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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 22: My mindmap

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Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Tuesday, 14 July 2009, 15:07

This is my mindmap. The page wasn't big enough to map out all the applications I use. These are the main ones I use.

Click on this link to see the larger file


Permalink 1 comment (latest comment by Vikki Sargent, Thursday, 23 July 2009, 21:31)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 22: Weller's Mindmap

Visible to anyone in the world
Edited by Eugene Voorneman, Tuesday, 14 July 2009, 21:49


1. How does your representation compare with the tables of tools and functionality described in the Conole chapter you read earlier in Activity 1b?

In her article Conole describes a shift from consuming to participating. She describes web 1.0 tools as consuming tools and web 2.0 as participating tools. If I look at my own use of various applications I do agree with her that my use of participating on the web has increased hugely.  I search for tools which suit me. I’m not always convinced by the quality of certain products but then I can look further on the web until I’ve found the right tool to meet my needs. For example, I use Google Docs quite often but for specific excel files the conversion into Google docs is not to my liking. I’m now using Office live in combination with Google Docs and on the whole my needs are met.

2. To what extent are you using Web 2.0 technologies?

I use web 2.0 technologies for pleasure, work and learning. There are hardly any boundaries between them, or they are very blurred. The tools I use for work, I use for learning and teaching as well.

3. How far are you using Mobile 2.0, as explored in Week 19?

I use my smart phone as a tool for learning, not for teaching. I use it to access my blogs and read forum messages (mainly from OU). I also use it to upload messages to Twitter and Facebook. I use my smart phone as a data storage disc

4.  In what ways has your own practice and use of technologies changed in the last five to ten years?

It is more internet based than it used to be. I store my files on the internet (documents, presentations, pictures and even music files). I can access them wherever and whenever I want. I am more mobile than 5 years ago. My mobile phone has become more important to me in my work. I don’t use my files on my computer at home anymore because I want to be able access my files from outside my pc as well. I don’t uses USB or mobile disks, I mainly store on the internet.

Cheers, Eugene

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