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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 17

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I have recovered from TMA02, it was a tough one, a challenging one. Breaking down the instructions into useful pieces was pretty hard to do. Reading others' blogs, I feel I am not the only one. I have done the quiz last week (I had all the right answers, hoorayyyy!!) and that was a pleasant way to reflect on Block 2. I have  looked up some intresting blog websites which I will post later on.

Anyway, let's move forwards and take a look at week 17. The introduction article writen by Barbazon was quite interesting. I think 1997/1998 was the turning point regarding technology for educational institutions. Computers became more accessible for commercial use and companies have seen the value of this and have targeted the educational market. Education is big business nowadays. Schools have lots of money to spend and have lots to offer as well.

Interesting to read how researchers have given their opinion about the shift these institutions had to make.


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