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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.5 Criteria for Reflective Writing

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Hi All,

Unfortunately I can't the access the specific area of the website anymore. I have looked into the website and read through all the different features. What I like about it is that this University makes an effort in helping the students with reflective writing. In my Blog Post I made a comment about the fact that reflective writing is not something you just do. In my opinion it is something that needs guidance. Well, Penn State University provides this.
They also provide a resources area which, in my opinion, would benefit the students as well. It gives students a clear example of how one reach the targets the Penn State University is telleing them to achieve.

Again, unfortunately I can't access the  Reflective Writing Steps and the Description vs Reflection page anymore. So I can't judge the Penn State on their content. However, reading through all the forum posts it strikes me that certain issues (which are mentioned in the Moon en Creme paper as well) are surfacing as well: how can one write honestly or how can one write with in an upbeat style? These are all skills which, in my opinion, need to be taught or their relevance needs to be debated.
Perhaps cultural issues are at play here as well. I hadn't been taught how to write in an honest, upbeat and sincere tone (as you have probably seen!!)...is this a British way of teaching? Maybe someone can enlighten me here?

Cheers, Eugene

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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.5 Criteria for Reflective Writing

Visible to anyone in the world

Hi All,

Unfortunately I can't the access the specific area of the website anymore. I have looked into the website and read through all the different features. What I like about it is that this University makes an effort in helping the students with reflective writing. In my Blog Post I made a comment about the fact that reflective writing is not something you just do. In my opinion it is something that needs guidance. Well, Penn State University provides this.
They also provide a resources area which, in my opinion, would benefit the students as well. It gives students a clear example of how one reach the targets the Penn State University is telleing them to achieve.

Again, unfortunately I can't access the  Reflective Writing Steps and the Description vs Reflection page anymore. So I can't judge the Penn State on their content. However, reading through all the forum posts it strikes me that certain issues (which are mentioned in the Moon en Creme paper as well) are surfacing as well: how can one write honestly or how can one write with in an upbeat style? These are all skills which, in my opinion, need to be taught or their relevance needs to be debated.
Perhaps cultural issues are at play here as well. I hadn't been taught how to write in an honest, upbeat and sincere tone (as you have probably seen!!)...is this a British way of teaching? Maybe someone can enlighten me here?

Cheers, Eugene

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