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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.1 The Drivers

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Sunday, 4 Oct 2009, 19:39

I've skim read various papers and the one I've focussed on provided me with the following drivers:

Beetham 2003: 
JISC e-learning and pedagogy program:
- Potential Applications of e-portfolios
- Technical developments
- Organisational, management and regulatory issues

Aalderink & Veugelers (2005):
Dutch Government tries to implement e-portfolios into higher education.
The project provided an integrated learning management system (LMS) and an e-portfolio system (N@tschool). 7 Universities in the Netherlands worked together on a toolkit (website) with information and documents to be used at the start of portfolio implementation. In this paper the Universities of Amsteram and Windesheim are highlighted.


EifEL: The European consortium for the digital portfolio:
Europortfolio wants to “engage upon an orchestrated effort involving both educational and corporate institutions to define, design, and develop digital portfolio systems that meet the needs of all stakeholders”.



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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 2: 2.1 Europortfolio

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Monday, 28 Sept 2009, 21:05

It looks like an advert. An advert with interesting key points which describes the essence of how a good e-portfolio should be.

A reflection and a summary of my notes:

Aim: e-portfolio needs coordination. In the past many projects were uncoordinated. Europortfolio wants to “engage upon an orchestrated effort involving both educational and corporate institutions to define, design, and develop digital portfolio systems that meet the needs of all stakeholders”.


Europortfolio mentions interoperability. From what I’ve read on the forums and the papers so far I am really interested in how this works…to design such an e-portfolio which integrates and communicates with other applications…is there someone who can design a standard for this (xml, html, )..or am I talking nonsense here? Is Europortfolio the answer??


“ and encourages the adoption of technical standards that will enable interoperability, between a range of ePortfolio systems and with other information systems. Interoperability will be the key to maximising the number and quality of services offered to ePortfolio owners.

Europortfolio describes its mission and two of the bullet points caught my eye:


“ use of the ePortfolio as one of the foundations of a learning economy and society. The link between the different dimensions of learning: individual, organisational, and community learning, based upon a lifelong and life wide repository and celebration of achievements”.


 It caught my eye because it wants to integrate the different aspects of learning into one application. Students use, in my experience, more than one application, their own PLE.  Must we store everything in one place? Is this the concept of e-portfolio....one application, many integrated aspects (doc reader, blog reader, curriculum vitae, reflection forms etc. etc.)


The other one that caught my eye was:


An ePortfolio is a personal digital collection of information describing and illustrating a person's learning, career, experience and achievements. ePortfolios are privately owned and the owner has complete control over who has access to what and when”.


This contradicts the Beetham paper in which she says that there should be shared ownership…the learner and the institution; the institution because it can authenticate the information and the learner simply because it concerns them.




Cheers, Eugene

Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Alan Clarke, Monday, 28 Sept 2009, 21:19)
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