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Richard Walker

Word of the day

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The warmth of the sun in winter.

Here’s an amusing skit on such rare words, from Mirriam-Webster

“These humicubations, the nocturnal irrorations, and the dankishness of the atmosphere, generated by a want of apricity, were extremely febrifacient.” Lorenzo Altisonant (aka Samuel Klinefelter Hoshour), Letters to Squire Pedant, 1856

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Richard Walker

Rehabilitation or bust

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 3 Oct 2021, 01:14

I’m addicted to suitcases. But I’m determined to pack them up.

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Richard Walker

Average Age of People in UK?

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No clues and pleeeeze don’t just Google. Think about it and put a guesstimate in the comments.

By average is meant the median; half the people below, half above.

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Richard Walker

Can anyone identify this tree?

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Seen in the Scilly Islands.

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Richard Walker


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I used to hear owls a lot round here but in the last few years less. So I was pleased in this last few days to hear several tawny owls on the way back from the pub (me not them).

Here’s a good write-up with a sound recording


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Richard Walker

Emotive Conjugation

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On a radio program in 1948 the philospher Bertrand Russell gave several humerous examples of "emotive conjugation", such as

I am firm, you are obstinate, he is a pig-headed fool.

I have reconsidered the matter, you have changed your mind, he has gone back on his word.

You get the idea: it's like comjugating a verb but the speaker casts themself in a favourable light, you in a slightly less favourable one, and the others in an unfavourable light.

I offer you one for the current "situation" (as the PM describes ).

I am filling up earlier than usual, you have changed your pattern of demand, they are panic buying.

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Richard Walker


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They said I knew diddly squat. I was like “No, never met the bloke”.

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Richard Walker

Musical Daffynitions

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I can probably reprise this, after half a decade.

Barcarolle       Gamble on winning streak

Minuet             Last night's romantic dinner

Romance        Insect scouts

Nocturne         Criticise stage act       

Overture          Your turn now

Rondo              Relative of John Doe, Jane Doe, etc.

Andante           Another relative

Unison             The one at uni

Suite                Grain identification

Operetta          Grain dryer tragedy    

Symphony       Appear odd

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Richard Walker

It’s an ill wind

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According to Simon Cardy we’ve had less wind this summer than any year since 1962, see 


This has had a big impact on energy supply, but I didn’t realise quite how much wind power mattered. It’s been windy this week and as a result between Tuesday and Wednesday morning wind provided about a third of our national power requirements (see Paul Simons Weather Eye, Times 30/09/2021).

At the same time the wind caused some devastation near here. Two light aeroplanes and a helicopter were upended and written off overnight. At first sight it might appear that such heavy machines would be safe from wind, but I think the fact that they are designed to fly makes them more vulnerable.
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Richard Walker

Dad Joke

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 30 Sept 2021, 03:14

A. How do lumberjacks get online?

A. With their logging credentials!

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Richard Walker

What I’m Reading

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Generations: Does When You’re Born Shape Who You Are?
By Bobby Duffy

About half way through, very absorbed by this highly thought-provoking book.

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Richard Walker

One liner

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I love archeology, I really dig it.

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Richard Walker


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Retired plorer.

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Tuesday, 28 Sept 2021, 01:30

Each week I buy the ingredients for a meal that I cook and share with a friend, although I’m not very agile nowadays so they have to assist quite a bit. 

Anyway. Today I tried pork escalopes with grilled vegetables. No carbs cos friend is on a Keto diet, which is not far off what would be recommended for people on type 2 diabetes, so I think it’s ok health wise and does seem to work. I’ve snuck in carbs myself but still lost a bit by association.

Next up will be a marinara chicken breast recipe, with different grilled vegetables, mushrooms, sweet potato this time and maybe peppers.

What’s with marinara? It’s the sauce mariners cook up, think of carbonara cooked up by charcoal burners.

I’ll report next week on a) recipe and method b) success in scale 1-5


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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 26 Sept 2021, 22:16

Who can get petrol?

Scroll down for answer 

Jerry can!

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Richard Walker

Word Of The Day

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 26 Sept 2021, 02:02

A grimoire is a book of magic spells, from French, from Latin, and I think related to Ancient Greek grammata = letters. 

Those who can read and write may cast spells. They may be glamorous, glammar being a Scots variant. And so we see those who can read, write, spell, may bewitch and fascinate. Letters are dangerous.

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Richard Walker


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I bought a wig for five thousand pounds. That’s a lot toupee.

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Richard Walker

Word of the day

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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 24 Sept 2021, 01:55

A German one today.


This beautiful word means an attempt at making things better that ends up making them worse.

Pointing no fingers, you can probably think of many examples.

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Richard Walker

Dad Joke

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What did the talking dog say when it climbed on the house?


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Richard Walker

Hanging Baskets

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We’ve been deliberating what we should put in the hanging baskets to flower through the winter. Winter pansies are a hot favourite but what other plants should we look at; any other ideas welcome.

Permalink 4 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 22 Sept 2021, 22:33)
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Richard Walker

Vitamin D

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My doctor tested me and said my Vitamin D was low. “Get out in the sun more”, she advised, “And wear shorts, get some sun on those legs!”

I did what she said, and when I went back, after just a few weeks, my Vitamin D was way up. My doctor was so pleased she awarded me some brown knee points.

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Richard Walker

Autumn Encounter

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 19 Sept 2021, 02:08

Tending my tomatoes 

My head brushed a spiderweb 

Little damage done, and the spider ran off safely.

Still I apologised.

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Richard Walker

Duxford Air Show

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As the sun rose today, classic WWII era aircraft lined up at Duxford Aerodrome in Cambridgeshire. The planes to the right are Buchons, those at left Spitfires.

Picture credit Mark Williams of Classic Wings

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Richard Walker

The Guessing Games

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Edited by Richard Walker, Saturday, 18 Sept 2021, 00:27

A friend tells you she has chosen a number from 1 to 100, and challenges you to guess what it is. To help you a little, she says you can ask exactly one question about the number and she will answer it honestly. Armed with the extra information her answer provides, you can then proceed to guess what number she picked.

What question would you ask?

[Adapted from a puzzle by Alex Besos.]

Permalink 6 comments (latest comment by Joseph McDonnell, Tuesday, 28 Sept 2021, 21:54)
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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 16 Sept 2021, 03:49
All people are unique but some are more unique than others.
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