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Richard Walker

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Aunt TiaĀ 

Has an existential problem, which she puts like this.

ā€œI don't ask if exist. I think I do.

I don't ask why I exist. Perhaps there is no why.

I do ask what is existence. What is its true stuff? Why does existence itself exist?

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Richard Walker


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Richard Walker


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At the top of the stairs

I'd left a note asking myself what I'd forgotten.

So I went back down to check

But found an identical note at the bottom.

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Richard Walker

Washing Day

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As soon as I arose from sleep and climbed dowstairs I was asked

Washing day for bedding. Continue? The system is very sensitive and would not like

To interfere in any way. Yes I said, and immediately four small drones brought

My magic bedding billowing with majesty down the stairs, round two

Bends and straight into the laundry room. There intelligent and connected devices

Were primed and waiting. After the laundry room team

Washer; Dryer; Ironer; had fulfilled their sequential tasks

The four drones were alerted and carried the bedding back up to where

Bedmaker was expecting it.

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Richard Walker

Tom Swifty

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ā€œIt's that chicken againā€, said Tom crossly.

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Richard Walker

Don't Run This At Home

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Inspired by the excellent Numberphile's YouTube video Illegal Numbers, here is an algorithm that at some point arguably infringes every copyright that has been, is, and ever can be.

set n to 0

repeat foreverĀ 

Ā  Ā  output n

Ā  Ā  increase n by 1

Since any text can be represented in numerical form, this algorithm must eventually output the numerical equivalent of every piece of text that isnā€™t infinitely long.

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Richard Walker

What do you call...

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Edited by Richard Walker, Sunday, 26 May 2019, 00:12

...a man with a petrol pump on his head?


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Richard Walker

Wise Old Country Sayings

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We all know the sayings: "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight" and "Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning".

Here's another piece of folk wisdom I picked up recently: "Red sky in the middle of the night, haystack's alight."

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Richard Walker

Playground Joke

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Q. What came before the Carnivores?

A. The Carnithrees!

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Richard Walker

The Search

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Richard Walker


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My handshake's firm, my laugh is hearty.

Oh welcome, welcome to the party!

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Richard Walker

The Grey Hole

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Richard Walker

The Clinic of Doubt

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Edited by Richard Walker, Thursday, 23 May 2019, 03:08

I attended the clinic of doubt

And they said

Are you sure of your doubtfulness? I said no not really. So they sent me home.

Next day I went back. Yes I said, Iā€™m definitely doubtful. Congratulations they said

Hereā€™s a badge.

You are cured and discharged from our care. Please pay on the way out.

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Richard Walker

Lost Packets

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It was an awful time.

We were besieged in our city and prayed every day that the relief force would free us.

The relief force was close at hand. They released a pigeon with a message telling us they would arrive imminently.

Ironically as the bird neared the city a defender fired an arrow with a message asking the relief force to come at once.

The arrow shot the pigeon down so both crashed to earth and neither message was delivered. But no-one noticed this breakdown in communications.

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Richard Walker

One Liner

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Hackney. Thatā€™s a funny old spot.

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Richard Walker

Congratulations Kilogram!

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From today 20/05/2019 the kilogram has a new definition, in terms of fundamental constants of the universe.


All the platinum alloy standard kilogramsĀ scattered across the globe can now take a well-earned rest.

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Richard Walker

Exist Tense

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Richard Walker


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A proverb is a wise saying passed down by oral tradition. I was forced to learn scores of them in my earliest schooldays. Some examples

Too many cooks spoil the broth

A stitch in time saves nine

Many hands make light workĀ 

Least said soonest mended

I feel that now I need to push back. Here is my first antiverb, which I hope offers no advice but makes up for that in interest.

Uncle Jake was a rat-arsed pirate at the beginning of the universe.

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Richard Walker

Ambled Screggs

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The Chegg or the Icken. WhatĀ came first?
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Richard Walker

Satirical couplet

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Stupidity departed for a while,

But then it came back with a smile.

Attributed to Alexader Pope (1688 ā€“ 1744)

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Richard Walker

New Release

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Van Gogh's controversial new single is ā€œEars for souvenirsā€.

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Richard Walker

Nursery Rhyme

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When I walked down the garden path

I did not want for any

But on the ground before the garth

I found a silver penny.

And when I came back up the lane

I found that penny gone again.

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Richard Walker

New blog post

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I went to the doctor. ā€œDoctorā€ I said, ā€œI keep thinking Iā€™m a symmetrical frequency distribution with a single well defined peak.ā€ She replied, ā€œNo need to worry. This sounds quite normal.ā€

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Richard Walker

Doctor Joke

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I went to the doctor, I said ā€œI keeping thinking Iā€™m Waterloo Station.ā€

She said, ā€œThere's not a lotĀ I can do. I'm afraid it's a terminal condition.ā€

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Richard Walker


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Want to keep an eye on your shepherds? Just download our award-winning App, ShepherdsSpy.

Available from the AppStore and Google Play.

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