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Richard Walker


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"Do or die!" a politcian cried

And so we did. But many died.

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Richard Walker


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"What are the rules for creativity?", a pupil asked the Abbess.

The Abbess replied "There are no rules. Otherwise it would not be creativity." 

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Richard Walker

Dear Auntie

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Q. Dear Aunty.

I am a restaurant reviewer for a local paper but they expect me to send my reviews almost immediately. What should I do?

Perplexed of Neasden

A. Dear Perplexed.

Thank for your letter.

I would suggest you file your copy “post taste”.

I do hope this helps.

Yours Aunty

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Richard Walker

To Readers of the Athenian Observer

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Yesterday's “This I know” feature was unusually brief and may have left some readers disappointed. However the subject of the piece, the controversial philosopher Socrates, is well respected by many thinkers, and we felt his opinion that he knows nothing deserved at least a hearing.

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Richard Walker

Weather Omen

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 23 June 2019, 01:22

Who's rapping at the gate

This summer's night?

It's the wrong time of year.

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Richard Walker

Playground Joke

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Q. How did the sultana get away from the currant?

A. It went raisin off!

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty's vocation #3

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Tom offered a deep insight into his work as a barman in Atlantis.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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I bought some discount velcro. Turned out a complete rip-off.

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty

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"You may lose a few, but don't give up", said Tom winsomely.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 21 June 2019, 03:05

I had a horrible nightmare in which I was a cocktail ingredient. I woke up really shaken.

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Richard Walker

Scheduling joke

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 20 June 2019, 21:30

Q. What do you call a last-minute joke?

A. Jest in time!

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Richard Walker

Playground cheese joke

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Q. Name two kinds of windy cheese.

A. Blue and bries.

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Richard Walker

Q. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?

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A. It didn’t notice it had.

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Richard Walker

Iridescent clouds

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Examples seen by observers in the south east on Monday 17/06/2019


See also


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Richard Walker

One Liner

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This morning I put the washing machine on. But I decided it didn't suit me.

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Richard Walker


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Edited by Richard Walker, Wednesday, 19 June 2019, 00:23

This handsome flower which I spotted yesterday (you see I am a flowerspotter) is meadow cranesbill, Geranium pratense. It is called cranesbill because its seed-pods look like the bill of a crane. You may be suprised that it is a geranium, because it doesn't look quite like the geraniums you see in pots, but I believe they are more properly called pelargoniums, at least by botanists.

The Latin name Geranium is from the Greek γέρανος, 'geranos', which means a crane, and this give scope for confusion, because the name pelargonium is derived from the Greek πελαργός, 'pelargos', a stork, and some pelargoniums are called storksbills.

The French for crane is grue and this opens up another interesting byway, because it is thought the word pedigree originated fron medieval French pé de grue, cranes-foot. When scribes drew up family trees they showed descent by a symbol thought to resemble a crane's foot.

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Richard Walker

🦅 iness

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If I were a bird, do you know what I’d do?

I’d sit on a branch and go whoo hoo hoo.

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Richard Walker

Water Cooler Joke

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Q. Why is a pub toilet like a nuisance?

A. Because both are inconveniences.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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If you start a job with the police force they put you on probation. What's that all about?
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Richard Walker

Keep the lid on it

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I opened this email. “Can of worms” is what it said.

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Richard Walker

Tip me up

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Richard Walker

The Colour Yellow

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I always believed lemmings were yellow. So what did I know?

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Edited by Richard Walker, Friday, 14 June 2019, 01:06

Is a suspended parliament the same as a hung one?

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Richard Walker

My Cosmolgy

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My theory

The universe was created in a bag

This became a big bag

More stuff

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