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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Unit 8: 8.1 PodCast Mobility in elearning

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You can find my podcast here.

Thank you, Eugene

Permalink 2 comments (latest comment by Eugene Voorneman, Saturday, 9 Jan 2010, 12:44)
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This is me, Eugene Voorneman.

Week 19, activity 5: links

Visible to anyone in the world

Interesting links I’ve found:

- text messaging in education



- Mobile Learning: learning with the mobile phone
A video with clear examples, interesting!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwgKnooEKlk :


- Why use mobile devices for learning?
Interesting webpage with tons of reasons why we all should learn through mobile devices:


- Mobile Devices in Education
Why? http://cit.duke.edu/tools/mobile/index.html


- Mobile Learning: a recent research (January 2009) : http://www.joanganzcooneycenter.org/pdf/pockets_of_potential.pdf


- Mobile Devices in Education: an interesting PowerPoint presentation by John Cook (London Metropolitan University) with some interesting definitions: http://www.wlecentre.ac.uk/cms/files/m-learning/Configuring%20learning%20contexts%

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