Blog in the student environment and its mirror my external blog in wordpress IS a blog, learning journal, e-portfolio, forum and deposit. It can be a link to 'like-minds' too (and job opportunities)
I want an article I cut and paste the reference in Google.
If I can't have it I repeat this in the OU Library resource fist by title, then by author. I find I can, almost without exception, read whatever takes my interest. Brilliance for the curious and ever-hungry mind.
Increasinly I photo and screen grab everything, manipulate in Picasa then load online where I can file, further manipulate and share. A better e-portfolio and an e-portfolio as it is image based. My e-learning folder tops 350+ images.
When busy on an OU Module the 'OU Learning Environment expands to fill 1/3rd of the screen: the learning journey, resources, activities and student forums are my world for 6-9 months'.
In truth I need to video my activity and then do a time in motion audit. Tricky as I don't have a laptop or desktop anymore. All is done (most) on the move on an iPad or iPhone. I 'borrow' my son's desktop when he's at school or early mornings on my wife's laptop. Which explains why EVERYTHING is online, I could go to the library or an Internet cafe and work just as well.
'A university in my pocket'?

Or 'a university in the clouds', literally as envisaged in the 1960s by Michael Young et al and featured on BBC Radio 4's 'The New Elizabethans' (in association with the Open University of course)
- A pivotal role in the creation of the welfare state
- Groundbreaking work as a social scientist in the East End
- His creation of the Open University
P.S. Which reminds me: the Open University was devised for those with a fraction of the opportunities I have had so I need to treat it with huge respect.

Fig 2. My PLE July 2011
A year on my choice of blogs has greatly reduced. I still access Diaryland as it has 1,700+ entries to draw upon from 1999 to 2006. StumbleUpon I still use and need to add to the current PLE. I don't go near Xing. I haven't indicated the digital tools, the hardware I use to access this (these) online resources.
But what's more important, the phone or the conversation?
Yes, I dip into Wikipedia but frequently I scroll down for alternative equally valid answers from the long established sources that have finally got themselves online. TED lectures I've missed out too. I must watch several a month.
I haven't add family and friends because where they are part of my world, increasingly online through Facebook, they are not directly part of my PLE.
However, it would be foolish to ignore the vital role family and the context of family, community and school play in learning.
Virtual Learning Environments vs. Personal Learning Environments
Virtual Learning Environments or Personal Learning Environments
Technology Mediated Learning Spaces
The reality check. Must PLEs be technology enables to qualify as PLE?
The Challenge Facing Course Design 1997 vs. 2012
What’s wrong with educational social networking?
My Personal Learning Environment (2011)
Sometimes only paper will do
Digital Housekeeping. Recording everything.
H800 EMA Images / Visualisation
H800 EMA Course Specifics
What’s wrong with Educational Social Networking? (EDU)