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Richard Walker

One liner

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My new detective agency never lets go. We’re called Superclue.
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Richard Walker

On The Phone

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I turned up at some pottery classes

And found them all reciting vases.

A slip of the ears

It appears.

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Richard Walker

Out on the range

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Q. What would a mathematical cowboy do with 0.5 of a steer?

A. Round it up.

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Richard Walker

What is special about these English words?

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I found these English words by computer search using a small program I wrote. What is unusual about them?








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Richard Walker

Social distancing in a bygone age

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Public domain, from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:1850-g-cruikshank-crinoline-parody.png

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Richard Walker

Nursery Rhyme

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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 15 June 2020, 03:07

Here’s a little puzzle, that no-one can find out,

Whether every little swing has a little roundabout.

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Richard Walker

Temps Perdu

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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 15 June 2020, 00:17

Many years ago an aged relative passed away, and for some reason I inherited her ear trumpet. I've always treasured it, as a relic from a past era.

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Richard Walker

My baby steps out of lockdown

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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 15 June 2020, 00:00

I've been sheltering for 12 weeks, because I am quite vulnerable.

Today I went out, at last. Infection in my locaility is down to the level just before the lockdown. So I decided that, given the good weather, it would be safe to emerge blinking into the sunlight. It could be "Now or never", with "Now" being the better option.

Here is a record of the exploration* I made on my mobility scooter.

*  "X" marks a spot where a car pulled up on the other side of the road and the driver wound down the window and said "Dr Walker, I presume."  Well not exactly that, it was someone I knew, who said "How are you?" but roughly similar.

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Richard Walker


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My herd of Wildebeest are restless, but I keep promising them it's not long until the Gnu normal...

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Edited by Richard Walker, Saturday, 13 June 2020, 21:49

Brexit. Was it just a Brussels rout?

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Richard Walker

From Twitter : Weighing up the risks

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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 12 June 2020, 00:06

Seen on Twitter

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Richard Walker

“There were two birds”

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Richard Walker

Amphibian advice

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If I was or were a Toad

I wouldn’t cross the road.

I wouldn’t get frisky.

Too risky.

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Richard Walker

Tim buys a mask

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Richard Walker

My reply to P.

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Edited by Richard Walker, Tuesday, 9 June 2020, 22:25

can u be more definite?

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Richard Walker

If you don't ask, you don't get

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Edited by Richard Walker, Tuesday, 9 June 2020, 00:23

I asked my plumber for a quotation.

Guess what I got back. "To be or not to be".

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Richard Walker

The Appliance of Science

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Apparently even sheep farming is being taken over by technology.

Rather than keeping watch in the traditional way, farmers can now monitor their flocks from drones, and get real time updates from a new app, available for iPhone and Android. It's called ShepherdsSpy.

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Richard Walker


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Why ever do people writing books of quizzes, and compose quizzes, and other such stuff, write such sloppy questions? I wouldn't keep my job unless I was more precise.

For example

"Can you think of three nouns that become singular when 's' is added?"

My answer: No.

So full marks I guess.

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Richard Walker

Mondegreens, and one for our times

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Yesterday I saw a joke: One ant says to another ant, "Dad, why don't we get coronavirus?" The reply, "Because we have anty bodies Son."

This set me musing on Auntie Bodice and the like. Combinations of words that sound like another phrase, and so are often misheard, are called Modegreens. A great example is Bob Dylan's famous song, "The ants are my friends, is blowin' in the wind". I also like Demond Dekker, "Oh Oh Oh Oh, my ears are alight".

Then this mondegreen popped into my head:

"So shall dissed aunts sing?"

You can sort of imagine a small choir of disaffected aunts debating practicing or not (I'd advise not but that's another story).

So was I first with this Modegreen? When I Googled it (I always do due diligence), I stumbled on an entire book that is nothing but Modegreens. Modegreens all the way through (or the waif rue).

The book is Utter Nonsense, by Clive Burke. Let me give you a couple of examples.These are Furry Tails.

Ghoul de Luxe endth repairs
Wants a porno thyme, dare were tree pears. ...

Racks tore ritches
There one's war sick hurl, cold Cindy Roller. Shoes fairy prat tea. ...

The book is actually a bit more zany than this. My paperback copy is on its way, no Kindle edition sadly.

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Richard Walker

C'est l'amour d'un Fromager pour une Fromagère

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Je sais que c'est ringard
Mais je viens de penser que
Je t'aime juste le petit lait que tu es.

I know it's cheesy
But it's just occurred to me that
I love you just the whey you are.
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Richard Walker

Travelling Salesman Problem

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 7 June 2020, 01:58

I was reminded of this today by a friend and colleague. The TSP problem asks how to calculate the shortest round trip between a set of cities, given the respective distances between them.

Simply comparing all the possible routes one after another will obviously work, but with even a few cities, and the fastest computer in existence, it could take thousands or millions or more years. So is there a way to solve it in a feasible length of time?

The TSP attracts a lot of attention, because it’s easily stated and most people have a gut feeling there should be a lightbulb intuition that will show the way. However decades of professional and amateur endeavour have not succeeded. We have good ways to calculate it well enough for delivery services say, but no way of finding the absolute optimum until the customer is long dead. Amazon and Google and others use algorithms which are good enough, and they are good enough; shaving 100 metres off a delivery trip will avail nought if there is a parked car en route. 

So it’s a theoretical question, but to my mind they are the ones that we learn most from.

Let XKCD have the last word. This is the approach that will probably work best in this year of crisis, and perhaps at all times.


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Richard Walker

No X in Y

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There’s a joke meme that runs, “There’s no X in Y”.

For example: “There’s no L in denial” and slightly off-colour, “There’s no P in bath”.

And in fact no X in why.

In this vein I offer, “There’s no As in bright blue skies”.

Any more suggestions? Please post in Comments.

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Saturday, 20 June 2020, 23:33

I'm so glad dockers are exempt from quarantine rules. The're quay workers, after all.

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Richard Walker


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Somebody, I don’t recall who, said “The path of honour is often insane, but it is always honourable.”  

I think that kind of makes sense.

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Richard Walker

Out Of Tune

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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 22:04

Don't understand why piano tuners aren't available.They're key workers after all.

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