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Richard Walker

Who Owns That Swan?

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Technically almost all unmarked mute swans on open water in Britain belong to the monarch. There’s a terrific blog post here that goes into the fascinating legal history of this prerogative.

However there is an exception; ownership of unmarked swans on the reaches of the Medway around Maidstone was granted to the borough by Elizabeth l (or maybe James I). So the swan I photographed on Wednesday is the responsibility of the Mayor of Maidstone.

Read more about Medway swans here.

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Richard Walker

Mikis Theodorakis

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Mikis Theodorakis has just died. He was a big hero of mine, a great composer and a lifelong fighter for social justice.

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Richard Walker

River Cruise

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On Wednesday four of us took an excursion on the River Medway (more to come on this). Just before we left Maidenhead I spotted this swan squaring up to its own image in a car door.  I have a crow living in my garden that pecks its own reflection in the window of the back bedroom, the same thing I suppose.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Monday, 6 Sept 2021, 01:19)
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Richard Walker

News From The Garden

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The big planter just outside the kitchen window has been looking gorgeous for weeks. The flowers just keep coming and coming. The one with dark green leaves and new buds, middle bottom, is a New Guinea Impatients that I bought from the local Coop for £2 I think it was. It's a wonderfule flower that takes my breath away.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Saturday, 4 Sept 2021, 17:40)
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Richard Walker

Haiku (sort of)

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 2 Sept 2021, 00:56

Life’s a bright

Blue streak.

A kingfisher

On the wing.

Don’t miss it!

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Tuesday, 31 Aug 2021, 03:08

Having recently passed a million views I wondered what the first blog post I ever made was. Checking back, it announced a new record for calculating the digits of π. Back then in 2010 it stood at 

2 699 999 999 999 digits

By about the same time in 2020 the record had reached

50 000 000 000 000 digits

and I don’t think there has been any advanced on that since.

Printing it out might need about 27 777 777 777 pages of A4 or 55 555 555 reams, which would weigh about 130 million tonnes. So not something to try at home!
Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Friday, 3 Sept 2021, 01:37)
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Richard Walker

St-Feuillien Blonde

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Just sampling this Belgian Abbey-style beer. The brasserie was founded in my lifetime but the beer stands up well with more venerable monastic brews. I was impressed. 7.5 %.

Here’s the blurb aka tasting notes

St-Feuillien Blonde abbey beer has a surprisingly perfumed bouquet, with a top note provided by the aromatic hop varieties and a delicately bitter taste. Spices provide a fruity touch. Saint-Feuillien Blonde tastes full in the mouth with a robust malty aroma and a dry, hoppy finish. It all makes for an excellent digestive.

A bit flowery perhaps, but the beer really is very nice.

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Richard Walker

Vita Brevis

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In Kingsor’s Last Summer a character quotes this old Chinese poem

Life passes like lightning  whose brightness there is hardly time to see 

Although the earth and the sky stand still, 

How swiftly time flies over the face of man. 

Oh, you, who are before a full glass and do not drink! 

Tell me, who are you still waiting for?

The book says it’s by Li Tai Pei and I think this is the same poet as Li Bai 

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Richard Walker

I took a PCR test

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Edited by Richard Walker, Saturday, 28 Aug 2021, 20:36

Really overpriced!!! I felt I was paying through the nose.

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Richard Walker

What I’m reading

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Edited by Richard Walker, Saturday, 28 Aug 2021, 00:49

Klingsor’s Last Summer, by Hermann Hesse.

It’s fiction but I guess from what I’ve read so far that Hesse might have been bipolar.

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 27 Aug 2021, 15:57
All roses are flowers.
Some flowers fade quickly.
Therefore some roses fade quickly.

Is this a valid inference?

Source: Thinking fast and slow, by Daniel Kahneman

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Sunday, 29 Aug 2021, 23:04)
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Richard Walker

Word Of The Day

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New to me, I found this in today’s Times


Actually I think the word is


And it means make poor and/or unhappy.

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Monday, 6 Sept 2021, 01:22)
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Richard Walker

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road

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For a dare.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 26 Aug 2021, 02:31

We used to do the washing up in strict rotation. But we got out of sync.

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Richard Walker

Mot Du Jour - Pamplemousse

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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 25 Aug 2021, 00:34

French for grapefruit, and the name of the chief character in the book Monsieur Pamplemousse by Michael Bond, author also of Paddington Bear.

I don’t know why but the word suddenly popped into my head, and it made we wonder (for some reason) what grapefruit is in other European languages.

Looking at a few, there are basically two strands

1. Many languages, such as German, Danish, Russian, Gaelic ohave borrowed the English word, and that seems to have arisen from the fruits growing in clusters like grapes. I looked at some images and they really do, so the etymology is plausible.

2. Other languages have borrowed from Dutch pompelmoes = ‘fat lemon’, hence pamplemousse and Italian pompelmo etc.

I love grapefruit but I can’t really eat them nowadays because they might interfere with my medication.

Permalink 3 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Thursday, 26 Aug 2021, 02:32)
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Richard Walker

A Proverbial Expression Come True

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They held the card machine to one side of my nose, and I brought my Apple Watch up to the other, to make a contactless payment. I was literally paying through the nose.

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Richard Walker

Famous Quote

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The barrister F. E. Smith (later 1st Earl of Birkenhead) was renowned for his sharp wit in court. For example

Judge: I have read your case, Mr Smith, and I am no wiser now than I was when I started. 
Smith: Possibly not, My Lord, but far better informed.

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Richard Walker

Love Haiku

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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 23 Aug 2021, 01:41

Touching your pillow

Watching your pale brown eyes

Never to forget

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Richard Walker


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There’s bigots but no smallots. Why is this?

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Debz Mercer, Monday, 6 Sept 2021, 15:29)
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Richard Walker

Time For The Vac - A Poem

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There were three cats sat in a snug,

Purr, purr, purr.

And shed their hairs upon the rug,

Fur, fur, fur.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Richard Walker, Saturday, 21 Aug 2021, 02:52)
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Richard Walker

Dining and Whining

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Oh god this food is crap.

Hate the decor.

Plates are cold.

This chair is doing my back in.

Really slow service.

Background music is rubbish.

And too loud.

Don’t think much of the view outside the window.

Why did we come here.

Don’t know big mistake.

How many stars?


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Richard Walker

Golden Mean

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I believe in moderation. But only to a degree.

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Richard Walker

Governors and Cybergovenors

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‘Gubernator’ and ‘Cybernaut’ are ancestral the same word, which meant steersman, in Latin and Greek.respectively. How remarkable, that govern retains a similar meaning, yet cyber has gone its own way.

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Richard Walker


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Light morning rain

When it stopped

We could hear a buzzard.

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Richard Walker

One liner

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Sad news today. The inventor of the candle extinguisher has snuffed it.

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