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Richard Walker

From Memoirs of an Alphabet Counsellor

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I've had plenty of tough cases. One was the letter 'e'. In denial but wouldn't admit it.

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Richard Walker

Portrait of a Tulip

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Richard Walker

Nursery Rhyme

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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 17 Apr 2020, 23:23

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Richard Walker

Suddenly, The Cherry Trees Were in Bloom

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Edited by Richard Walker, Tuesday, 14 Apr 2020, 01:24

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Say what you like about self-isolation, but at least you know where you are with it.

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Richard Walker

My Ambition

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I always wanted to be in a Gregorian choir. But I never got the chance.

Joke from Jeff Esworthy, picture from https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1038066

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Richard Walker

Boccherini - Just Listen

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One way or another we all know Luigi Boccherini's 'Celebrated Minuet'. It's one of most famous classical tunes of all time. A Google search for 'Boccherini minuet' throws up plenty of hits for it.

But; for a very long time I never even considered what else Boccherini might have written. Like Pachebel's Canon, this piece seemed a singular achievement, a one-off, a kind of outlier in an otherwise unspectacular body of work.

Guess what: that was plain wrong. I'm far from alone in underestimating Boccherini, but in the last few years the talent of this composer has become far better recognised. The excellent classic music service WKSU played some pieces of his recently, and I saw what I was missing.

At home tonight we listened to Boccherini during dinner, and it was lovely.

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Verity Rachael Crofts, Sunday, 12 Apr 2020, 19:39)
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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Saturday, 11 Apr 2020, 20:23

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Richard Walker

Day 23

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This is day 23 of my self-isolation, and that of so many others. But it has to be done.

Can anyone think why 23 is an INTERESTING NUMBER ... from any point of view?

There must be many possible answers. Interest is what we have as an individual but want to share with others.
Permalink 5 comments (latest comment by Judith McLean, Sunday, 12 Apr 2020, 11:29)
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Richard Walker

Raeding Wrods With Jubmled Lettres

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Smneooe rinemded me rtlenecy of the qtuie aihntssonig fact taht as long as you keep the frsit and lsat letrets of each word in the rhigt pcale you can mldude up the ltertes in the mldide of the wdors and the wolhe thing wlil still be pfrlceety easy to usnrnedatd I wtore a prrogam to try this out and here is the rulest of a tset run. You sluhod esialy be albe to follow waht the mgsaese was

(My program can't handle punctuation properly yet but I can sort that out)

Not all sentences are equal though, here's one I tried to make harder

Riadsnonmig ieionrtr lrettes aftcefs cioepmnehrson mmiianlly cotiigvne scietsints dveiscor

There is a really interesting article about all this here. It discusses the origin of the meme and then goes on to consider things like what the underlying mechanisms might be, whether reading is slowed, what sort of sentences might affected more and which less by jumbling interior letters in the words, whether some permuation of the intrerior letters make more difference than others and so on. An interesting read, though I haven't finsihed digesting it!

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Richard Walker, Sunday, 12 Apr 2020, 01:16)
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Richard Walker

Playground Joke

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Q. What kind of street only lets you weigh things once?

A. A one-weigh street!

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Richard Walker

Benny the hedgehog

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My brother and his wife have been looking after some underweight hedgehogs. I thought you might like to see these night photos of Benny, who has been brought up to a suitable weight and is now ready to retun to the wild.

Benny is keen to go

Benny heads off into the wild

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty

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"I though I heard the bell, it must be my fiancée", said Tom adoringly.

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Richard Walker

Wait and Hope

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When I was about 9 or 10 years old two of my favourite books were The Three Musketeers and Twenty Years After, by Alexandre Dumas. Oh how I longed to be one of the musketeers! But one book I never read, not sure why, was The Count of Monte Christo

By chance tonight I came across a quote from that book and I felt that it was in some way appropriate to the extraordinary situation we find ourselves in.

“... the sum of all human wisdom will be contained in these two words: Wait and Hope.”

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Richard Walker

The Three Diners

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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 3 Apr 2020, 22:12

If you haven't seen the following before you may enjoy thinking about it. It's something I remembered from way back.

Three friends eat in a restaurant. The bill is £30, so everyone puts in £10. However the manager realises the bill should only have been £25, so he asks the waiter to give back £5. Each diner puts a pound back in their pocket and they give the remaining £2 to the waiter as a tip.

The diners have now paid £9 each, which comes to 3 x £9 =  £27. With the £2 tip that makes £29. Where has the remaining £1 gone?

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by David Tracey, Saturday, 4 Apr 2020, 12:51)
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Richard Walker

Politeness costs nothing

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 2 Apr 2020, 21:19


     Who’s there?

Open up!

    What’s the magic word?


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Richard Walker

Alien Invasion

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After some days

The committee was near consensus

On how to respond to the invasion

Just then the aliens broke in

And vaporised everyone.

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Richard Walker

Oven gloves - haven't you often felt the same?

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Richard Walker


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Forsythia is out in my garden.

This flower, which originated in the East, grows wild near where I live, a relic of what was once a thriving local industry. Farmers cultivated it and sent the cut blossoms up to Town on the fast train, so that Londoners could have flowers on the table at Easter. All that has gone long ago, but the plant hangs on in the hedgerows.

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Richard Walker

Tim's Extreme Measures

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Richard Walker

Tim's Burden of Responsibility

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Richard Walker

Tom Tries To Keep His Spirits Up

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Richard Walker

Day 6

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Monday, 23 Mar 2020, 23:32


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Richard Walker

I meant to write tonight about...

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 22 Mar 2020, 23:00

...another famous literary recluse, Henry Thoreau, a second self-cabin-builder. But time has run out. Search on his name, and find his famous aphorism, "Our life is frittered away by detail. Simplify, simplify."

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